Last Frontier Resort GATES, OREGON Featuring PATTY O'BRIEN At The Piano 6 Nites a Week. Singing and Playing Your Favorite Songs. Direct from the Country Club at La Jolla Beach, California. Fine Foods DeLuxe Motel Closed Wednesdays Í 8!b ■Ä Sperry Pancake Flour 4 lb. bag 49® Nestle'sCannedMilk 8 »ns sl,00 Nestle's Quick Chocolate 2 3-8 lb. can 89® Miracle Whip Salad Dressing Quart Jar 49c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE llb.87c Highest Quality Meats Mill Ends The Charles Kellys and son, John, spent the three-day holiday in their small trailer house at Paulina Lake, reporting good fishing in spite of the inclement weather. They were joined part of the time by the Frank Smiths __ Orvan _____ _ Millers of of _______ Sheridan, _ the Roseburg, and the Bill McCoys of Bend, where members of the Smith _... family made their headquarters. Nalley's Lumberjack Syrup 24 oz. 2/69® Denco All Purpose Shortening 3 lb. pkg. 69c Van Camp's hi H Pork & Beans 2 2 size ». e I. 4 for 89c Fisher's Biscuit Mix Houseguest Friday and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and children were Dr. and Mrs. Elliot Marvell, Kris and Linnaea of Corval­ lis. Dr. Marvel is with the chemtetry department at OSC- Friday evening Miss Daisy Geddes joined the group for an out-door supper and later Dr. Marvell showed pictures taken from a recent year-long stay in Switzer­ land, where he was working on a post­ doctoral fellowship and also on a Eu­ ropean tour. PRINTING WORTHY OF THE OCCASION 'vJÄ1 Al For life's most notabla events (Weddings, En­ gagements, etc.) the In­ vitation or Announce­ ment must be socially correct, dignified in format, perfect in craftsmanship. Best way to make sure of this is to put your prob­ lems of social printing up to us. We know •chat to do and how to do it! re 3 pkgs $1.00 > *'Ä' Gold Medal Flour 5 lb. bag 59e Goli flou ” . Highest Quality Produce TOMATOES tube 29' lb. 93c BANANAS 2lbs.29c 2lbs.98c CARROTS 2 bags 19' HILL-TOP MARKET Prices Good For June 5, 6, 7 PHONE 2744 I » Hauled Out Your YACHT INSURANCE Lately? < f G knebal of amebica ’ s new Yacht Insurance Plan can save you real money. Here’s why: Ï Deductible feature» — just like auto insurance. Saves you money I Preferred risks — General ac­ cepts only well-handled and maintained boats. Fewer losses. / Broadett protection —against almost all hazards. Fast and fair claims service — nationwide. Se« ui today I JERRY PITTAM INSURANCE MILL CITY. ORE • M MILL CITY ENTERPRISE NEBERGALLS OLD FASHIONED FRANKS Among the young people from here who attended the semi-final baseball games in Myrtle Creek Monday were; Willow Phillips, Gerry Roberta. Rox­ ie McCarley, Linda Monroe, Diana Wallen, and Janis W’ilson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White were here from Carson, Wash., during the weekend and were guests at the home of their daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ger­ ald Rockwell and family. Frank Rock­ well returned home with his grand­ parents for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Griffiths ac­ companied Mr. Griffith's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. George Clements of Rose­ burg to Cashmere, Wash., for the weekend where they visited relatives. Mrs. E. J. Hughes took her grind daughter, Kay Hughes to Wren Sat­ urday where she will visit with her other grandparents for a short time before returning to her home in Cali­ fornia. Mrs. Pearl Allaway and Craig Cooper went to Medford Thursday af ­ ternoon where they attended the wedding of Mr. Cooper’s grandson, Thursday evening. The Rev. James Hardy was in Dal­ las Tuesday, May 27 to attend the meeting of the Willamette Preeby tery. The Mehama church is planning a week of vacation Bible school for lat­ er in the Summer to be held between the berry and bean picking. Tbe meeting of the Women's So­ ciety of the church that was sched­ uled for Thursday afternoon June 5 has been cancelled due to busy times. No regular meetings of the society are planned for July and August. Sgt. Vernon Oleson, brother of Mrs. Bud Miley visited at the Miley home recently leaving for Ft. Lewis F riday where he will be awaiting ord­ ers for overseas duty. Mrs. Raymond Branch was a Port­ land business visitor Monday. While there she visited Mrs. Lillian Poyner, former Mehama resident and school teacher a number of years ago. I 4 Steaks $1.15 12 Steaks s3.30 Sirloin Steak MEHAMA By Mrs. John Teeters Mr. and Mny Norman Lee and family of Salem were Saturday Mrs. C. E- Mason and her grand­ ______ guests here with Mr. Lee's uncle, daughter, Karen Jean Kelly, plan to Gordan Zoellnar. leave this week by train for San Thursday guests at the Ed Castle Francisco to board a ship for Honolu­ home were Mr. and Mrs. A. Seines lu, T- H. The Carl Kellys and Bob of Aumsville. Mr. and Mrs. Castle Hills will drive to San Francisco to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haseman, Jr., with Mrs. see them off, returning by way of of Waldport became the parents of a visited Friday morning Mrs. J. M. Castle ’ s parents, Mr. and Reno, Nevada. baby girl, Sally, at the Newport hos­ Herberger in Salem and Mr. and pital on Tuesday, June 3. They have Mrs. Eldon Tietze and family of Mrs. Thoma» B. Scott of Seattle, an 18-month old boy, Chuckie. Pater­ Aumsville visited Friday afternoon spent the weekend here with her hus­ nal grandparents are the R. C. Hase- and evening with the Castles. band, who is working at the dam here. mans of Waldport, formerly of Id­ Randy Rockwell, small son of Mr. The Scotts purchased the Ike Myers anha, and the maternal grandmother and Mrs. Gerald Rockwell returned residence, and she and her daughter is Mrs. Fred Bassett of Lyons. Great­ home last Saturday from a Portland plan to move here soon. Mr. Scott re­ grandfather is D. B Hill of Mill City. hospital where he had undergone placed Eugene Engelgau who went surgery May 28. His mother took him to The Dalles. The last meeting of the Mill City back to Portland Monday to have Lions Club Auxiliary for the current stitches removed and for a check up. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Herman (Glor­ year was held last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longfellow ia Underwood) and small son left at the home of the newly-elected and family spent the Memorial day Tuesday for their home at National president, Mrs. Charles Wirrkala. weekend at Tumalo where they met City, California, following his 30-day with seven members present. Chief i Mrs. Longfellow’s parents, Mr. and leave from duty with the Navy at business of the evening was discus­ Mrs. Chris McDonald, who are at San Diego. Her mother, Mrs. Ace sion of the coming State Convention Home Valley, Wash., for the summer Underwood, had spent two weeks in of Lions clubs and auxiliaries to be while Mr. McDonald is employed the South with them before the north­ held in Eugene, June 19 through 21. there. ern trip. The Underwood’s son. Gary, Mrs. Charles Kelly was appointed to I Mr. ad Mrs. Julius Tietze and ha's been drafted into the Army and be a delegate from the local club. At Mrs. Jim Richmond and daughters leaves for active duty on June 17. His the close of the meeting, refresh-1 visited relatives in Amity last Thurs­ wife, the former Donna Schaefer, will ments were served by the no»iess to day and also tended graves there. remain here for the present. i those present. Mrs. K. J. Golliet received notifi­ cation that she has been appointed a member of the civics committee of the Marion County Federation of Women’s clubs. Mrs. Raymond Branch also from the Mehama Women’s club is second vice president of the Fed­ eration for this next year. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Castle attended I I a large family reunion Sunday at the home of Mrs. Castle’s brother, who is owner of the Oregon City Golf course and makes his home there. About 60 relatives were present for the day. Memorial day guests at tir.e Art Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spoelstra and Dale from Salem and Mrs. Blanche Gibson and small granddaughter from Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith were | here visiting from Happy Camp, Cal. MS**/’ I during the weekend. TTiey brought their two graddaughters, Linda Wag- I ner and Vickie Sue Johnson to their » 1 homes here after a visit a’ Happy Camp. Mrs. Elmer Taylor and Mrs. Glenn Tinney and sons spent the Memorial Day weekend vacationing on the coast. Haley’s Veal Cube Steaks U. S. D. A. GOOD 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JUNE 5. 1»58 Phone 971 Res. 7471 Office Open 6 Days a Week r V -