Business and Professional DIRECTORY DR. JOHN 0. TARR Chiropractic Physician Phone 3274 Hours 9:00 to 6:00 Evenings By Appointment 112 E. Ida St________ Stayton JOHN W. REID, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 1— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1957 UNFINISHED FURNITURE and Used Furnituse Bargains. We give CbASSIFIEL RATES, Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, Church bazaars, suppers, bake j H. L. Stiff Furniture Company, 33tf Mies, etc, will be run under “Special, 367 rd St.. Stayton. Announcements'* classification with a minimum charge of 50 cents per For Rent insertion. Ten cents per line each insertion. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment*. Water and garbage service furn­ No advertisement accepted for less ished.—Hillcrest Apartments, Mill Rian 50 cents per week. City. Phone 7451._____________ 30p Count five words to the line in ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill FOR RENT—1 bedroom house be­ tween Mill City and Gates. Has City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, I TV cable installed.—Chuck’s Fine Foods, east of Gates. 19tf Oregon. MILL CITY, OREGON Miscellaneous DR. LESLIE J. CARSON Optometrist 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Sat Except Wednesday. 530, Third St Stayton Phone 6944 Weddle Funeral Home Furniture FOR RENT or FOR SALE—Three bedroom modern home. Call Mill City 6707. lltf FOR SALE—Clothes rack. Cheap.— FOR RENT—Two bedroom home on Grove street in Mill City. Has been Phone 7605, Mill City. 28thf completely redecorated. Phono Uu Russell Wilson, Rt. 1, Ly­ WANT TO BUY TIMBER 9-2583, ons, Oregon 13tf Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat­ STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. tresses, rollaway beds and mat­ tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. % mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf We give Penny Saver Stamps. 867 FIREPLACES—One day installation 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf $15.00 month on budget plan. Val­ ley Yards, East Grant St. Lebanon Automobiles (just outside city limits.) 35p FOR SALE—Good propane gas heat­ FOR SALE—1931 Chevrolet coupe. Runs good. Has 8 good tires. Make ing stove. Will sell reasonable. It STAYTON OREGON a good knockabout car. Body in is as good as new.—See Don Mof­ good sound condition.—For in­ fatt, Mill City. 28tf formation and price call at The Enterprise office. 28tf OFFICE FURNITURE and equip­ ment. typewriters, adding machines, calculators, cash regie ters, duplicat­ ors, safeo, filing equipment. We sell, Legal Notices rent, swap and repair. Bargains in Saptie Tank* and Sewer« Cleaned NOTICE TO CREDITORS used machines. Roen Typewriter Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT Notice is hereby given that by Exchange, 456 Court St., Salem, tf 1479 Elm St W. Salem virtue of an Order duly entered in FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See the Circuit Court of the State of The Mill City Enterprise. Top Oregon for the County of Marion, in Quality printing, priced right Fast the Matter of the Estate of C. T. service too. Phone 6651. Nights Haseman, deceased, the undersigned, call 7605. R. C. Haseman, was duly appointed J. W. GOIN administrator of said estate and Sawmill LOGS WANTED as KXPER1ENCED VETERINARIAN has qualified as such. All persons Top prices for Second Growth ■p HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS having claims against said estate Phone 6338 Stayton, Oreffaa STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. are hereby required to present the W west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf ! same, together with the proper vou- FOR EXPERT PLUMBING—CalFi I chers, to the undersigned adminis­ Licensed Plumber. UL 9-2355. 5 trator in care of the office of Bell & Gehlen at Stayton, Oregon within WE SELL BETTER FOR LEASE—Major Oil Co.—Have six months from the date of this modern unit for lease. Gasoline notice. CARS FOR LESS and Diesol facilities. For info, call Dated and first published this 11th Mr. Morgan Stayton 5264. Finan­ day of July 1957. cial assistance available to quali­ R. C. HASEMAN, fied party. 22tf Administrator. BELL & GEHLEN WANTED CEDAR POSTS—200, 9 Stayton, Oregon feet long; 300, 7 feet long. Old Attorneys for Administrator. 32 STAYTON. OREGON growth. State Prices. Phone 20x1 IT PAYS TO BUY AT evenings. Dean Cockerham, Rt. 2, No. 16744 Box 151, Dayton, Oregon. 32 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT HOME I have filed my Final Account in Modem Funeral Servie« MIKE'S Septic Service GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET the estate of Christ Thorgensen, de­ ceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, and the Court has set the 9th day of August, 195", at 9:15 o’clock A. M. and the Circuit Court room as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement of said estate. D. B. HILL Administrator of the Estate of Christ Thorgensen, de­ ceased. BELL & GEHLEN Stayton, Oregon Attorney» for Administrator. 32 NOTH I lot REDITORS Notice is hereby given that by vir­ tue of an Order duly entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion in the Mat- ' ter of the Estate of J. C. Peterson, deceased, the undersigned Virgeane M. Dougherty, was duly appointed I as administratrix of said estate and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, togeth­ NOTICE OF SALE For sale by sealed big the follow­ ing described property located in the City of Gates, County of Marion, State of Oregon, to-witt; Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Gates­ ville, Marion County, Oregon. Property consists of a five room modern home located on a lOO’xlOO’ lot. Located one block west of post office in Gates, Oregon. Sale will be by sealed bid. Enve­ lope containing bid must be plainly marked, "Sealed Bid.” Please refer to L-13051-F in all correspondence. A good and sufficient bond or certi­ fied check for ten (10%) percent of bid must accompany bid. Right is re­ served to reject any and all bids. Property will be sold “as is.” Mini­ mum price is Five Thoueand ($5,000.- 00) Dollars. Minimum acceptable terms ten (10%) down. fifteen 1 (15) years to pay balance on con- j tract. Interest will be charged at the I rate of five (5%) percent per an- , num on unpaid balance. Bids will be opened in the office of the undersigned on August 8, 1957 at 3:00 P. M. Date of First Publication: July 11. I 1957. Date of Last Publication, August 1, 1957. DIRECTOR OF VETERANS’ AFFAIRS State Finance Building Salem, Oregon. 31 No. 16995 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my Final Account in the estate of Henry Herber Young­ blood, deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, and the Court has set the 16th day of 1 August, 1957, at 9:15 A. M. and the Circuit Court room as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement of said estate. BENNIE YOUNGBLOOD. Administrator of the Estate of Henry Herbert Young­ blood, deceased. BELL & GEHLEN Stayton, Oregon Attys, for Administrator 33 er with the proper vouchers, to the j undersigned administratrix at Aums­ ville, Oregon, within six month* from the date of this notice. Dated and first pub.ished this 25th day of July, 1957. VIRGEANE M DOUGHERTY, Administratrix BELL & GEHLEN Stayton, Oregon Attys, for Admn. 34 SUMMER CAR SERVICE Don't forget that during the summer months your automobile will function better if it has the pro­ per grade of grease and oil. Why not bring your car to us today and get it ready for hot weath­ er driving. DRAPER'S FLYING A SERVICE WE GIVE S & II GREEN STAMPS Phone 7442 Highway 22 Mill City SWOOSH/ You get instant power for passing with new Royal 76. It’s the West’s most powerful premium gasoline. Fill up ... at the sign of the big 76, where you know you always get the finest. UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Real Estate Stayton-J eff erson AUTO WRECKERS FOR SALE—Between 15 and 20 j acres. Unfinished brick house. 3 bedrooms, $7000.00 1H mile west of Mill City. Alma Thomas. 28c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or RENT—Two bedroom ' house on the river. __ Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE Cars bought and sold W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Phone 4515 Gates, Oregon. We buy junk. Phone 62S4, Stayton, Ore. This one wants you to get choosey! For Chevrolet loves to Khow what it's got inside, outside and in performance. Chev­ rolet is the only car in its field with Body by Fisher—sturdily put together, with a solid, substantial look. Fine finishing touches on every side confirm the crafts­ manship that goes into its making. Chevrolet’s response and performance are pretty special, too. There’s a well- what-are-we-waitmg-for spirit in the engine, especially when you show a Chev­ rolet a mountain. And you’ll do a lot of looking to find comparable smoothness, steadiness and nimbleness on the road— at any price! See a Chevrolet at your dealer’s—see how much more it has to spark excitement and your pride! fcin:vnoH:TÁ r MURE PEOPLE DJUVR CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER < AH Card of Thanks I wish to extend my thanks to all those who sent cards, flowers, and gifts to me while I was in the San- tiam Memorial hospital. They were greatly appreciated.—Mrs. Sig Jep- sen, Mill City. 30 It gives you more to be proud of ! Tkol Do« 04 Yoon Hm »oon Artmg MbgMy Strorxr Smco Yow ’1 Him To Town lot» Wook " There is no GAMBLE when you get your car servied at * SILVER SADDLE BE SURE WITH SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mil] City. MOTOR TUNEUP8 BRAKE WORK AUTO SUPPLIES *OR YOUR TTCT.EVLS1ON OB RADIO Phone 3207 or UL 9-2191 We Speciali» in J /P a Air Condlrtonlrg-Tmrp^notvr«« Me do lo Ordor. Csl o Doo>onoHoTlon) Attrita Only franchised Chevrolet dealers X4TT Ph lien, Motorola, Admiral Sfr/f/er’s Radio and Appliance Co. CON 7 BUY ANY CA» 5£TC»I YOU DtiVf A CHIVY ... ITS MST SHOWFOC^ îS THf FOAO. "fOUR BRAKES MD 6fVE OUR KIDS A BREAK display this famous trademark See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer