THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME XIV MILL CITY. OREGON NUMBER 21 Primary Election Results for City Are Published Girl and Boy of the Month THURSDAY. MAY 22. 1953 Beaver Boys State Delegates Again Sponsored by Groups Corvallis Bests Lebanon 3-1 In Softball Opener M A YEAR 10c A COTY IV/ns Scholarship Incorporation Vote at Lyons Mon., May 26 Beaver Boys State will be held again this year at OSC in Corvallis from June 15 to 21. inclusive. While the program is sponsored by the A legal notice has been running in American Legion, the Lions club has The Primary Election in Oregon is A good crwod of local and visiting The Enterprise for the past throe for the past several years put up the softball fans turned out to Mill City’s now history. This fall election will weeks telling voters of Lyons that money to send one delegate from here. Allen field to watch Nored Builders prove to be a hotly contested race an election, submitting the proposi­ Sandy Olson Larry Kanoff Boys State is a plan for training in of Corvallis take a close 3-1 decision for governer between Mark Hatfield, tion of incorporation to the register­ republican and Robert Holmes, Demo­ Sandy Olson, daughter of Mr. and the functional aspects of citizenship. from Western Veneer of Lebanon in ed voters of that area, will be held crat. Walt Norblad won easily over Mrs. James R. Olson of Mill City It is a program of education along a nine inning tilt sponsored by the Monday, May 26 at the Rebekah his opponent and will face Robert has been selected by the faculty and these lines and a worth while project. Mill City Jaycees. hall. The polls will be open from 8 Thornton in the fall electoin. student council to be honored as the The veteran Corvallis club—play­ a. m. until 8 p. m. Girl of the month for April. She is ing as the host team—boasted five How They Voted Here One of the reasons residents >f the a junior and has been active in stud ­ former Mill City stars in all-staters In Linn County on the nonpartisan area have been promoting the idea ent council affairs including the ma ­ Gordy McMorris and Don Carey, ballot they voted as follows: is that it will provide funds from the outfielder Jim Grant and pitchers Judge of the Supreme court. Posi­ gazine sales, the Christmas program franchise of Pacific Power 8c Light .Carl Byer and Loyd Buettenbach. tion No. 3—Bowe, 31; Overhulse 91; and others. to pay for the street lights, which Byers was easily the nights ’ top Sandy was a member of the yell Sloan 109. now are supported through contri­ performer. During his five-inning: For Position No. 7—Jason Lee, 130, squad that worked so hard to get butions of the residents. stint on the mound he whiffed 10 second place at the jamboree and Rossman 106. Miss lara Lee w u.iien, uaugnier I Other funds from the state high batters while besting top-flighter For circuit Judge, Richard Ander­ with the other yell leaders, served of Mr amt Mrs Noyes Whitten has waX a”d I'Quor sales and some eounty Keith Marshall of Lebanon 1-0 be ­ son 138; John Hall 42, Stewart at the after-game refreshments for be available if fore turning over the hill duties to been awarded a scholarship to the i™fu,,’ds,.wouJd I visiting players. She is Pep Club Weiss, 52. University of Oregon, This award 'the Lyons area were incorporated as Loyd Buettenbach. In the seevnth In ­ County: president and a driving force in all Linn Republican ballot. a city. ning, Byers picked out one of lefty will be presented to Miss Whitten at Representative in Congress, 4th its activities. She is also a member Those in favor of the incorporation commencement exercises May 28. ’ s offerings and blasted it Marshall The final meeting of the Mill City of the GAA. Sandra participated in district—Geddes 70. figure that it would do much to 14, the exchange assembly with Colton PTA for the current season was held far over the left fielders head or a Governor—Eichman 1, Gill stabilize the community and also in­ two-run homer to give Corvallis its in the high school auditorium Wed ­ and had a bit part in “ Life of the Tlatfield 52, Livingston 4, Rasoc 1. crease the value of their property. Party.” Sandy, a gregarious person, nesday evening. May 14, with a very 3-1 margin. Lebanon threatened in Unander, 21. Commissioner of Labor, McCauley Ikes swimming, dancing, parties, and small crowd attending. Mrs. Walter the ninth inning—filling the bases— , Thomas presided, with Mrs. Charles only to have Buettenbach strike out especially, friendly people. 74. Lebanon’s Dick Schaeffer to end the ' State Senator, 2nd Dist.—Draper The boy chosen to be honored for Kelly acting as secretary. I Chief business of the evening was game. 35; Goode 47. April is Larry Kanoff, son of Mr. The Jaycees plan to bill future State Representative 13th Dist.— and Mrs. Lawrence Kanoff. Larry has the installation of officers for the Howard 14, Julian 33, Purdy 24 and held the office of student body ser­ coming year, with Mrs. Robert Veness games with some of the states best | Don Howe and Gary Bevier pitch­ Savage 51. geant-at-arms this year and has been serving as installing officer, Those in­ teams as participants. Proceeds will stalled included: president. George be used to develop a league for local Dist. Attorney—Johns 73. ed Santiam to a 9-8 victory over Scio. an active student council member. County Commisioner, Downing. 78. Larry has been especially active in Humphreys; vice-president, Mrs. players. Going into the 6th inning Scio led E R H lettermen affairs, having been secre­ William Lee; secretary, Mrs. Dellis 8-6. On three successive hits the Precinct Committeeman, D. B. I 3 3 7 tary in that organization. He plays Hinee; and treasurer, Mrs. Paul Hel­ Corvallis ........... ....... Sr. was high with 8 votes. local boys tied the score at 8 all. In The North Santiam Teachers ’ As ­ 9 ........................ 1 3 Democratic—Linn County- sociation met here Thursday evening the bottom of the 7th inning Bill football, basketball, baseball equal­ gath. A lovely corsage was pinned Lebanon Byers, Wehmeier. Buettenbach and Representative in Congress, 4 th ly well and like anything that will on each officer by Mrs. Harry Mason. at Santiam Union high school. The Hedge hit a tripie and Don Cree Marshall and Schaeffer Bist.—Porter 124. take him out of doors. His first love, musical program, preceding the busi- brought jn on a sacrifice, The meeting opened with the flag Governor—Wallace 47; Holmes 32. however, is music and he has been a salute, led by the Boy Scouts, after ness meeting, was as follows: flute Santiam revenged an earlier defeat Smith 11. trio, Shirley Veness, Rozillah Yank-1 by district champion Jefferson by member of the school band for a which the minutes of the April meet­ us, and John Kelly, under direction clubbing the Lions’12-10. Jeffereon Labor Commissioner—Nilson 133. number of years and hopes to make ing were read. The treasurers report, of Earl Loucks, band leader; and started the fireworks by collecting 6 State Senator 2nd District—Wiley music his vocation. In addition Lar­ given by Mrs. James Gordon, showing 48, Butts 63, Draper 23. ry has been active as a reporter for a balance of »102.05, was accepted. An numbers by Girl’s trio from the soph- run# in the first inning. The Wolver- omore class of chorus, Yvonne Dick- ines were not to be denied as they State Representative 13th Dist.— the school paper and also was prop annual report of activities of the past year was given by Mrs. Thomas. Kirkpatrick 109, Fitzwater 89. ey, Sandra Thomas, and Frances Net- ! scored 8 big runs in the fifth to sew man for the junior plays. The recommendation of the execu­ bitt, under direction of Miss Helen up the contest. Don Howe was the District Attorney—McCormick 123. winning pitcher. tive board to donate $45.00 toward the Park. County Commissioner—Ingram 88, equipment for a teachers’ room in the Address of the evening was by j Belden 47. . new high school was accepted. Ewald Turner of Pendleton, national p t pi Ida Carey was high for precinct Mrs. Lee Kuhlman of Gates was commftteewoman. vice president of classroom teachers | JllOWS appointed chairman to assist the Jun- Marion Coaaty and Oregon’s candidate for National j iors in giving a reception for the Sen- Judge, Position No. 3—Bowe IT, Minimum prices • for straw- president of the - group — . picking ____ - next 1 year, , iors following commencement cere- berries “in"Western*^Oregon'will be who flew to Portland after school and Overhulse 31, Sloan 44. I monies. Supreme Court Judge, Posistion the same ae in 1957, as suggested dur- was brought to Mill City by Gene Teague, Chevrolet deal-r for The room count, taken by Mrs. ing a recent meeting in McMinnville. Posey of the OEA. No. 7—Lee 51, Rossman 45- 1 this area, of Stayton, was a guest at Charles Stewart, resulted in Mrs. Following reports by grower re-; The speaker told of the bill which Representative in Congress 1st Dis­ Morleys sixth-grade room receiving presentatives from eight counties, would enable teachers to hold legis-1 the Lions club meeting here Monday trict—Hitchcock 13; Norblad 34. night, when he showed film» taken the prize for the most parents pres­ the group at the meeting passed the lative office, and would enable mem-1 Governor—Gill 16, Hatfield 18, Liv­ of various parades in this state and ent. teach- ; ingston 1, Unander 8. following motion: “In areas picking bers of the legislature to hold Mrs. Robert Veness announced that by the pound, the suggested picking *ng contracts. A number of members also of the Rose Parade in California. State Senator 1st Dist—Ahrens, the kindergarten graduation program price will be either 3^c plus ^c took petitions to circulate for signe- The films were colorful and showed 31, Schleisinger 19, White 31. will be held from 7:30 until 8:00 p. m. bonus or 4 cent, per pound; in areas tures necessary to proceed with this many beautiful hones and floats in State Rep., 12th Dist.—Chadwick, the various events. Thursday evening, May 22, in the picking by the six-hallock carrier, ' legislation, 32, Cook 23, Elfstrom 37, Heider 24, Mr. Teague stated that in the six Santiam Union High School auditor­ the suggested picking price will be Hunt 19, I-ane 12, Penson 22, Another guest was Frank Kettleaon shows he has entered this year his ium. Count’ Judge—Hartley 42. either 20 cent« plus 5 cents bonus of the Dallas schools, director of de- horse, , “ '™. C Mr. Chevrolet ’” has won It was announced by Mrs. Harry or 25 cents per carrier.” Commissioner, Ahrens 14. Judson partinent 2 of the classroom teachers them al, year he beat the Mason that the North Santiam Teach ­ 4, Massey 5. Miller 5, Todd 4, Yeater The suggested prices followed re- °^,9re?°,n’ . . Champion of the United States three ers’ Association would meet at the porta by grower representatives from Chief business of the session was tjmeH 15. high school Thursday evening, May eaker wga Gene Ha Assessor, Domogalla, 43. Clackamas, Columbia, Lane, Marron, the installation of officers, with' Other 15, with the State President of Class­ Multnomah, Polk, Washington, and James Wright of Man-Linn school, (McMlnnville vice presldent of the Recorder—Lanke 29, Stone in attendance. Ray Gulliford, eighth. room — Teachers - Coroner— Edwards 39. Yamhill counties. No reports were re­ the retiring president in charge New Oregon Federation of Wild Life who Precinct Committeewoman, High. grader son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack! An itemized report of the extensive ceived from representatives of Bent­ officers include: Clmt Land of Man-1 spoke on work of that crrullMttoB, ¡Gulliford and Hugh McWhirk, fifth work accomplished by the Health De- on, Hood River, and Linn counties. Mabel Nelson. Linn, president; Janice Powell, of He 8tated Kame laWs 8hould be en. I grader, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Me- P*rtment was given by Mrs. Edsel Democratic—Marion County commission in­ The meeting was arranged by the Mari-Linn, secretary-treasurer; andlforced by the Rep. in Congress 1st Disttrict— I Whirk have been chosen to “Citizens Croan; health chairman for the PTA. Oregon Strawberry Council in co­ Mr. Lineberry of Turner, vice presi-1 atead of the sUte ,ice> |Je >190 [ of the Month” by their fellow stud- A report of the activities of the operation with strawberry associa­ Metheny 10, Thornton 36. ed|there be legislation soon that Governor—Holmes 44, Smith 0, ents in the Gates grade school. This kindergarten ’«s tions and county extension agents. *n person, the others by proxy. would make it mandatory for junior I is a much coveted title and their pic­ ert Veness, who stated that it was in Martin V... Mr Wallace 6. Van Cleave, Salem, president klr. - Wright thanked all officers c‘: hunters to pass a test in ability to its ninth year. Labor Commissioner—Nilsen 38. tures are placed in the hall. of the Oregon Strawberry Council, an,‘ committee chairmen for coopera- use firearms. The high school vocal trio, made up tion during the year, with special State Senator, 1st Dist—Allen 31. He urged that ail sportsmen belong of Yvonne Dickie, Sandy Thomas, and presided at the meeting. mention of Mr. Corrigan and Mr. to some sportsman’s group, saying O’Brien 35. Frances Nesbitt, entertained with Gardner of Stay ton UHS, each of that in Oregon only 1 percent of the State Rep. 12th Dist.—Carter 28, several numbers, accompanied at the whom acted as program chairman at sportsmen belong to such organiza­ Donaldson 31, Lockhart 31, McDon- piano by Miss Helen Parks of the different meetings. ough 35. tions. high school faculty. After adjournment, the group en­ County Judge—Robertson 44. At a board meeting. Lowell Fleet­ I An enthusiastic report on the recent joyed refreshments in the recreation wood, Bob Veness and Lee Ross were County Commissioner—Huff ' State Convention at Bend was given room, then were conducted by James McCarthy 32. LYONS—Funeral services were by the new vice-president, Mrs. Will­ elected as delegates to the State con­ Assessor— 30. held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock iam Lee. The kindergarten class sponsored Putman on a tour of the new Santiam vention, with Charles Kelly as a» i Union high school building. i from the Lyons Methodist church for alternate. It was also voted to give Service pins for outstanding service by the Mill City PTA will hold an­ Roy N. Asmussen, who passed away in the PT A were awarded to the fol­ nual graduation exercises Thursday $30 to send a delegate to Boys State. Wednesday evening. May 14 at his lowing by Mrs. Thomas: Mrs. Edsel evening at 7:30 in the high school -----------,------------ home here following a heart attack Croan, health chairman; Mrs. Jerry auditorium here. Mrs. George Staf­ Army Ask» Bids For He was 56 years of age and was bom Pittam. ways and means chairman; ford of Gates has been the instruct­ at Watertown, Minn., May 10, 1902. Mrs. Paul Helgath, program chair­ or, and reports that 11 children will Cranes At Dam Projects raylor of Mehama He spent his early life in Minne- man’. and Mrs. James Gordon, treas- receive certificates promoting them GATES—Elmer Taylor Bids will be invited by the Portland received a leg injui ry in a tnree-car sota, served four years In the U. S. urer' Thank-you cards were given to to the first grade next fall, and two District, Corps of Engineers, Mon­ irly Sunday after- Navy receiving his discharge in 1924. other Slated to graduate from Santiam pile-up at Gates earl, pupils will receive cards of advance­ officers. day, May 19, for two cranes at Look­ noon. Taylor was turning off the He lived two years in New York 1 | On behalf of the executive board, ment, since they will be too young to Union high school in the high school out Point Dam on the Middle Fork gym Wednesday evening, May 28, highway into the Ned Richards drive­ before returning to Minnesota and Mrs. Paul Helgath presented the re­ begin school then. Willamette River and one at the De­ way, when struck by a west-bound came to Oregon in 1942 and has been tiring president, Mrs. Thomas, with Pink and blue caps and gowns will are Gwen Christensen, Cara Lee troit dam east of here. car. Before anyone could count 10, a I with Bonneville Power administra­ a gift of a crystal bowl. The past­ be worn by the girls and boys and a Whitten, Glenna Randall, Roberta The invitation will call for one third car plowed into the first two. tion since that time. They resided in president’s pin was presented to her half-hour program will be presented Dodge, Donn* Underwood, Vera hand-operated, single-bridge, under­ Vancouver, Wash . area before mov ­ Gripe, Lauralee O ’ Brien, Lahny Po- An ambulance was called and three by Mrs. James Gordon. Mrs. Thomas, on the stage to all interested families hung crane in the Lookout Point people were taken to Santiam Me­ ing to Stayton where they lived one in turn, expressed her appreciation and friends. Promoted to the first drabsky, Douglas Hirte, Ralph Davis, powerhouse and two wall mounted jib morial hospital in Stayton. No one year. They have lived in Lyons the for the cooperation given her during grade will be: Kathy Ragsdale, Da­ Dale Smith, Herschel Clark, Errol cranes, one of the Lookout Point pow­ was seriously Injured. A wrecker last three years. her term in office, after which she vid Pittam, Melody Bamhardt, Tony McWhirk, Jim Henry and David erhouse and the other for the Detroit He was married to Donna Durham ‘urned the gavel over to the new Grant, Bobby Stubbs, Larry Mar­ Jennings. was called to remove all three cars. powerhouse. in Tulsa, Okla., in 1939, who survives president, Mr. Humphreys. Valedictorian of the class is Car* shall, Martha Veness, Raymond Hel­ Bids will be opened at «28, Pittock to mourn his lots, also * daughter, Lee Whitten, who has received a Uni ­ Committee chairmen appointed by gath, David Pakula, I_arry Garrison, I Block, Portland at 2 p. m. Juno 12- Mildred at home, a daughter, Mrs 1 the new president for the coming and David Simes. Receiving cards versity of Oregon merit scholarship Alice McCallum of Tillson, N. Y., year were as follows: Membership, will be Dena Pearce and Nancy of |138 toward her Freshman year The successful bidder must furnish, one son, Donald Asmussen with the | Mrs. Al Nesbitt and Mrs. Charlie Veness. in college, being one of 104 Seniors in deliver, install and test the cranes U. S- Navy; one sister, Mrs. Anna Stewart; Ways and Means. Mrs. the State to receive that honor. Salu- in 120 calendar days. Wednesday, May 21, Rebekahs. tatorian of the group is Errol Mc­ Thursday. May 22, Woman’s Club Downing, one brother, Walter As­ James Gordon and Mrs. T. H. Baugh­ Whirk. silver tea for Children's Farm Home, mussen, one half sister, Mrs. Alice man; Kindergarten, Mrs. Robert Pat Reitan of Simpson 2 to 4:30 p. m. at Fellowship hall. Holden snd one hslf brother, Carl Veness; Program, Mrs. William Lee; Logging to Speak at Sipert all of Minneapolis, Minn., as Room M »there, Mre. Don Farrier; Style show and musical program. Refreshments, Mrs. Frank Moore; Well Child Clinic To Be Thursday, May 22. Theto Rho at well as a host of friends. Gates Graduation Monday „ He was baptized in the Lutheran Legislative, Leo Poole; Publicity, lodge hall. f William Gleason, superintendent of Held Here Tues., May 27 I The elementary school graduation Thursday, May 22, Kindergarten chtavh, and was a member of the Mre. Charles Kelly; and Health, Mrs. A well AIU » ’he G*t*e school today told The En- A well child clinic will ba held at Stayton Masonic and Eastern Star program has been set for 8 p- m. Herbert Hutchinson. graduation, high school auditorium. Following adjournment, Mr. Hum­ Tuesday, May 27, according to Lar­ Santiam Union Hi Tuesday, May 27, terprise that E. Pat Reitan, personnel Thursday, May 22. Toastmistres? lodges. from 1 to 3:30 p. tn. For appointment manager of the Oregon branch of Services were in charge of Weddle phreys called a brief meeting of the ry Brent, superintendent. Friday, May 23, IOOF. to see the doctor, please call Mrs. Simpson lagging will deliver th* Funeral home in Stayton, with the The beginners band (4th graders) new executive board. Another meet ­ Sunday, May 28, Baccalaureate graduation address for the Gate» Rev. Charles McCarthy of the Lyons ing was called for a month from now. concert will be held in the band room Hubert Hutchinson, phone 1107. Monday, May 26, Lions club. Children who will be entering school Monday evening at 8 o’clock. The evening concluded with the Thursday, May 22 at 8 p. m. Tuesday, May 27, Grade school Methodist church officiating. Final Mr. Gleason stated the exercise* The present school term for tha school for tha first time in tha fall rites were conducted by the Masonic serving of refreshments in the recrea­ graduation. would be held outdoor. If the weath­ Wednesday, May 28, high school lodge of Stayton, with Interment at tion room by a group of mothers from elementary classes will end at 11 a. are urged to get thair physicals early. er permitted. ( There will be no clinic in August. m. Thursday, May 29. the Fox Valley cemetery. the prim;.department. commencement. Local PTA Holds Last Meeting of Current Season II North Santiam Santiam Takes Scio and Teachers' Assn. Jefferson in Ball Games Meets Here Gulliford and McWhirk Citizens of the Month At Gates Elementary Last Rites Held for Roy Asmussen Saturday Picking Price on Strawberries Same as 1957 Films of Parades Kindergarten Class To Graduate Thursday Nite Car Accident At Gates Sunday P. M. Graduation Exercises To Be Held May 28th Coming Events Elementary School Nearing Vacation Time