THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISETHURSDAY, JUNE 5. 1958 Detroit-Idanha Named President By Jessie Savage Detroit and Idanha was we.I re presented at Depoe Bay s Fleet o Flowers Memorial services Friday. It was a beautiful and solemn service that will long be remembered by adults and children alike. Attending GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH this service from here were Mr. and OF CHRIST MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Mrs. Lon Everly and family, Mr. and Donald L. Hobson, Minister Full Go*pel ; Mrs. Bill Houck, Mr. and Mrs. Char Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Rev. E. B. Jewett, Paetor lie Cannon and son, Mr. and Mrs. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:45 o. tn Fred Miller and family and Mr. and Young People's Class 6:00 p. al Sunday Scnool, 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Henry Heibert and family, ex and Choir Practice. Mrs. Diane Hob Morning Worship 11 •. m cept son, Donald, who had the chicken son. Evangelistic Service 7:46 o. •n. pox and spent the day at Dallas with Adult Bible Class 6:00 p. m. Bible Study, Tuesday. 7:45 n m his grandparents. These parents o o • furnished transportation and chaper ST. PATRICK’S PARISH COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN oned the following Cubs and Boy Lyons, Oregon Scouts: Harold Heibert, Vaughn Ev CHURCH at Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday Mehama erly, Timmy Delano; Scouts, Dick 10:30 a.m. Rev. Jam«» Hardy, Pastor Cadle, Richard Rice, Ronald Leming, Maas: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 ajn. Bible School, 10:00 a. m. II Henry Frank Storey, Donnie Clark, Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor Worship Hour, 11:00 a. m Ronald Cannon, Steve and Craig LEONARD T. CARNEY A friendly welcome to all. Sorseth. The Everlys and Cannons SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST visited the Ted Gillespie’s at Valley Leonard T- Carney of Boston, Mass, S. W. Second Street, Mill City Junction on their return home. The was today named President of The ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH School, 9:30 a. m. Satur- Sabbath Gillespie’s formerly owned a grocery Mother Church, The First Church of Mrs. Helen Da via, Pastar store located adjacent to the Spar Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massa day. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service, 10:46 SaturJsy Cafe. chusetts. Morning worship 11 a. a*. Mrs. Jamie Williamson and daugh Visitors welcome. Mr. Carney’s appointment was an Evangelistic Hour, 7:46. • • • ter left Monday for Hatton, Arkan nounced by The Christian Science Wednesday. Cottage Prayer Meet- sas, where they plan to visit for Board of Directors at the Annual CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ing, 8:00 p. m. about six weeks. Mr. Williamson plans Meeting of the denomination attend Devers Real Estate Building, Gates • • • to join his family at a later date ed by more than 7,000 Christian I Sunday, 11 a. m. FREE METHODIST CHURCH for a vacation. Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes I Scientists from many parts of the North Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Bill George of Salem vorld. He succeeds Miss Mabie El day at 8 p. m. Rov. Gene E. Dsvidsoa, Paotor • • • were over-night guests Monday at len Lucas of Brookline, Mass. He will The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bos Sunday school at 9:45 a.m ton. Mass., where Christian Scientists from many parts of the world the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold serve a one-year term. OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH Morning worship 11 am. gathered for the Annual Meeting on Monday, June 2. The domed Champion. They were enroute to Jordan. Oregon A member of the Board of Trustees Evening service 7:30 p.m edifice is the Extension, dedicated in 1906. Adjoining it, with Las Vegas, Nevada and Mexico on of The Christian Science Publishing 9*css: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at chime tower, is the Original Edifice, dedicated in 1895. The Chris Young Peoples Services every Sun- a vacation. Mrs. George is the sis- Society, Mr. Carney holds degrees 4:30 a.m. tian Science Church was founded by Mary Baker Eddy, who dis day at 6:30. . ter of Mrs. Champion. Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. , covered Christian Science in 1*66 and published the Christian from Grinnell College, Iowa and the Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pin. Mr. and Mrs. Al Lenberger from Harvard Law School. Science textbook “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor • 00 in I87R John Day have purchased “Paul A native of Marshalltown, Iowa, he LYONS METHODIST CHURCH I Reynolds Island.” They plan on mov-| has been an authorized teacher of DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS Charles McCarthy, Pastor ing at a later date. Mrs. Lenberger i Christian Science since 1934, and a Glen Lyda, Minister Benjamin A. I-awrence, Minister Jay Beebe, Pastor Sunday school at 9:46 a. m- is the sister of Mrs. Kenneth Clark. Christian Science practitioner of the Sunday school at 10:46. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. I Cedric Clark and Jim De Jong of I Christian Science Board of Lecture Morning Worship at 11. Morning worship 10:66. Church Services 11:00 a. m. Womens Society of Christian Ser Ballston were overnight guests Mon- ship. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Evening Service, 8:00. vice meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Young People's service, Thursday When freezing individual servings in J“« h°m* Mr. Mrs' Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 3 p. each month with Mrs. Wilson Stevens evening 7:30 p. m. Jacquie Walker, of meat, separate with squares of. e"neth m. as president. president. transparent plastic film before over-1 Marton AKierman has been releas- . I 1 ed eii from a Stavtnn hnsnital. where he hp Stayton hospital, Prayer meeting and Bible study wrapping. Makes it easy to separate. I has been receiving treatment. Friday evenings 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lady and Mr. • • • _A new idea for candle holders for Kee N. Sahbie, Nee Judi Hoeye ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC the birthday cake. Place bite-size and Mrs. Bill Houck were in Kinzua What a hectic week this was at the CHURCH, MILL CITY marshmallows on the icing before Sunday where they visited the Mass at 9’15 a.m. every Sunday it sets. Firmly press a candle into the ' Houck’s son George who is employed high school. Baccalaureate Sunday, I there. Commencement on Wednesday and Confessions heard before Mass. center of each marshmallow. See Us For Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Dickie of Mill sandwiched in between, exams, ughl Fr. Senko, Pastor The new school is so neat and every • • a If your double boiler keeps boiling City and Mr. and Mrs. John Savage of all the water away, put a metal jar i Detroit spent the week end fishing ' one just loves it. Thank all of you IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH cap in the bottom. It will rattle when I at Diamond Lake. They reported a people who are responsible. We hope Morning service 11 a.m. you are as proud of it as we kids are. the water is low and serve as a sig good catch. Evening service 7:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hall and fam- Phyllis Pate has been elected the A SURE KILLER Wednesday oraycr meeting at 7 !0 nal to add more water. ply from Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. Bean Festival Princess from San p. m. ' Clyde Hilton and sons from West To give drip and dry garments a 1 Stay ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl tiam.. We know that she will repre Sunday school 10 a.m. sent us well. • • • fair chance. It’s important to lift | Shaffer. The families enjoyed a pic Shereen Muir, Sandra Merry, Phyl FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCB them from the water without wring nic at Marion Creek. lis Pate, Julie Randall, Jeanne Hamp ing or squeezing so the weight of the Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Elvon Skeen of Beth ton and Judi Hoeye are all candidates water will pull out the wrinkles. Rev. Robert Roach, Pastor el, Alaska and Mr. and Mrs. Warren for next year’s McCall’s Teen Ago We Give S and II Green Stamps Sunday School 9:46 a.m. Stoll and son Dennis went fishing Fashion board from Santiam. They Phone 220« Mill City, Ore. Blanch aspargus 2 to 4 minutes Morning worship 11:00 a.m. for freezing, depending on size of this week end at ‘Paulina Lake. Mr. all have three years of Homemaking Music by choir. . stalk. Cool quickly, drain and pack. and Mrs. Skeen are school teachers and each is capable of doing a good Midweek services Wed. 7:30 p.m. in Alaska. They are now enroute to job on the board. Kansas. The Skeens are cousins of The following people made the hon Mr. Stoll. or roll for both the last six weeks | Robin Myers from Independence is and the second semester: Patricia visiting this week with her grand Henry. Dennis Jenkins, David John parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rudy. son, Sharon Whitsett, Bob Gordon, Margaret Baker celebrated her 10th Edward Jewett, Frances Nesbitt, birthday Wednesday afternoon with Betty Christian, Tom Fencl, Vernon a party. Those present were June Johnson. Ron Kuhlman, Sandra Mer McCauley, Douglas Spencer, Reba ry, Shereen Muir, Sandra Rowan, Miller, Cathy and Becky Wenke, Mar Carol Veness, Cara Lee Whitten, and garet received many lovely gifts and Lauralee O’Brien. after games she served her young In addition Bernice Potter and Jodi friends refreshments. Hoeye are listed on the roll for the John Houck was a overnight guest last six weeks and Marcia Bamhardt, Saturday at Prineville. Kathryn Harris, ] Doug Hirte and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Ebar and son Lahny Podrabsky on the second se- were week end visitor» in Burns. mester roll. Gary Carlson, Mrs. Ebar's brother As you parents probably already returned home with the Ebars for a I know, it’s vacation time (for us) visit. again, and we hope you won't really There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to The “Cedars’’ owned and operated need those ball bats. We will meet by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman is get you here in the column next fall for have your PRINTING done. The Enterprise can do it right ting a black top job done on the a further blow by blow description of front and rear parking space. the life of your teen aged prodigies here at home. The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all q Santiam Ripples Bothered With Ants Ortho Chlordane Dust JENKINS HARDWARE Let The Enterprise DO YOUR PRINTING /fs Strawberry Shortcake Week YOUR PRINTING NEEDS 1 7« Y US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED • Envelopes • • Statements • Direct Mai! Pieces • Letterheads • Advertising Brochures • Business Cards • Wedding Announcements Ruled Forms Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The Home of Good Printing Phone6651 X Mill City, Oregon If you've been looking for an ex- (see recipe below) are done, layer cuse to enjoy all the luscious straw | with berries, top generously with berry shortcake you can hold, this is sweetened whipped cream, garnish it! The Oregon State Strawberry with the whole berries you set aside Council. Oregon Wheat Commission —and enjoy a real Strawberry Short- and Oregon Dairy Products Commis ake Week treat! Crispy Butter Biscuit sion have banded together to make 2 cups sifted enriched all-purpose June 3-10 Strawberry Shortcake flour; 4 teaspoons baking powder; M Week For a shortcake you’ll be proud to teaspoon cream of tartar; 2 table serve your family and guests, be sure spoons sugar; Vi teaspoon cinnamon; to select large, juicy Oregon straw 4 teaspoon salt; Vi cup shortening; berries. Wash, drain and hull them, 2-3 cup milk Vx teaspoon vanilla, 2 saving the prettiest ones for decora tablespoons melted butter. S.ft together flour, baking powder, tion. Put the rest of the berries in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and cut cream of tartar, sugar, cinnamon through several times with a knife to »nd salt. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles small peas. Add insure even sweetening. About cupof sugar to each pint box of milk and vanilla all at once. Stir un til dough follows fork around bowl. berries should be sufficient. About two tablespoons of sugar to Pat or roll dough Ve inch thick. one cup of cream will be enough for Brush with melted butter. Cut into whipped cream sweetening. >■* tea round*. Piece on baking sheet, but spoon of vanilla and Hteaspoon of tered ».de down. Brush t >ps with re- I maining butter. Bake at 425’F 8 to salt will give added flavor. When our crispy butter biscuits I 10 minutes. Makes 8 4-in<h biscuit«