Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1958)
Order Your Printing From Tin MILL CITY ENTERPRISE »-J is tops Father’s Day Gifts Remember Dad on His Day June 15 with Gifts from Gale's Finer Gifts. Electric Razors Nail Clipper Sets Shaving Kits Gun Cleaning Kits Billfolds Pipes and Tobacco Tie Racks Tobacco Pouches Pen and Pencil Sets Flashlights Cuff Links and Boxes Bar Equipment Gift Certificates Manicure & Brush Sets We Give and Redeem Northern Stamps Gale’s Finer Gifts Across the Street from the Bank 383 3rd Street LYONS > By Eva Bressler The of the WSCS was held in the fireplace room of the church at 10 a.m. >n«tead of10:30 as previous ly held, to enable women working in the cannery to attend. Mildred Prich ard. newly elected presdent, pre sided over the meeting, with Ethel Huffman secretary. Plans were made for the member» to buy bricks for the Methodist Home in Salem, and also to attend the tea Sunday afternoon at the home for open house at the new Manley wing. Plans were also made for a coffee to be held at the home of Mrs. Eva Bressler Friday morning. Various other plans for the summer months were made and dis cussed. Attending were Mildred Prichard, Leora Stevens, Martha Cruson, Alta Bodeker, Ethel Huff man, Naomi IntVeld, Mary Lou Mc Carthy, Eva Bressler and Mrs. Viola Zander, who was a guest. Members of the afternoon card club held their last meeting until fall at the home of Bea Hiatt. A 1:30 des sert luncheon was served followed by several tables of 500. High score was held by Thelma Nydegger, second high by Donna Asmussen and low by Eulalia Lyons. Others attending were Ruth Lyons, Carrie Naue, Bertha Al len and the hostess, Mrs. Hiatt. Miss Norma Miller of Eugene, who recently returned from Anchorage, Alaska, visited Monday at the home I of Mrs. Alice Huber. Miss Miller has taught in the Alaska schools for the past two years. Tommy Grimes will leave Port land Friday for Honolulu where he will spend the summer at the home Mrs. James Hardy Honor of hi» brother, William Grime? and wife. He is with the Navy. Tommy is Guest at Stork Shower ____ the son of Mr. and ___ Mrs. Chester MEHAMA—Mr». James Hardy Chester Grime», who are living in was honor guest ta a stork shower tbe apartments over Thiels store since in the Fellowship room of the church tbeir houte burned early this Spring. Friday evening June 6. Hostesses for Miss Pauline Schiewek, daughter the evening were Mrs. Larry Kimsey, of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schiewek of Mrs. B. L. Kirsch, Mrs. Eugene Lyons, will graduate Saturday even Coles and Mrs. Jennie Moe. Mrs. ing from the Cascade College in Port Hardy was assisted in opening her land and on the following Friday, the many gifts by Mrs. Robert Roach 13th she will graduate from the Ore- from j(j]j city' and Mrs. Charles Mc- gon College of Education at Mon- earthy of Lyons, mouth, which will give her a joint t Refreshments were served by the degree. hostesses to Mmes. Hardy, Roach, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Whitlock and McCarthy, J. M. Teeters, Ed. Walz, granddaughter, Terri Lee from Inde Richard Stuart, W. T. Rains, G. V. pendence, Mo., are visiting at the Christensein, Luther Stout, Mabel home of Their son-in-law and daugh Patton, Duane Wagner, Robert Crook, ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carpenter. L. E. Wallen, K. J. Golliet. G. W. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grimes from Coffman, Gerald Branch, Madras have recently purchased the Longfellow, Bruce Sims, Milton Rot Free’s Garage and will move there en, Haskel Huntley, Marion Lewis, soon. They have two children, a Fred Smith, Pearl Allaway, Ercili daughter, Sharon, and son, Arnold. Wilson, Walter Johnson, D. L. Teet Mr. Grimes is a brother of Chester ers, F. E. Studnick and Claire Lim beck; Misses Diana and Jewell Wal Grime» of this city. Lei Lonnie Paul Schiewek will be in Salem len, Harriet Golliet, Friday evening where he will show Kirsoh, Bonnie Christensen, Bettie the pictures he took last summer Coles, Maren Kirsch and Lorna Har while he visited the Holy Land and ry. Among those sending gifts were Europe. He will present them at the Christian Missionary Alliance church. Mmes. Clifford Crook, Austin Long Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills of fellow, Pete Owens, Art Anderson, E. Klamath Falls were callers in Lyons J. Hughes, Hubert Wagner, and Sara Friday. Frank spent part of his boy Kay, Lilly Wolfkiel, De Goodman, hood here. He is the son of Mr. and Raymond Branch, Harry Monroe, Tom Mrs. Sam Mills, old-time residents of Rice, Earnest Aegerter, Dale Champ, and Renee, Opal Cain, Don Callahan, Fox Valley. Mrs. Wilson Stevens and her daugh Charles Bouche, Ray Roberts, Ger ter, Mrs. Albert Toman and sons, ald Rockwell, Wesley Helsel, Keith Steven and Bradley of Salem, left Phillips, and L. M. Larimer. Sunday morning for Sheridan, Wyo. 2—THB MILL CITY ENTERPRJga THURSDAY. JI NE 12, 1958 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Entered as second clast matter Na- •ember 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City. Oregon, under the Act ef March 3. 187». Farion-Linn Counties, per year SS.M tutside, Marion-Linn Counties S3A0 \ NEWSPAPER k PUBLISHERS 'ASSOCIATION NATIONAL ^1 EDITORIAL IP I T O R I A I I as S oc 3 t @ n Ennnnmzm Telephone 6651 or 7605 DON W. MOFFATT, Editor-PabBaiMc Scientic Horse-Shoeing TEX SHIVELY Phene UL 9-2202 For Appointment See Us for Printing The Mill Gty Enterprise They went to take Mrs. Steven’s mother, Mrs. Viola Zander to that LOGGER’S city, where she will spend the sum mer with her sister, Mrs. Fairfield. They also took Mr. Stevens’ mother, Mrs. Henry Stevens, who will visit in Wyoming and then will spend the summer at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Burnside in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hiatt and child ren, Donnie and Susie from Sand Point, Idaho, were recent visitors at I the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hiatt and family. Most power Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Julian and son, Glenn, Jr., went to Portland per pound Sunday afternoon to take her mother, of Mrs. Mary White, who has been visit ing here. Mrs. Julian and Glenn Jr., any will remain for a few days. gear A good crowd was in attendance for the pot luck picnic lunch held at the drive saw — North Santiam State Park Sunday TRY IT TODAYI afternoon honoring Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thayer and family, who recently Only $320 up - Easy Terms moved to Stayton. Morgan Totorica of Newberg spent I Friday and Saturday at the home of I his cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. I Glenn Savage and family. Mrs. Keith Taylor and children, Maurice, Jane and Keith, Jr., visited' Sunday and Monday with relatives in Lyon? «nd Marion. Mrs. Taylor is the Phone UL 9-2160 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons, choice Raymond Branch & Son Equipment Company Twelve hundred men ore on the job building the world's highest earth-fill dam at Pocific Power's huge Swift Hydroelectric Protect on the Lewis River, one of tt»e important new developments the Company now has under construction. PP&L’S BIG CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MEANS JOBS TODAY, POWER FOR FUTURE PAYROLLS! PP&L’s record construction program means more power for Pacific Powerland. It also means $18-million in construction job« and pavchecks this year Three major PP& L projects will add 350,000 kilow atts of new power to the Company’s system this fall. More power for industrial payrolls! More power for your comfort and convenience! At home and on the job, make full use of your low-cost P P & I. electric service. It’i today’s biggest bargain! Benton-Linn County BOOKMOBILE SUMMER SCHEDULE Friday, June 20, July 11 and August 1 and 22 Tom’s Shell Service Mill City 10:45 A. M. to I 1:45 A. M Gates Grade School 12:45 to 1:15 LIGHT COMPANY Live Better... Electrically Come and take advantage of the Service to the Area.