Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1958)
FOX VALLEY Mehama Club May •4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. MAY 29. 1958 I Well, it’» “that” time of th« Year Mrs. J. H. Johnston again. Faces around the »chool are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Helemn and two beginning to look gtoomier and gloomier as the date of final exams daughters were Salem visitors Satur-1 draws nearer, Never before has any ¡day. The girls take music lessons m, By Kee N. Sahbie one taken home so many books as I town every week. Thursday afternoon Sandra Rowen, they do now. They all decided to find Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett were I MEHAMA—The last regular meet ¡Gene Skaug, Sandra Thomas, Frances ! Thursday evening Salem visitors. ing of the Mehama Women's club for out what they ’ ve been studying the GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH i Nesbitt, Yvonne Dickie, Fred Smith, past 34 weeks. Mrs. Hugh Johnston entertained a the club year was held at the club OF CHRIST MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH j Errol McWhirk, Mr. Paul and Miss Donald L- Hobaon, Minister The eighth grade was privileged group of ladies for a products party house Tuesday evening. May 20. Re Full Gospel j Park went to Lebanon to record a Monday afternoon to come to the in her home Friday afternoon. Games ports of the county Federation meet Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Rev. E. B. Jewett, Pastor radio program at KGAL. The pro- were enjoyed and cake, coffee and ing held recently were given by Mrs. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:45 t,. m ) gram was presented on the air Satur High School and have things explain punch were served by the hostess to Raymond Branch, Mrs. B. L. Kirsch Young People’s Class 5:00 p. m- day morning. ed to them as they pre-registered. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Mrs. George Hubbard, Mrs. George and Mrs. Lilly Wolfkiel, who were and Choir Practice. Mrs. Diane Hob Morning Worship 11 s. m Friday the classes elected officers I As did the high school later in the Huffman, Mrs. Sam Bridges, Mrs. among those attending. The lights afternoon. Some people were quite son. Evangelistic Service 7:45 o. m. for next year. Everyone that is, ex Truman Tibbetts all of Lyons, Mrs. committee reported that quite a bit Adult Bible Class 5:00 p. tn. Bible Study, Tuesday. 7:45 u m cept the Seniors. They’re not plan satisfied with the schedule and oth Nick Gustafson, Mrs. Floyd Bassett, had been collected for the street • • • ers were thoroughly disgusted. But • a • ning on being here next fall. The re- Mrs. Earl Helemn, Mrs. Jack Johnston light fund and it was decided to ST. PATRICK’S PARI8H COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN | suits of each election are as follows! no one need have worried. For the info of Fox Valley, the Products Repre- have a cooked food sale in either Lyons, Oregon from pre-registration will be used by CHURCH Class of ’61: president, Jim Be Mass: 1st, 2nd, and Sth Sunday at vier; vice president, Carol Pate; se- ' the administration and faculty to I sentative of Corvallis and the hostess July or August to finish paying on Mehama Mrs. Johnston. the lights if enough money was not 10:30 a.m. Rev. Jamas Hardy, Pastor I cretary, Marcia Barnhardt; treasurer, make a schedule to suit most of us. A heavy electric shower Sunday collected before then. Five new Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8.30 a.m- At the Colton meeting of the Inter Bible School, 10.00 a. m Henry; Sgt.-at-arms, Bob Hill. aternoon was welcomed in our local board members were elected to fill Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor ! Pat Worship Hour, 11:00 a. m- Class of '60: president, Jamie School Council, Ronnie Kuhlman was ity. It rained over an hour and really vacancies on the board. Those elected • • • elected president and Shereen Muir A friendly welcome to all. ¡Baughman; vice president, Eddie SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST | Hirte; secretary, Sandra Thomas; was elected secretary-treasurer for did the grain and gardens a lot of were Mrs. Orville Bilyeu, Mrs. Art good. The hot weather last week Anderson, Mrs. Harold Longfellow, S. W. Second Street, Mill City ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH treasurer, Marla McWhirk; Sgt.-at- next year. We wish to extend our con along with two nights of frost was Mrs. Ed Castle, and Mrs. Lilly Wolf gratulations to them. School, 9:30 a. m. Satur Sabbath Mm. Helen Daria, Paator arms, Jim Gulliford. Thursday afternoon found the not helping the gardens. Tomatoes kiel. After the business meeting the day. Class of '59: president, Phyllis Sunday ichool 10 a. m. Morning service, 10:45 Saturday Pate; vice president, Larry Kanoff; schoolhouses the center of great ac- and early potato tops were badly j new officers were installed by Mrs. Morning worship 11 a.m damaged. Some tomatoes had to be J. M. Teeters. Mrs. Raymond Branch, welcome. Visitors secretary, Phyllis Bickett; treasurer, ' tivity as students swarmed like ants replanted. Evangelistic Hour, 7:45. ! president; Mrs. Art Anderson, secre • • • moving furniture, books, etc., from Sandra Rowen; Sgt.-at-arms, Louis Wednesday. Cottage Prayer Meet- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston were tary, and Mrs. Gerald Branch, treas the old to the new building. Every CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Morgan. Ing, 8:00 p. m. among a large group of people who urer, were all re-elected for another Dever« Real Eatate Building, Gate« • • • Vernon Johnson has been appointed one is so pleased with our new home. attended the annual home-coming '. yeai and Mrs. Ed Castle is the new We ’ re in its just in time to take tests. Sunday, 11 a. m. by President Ronnie Kuhlman as next FREE METHODIST CHURCH I picnic held Sunday at the Zueener ' | vice president. Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes year’s Parliamentarian. The duties of Groan. North Mill City school between Stayton and Scio. Mrs. Mrs. Raymond Branch and Mrs, Also on Thursday afternoon the day at 8 p. m. parliamentarian are to be present at R ot . Gene E. Davidson, Paator Johnston attended the school around Lilly Wolfkiel were hostesses for the • • • Homemaking girls gave a style show all Student Body and Student Council ftanday school at 9:45 a.m 60 years ago. People were at the pic- OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH meetings and to see that Robert’s at the annual Women’s Club Silver -- ------- i many parts of Oregon, evening and served refreshments at a Morning worship 11 a.m. May Pole decorated table. Mrs. Tea. There were very nice clothes "*c from Jordan. Oregon Rules of order are followed. Evening service 7:80 p.m. ' ’. One Branch was also showered with hand modeled. It ’ s almost unbelieveable I Washington was represented. Vasa: l«t, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at There will not be an all-school pic Young Peoples Services every Sun- I Nebraska car was on the grounds, kerchiefs at the refreshment table. 8:30 a.m. nic this year because of transporta I that the girls made those lovely suits | folks who were visiting friends in day at 6:80. and dresses (even Chemises). Maas: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a m. tion difficulties. So if each class Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm Friday afternoon there was an, Oregon. A covered dish dinner was are being cleaned in preparation fJt Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor wants to have a picnic, however, it e e • • • • Wi|i Award Assembly. The first thing on, enjoyed - - - with - a short informal pro- Memorial Day. , must provide for its own. None will LYONS METHODIST CHURCH • i, ' the Agenda was the Honor Society K Ta ni followed with a business meet Mrs. Jack Johnston with Mrs. Paul FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' be under the sponsorship of Charles McCarthy, Pastor Beajamin A. Lawrence, Minister school. Kids should take parents initiation. With an impressive cere- ’ "8 a"d election of officer» for next Scheiwek of Lyons were Albany vis Sunday school at 9:45 a. tn- Sunday school 9:45 a. m. along as chaperones but you know, ' mony, Tom Fencl swore in candidates year- Luther Cole was elected presi- itors Monday and Tuesday of this Worship service, 11 a. tn. Morning worship 10:55. that sort of puts a damper on the Sandra Rowen, Jeanne Hampton, I dent> Maud« Johnston vice president, week. Womens Society of Christian Ser A few local strawberries are on fun. Oh, those lucky seniors. By the Frances Nesbitt, and Carole Warner, j Ueorge Sleice secretary treasurer. Evening Service, 8:00. vice meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Following the Honor Society initia- ■Sun<lay was the 26th annual meeting Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 each month with Mrs. Wilson Stevens P- date of the picnics, they’ll have their tion was a Student Body meeting. an<^ P*cn*c ^e^d at the school house. the market this week at reasonable diplomas and be as free as the breeze, prices for the first berries. as president ^he 3rd Sunday in May each year, being able to do anything they want, We voted next year’s budget, then Mrs. Hugh Johnston was hostess e. ^*""6 o«'cers were president [for a party honoring her son, Tommy, even to go to Paris Isle for an af the four candidates for the Bean | ™ Ruth Fuson Franz, vice president Festival Queen, Shereen Muir, Phyl ternoon of fun. [on his 7th birthday anniversary, Fri- lis Bickett, Cara Lee Whitten, and Clifford Harold, secretary-treasurer 1 day afternoon. The pupils of the first Phyllis Pate, gave their speeches. Ina Harold. Loris Trask of Stayton was a Fox irrade room and their teacher, Mrs. The Boy and Girl of the Year, Ron SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS Janice Powell attended and helped nie Kuhlman and Cara Lee Whitten, Valley caller Monday evening. Jay Beebe, Pastor Tommy enjoy his birthday. Games Quite a lot of work is being done at were announced. Next, the Student Sunday School 9:45 a. m. were played and birthday cake and the local cemetery. The grass is be- Body officers of ’58-’59 were sworn Church Services 11:00 a. m. punch were refreshments. Tommy op ing mowed this week. Several mark in by Errol McWhirk. Then Jim Evening service at 7:30 p. m. ers are being set and lots have or ened his gifts which included a var- | Henry, this year ’ s president, present- Young People’s service, Thursday ety of nice and useful presents. His evening 7:30 p. m. Jacquie Walker, '-’d the gavel to next year’s president, [ roommates, who were at the party i Ronnie Kuhlman, who took over the president. were Billy Lambert, Susie Sieg, Sher Prayer meeting and Bible study meeting. Immediately following that, Bill Longenecker, and Bill Putman. ry Lenion, Lee Ohmstead, Judy Bern David Jennings received a Manager ’ s the meeting was adjourned and Friday evenings 7:30 p. m. ard, Darrell Miller. Marvin Brown, letter. • • • awards were conferred. Sandra Helemn, Vincent Power, Mar Mr. Eakin awarded Baseball let Mr. Ingram gave J. V. Basketball ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC tha Pennington, Marsha Worley, ters to Jamie Baughman, Gary Bevier, awards to the following boys: Ernie CHURCH. MILL CITY „ n U iu, Bevier, Bob Gordon, Bill Hedge, Johnie Wilson, Don Miley, Louann Andersen Jamie Baughman, Jim Mas’ at 9-15 a.m. every Sunday Bevier"' Teddy" Ficker^" Bob“ Gorton, John Henry’ Darril Hershberger, Don Sturdevant, Marlene Thayer, Linda Confessions heard before Mass. I Howe, Don Hutchinson, Larry Kanoff, Walz, Tommy and Bobby Johnston. Fr. Senko, Pastor Jim Gulliford, John Henry, Eddie Errol McWhirk, Larry Moberg, Friends of the Brassfield family are a a a Hirte, Don Howe, erry Johnson, sorry Mr. Brassfield had to enter the Larry Moberg, Bill Putman, Fred Brian Moffatt, Louis Morgan, Fred hospital this week for medical care. DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST Smith, Don Cree, and Dennis Wirt ■Smith, Jerry Tucker, and Dennis Glen Lyda, Minister Mr. and Mrs. Everett Parson and anen. Wirtanen. Sunday school at 10:45. family were weekend visitors with Mrs. Eakin awarded 1st year G. A. Mr. Boroughs awarded varsity Morning Worship at 11. friends in Hillsboro. A. awards to Doris Hutchinson, — COMETO — IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH basketball letters to the following: Kathy Harris, Beverly Underwood, Lightning Friday hit about 3:30 Doug Hirte, Dale Smith, Bill Hedge Morning service 11 a.m. and burned the small house on the and Bill Longneecker received “old Penny Christensen, Marcia Barnhardt, Cruson place near the old Fox Valley Evening service 7:00 p.m. Treva Bickett, Pat Henry, Janice Wednesday or ay er meeting at <80 age” letters. Gary Bevier, Bob Bor Novak, Sandra Meader, Leatta Mc school building. The building was be oughs, Tom Fencl, Dorman Greg p. m. ing used for a barn and had hay PRESBYTERIAN and CHRISTIAN CHURCHES ory, Larry Kanoff, Ronnie Kuhlman, Call, and Glenna Randall; 2nd year stored in it. The Lyons Fire depart Sunday school 10 a.m. awards to Sandra Olson. Phyllis • • • Brian Moffatt, and Louis Morgan got Bickett, Sondra Christensen, and ment came but nothing could be done FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH just plain letters. Herschel Clark and Carol Sue Ball; 3rd year award to to stop the fire. Some years ago a Rodney Stubbs received Manager's larger residence was hit near the Mill City ConnieStewart. Letters. same location. The fire was confined Rev. Robert Roach, Pastor All Youngsters Welcome Ages 5-15 Mr. Loucks presented band awards Mr. Ingram gave out Track awards to one corner of the nouse and was Sunday School 9:45 a.m. to Bob Boroughs, Tom Fencl, Jim ' îl’ u H,erschel Clark and Erro11 Mc‘ extinguished before it did too much Morning worship 11:00 a.m. CRAFTS - GAMES - BIBLE - FUN zs if » . _ __ * i I Whirk. h’rl> ■ Gulliford, Jin Henry, Doug Hirte, Music by choir. Mrs. Roles gave Cara Lee Whitten damage. It followed the telephone Kenny Kanoff, Ronnie Kuhlman, ’ Midweek services Wed 7:30 p m. ’ a pin and certificate for her work on wires into the house. So lightning strike more than once in the same the McCall’s Teen Age Fashion can place. Board. Frances Nesbitt won a one- Harvey Weitnian and family of year award for the most improve Salem were Fox Valley visitors Sun ment in homemaking and Jeanne day. The Weitman family lived in Hampton was awarded a 3-year pin. this locality years ago on the place Mr. Paul awarded a bookkkeeping now owned by Mr and Mrs. Albert pin to Sandra Rowen, a typing pin I Carr. 1 to Eddie Jewett, and a Journalism pin Mrs. Lawson of Portland was a I to Dennis Wirtanen. Fox \ alley business caller Friday Mr. Hoeye awarded Student Councli evening. , pins to Cara Lee Whitten,, Jim Henry Jack Johnston attended the IOOF and Shereen Muir. Those receiving lodge meeting in Mill City Friday 'activity awards were Errol McWhirk evening. After the lodge session sev- , and Shereen Muir. Then Mr. Hoeye era older members were honored passed out his ’"tincan trophies." He quests. Ben Bodeker of Mill City was presented trophies to: David Johnson, a member not able to attend the V Gary Bevier, Tom Fencl, Darril meeting. Hershberger, Ed Jewett, Ed Hirte, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and Lahny Podrabsky, and Herschel family were Southern Oregon visitors I iark with miniature cups to Sher- over Saturday night. They went to een Muir as most active member of get their son, Kenton, at Cave Junc Student Council and to Kee N. tion. His school closed there Friday Sahbie (That’s me!) for unusual •If- Crew has accepted a position sevice to the Student Body. in i a.ifomia. The family expects to V acation is coming soon. If they •eave here next week. happen’’ to live though exams, the kids will all stampede for the doors on Thursday. All you people out there Try a For Sale ad in better watch out if you don't want to ret trampled. Oh, yes. You’d better tart looking for your baseball bats. Have Cooked Food Sale For Street Light Fund Santiam Ripples “BibleSea Adventures’’ V acation Bible School June2-69-13,9-11:30am daily PsOSITRACTION" D R T E 1 S THE ENTERPRISE 1 fir ... -y af*r*i^ T The Next Best Thing to Four-Wheel Drive You Won't Believe What This Unit Can Do Until You Actually Feel It's Power FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION PHONE STAYTON RO 9-2126 GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Open Evenings Until 7 o'clock Monday Through Friday Phone RO 9-2126 Chevrolet Soles & Service Stayton, Oregon $£RVKI