fY X t HE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE .il iìl 11 1 tjhîi h *7Zse kJamank Paw BIS I I Lv*W^VwU^k-Hll ^o/’y Kelly, Woman s Editor Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 23-24-25 ABBOTT & COSTELLO. MARJORIE MAIN, in Ike Myers ------------- Me Myers’ Guesfs at Party Saturday Evening Phone 62. May Meeting rJ of P P. T. T. C. C. Club Held at Mari-Linn P U—. A.. l C*. 1^4 Many Out For Joint Installation Sunday For Rainbow-DeMolay THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1S58 Too Late to Classify WANTED TO BLY—Cedar Shake Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Will* Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. One extra large bedroom. Carport. Hot and cold water furnished. Phone 6705. 21tf MEHAMA—Mr. and Mrs. Ray- LYONS—The May meeting of the Roberts were hosts at their home P. T. C. club of the Mari-Linn school Saturday evening for a pot lock sup­ was held Tuesday evening at the "COMIN* ROUND THE MOUNTAIN” per honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers school house with Donna Wesley pres­ _ PLUS — Give old furniture who are moving from Mill City where ident presiding over the meeting. AUDIE MURPHY, GEORGE NADER, in they have lived for the last few The high light of the evening was Impressive installation ceremonies new sparkle years. Invited for the eveinng were the installation of the new officers for the new officers of Marilyn As-1 ■*JOE BUTTERFLY” ' former neighbors of the Myers’ and which were installed by Mrs. James sembly, No. 60, Order of Rainbow Funnier than "Teahouse of the August Moon.” j Roberts’ when both families lived at Wright. Officers for the coming year for Girls, and Santiam Chapter of j Elkhorn. Present for the supper be- are Mrs. Guy Hartle president, Mrs. DeMolay for Boys were held jointly sides Mr. and Mrs. Myers were Mr. Hazel Wirth vice president, Mrs. before a large audience Sunday after­ and Mrs. Bill Bickett and two daugh­ Robert Walton secretary and Clinton noon in the Mill City Elementary ters, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Knox and Land treasurer. Plans were discussed school auditorium. Assuming the three sons, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kind­ for the annual school picnic which highest stations in their respective red, Mrs. Carl Longenecker, Mrs. will be held at the school house on organizations were Miss Phyllis Pate, Kenneth Bain and the hosts, Mr. and Sunday, May 25 with all parents and Mrs. Roberts and daughters. Mrs. friends invited to attend. Each fam­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pate Longenecker and Mrs. Bain both ily is to bring a hot and cold dish al­ and Douglas Hirte, son of Mr. and came from east of the mountains for so their table service. Coffee and ice Mrs. William Hirte. Besides the Worthy Advisor, other the occasion. Their husbands were i cream will be furnished by the P. T. C. unable to be present as they are war­ Two representatives from Salem officers installed for the Summer dens on a game refuge. were present to talk on Scouting and Term of Marilyn Assembly included: Mr. and Mrs. Myers were algo an effort is going to be made to re­ Worthy associate advisor, Sandy 01- •] guests of honor recently at another organize the Boy Scouts. At the close --- ; Charity. Becky Stoll; Hope, pot luck supper held at the Robert of the meeting Paul Schiewek was Frances Nesbitt; Faith, Nancy Storey Carpenter home on McCulley Moun present and showed pictures taken in Chaplain, Carol Pate; Drill Leader, Clydie Storey; Associate Drill leader, tain. Present for that supper were j the Holy Land. Pat Henry; Love, Arlene Kershaw; mostly members of the Mehama local of the Farmers Union and a Gertrude Shoemaker Circle --------------- Patg\ Pe"ni^: ^‘X* .... Cheryl Hirte; Immortality, Phyllis few other friends. Bickett; Fidelity, Carol Veness; Pa- Those enjoying the supper were Honors Mrs. Ike Myers The Gertrude Shoemaker Circle of triotism, Julie Randall; Service, Judy Mr. and Mrs. John Neal, Mr. and Th* Mrs. H. W. McCarley, Mr. and Mrs. the Christian church met Wednesday Kay; Outer Observer, Suzy Carlson; named Dot w., e * young B. L. Kirsch and Lei Lonnie, Mr. at the church for an all day meeting. Confidential Observer, Kathy Harris; and Mrs. Luther Stout, Mr. and Mrs. , A quilt was tied in the morning and Musician, Bonnie Boroughs; Choir So OS* jtnow,tdKt of auto* »» oot- Dorothea Humphreys; Sam Wiser, Mrs. Mabel Patton, Mrs. ' a pot luck luncheon served at noon. Director, Dutch Boy Quick-Drying En­ G. D- McCall, Rev. and Mrs. James Following the luncheon the group Pages, Ray Yankus and Doris Hutch­ Q 14 dependent Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Myers and the | honored Mrs. Ike Myers, who left inson; Choir, Tamara Morris, Ellen amels transform old furniture ^oion’j attendant f hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter. Sunday for Washington to make her Hoeye, Jeanne Hampton, and Carol into bright points of interest, ° *e* ihat there’s nothing forgo»- , home, with a handkerchief shower. Sue Ball. give new life and luster to doz­ Jean O'Rourke and Cathy Brink- I The Women’s Council of the church j Besides the Master Councilor, oth- | ens of things around the house, man of Mt. Angel spent the weekend presented her a china cup and sau­ er boys installed as officers for San- j Mr*. Pal®«» M Cramer. CJ ovm , California inside and out. Gem-bright, at the George Cree home. cer for her collection. At the after- [ tiam Chapter of DeMolay Included ' noon meeting, Mrs. Fish presided at Jim Gulliford, Bob Gordon, Walt I these enamels spread smoothly, Minute Mar. service is the fastest, most Spcuding a couple of hours recent­ the business meeting and Mrs. Lowell Thomas, Clifford Cookson, Oscar' dry in a jiffy, have a rugged thorough check-up...Royal 76 the finest, most ly at the home of Mrs. Fred Grimes Cree was program chairman. Harris, Fred Mitchell, Gary Klok- surface that takes weather and powerful fill-up your car can get anywhere. and Mrs. Morris was Carrol Morris Present were Mrs. Ike Myers, Mrs. stead, and Jim Baughman. wear and still keeps its bril­ and his bride, the former Marilyn E. K. Fish, Mrs. Elmer Shaw and J Installing officers for the Rainbow WIN >25 DO! $en(j u» a limorick about your Pfeffer of New York City. They were liance. Get some today! Skye Shaw, Mrs. Lowell Cree, Mrs. I Installation were; Worthy Advisor, favorite Union Oil product or service. It published, married at Park AFB, Calif., where Nat Wills, Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Shereen Muir; Marshall, Sherry Han­ we*11 tend you a chock tor >25 00 Write to both are Airmen 3c. Also present to Mrs. Hugh Jull, Mrs. William Shep­ sen; Chaplain, Cara Lee Whitten; ■ 70 Limericks, Union OU Co.. Union Oil Center, welcome the newlyweds were Mr. and herd, Leroy and Jerry, Mrs. Susie Recorder, Anne Marie Hirte; and P.O. Bon 7600, Los Angeles M Caht. Mrs. Robert Sommer, Jr., and Jim­ Haynes, Mrs. Julia Kemp, Mrs. Frank Musician, Mrs. Virginia Hoeye. mie, Letha Sommer and Cathy, and Caraway, Mrs. Glen Shelton, Mrs. | Officiating for the DeMolay Boys I UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Vardie Shelton, all of Arthur Hedge, Mrs. Larry Lawrence, a- k * ; were: Installing Officer, Marlin TURBf IN: It >po’tt C ut < r ABC Tv • F •• Si< • u BciM at your Union Station Scio. They also spent a short time Cathy and Connie, Mrs. F' 4 ™ Shelton: Senior Councilor, Butch Mar- at the Fred Duffy home. Mrs. Duffy Freeman and Paul and Mrs. nL George ■“'”'2^ tin; Junior Councilor, Marion Schol- is an aunt of Carroll Morris. Flook. ______ lian; and Marshall, Ken Epperson. Following the installation, Miss Pate introduced her parents, Mr. and 'C Mrs. Roy Pate, and three younger L sisters, all of Mill City; also her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. / Waters of near Aumsville, and sev- I eral aunts and uncles who had come for the festivities. *! Among distinguished visitors in- ■V. » I troduced and escorted to the platform 1 > t <• • r- ¡were: Miss Sherry Hansen, paet We Give S & II Green Stamps •X ■ ■ * A , Grand Historian of the Grand As- Telephone 2206 I sembly of Oregon; Mrs. Dorothy 5 ? * “4* » k -dr. Draper, Mother Advisor; Mrs. Laurell Mill City, Oregon 4° i Johnson, Grand Representative to the Province of Sask.. Canada; Mrsti Ed­ na Hutcheson, Worthy Matron, Mar­ ilyn Chapter, OES; Mrs. Very! Hoo­ ver, Sweet Home Chapter Worthy Matron; Sid Baughman, WM, Mill City Lodge; Miss Shereen Muir, Jun­ e ior Past Worthy Advisor, Marilyn Assembly; and the Misses Cara Lee Dependable Prescription Whitten and Sherry Hansen, also past worthy advisors of Marilyn Service Assembly. The crowning ceremony for the J. C. Kimmel new Worthy Advisor was put on by the DeMolay Boys, coached by Olin Spiva, Turner, DeMolay Dad. Im­ Phone 6607 Mill City mediately afterward, the boys we.-e | presented gifts fwm Miss Pate. A : beautiful gavel was presented to the orthy Advisor by Robert Draper. Nosegays from the DeMolay Chapter were presented to Phyllis, as was SANTIAM TV CABLE a lovely bouquet of red rosebuds from Douglas Hirte and his parents. I Dorothy Draper, mother advisor, Through their efforts the world’s best entertainment is brought presented the out-going worthy ad­ visor, Shereen Muir, with her white into your homes. Through their efforts the great NBC network pro­ Rainbow Bible. The installing offic­ grams and KPTV local shows are yours at the turn of a dial. ers including Mrs. Hoeye, were pre­ sented with gifts from Phyllis Pate. If you do not subscribe ... if you are not viewing KPTV you're Several numbers were sung by the A high school girls’ trio, Yvonne Dick­ missing too much. ie, Sandra Thomas, and Frances Nes­ bitt, accompanied by Miss Helen Hara ara »oma of tha up-comlng ihowi on KPTV channel 12: Park. Upon being installed and receiving MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY the gavel, Douglas Hirte, introduced his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B- Eddi« Fisher Wagon Train Restless Gun Groucho Marx Hirte, hi» grandmother, Mrs. Frank Georg« Gob el Well» Fargo This is Your Life Dragnet I Hirte, and numerous aunts, uncles, Twenty-One Adventure» of McGraw Boot» and Saddle» Tennessee Ernie Ford t and cousins who were present, also Th« Californian» Suspicion House of Horror Mike Hammer his two sisters, Cheryl and Sharon, Medic both of whom are Rainbow Girls. Olin Spiva, Dad of DeMolay, was FRIDAY SUNDAY SATURDAY introduced as was Bob Draper, who Friday Night Fight» Kit Carson Northwest Ramblings has sponsored the local boys who Jefferson Drum Men of Annapolis Perry Como are members of Santiam Chapter. I Decoy Amateur Hour Steve Allen Past Masters of Mill City Lodge, Ranch Party Your Hit Parade Dinah Shore Floyd Johnson and Robert Draper, A’ »»¿J efuard skin and dothu' Movie 12 ' were introduced, as was Marlin Shel- .. t*c ptrftci family deodor an u. ton« past Master Councilor of Santi­ am Chapter; also the installing of ­ PLUS THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURE FILMS ficer» were thanked and asked to Saw SOx! Tussv Cream Deed««* "take a bow.” Gary Cooper in "TASK FORCE — Lon Chaney in "MUMMY'S TOMB" — Robert Mitchum 2-oz. reg 11.00...now 50<. « M.»!. Hedwig Williams of Long­ Fragrant, gentle cream checks per- In ONE MINUTE TO ZERO” — Dorothy McGuire in "TUI THE END OF TIME" - Robert view, Wn., a cousin of Doug Hirte, spuatioo. stops odor round the dock Alda in "RHAPSODY IN BLUE" — Maureen O'Hara in "SPANISH MAIN" — Bela Lugosi in .. is abedutelv safe (Handv 6-pack. I P^yed a piano solo, other entertain­ "WOLF MAN MEETS FRANKENSTEIN — Humphrey Bogart in BIG SLEEP" — Glenn ment consisted of a duet by JoAnn reg M now 13 ) Ford in "WHITE TOWER" — Victor Mature in "AFFAIR WITH A STRANGER ' — Robert .Vha. ender and Betty Christian, also Sara sox j T„„ Rote-Magic De- trances Nesbitt and Yvonne Dick­ Newton in BLACKBEARD THE PIRATE" - Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. in "SINBAD THE SAILOR-* »Aerant reg. »1.00.. now 50*. RoUa I * ie. on anti-penpirant protection; «op» Joel McCrea in "COLORADO TERRITORY" Mr. Spiva announced that Doug odor «11 day. Wont "«cid-demage* skin or clothes. For teen«, von »nd Hirte was scheduled to receive the EVERY DAY THE BEST VIEW IS ON dad too. [Chevalier Degree-’ for outstanding KPTV I T? in on June 21. *»•• 50X! Tessy Stic« Deederaet Following the double ceremony, reg. »1 00...now 50». if you prefer OREGON’S FIRST TELEVISION STATION decorated cakes, coffee, snd punch the refreshing way of the “«tick.” Mop« odor 24 hears Men like It. were served by Mrs. Jack Gulliford, AY Mix Uoyd Völkel, and Mrs. Ernest Uraham. The table and hall were beautifully decorated in dogwood, snowballs, and lilacs. ? i VM ni ■nr** < ZEEL Vii) QV5ÄI k JENKINS HARDWARE MILL CITY PHARMACY SALUTES t IJ n PRICE SALE TUSSY dfodobam « r |QQ /