5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1557 Dr. Mark Hammericksen’t Opto metric offices in the Bell building in Stayton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. i to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne-; eossary. ÏI»1 II HAPPY VACATION! —HERE’S WHAT YOU DO £5°c of oil accidents are caused by only 15% of »he drivers in the United Stales. Mrs. E. K. Fish is visiting this week in Pasco, Wash., at the home of her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Burmeeter of Scio spent Tuesday afternoon visit ing at the home of George Cree. YOU Ron Jones of Salem, is spending his school vacation here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Jep- sen. DIAMO nd rings Mrs. Eathel Hill has gone to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dick Cain, who will care for her until her health improves. INTiRLOCKING HING sers 225 • ioliy - locksje - x W«aaina Ring $123.00 ■ STATE FARM keeps its auto insurance costs low by aiming to Insure only the careful, “less expen sive," drivers. ¿*1’ ’ , enlarged to show details Pnces include Federal Ta* Mel Rambo, »ho has been conval escing following surgery in April, returned to his work at the Simpson 1 plant this week. I I I I k I I I I KNOW! j Priscilla, Kay and Mark Miller of i Bend, are staying with their grand-’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shelton, and picking beans. You may save at much a« 40% of the cost of ordinary auto insurance by buying STATE FARM. Other Keepsake En gagement Rings from $7.50 up. i r i A short in a light fixture trans This vacation map is based on business surveys which indicate that during the year. 85.000.000 former at the U. S. National bank persons will go on vacation with 70.000.000 traveling by car. The most popular vacation area appears to be the North Atlantic States from New Jersey upward. Other popular areas are about closing time Saturday caused around Lake Michigan, out on the Pacific Coast and along the South Atlantic Coast. However, i i It ftfi t» htw | some worry until it was found. Rex there are many pop Jar vacation states outside these areas. About $20 billion is spent annually Ohmart, assistant manager, stated I 4b STATE FARM Agent Keepsake Wedding having fun and relaxing. the crew could smell something burn ing, but did not find it immediately. j GEORGE LAIRD | Rings from $75 and up. No damage was done however, and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill and Mrs. Mill City, Phone 6103 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson spent George Stewart was summoned to Mrs. Russell Kelly and children BAKFP'^ I Slayton, Phone 6064 remove the faulty piece of equip J. F. Potter attended the picnic for Sunday in Portland at the home of pent last week at their cottage at former residents of Stayton held at their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Road’s End. Mrs. Dick Parker and MILL CITY JEWELRY ment. I_____ the Stayton park Sunday. and Mrs. Jerry Hudgins and Sherry. daughters were guests for the vaca tion. The men spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jull spent the Glen Ettinger, who has been _ in there bringing their families home weekend here visiting their parents, Santiam Memorial hospital since May with them. the Hugh Julia and Glen Sheltons. 31 following surgery, will submit to The Ralph Julls are now living at another major operation today, Mrs. Lee Ross and Mrs. Homer Lilliwaup, Wash. Thursday. His brother and sister-in- Thacker are in Portland most of the law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ettinger of time now to be at the bedside of Mirs. Harry Mood has not been Medford are here at the present time. their mother, Mrs. R. L. Faust, who well recently. Mrs| Doris Morris ha is seriously ill in a Portland hospital. well recently. Mrs. Doris Morris has Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo Mrs. Faust has had two major op been staying with her, as she can- entertained with a no-host dinner erations since being In the hospital not be left alone. for members of the Champ family there. The last operation was to am putate her left leg above the knee. Ronald Ohmart, son of Mr. and Sunday. The occasion honored Mrs. Rambo ’ s father, Steve Champ of Mrs. Rex Ohmart, spent last week at Camp Colton, attending a church Salem on his 75th birthday annivers camp. He said there were 183 pres ary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Steven Champ of Salem, Mr. and ent at the camp. Mrs. Harley Champ of Portland, Mr. Mias Leona Iamb, of Portland, and Mrs. Robert Bruce and family spent several days here last week at of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shelt FRESH SALMON and RED SNAPPER CONTINUED FOR ONE MORE WEEK the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Mof- on, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Shelton, fatt. They went to Sweet Home Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Dale Champ, Mr. and STILL LOTS OF GOOD BUYS Mrs. Byron Champ and families all day to visit Brian Moffatt. of Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pittam and Laird and family of Salem, Miss family were dinner guests Sunday Audrey Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Rambo, Georef «nd t y . t AND FOOD LOCKERS Phooe 2244 MIIX CITV, OREGON of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schafer in George and Laura Jo Rambo. Hrs. 8 a. m. - 6:30 p. m. Mill City Idanha. Other guests were Mr. Ph. 7243 Mrs. A. R. Snider. I I J SAVINGS on U S. GOOD BEEF Half a Beef, retail cost Equivalent to half a beef, cut and wrapped for locker YOUR SAVINGS $140.40 86.46 July Anniversary Sale Hide's Meat Market SPECIAL 11 Quart Revere Ware Sauce Pan with Cover $3.99 REGULAR PRICE $6.25 MARSHALL-WELLS STORES A. and M. Toman Store Hours 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Located next to Mill City Jewelry Store Mill’ City, Ore. Phone 6824 SUMMER SPECIALS Nutrì Tonic Creme Shampoo $3.00 Jar for Only Lustre-Creme Shampoo Liquid, $1.50 size Tussy Bright Touch Cream Shampoo, $2.00 size Lustre Cream Shampoo $2.00 Jar for....................... *1 .50 $;1.19 *i1.00 *11.59 FILM PROCESSING Two Services on Kodachrome Film Your Choice of Technicolor or Kodak Processing Ask Us About It. Remember the "NAME THE BEXEL PONY" Contest. Get Your Free Entry Blank at Mill City Pharmacy Dependable Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett daughter, Miss Rosalie, spent week vacationing at Diamond Crater Lake and the coast. They re port fishing no good. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes at the present time is Mrs. Hayes’ mother, Mrs. Mae Thomp son, of Prescott, Ariz. She plans to be here for a month. Ronnie Kuhlman and Gary Bevier, who are with the Linn County Fire Patron, spent Sunday at their respec tive homes here. They returned to work early Monday morning. Mrs. Sig Jepsen was recently brought home from a several weeks' stay in Santiam Memorial hospital where she underwent major surgery. She is reported as recovering satis factorily. Mr. and Mrs. Verda Goble, »ho have spent the past two weeks visit ing relatives in Utah and California, returned home this week. Miss Ca mille Goble, will remain in Californ ia, and attend school. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, Terry and Sherven were dinner guests Sunday in Salem at the L. N. Iverson home. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Iverson and family of Santa ! Ana, Calif., who will be visiting in the area for two weeks. Spending from Sunday until Tuea- 1 day here at the home of Mrs. W. W. Allen was her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Todd and two (- sons, Stephen and Allen, from Drain. Mrs. Todd was just recovering from a severe attack of poison oak. Mrs. Hugh Jull arranged a sur prise party in honor of her brother, Herbert Whitaker, who was celebrat ing his birthday. The group went to the Whitaker home and following an informal evening, refreshmenta were served. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shepherd, Leroy and Gerry, and Mr and Mrs. Hugh Jull. Hurry, \ Hurry, \ _ z Hurry! Step Right Up and See the Scien tific Marvel of the Age . . . a Time Machine That Runs Back wards . . . Bringing You the Prices of Yesteryear Today. During the SANTIAM BEAN FESTIVAL We are Reducing the Prices On Our New and Used Cars Here is Just One Example of What You Can Expect in the Way of Savings At GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET During the 18th Annual Bean Festival Event A Brand New 1957 Chevrolet 6 Passenger 2-Door which sells regularly at $2278 and Our SPECIAL PRICE IS ONLY *1875.00 Come in and Look Over Our Large Selection of Dependable Used Cars, Trucks and Station Wagons. You'll be Glad You Did. THIS WEEKS SPECIAL (Through July St. 1$57) Qt. ’REVERE’ COVERED SAUCE PAN Regular $5.95 NOW $3.99 |i/2 JENKINS HARDWARE S Er H Green Stamps GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayton, Ore. Chevrolet Sales & Service Ph. 2344 Open Evenings Until 7 o'clock Monday Through Friday