•V THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISB fHURSDAY, MAY 29. 195» Graduation Exercises Held at Gates School accompanied oy Mr*. Gwenn Schaer; GATES—Plans for outdoor exer cise* for the Gates graduates were fouled on account of rain, but a large crowd attended and enjoyed the pro gram inside the gym, which was de corated with rhododendron and iris. The program was as follows: Invocation, Robert Blumenstein; March Majestic, band, directed by . Earl W. Loucks; reading of the Will and Prophesy, Barbara Blumenstein; three songs by the primary chorus, “What is an Educated Person?”— Barbara Hirte, valedictorian; Lolli pop song and dance, Arlene Kershaw, Patsy Pennick, Barbara Hirte. Speaker of the evening was Ken neth .McDonald, Portland, Safety en gineer for Simpson Logging company. Diplomas were presented by William Pennick and announcements were made by Cheryl Hirte. salutatonan. Refreshment* were served in the < afeteria by the 8th grade .mothers. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hartz Mountain Pet Food Get It From Us ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP MIIJ. CITY, OREXMIN Phone 2243 Looking For Mill City’s BEST BUYS In Hardware and Sporting Goods? Then Your Clue is to Shop at Service & Quality Hardware Ph. 1824 A. and M. Toman Mill City, Ore NEW STORE HOURS 8:30 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Beginning June 1st IVe IV/7/ Be Closed Memorial Day. This is Your Program I Please Clip and Save June 1958 Program II Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Mav 30-31 June I WALT DISNEY’S LATEST TRI E LIFE ADVENTURE "SAMOA" — PLUS — JACK WEBB, in "THE D. I." (Drill Instructor) Actually Photographed in a Marine Boot Camp. Friday, Saturday June 6-7 MARILYN MONROE, LM RENCE OLIVIER, in "THE PRINCE AND THE SHOWGIRL" Comedy ! Sunday. Monday June H-9 WALT DISNEY’S LIVE ACTION FEATURE "PERRI" Story of a Squirrel Starts at 6:00 Sunday Friday, Saturday June 13-14 WHR11 FRIDAY THE 13T1I SHOW ’ ”X THE UNKNOWN" — PLUS — "CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN Sunday. Monday June 15-16 W ALT DISNEY’S MOST FAMOUS CARTOON FEATURE ’’SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS'1 Starts at 6:00 Sunday Friday, Saturday June 20-21 DONALD O’CONNOR in "FRANCES GOES TO WEST POINT" — PLUS — GOGI GRANT, FATS DOMINO, in Sunday, Monday June 22-23 Greatest Movie of The Civil War Since "Gone With The Wind.’” ELIZABETH TAYLOR, MONTGOMERY UIJFT, in "RAINTREE COUNTY" Start* at 6:00 Sunday "BOMBERS B-52" Sumiav, Monday June 29-30 M ALT DISNEY’S "OLD YELLER" Starts at 6 00 Sunday At the well child clinic held here May 27 when public health nurse Mrs. Deienng and Dr. Stone were present a total of 62 children were given service. Others helping were Char- ' Podrabsky, Douglas Hirte, ■ . Ralph .ene Cooper, Phyllis Muise, Ethel Davis, _ Hutchinson and Winifred Moore. The I Errol McW hirk, Jim Henry, and Mill City, Detroit and Idanha areas ' David Jennings. were served. There were 31 dipth- Huge baskets of colorful haw thorn were used to decorate the piat- Following are the winners in the theria immunization, 1 tuberculin Garden Club Flower show which was test, 13 polio and thre smallpox shots. form of the auditorium. Fourteen children were seen by Dr. held here May 23. An outstanding musical program, Beach and driftwood arrangements Stone. under the direction of Mrs. Donald —Fern Shuey, blue, tricolor; Pau-ine Sheythe, eighth giade instructor, was Brunner, two blues. pre-ented in conjunction with the Mt. Hood Arrangement—Rachel graduation exercises for the element Olmstead, blue, tricolor; Lettie Cline, ary school in the gym Tuesday night. A lovely affair of Thursday after red. The “Choral Presentation" was es noon at Fellowship Hall was the an Hill and Dale Arrangements: Let- pecially pleasing to the audience. nual silver tea for the benefit of the tie Cline, blue; Mrs. Kenneth Chance, The Richfield Service Station on The program was as follows: Children’s Farm Home at Corvallis Red; Rachel Olmstead, white. Highway 22 here, which has been op Trumpets, "Fanfare,” Donald Po- put on by the Mill City Woman's erated for the past several year* by drabsky, Ronald Bassett, Ronald Oh- club. Girls of the high school home Cup and Saucer Arrangements— I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Russell has been mart; processional, "Moments to making department displayed their Helen Kimmel, blue, Fern Shuey, red taken over by Jack Klundt. of the | Remember," Mrs. Sheythe; invoca- year's work in a fascinating style Golden Wedding Arrangement—Let- Stayton-Mehama area. tion, Rev. G. E. Davidson; address of show, with Mrs. Olivette Roles, their tie Cline, blue; Wilma Ragsdale, red. The station will be operated by welcome, Mary Ann Bassett; clari instructor, as commentator. Twin Arrangements—Esther Cline, Chuck Harte, formerly of Seattle. net quartet, Susan Jenkins, Judy Po* General chairmen or the event blue, r «... Shuey, red. Fem drabsky, Douglas Ohmart, Suzanne were Mrs. J. C- Kimmel and Mrs. 7 Ladybug 7. 7 Arrangements—Pauline I Carlson; piano solo, Mary Gay Re- Adolph Brunner, with Mrs. O K. Brunner, blue; Marie Tolbert, red. I Mine; history, Joyce Calkins; "Mem- DeWitt in charge of the kitchen Pink Cloud Arrangements—Mrs. ! orie»” eighth grade choral group; pi committee. Others assisting includ Kenneth Chance, blue; Rachel Olm ano solo. Ellen Hoeye; baritone duet, ed Mrs. C. E. Mason, Mrs. C. E. stead. red. iKirt Baughman, Robert Morgan; pi Rogers, and Mrs. James Putman. Rainbow's End Arrangements— ano duet, Karren Marshall, Karen Greeting guests at the door, where Gladys Lake, blue; Fern Shuey, red; Kelly; choral presentation, with Rich they signed the guest-book, were Lettie Cline, white. ard Morley as narrator; elementary Mrs. Martin Hansen, Mrs. Ernest Sunset Arrangements—Marie Tol I chorus, accompanied by Mis» Alice Graham, and Mrs. Charles Kelly. bert, blue; Rachel Olmstead red and I Smith. | ___ Mrs. __ Bill Hoeye played the piano white. Presentation of Awards, Lawrence intermittently throughout the after Blue Lake Arrangements—Mrs. Brent, principal; cornet solo, Rod- noon, with occasional numbers furn- Kenneth Chance, blue; Wilma Rags ney Syverson; presentation of diplo- 1 ished by the following: girls’ trio, dale, blue; Evelyn Julian, blue, or mas T. H. Baughman, chairman of JoAnn Challender, Betty Christian, chid cactus; Helen Kimmel blue the board; acceptance, James Fencl; and Carol Veness; duet, Charlotte ivy collection; Gertrude Weidman, benediction, Rev. Fr. Martin Senko; I Wilkinson and Doris Hutchinson; blue coleus; Marie Tolbert, red coleus recessional, seventh grade chorus another trio, Frances Nesbitt, Sandy Marie Tolbert, blue, foliage plant; members. Ushers were Sharren Hos- , Thomas, and Yvonne Dickie; all ac- Ada Plymale, blue peperomia; Helen tetler, Jean Glunz, Gary Whitsett, companied at the piano by Miss Heien Kimmel, blue, polka dot plant; Mary Edward Henry, Paul Gasperetti, and Park. Hoodenpyle, blue, lettuce begonia; Kenneth Ziebert. The beautifully-appointed serving Fem Shuey, blue, Ti plant; Lettie Graduates, were Mary Ann Bas table was centered with a gorgeous Cline, red, philodendron; Evelyn sett, Kirt Baughman, Joyce Calkins, bowl of double white lilacs and pink Julian, ------- , blue, Rosary vine; Mary Keith Ann Croan, Roy DeClue, Carol blooms of a beauty-bush. Huge bas Hoodenpyle, blue, collections of suc Lee Edwards, James Fencl, Susan kets of the latter were placed at many culents; Fern Shuey, blue and red, Fowler, Anna Bell Gripe, Judith points about the hall. Pouring at var Martha Washington geranium; Fern Hampton, Ellen Hoeye, Dorothea ious times during the hours for tea Shuey, blue gloxinia; Ada Piymale. Humphreys, Susan Jenkins, Karen were . Mrs. Don Carlson, club presi- red and white gloxinia; Siegfried, i F. t" Potter, n. Jean Kelly. Karen Marshall, Pamela dent; Mrs. J. Mrs. W. yv . white, shrimp plant; Gertrude Weid Merry, Robert Morgan, Richard Mor Mason, and Mrs. W. W. Allen. man, blue, achimine; Mary Hooden ley, Douglas Ohmart, Betty Jane 1 Participants in the style-show, pyle, blue and tricolor, ivy geranium; Perrin, Judith Podrabsky, Mary Gay included: Shereen Muir, Sharon Hirte, Fern Shuey, blue, azalea. ReMine, David Schaeffer, Billie Shu Treva Bickett, Sandy Meader, Phyl Corsages—Lettie Cline, blue, dry ford, Rodney Syverson, Virginia Ur lis Bickett, Frances Nesbitt, Judy corsage Lettie Cline, red, white and ban, Allan Warde, Donald W a rile and Kay, Sharon Whitsett, Patrilla Lute, blue, fresh flower corsage. Robert Lee Ziebert. Beverly Underwood, Leatta McCall, Bearded Iris—Gladys Lake, 3 blue Awards preesnted by Mr. Brent Sharon Stevens, Jeanne Hampton, ribbons; Rachel Olmstead, 7 blue rib were as follow*: perfect attendance, Penny Newberg, Sandy Merry, Cara bons; Helen Kimmel, 2 blue; Carmen second grade, Dennis Cline; third Lee Whitten, JoAnn Challender, Barnhardt, 1 blue; Lettie Cline, 1 grade, Toni Jo Walter; fourth grade, Glenna Randall, Judy Hoeye, Marla blue; Esther Cline, 1 blue; Clara Aloha Swan, 1 blue; Carmen Barnhardt, 2 Brent Walker (his third in a row); McWhirk, Carol Warner, fifth grade Arthur Lyons (his fifth Thomas, Phyllis Neal, Julie Randall, red; Rachel Olmstead, 2 red; Lettie in a row, making a perfect score); Phyllis Pate, Lillie Perrin, Janice Cline. 2 red; Helen Kimmel 3 red; seventh grade, Kenneth Ziebert; Novak, Dons Hutchinson, Charlotte Carmen Barnhardt, 1 white Rachel eighth grade, Joyce Calkins (her se W ilkinson, Betsy Christensen, Betty Olmstead, 1 white. cond), Su*an Fowler (her second), Dunbar, Pat Henry, Patsy Christen Dutch Iris—Rachel Olmstead 2 Robert Morgan, and Robert Lee Zie sen, Yvonne Dickie, Viol* Derrick, blue; Lettie Cline, 1 blue; Clara bert (his third.) Judy Logan, Marcia Barnhardt, and Swan, 2 blue, 2 red. Certificates of award for school Penny Christensen. Siberian Iris—Lettie Cline, blue, citizenship, including good conduct, Clara Swan, red; John Lengacher, cooperative attitude, and contribution white; Gertrude Weidman, blue, of time and effort, were presented to Spuria Iris. Dependable Prescription the following seventh graders; Grace Wild Iris—I.-abelle Heller, blue; Morgan, Terry Morris, Carl Hall Kel John Lengacher, red and white. Service ly, Gary Whitsett, and Tamara Mor Roses—Rachel Olmstead, blue; Let- ris; certificates and gold pins for the Mill City Toastmistress Club met tie Cline, red; Marlene Severs, white. J. C. Kimmel above went to Rusty Whitten, Harley at Fir Manor last Thursday evening Lettie Cline, blue, red and white; Bell, Janice Logan, Shirley Veness, Pauline Brunner, blue; Gladys Lake, and Ray Yanku*; and special gold with Sue Poole presiding in the ab red; Fem Shuey, white; Rachel Olm- Phone 6607 Mill City sence of the president, Leao Johnson. pins for achievement "above and be tiad white; Rachel Olmstead, blue, yond the call <>f duty” were awarded Invocation was given by Sunny call* lily; Gertrude Weidman, red, to Barbara Olson and Linda Bassett. Chance. Topicmistress for the even coral bell; Gertrude Weidman, blue, Among the eighth-graders, certifi ing was Kora Prichard, with Yvonne daylily; Lettie Cline, red, daylily; cates for citizenship were presented Crandall aS timer. A round-table discussion was held Gertrude Weidman, blue and red pe to Pamela Merry, Mary Gay ReMine, on protocol, as the education part tunia; Gladys Lake, blue sweetpea; Karen Kelly, James Fencl, Karren Gladys Lake, blue, daisy; Gertrude of the program. Marshall, Susan Fowler, and Rodney- Election of new officers resulted Weidman, blue dianthus; Gertrude Sy verson; the above with gold pins in the following: president, Sue Weidman, blue lupine; Rachel Olm- went to Robert Morgan, Keith Ann 1 SIZE NOW 50 Poole; vice-president, Juanita Wright tead, red, lupine; Gladys Lake, white Croan, Joyce Calkins, and Douglas lupine; Paulinne Brunner, white lu secretary, Faith Veness; treasurer, Ohmart; combination awards with pine. gold pins for those outstanding in the Sunny Chance; and club representa- Delphinium—John Lengacher. 2 tives, Faustina Nesbitt and Kora class academically were awarded to blue; Mary Hoodenpyle, red. Susan Jenkins, Mary Ann Bassett, Prichard. Columbine — John Lengacher, 3 Acting as toastmistress was Donna Ellen Hoeye, *nd Richard Morley, the blue; Clara Swan, 2 blue, 1 red, 2 Wesley. Speakers included Sunny latter two receiving two pins for ex Chance, whose topic was "14 Angels,' »• white; Gladys Lake, 1 red, 1 white; ceptional achievement. Gertrude Weidman, red. | In conclusion, Mr. Brent expressed and Faith Veness, who gave a book I Snapdragon— R. Olmstead, blue, review of "Marjorie Morningstar. ” , •his appreciation for cooperation from Lexicologist was Winifred Moore, rv<E Isabelle Heller, white; Eva Duf- all the students, the parents, the with Faustina Nesbitt reporting on blue, peony; Pauline Brunner, blue citizens of the town, members of the peony. board of education, *nd those on the faux pas. Oriental Poppy—Helen Kimmel, faculty. He remarked that "the aca An evaluating panel was made up blue, tricolor; Pauline Brunner, red; Sue Poole, chairman, Faustina Nes demic record of the class was, *« a bitt, and Juanita Wright, the subject Mane Tolbert, 2 white; Marie Tol whole, exceedingly good." being "Choosing the Best Adjectives." bert, blue, Shirley poppy; Rachel Olm It was announced that installation stead, blue, weigela; Lettie Cline, of officers for Council No. 2 will be white, weigelia; Rachel Olmstead, held at the local Oddfellow's Hall on blue, Lily of the Nile; Gertrude Weid ' acid controlled" man, blue, dwarf azalea; Fern Shuey, Saturday, June 7. blue, hawthorns; Rachel Olmstead, k . e^uard »kin and cloii.n! Cedar oil vapor kills small moth white, beauty bush; Fem Shuey, blue ..the perfect family deodorante. Baccalureate services for the 1958 larva but is not effective against lar Marine bowl. 'class graduating from Santiam Un- ger ones. Be sure all woolens stored Rhododendrons—Maxine Hill, blue; ion High School were held Sunday in the chest are freed from larva by Lettie Cline, blue; Gladys Lake, red; Sa»« SOx! Tussy Cream Decdor- evening. May 25, in the Elementary cleaning ( washing, brushing or sun Rachel Olmstead, red. •at 2-oz. reg. $1.00...now 504. - . School auditorium. The impressive ning. Fragrant, gentle cream checks pet* sermon, entitled "Threshold of Abund spiration, stops odor round the clock .. is absolutely safe. (Handy 6-pack, ant Life," was delivered by Rev. reg. $6 ..now $3.) Larry Lawrence of the First Christ- YOU ARI Sava 50%! Tussy Roto-Magfc De- | ian Church. edorant reg $1.00...now 504. Roll* The complete program was as fol-. on antiperspirant protection; stops lows: Processional, "March Ponti- i I odor all day. Won t "acid-damage” ficale.” Virginia Hoeye; Hymn. I Election of officers was the chief *•• 'Thanks Be To God," by High School skin or clothes. For teens, yon and business of the evening *t the regular dad too. Chorus, directed by Helen Parks, ac meeting of the Mill City Woman’s Save 50%I Tussy Stick Deoderent companied by Bernice Potter; Invo < lub held in the recreation room of reg. $1 00...now 504. If you prefer cation, Rev. Robert Roach; Hymn, the h.gh school last Tuesday night. the refreshing w»y of the "stick.’ "The Church's One Foundation," by E.eited to serve for the coming year Stops odor 24 hour*. Men tike it. the Congregation; Scripture, Rev. were; president, Virginia Iloeye; re Helen Davis of the Assembly of cording sec reUry, Dor* Rogers; or- A’ arwet pM •o« God; Sermon. Larry Lawrence; Hymn re’l'onding secretary, Lois Putman; "Bless This House," by the High and treasurer, Dasiy Geddes. School Chorus; Benediction, Rev. The evening'* entertainment con Robert Roach of First Presbyterian . . . When you allow some dis sisted of the showing of a colored courtesy from another motorist Church; and Recessional, by Virginia fi m of Oregon'» scenic beauties, en SPECIAL ON to upset you or make you so Hoeye. titled "I'll Remember Oregon,” from angry that you retaliate with The fifteen Seniors honored at the the State Highway Department. Tussy Cologne "blind madness." one of the rite* included Gwen Christensen, At the close of the evening, re- greatest contributing factors in Bath Powder i Car* Lee Whitten, Glenn* Randall, treshments were served by Virginia highway accidenta Roberta Dodge, Donna Underwood, Hoeye and Rosamond ReMine, with and Bubble Bath Vera Gripe, Lauralee O'Brien, Lahny other member* furnishing. Mary Kelly, Womans Editor Outstanding Musical Program at Graduation Exercises Tuesday Nite 62S 9 ÄÄ«? May 23 Flower Show Winners Listed Annual Silver Tea Draws Large Crowd tat Richfield Service Here Sold to Jack Klundt Closed Sat Mav 31st. MILL CITY PHARMACY Toastmistress Officers Elected at Meeting PRICE SALE TUSSY DEODORANTS Baccalaureate Services Held Here Sunday Virginia Hoeye To DRIVING BLIND! Head Woman's Club "THE BIG BEAT" 16 Recording Stars — 14 Song Hits Friday. Satuniay June 27-23 NATALIE WOOD, KARL MALDEN, 62 Taken Care of At Well Child Clinic