Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1958)
’X-THF M1U. CITY I N TERPRISETHl Rsi> M M The Round Robin Pi Me hl« club was entertained Monday night at the Business and Professional home of Mrs. Don Moffatt. High was won by Mrs. John Muir; p.nochle by DIRECTO RY MAKE OUR STORE YOUR Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd at Mrs. J. D- MacGregor, and low by tended the Queerer reunion at Stay Mrs. Jay Mason. The next meeting Following are the classifications of ton Sunday. will be held at the Mason home the Carder. Club Flower show to be held ai Friendship hall Friday from JOHN W. REID. M. D. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Ph male mo Mr. and Mr«, Clarence Quartier 2 to 7 p. m. tYe Stock Most Everything For Those Gifts. tored to West Fir Sunday to visit and Tamara and Gordon Allan Mv- Arrangements Physician and Surgeon Mr. and Mr». S. J. Ferrigno. Morris called at the home of Mr. Div. The Beach using sand, drift- MILL CITY, OK Eb ON and Mrs. Gordon McMorris Saturday wood, f.owerg and greenery. J. C. Kimmel went to Corvallis evening and later attended the soft Div. Mount Hood using all white; Sunday to attend the Acacia Fratern ball game between Nored Builders greenery permitted. ity Founders’ Day banquet. Phone 2243 Mil J. CITY, OREGON DR. JOHN C. TARR of Corvallis and Western Veneer of Div. Hill and Dale using purple, Lebanon. Chiropractic Physician pink and browns. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Whitaker of Phone RO 9-2922 Div. Tea Time using cup and sauc Billings, Mont., are visiting his par Mg«. M. G. Rambo, who had been er. Hours 9:00 to 6:00 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitaker. a patient at Santiam Memorial hos Div. Golden Wedding using gold or Evenings By Appointment pital for a few days is again at her 112 E. Ida St. Stayton Mrs. Elmer E. packer of Salem is home and much improved in health. yellow. Div. The Twins making two alike visiting at the home of her brother Mr. and Mrs. Robert Venes« and arrangements. and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mar five children drove to Portland Sun Div. Lady Bug, small, 3 inche* tin Kelly. day morning to visit Mrs. Jessie overall. J. W. GOIN Veness. They also visited the Wash-1 Div. Pink Cloud, pink and peach. t iaitors at the Jay Mason home jngton Park Zoo and report a large Experienced Veterinarian D.v. Rainbow’» End using bicolor last Wednesday night were Martha crow<J of visitors there. or mixed colors. By Harold’s Floral Gardens Merritt and Lloyd Ackerman of ■ _______________ Div. Sunset, using reds or orange. Mrs. Mary Brent attended a meet M l BO 9-2533 Stayton Ore. Spokane. Div. Blue Lakes, all blue. ing of Kappa chapter. Delta Kappa House Plante Mrs. Louis Slaton «ent to San Gamma, national fraternity for wom Div. The Desert, all Cacti plants. Francisco Thursday to pick up her en teachers, Saturday afternoon in Div. Ivys. Ivy all types. husband, who is visiting here at the Lebanon at the home of Mrs. Ellen Div. Ferns, All types of fems. present time. Wilshire. This was the last meeting Div. Green Pastures, all foliage WetfaJIa Funeral Home of the chapter for the year, and new plants. Dr. Mark Hammericksen't Opto officers were installed. All Lebanon ___ Div. __________ Recreation. All blooming Modon Funeral Service metric offices in the Bell building ib members of the group assisted Mrs.1 house plants. STAYTON OREGON Stay ton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. Wilshire as co-hostesses at the social Div. Unscheduled. to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne hour- Corsages v-. — cessary. adv. --------------------------------- I Div. Fair Lady. All corsages. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitaker en Horticulture Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jull of Cor- tertained informally at their home I All specimen _______ under ____ __ _ class. ____ this spent the weekend with their _______ _ night _____ ._... „„„ Saturday in ________ honor of _____ their ____ son _ Specimen must «... have foliage. Please MIKE'S Septic Service vallis, n « A daughter-in-law, a*» I«»«»* who • are — * vases _ _ _ _ with '.Z your __ name _ -A parents, Mr and Mrs Glen Shelton and visiting mark on • bot- * here - from •*•••• •- RapCie Tank» and Sew era Ckeaaea and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jull. Billings, Mont. A buffet • tom. - Foliage permitted in all ar- Ph Salem EMpire 3-946« COLLECT lunch was served during the even- rangements. Entries in by 11:30 for The Women's Council of the Chris ing. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry ' judging. Doors open 9 a. m. 1»79 Elia St. W. Salem tian church will meet next Wednes Whitaker of Billings, Mont., Mr. and I Special iris award outstanding day, May 28 at 2 p. m. at the home Mrs. Ralph Jull of Corvallis. Mr. and awards in each class. of Mrs. Herbert Whitaker. M rs. William Shepherd, Leroy and ■ DR. LESLIE CARSON Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, j Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Whitaker and Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitaker spent Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitaker. 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Bat t two days in Seattle last week, visit Except Wednesday. ing Miss Nancy Whitaker. The silver tea for the benefit of 530, Tfaiad St Stayton the Children’s Farm Home at Cor-, Phone RO 9-2751 Mr. and Mrs. John Platnbeck spent vallis, an annual event put on by the weekend in Corvallis as guests the Mill City Woman’s club, is open of their son and family, Dr. and Mrs. to everyone interested this Thurs Hans plambeek, Janice and Douglas. day afternoon, May 22, from 2 until WE SELL BETTER The Presbyterian Women’s Asso- 4:30 p. m. at Fellowship Hall. The Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto of affair will be held in conjunction siation held its regular meeting at CARS FOR LESS Seaside, were visitors in Mill City with a style-show by the homemak Fellowship Hall at 10 a. m., Thursday last Wednesday and Thursday. They ing department of the high school. morning. May 15, with members of were overnight guests of Mr. and Special music will also be furnished. the Morning Circle as hostesses. Re Mrs. Arey Podrabsky. General chairmen are Mrs. J. C. Kim freshments and coffee were served LOOKING FOR GIFTS mel and Mrs. Adolph Brunner of during the meeting and program. Mgs. J. F. Potter was called to the club. In charge of the business session Salem last week by the sudden illness « was chairman, Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood, BILLFOLDS PENS 8TAYTON, OREGON of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clyde Hill, | About 15 girls of the Camp Fire assisted by the secretary, Mrs. Bill IT PAYS TO BUY AT who hag since returned from the group headed by Mrs. M. G. Rambo Hoeye. The meeting opened with a PENCILS ELECTRIC SHAVERS hospital and is now recuperating. HOME and Mrs. Lester Johnson were treated responsive reading. to an exciting day last Saturday when I It was voted to donate $10.00 to- PERFUME COLOGNE The Presbyterian Women's Asso they were 1 given a train ride from war^?he Lions Club’s project of aid- ciation has announ.ed that any uscu Salem to Al,-«,«,. z & vwiiip « iiv > iik me ~ , . clothing to be sent for over-seas re girls in cars to Salem were Mr».’ TIMEX WRIST WATCHES w,e;r.eum_a<le_ lief may be left at Fellowship Hall Lester Johnson. Mrs. James Putman, novation of the kitchen in Fellowship any Thursday during the month of Mrs. Bonnie Whitsett and Mrs. 0. K. Hall, among these being a new sink, May. DeWitt. The girls were put aboard a door installed in the kitchen, an in cinerator, a change in the shelves, and the train in Salem for the “southern Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .McMorris 1 excursion,” then the women drove to installation of cupboard doors. It was Dependable Prescription Service spent Sunday in Salem at the home Albany where they were met on ar-1 I decided that a committee should be of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence appointed to work with the trustees Phone 6607 Mill City rival. After going through the news Quartier and also visited his cousins, paper office there, and on a tour to in getting an estimate on the cost of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhomer in the radio station, the youngsters weje the proposed changes in the kitchen.' Silverton. The program, in charge of Mrs. taken out for dinner, then brought I Robert Roach, was entitled "Giving home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cowden and ' Ourselves in Praise,' under the general • heading of “The Stewardship of Janet, and Mrs. Paul Cree and Bobf Thanksgiving.” Those present were all of Redmond, spent ttie weekend asked to write a verse to a well- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill known hymn, with some surprising Turnidge and other Mill City rela responses as a result. Mrs] Charles tives and friends. By Kee N. Sahbie Kelly gave a list of hymns written by Pop corn anyone? There’s plenty to wome-;, grouped under various cate Bill Richards »as wearing a hie spare at the high school. All the kids grin Thursday because he had have pop corn running out their ears gories. The program closed with the singing of a hymn, followed by prayer. caught a 20-pound salmon down at and it’s stacked knee-deep in the I Refreshments for the Stayton in the North Santiam. This n . v..c- meeting were «... was the first one reported caught T* L L. J . — ™ 1 1 O°d caus*’ served Mrs. Roger L riiAiim f • IQ f An ? nUPQllcn * » V (J by V »* *• Mrs. ’* IB. — Arlo «. 1 Tuers, Uv 1 " J j»l IB. • 1V''Is o • . « . 1 The nP non porn urxi wv w. pop corn boom is on because we NeIgon Mrg j ()Wel] Fleetwood, »» Mrs., in the nver thig year. want padded covers for our annual. Robert R(,a(h and Mrg cha8 Keliy, , .... „ . .. Looks like we re going to be well-1 Little Robbie Roach, small son padded of Ke>-. and Mrs. Robert Roach was p^y night the GAA gpongored . taken to the Salem General HoapiUl dance and fake wa)k Now if | Good Crowd Out Tuesday, where he was scheduled to don>t walk , <fg 1 ““ V ■» know SV w what 11« V cake 44 V 41 . flv ® For Mason-Star Dinner undergo b urgefry for a 1 nerma ------- on — where the cake ju8t getg up and wa)ks • | The annual Masonic and Eastern Wednesday of this week 1 around the room. Seriously, in a cake Star ham dinner held at th« lodge walk, the participants walk along Mr. and Mrs. Art Cole and son, in a circle, stepping from number hall Saturday evening was successful Fred, of Salem, spent the weekend to number. When a stop is called, with a good sized crowd attending in spite of the heat wave. visiting the Jay Masons. Mr. and hat and - 1 Toastmaster for the affair was - ___ ------------ Mrs. Mason were the winners of the a number is drawn out of _ a _____ I barbecue outfit given away by Hill the person standing on the coinciding | Georg« Huffman, with Rev. Larry number wins the cake. It is fun, or, Lawrence giving the invocation, top Market Saturday afternoon. more fun, depending upon which i Speaker of the evening was a past Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herman and number you are standing when the master of the Prineville Lodge, who $28.50 TAX INC. stop is called.---------------------------------- j was accompanied by his wife. son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ace Underwood and friends in Mill City last week. They left Monday MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM to visit his parents, the Leonard Herman« at Seattle. Bob is in the Also 17-Jewel Men or Ladies Elgin Watches Navy and had a 30-day leave. Mill Ends- Flower Show To Be Held Here May 23 GIFT CENTER ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP Presbyterian Women's CONGRATULATIONS To The Class of 1958 GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Subscribe to The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The Canyon's Own Newspaper $3 a Year MILL CITY PHARMACY Baker’s Mill City Jewelry FOR GRADUATION SPECIALS Myron 'Whitey" Goodman was tak en to the Veteran’s hospital In Port land Monday morning where he was scheduled to undergo surgery on his eyes. Charles Kelly drova him to tho city, where it isn’t known how Jong he will be required to remain. FROM $24.75 (tax inc.) AND MANY OTHERS WATCHES FROM $7.65 (tax inc.) Other Fine Gifts Sheaffer Pens and Pencils Head Gates Club if SUM WfTH "oa roue television ob radio Phone 3207 or UL 9-2191 We Specialise tn PhDco. Motorola. Admiral Stiffler's Radio and A p pH once Co. GATES—The Gates Women’s club elected 195» officers at their regluar meeting Thursday evening. Elected were Mrs. Walter Brisbin, president; Mrs. Dick Parker, vice president; I Mrs' Walter Thomas, secretary, all I retained from the previous year, and 1 Mrs. Harold Wilson, treasurer. All were duly installed by Edna Hutche son, and presented with flower eor- 1 sages following the oath of office. It was voted to purchase a piano from the Gates Community church, ind to have another series of Coffees soon Names of secret pals were re vealed and gifts exchanged, followed by a delicious no-host luncheon. Plans for a special meeting in June were discussed at which tnne out-of-town guests are expected. Bill Folds Necklaces - Tie Clasps Bracelets Earings And Many Other Choice Gift» to Choose From You are Sure to Find Just the Gift You Would Like to Give At Baker’s Mill City Jewelry Come in And Look Around Today Telephone 1843 Mill City, Oregon