Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
l—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISETHL RSDAY. Jl’LY 25. 1957 GENERAL REPAIRING WELDING We have on hand DELCO BATTERIES Hoover's Repair VerylA Jim Hoover, Prop Ph. 2602 or Ph. 351 feATnix« ttW&O' OHe-rumt L'64T HtAVf K/HÍMT CHAMPioNjonerr j 58 BOUT« M A ÇiNôie ye ar — 4 a / p ant runu ' S/X Fl<MTf W 4 Ship the WRIGHT Lesson No. 4—How to Make a , Left Hand Turn. to Mrs. Glen Julian was hostess In making a left hand turn, at least the Lyons WSCS with their annual I picnic held in the beautiful grove at a half a block to a block before we the Julian home. A pot luck dinner ■ come to our intersection that we are was served at noon, followed by a , going to turn left, we get into the short business session. Plans were outside lane, i.e. the one nearest the made to have a rummage auction in i center and when we get into the cen the near future, at one of the bean ter of the intersection and make our yards in West Stayton. Anyone hav turn, we still keep to the outside ing rummage to donate is asked to lane on the street we have turned bring it to the Lyons Methodist : into. Never swing right across to church basement by August 6. Plans I the outside lane. The reason is simple; were also discussed for a pot if you swing right across when you luck supper honoring Richard and make the turn, you block all the traf Joanne Scott, who will be present to fic going the same way as you, while show pictures taken on their trip to if you turn into the outside lane, Europe last summer. Scott, a form I you only actually cut off half the er minister here, is now attending traffic, allowing it to pass you on the Don i frei. Imiead> seod , school in Chicago. Due to the can right; then when the right hand lane doren bi, «orseoue rose», > colorful plani or an attractive nery work and field work, a small is clear behind you, move over into tonate ... the gift... crowd was in attendance. Attending it but not before. Also, in the state tor injonei birihdayl June were Martha Cruson, Inez Ring, of Oregon, it is permissible to come »■U be delivered here at home Leora Stevens, Jackie Smith, Pearl to a complete stop on a red light, and or an»«here in ihe U. S. or Hudson, Virgene Scott, Joyce Scott, then make a right turn, provided « añada within a »hort time Cheryl W eaver, Marie Catherin, you are not breaking into a line of ”^re ■ bonded member of ’ oncoming traffic. This is good on all | and Mrs. Alice Dougall. Mrs.. Eldon Thompson is visiting one way or two way streets. You may at the home of her mother, Mrs. Burl also make a complete stop on a red Smith. Mrs. Thompson has been light and turn left from a two way spending some time at Aberdeen, to a one way, provided you are in Wash., at the home of her grand the left hand or center lane; and you mother, Mrs. Gladys Peabody. She may come to a complete stop on a Florist and Nursery will leave August 10 to join her one way street and turn left against ( Open 7 a.m. to 9 pun. husband, A3c Thompson at Wichita a red light, onto a one way street, | Including Sendaya Falls, Texas. provided you are on the far left ! Elmer Hiatt and relatives received lane of th« one way street. Phone Stayton 6684 word Wednesday morning of the 319 W. Wash Street death of his nephew, Walter Hiatt Seldom of Seattle, Washington. Standing offers are seldom made Thelma Nydegger was hostess for the afternoon card club with her by men seated in crowded busses. party held-at her home Wednesday. High score was held by Donna As mussen, second high by Leota Wor den an«i low by Bertha Allen. It was voted to discontinue the parties un- j til the first of September. Attending I were Leota Worden, Donna Asmus-j OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK sen, Bertha Allen, Carrie Naue, Margaret Kunkle, Wilma Free, Ma bel Downing, Eulalia Lyons and the hostess, Mrs. Nydegger. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry of Tillamook spent the weekend in Lyons an’d Mill City. Her mother, Mrs. Susie Haynes of Mill City, who had been visiting at the Berry home returned home. They also visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Mrs. Albert Carr returned to Tillamook with them to spend the week. Mrs. Carr will go for her Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Garn and , daughter, Susan, from Las Vegas, I Nev., were weekend guests at the 5 home of her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith. Art Ayers with his brother, Frank Ayers, of Heppner, are spending this week at Bolder, Mont. Frank Ayers and Ellis Coxen, a nephew from Hermiston, visited at the Ayers home before leaving for Montana. Coxen, who is with the Navy and on leave, will stop at his home in Herm iston. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen left Sat urday for Paulina Lake, where they will spend a weeks vacation. Loeta Worden is substituting on the mail route during Aliens absence. Mrs. George Lane of Eugene vis- I ited two days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye while Mr. Lane was on a business trip to Canada. Mrs. Alex Bodeker and her father Elmer Hiatt of Lyons and her grand- , daughter Margo Lee Hampton of j Salem, spent the week end in Rose DECORATOR COLORS burg. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hiatt, also visited at the Warren Wrad home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer and son Scott spent the week end in Dramatic new deep Scappoose. While there they visit buei in the famoui er with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer Sr., also her mother Mrs. Wonder Paint, with Vernon Boylan and enjoyed a trip to the original tyntbetic Cannon Beach on the coast. Mrs. Lott Bax ton from Rock rubber emuliion for Springs, Wyoming is visiting at the mula that changed home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grosso and family. the decorating habit» Mrs. Alice Huber with her sister of America. and husband Mr. and Mrs. James Swan of Mill City, attended the gold en wedding anniversary of Frank and Cressle McDonald of Redmond, held at the Scio Grange Hall Sunday af ternoon, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Decker of Eugene were Sunday guests at the George Hubbard and George Huff man residents. Mrs. Decker is a daughter of the Hubbards and sis For the first tune, here art deep tones that you can ter of Mrs. Huffman. ■pplv quickly and easily without complicated surface Dennis and Martin CUpfell son« of preparation or troublesome intermixing. Now you Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clipfell spent last week in Salem at the homo of their don't have to hesitate about trying those beautiful grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George decorator effects you see in the magazines. Cilpfell and Patricia Ciipfell spent the week in Salem also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Forrest and family of Salem were Sunday gueata at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Perry Clipfell. Susie Forrest who had been visiting at the CUpfell home return ed home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gisler and Pamelia from Marion were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons. Hr Our Great America Way Ship by Truck Phone Stayton 2125 &r’v’n9 With°Lit Fear LYONS Eva Bressler Somebody’s birthday ? ¡ From Stayton to Idanha and all stope IlfCAMli CAMERA« >J ViSiOURl« O-'*F FfâlOlJ. FAMOO« FOB *<t «lït «F iTi O««/ FOtUAAHOU«, * a « a FAJCWrre HiVtùUT FOR JFÎSt JAM«« ---------------- AUD <iÆ BAHP———— SHIP IT WRIGHT RALEIGH HAROLD Quality Meats and Groceries DUTCH MAID MARGARINE 4 packages for 79’ a Made in Salem WHOLE SUN FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. can, 2 cans 29* GERBER'S BABY FOOD Mix 4 pkgs. 2 lbs, 8 oz pkg 3/$1.00 PARD DOG FOOD 10 cans 98* we have ever seen! JEWEL SHORTENING FISHER'S BISKIT MIX 3 lbs 79* i CMo/cc meats GROUND BEEF â MAXWELL HOUSE J lbs. $ 1.00 COFFEE lb. 89* Turkeys II ) 43 Cheddar Cheese L 7öp Quality lb. 49* I PRODUCE Bananas 2lbs37* Tomatoes 2 lb 35* SUNSHINE HI-HO CRACKERS 1 lb. box 35* STEWART'S STORES LYONS UL 9-2494 FREE DELIVERY DAILY PRICES GOOD JULY 25-26-27 MILL CITY MEAT MARKET deep-tone colors 95 c Spice, Chocolate, White, Yellow FOOD LOCKERS The mos£ amzz Strained 5 cans for 45* DROMEDARY CAKE FROZEN FOODS MILL CITY Phone 4407 mm Try them and you’ll see why we recommend them so highly 1 — I SANT1AM FARMERS CO-OP Subscribe to The Seesfe Feeds MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Today.. S3.00 per Year Machinery Fertilizer Grinding and Mixing SEED MARKETING Hardware Custom Cleaning Petroleum Produoli Household Appliance»