Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLL ME XIII NIMBER 10 Tentative Date Set for Hunting Regulations MILL CITY. OREGON Line Down Near Scio Causes Power Outage A line down in the Scio area at 11:45 Monday caused a power outage in the area for about 30 minutes. Last week lady luck was riding with an outfit that was changing a sign at the Chevron Station here in Mill City. The boom on the truck I came in contact with a power line ¡carrying 20,000 volts. It made the I sparks fly and caused a short outage. 1 Luckily no one came in contact with the truck at that time, or they would have been fried. In the even ing of the same day, a 115 volt line fell across a 20,000 volt line in the old bleachers at the ball park knock ing out the lights for a short time. Again no one was injured. Lee Kuhlman, local power “fixer upper” said he hoped there would be no more such goings on for awhile. Washington Man Gets State Position THURSDAY. JULY 25, 1957 Navy Rerservist Cruise $3.00 A YEAR 10c A COFT Final Plans Shaping Up for 18th Annual Santiam Bean Festival Darrell Crossler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crossler of Mill City, a former Gates teacher and resident STAYTON, July 25—Final plans f 1 - — ■ -------— —— •ere, has just been honored as out are shaping up this week for one of standing naval reserve instructor in rides, and an all-new kiddie land. ........ Northwest. r ,s all , the Following is an ar- ^e largest and best Santiam Bean Edw J. Bell and Mrs. Eva Humph- ¿'cle ^aken"from'the'staTesman tell- 1’’e»tiv»1” •*»«•• Banners are flying A shorter either sex deer season Governor Robert D. Holmes Fri- I I . ' i'nniniii knoiltr aii.vo ivuil , reys, co-chairman of the talent and committees are busily engaged than last year would be in store for day picked a 45-year-old Seattle in t ing of the honor. show scheduled for Wednesday even “A Salem naval reserviat, recent- , ' putting the last minute touches to ing, July 31, said today they have hunters if the tentative hunting reg dustrial promotion leader Julius R- ■ their respective programs. ulations adopted by the game com Jensen, to head his new Department 1> named as outstanding reserve in- | The "big three” of this year’s fea- an excellent program lined up and ■rtructor in the Northwest will be re mission are given final approval at of Planning and Development. 1 tival will be the appearance of “Uncle that entries will be accepted until a second public hearing to be held Jensen, who organized and directed warded next week with a cruise in | Nate" Cohn, emcee of the Star Furni- ■ Monday noon, July 29. First place on July 26. the idustrial development program the Far East, it was reported Friday. dut"es Iture CoraP»ny’» “Stare of Tomor- 1 winners of this show wil] appear on A buck deer season starting Sep for the state of Iowa for over five He will have no assigned u«—— j row” television program, who will IKGW-TV as part of the “Stars of Tomorow’’ program. years, will come to the $12,000-a- during the trip. tember 28 extending to October 18 ■‘Darrell Crossler, 26, teacher at year Oregon post after serving the would be followed by a three-day Pet Parade chairman Leo Oden Help Needed past year as managing director of Parrish Junior High school, will hunter’s choice season in most of the thal, has announced plans for thb A call has been sent out by Seattle Industrial Expansion Assn. leave July 15 on the 21-day cruise state with the general season end event of Thursday evening August 1 Jerry Coffman of Mehama, for ing on October 21. Visible antlers “Again Oregon is most fortunate in with the Navy’s 7th Fleet. He is one are nearly complete. Ten divisions assistance in preparing the being able to attract a recognized of nine from the Northwest district. would be legal in eastern Oregon and are planned, with each division hav “He will be flown from the United North Santiam Chamber of Com leader in his field to take over this forked horns in the western portion ing its own judge. No entry applica States to Pearl Harbor and from merce Bean Festival float. Vol vitally important task,” the govern of the state. The popular central tions are necessary, all that is asked unteers are needed to assist or said. “We have been on a constant there to Atsugi, Japan, where he Oregon area including the Ochocos, is that parent sof entrants write with work on the float and also Paulina, and Metolius would not have search for the right man since the will board a cruiser with the 7th their name along with the name of Fleet. His cruise will stop at Hong to bring in green boughs, ferns development bill passed the legisla- a hunter’s choice this year. Western the child on a tag and attach it to and flowers to use in construc ture,” Gov. Holmes added, “and I Kong and Manilla in the Philippines. Oregon either sex hunts would be the child. Judging will take place at “ He will return from the Philip tion. The float wiU be built in feel certain that Mr. Jensen is that restricted to adjacent areas to the 6 p. m. pines to San Franciaco via plane Stay ton the night of August 1. . Willamette valley and small portions Players in the 10th annual Shrin- man.’ “Popular Song Titles” is the of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, er's hospital all-star football game, The new director has spent all his and is to return home August 17. theme for this year’s Grand Parade “ Crossler, a Navy Storekeeper, is and Jackson counties. Seven controll scheduled for August 24 in Port career in the promotion-public re emcee the Wednesday night talent to be held Friday evening at 7 p. m- ed deer hunts would add to the har land’s Multnomah stadium, have been lations field and some of his policies Ian instructor in the storekeeper show; the galad grand parade to be Irvin Cutsforth, chairman said to training class at the Salem Naval held Friday evening, August 2, with vest. instructed by their respective coach have been adopted as standards for day that entries are still coming in The general elk season would start es to “report in tops physical condi U. S. Chamber of Commerce and Reserve unit. He was recently named larger prizes to be given; and the and things are shaping up welL He top naval reserve instructor in the de November 2 and end on November 24 tion so we can start right to work." under business and industrial colossal horse parade and show to 13th naval district. He resides at take place Saturday afternoon, Au- also stated that a total of $180 in except on the coastal ranges where The rival State and Metropolitan velopment agencies. prizes is being offered. This amount Articles applauding Jensen’s past 4265 Pauline Dr.” the season would end on November all- star squads will check into Port gust 3. will be divided with; $25 first, |10 11. For the first time spike bulls land August 11 for the start of a programs and ideas have appeared Festivities will get under way second, $5 third, to be awarded tn would be legal in a portion of the two-week training program. The in leading business and industrial Tuesday evening July 30 with the each of three divisions, commercial, Business I coast range on a trial basis which State squad will be quartered at the publications including coronation of the festival queen at fraternal, and civic. A grand sweep would include Coos, Curry, and west Mallory hotel and the Metros at Wew- Week, the Wall, Street Journal and 8 p. m. followed by the official open stakes prize of $50 and a $10 prite ern Douglas counties. The remainder is and Clark College. the Chamber of Commerce Handbook. ing of Browning Bros. Carnival. I in the industrial division will also of the coast range would be restrict The first day will be confined to His work with the Seattle association, Browning Bros, are .this year cele be given. By Mrs. lx»» ell Cree ed to bull elk with three points or a luncheon with game officials, phy where he directed a development brating their 50th year of showing Over 25 blocks of horses and Things are really buzzing around better. Bag limit in the Cascades and sical examinations, issuance of equip program for the entire Puget Sound in Stayton and are bringing in more — parade through Stayton these church the First Christian northeastern areas would be one bull ment and picture-taking for press area, has received considerable na istreets Saturday afternoon at 1:30 days. Saws, hammers, hoes, hedge elk with antlers longer than the ears. and radio. Actual workouts will get tionwide publicity. o’clock as the largest horse parade tyruners, paint brushes and paint In addition, 13 controlled and unit under way the following day, with and show in the history of the Bean ^pray guns are causing quite a stir hunts would be held, implementing State drilling at University of Port Festival gets underway. Ilorsea and ip the neighborhood of the church. the commission's policy of unit elk land and the Metros at Lewis and riders from all over the state are You see the church is having a “face herd management. Two thousand sev Clark College. expected to participate, with the lifting”—new paint and much needed enty-five free permits to be used in Ralph Harper of Portland’s Ben state approved point system being repair around the exterior of the conjunction with a general elk tag son Tech, who will serve as head I^irson Construction Co. of Astoria used for judging events. This system building is now in the process of be- would be issued for these hunts. Pub coach of the Metros, has advised his Tuesday was apparent low of 10 will give the entrants an opportunity ing done. lic drawings would be held. players that “we will lose a lot of biddars with an offer of $38,255 to build on their points. an- When Larry Lawrence Rev. Archery hunters would have 11 valuable time if body contact has to when bids were opened by the Port Gene Txiirve,' chairman of the areas available, two more than last be delayed because of poor physical DALLAS—An Oregon forest indus nounced from the pulpit the need of land District, Corps of Engineers, for year. In five of these, archers would condition." try spokesman today predicted a painting and repairing, things soon construction of a steel girder bridge event has announced that Larry's be allowed to take a deer and an elk. State all stars should be prepar bright future for this state’s pulp and started, Lawrence Brent took over with concrete piers and deck across Cascade Range Riders, a western or Antelope regulations would Ibe ed to “get right down to cases”, paper industry because of increasing the chairmanship of the painting and the North Santiam river downstream chestra, will play spontaneously throughout the entire horse show. He similar to those of 1956 with a total according to Coach Fred Spiegelberg utilization of sawmill leftovers and repairing of the church and under his from Detroit Dam. capable leadership, members and said this is an entirely new ¡nova the promise of a permanent timber of 600 perinits issued. of Medford who stated that “players Government estimate for the work Upland game regulations would be who fail to report in good condition supply through the industry-operated friends of the church are faithfully was $39,551. Bids ranged as high as tion in horse shows. services. working—donating their much the same as last year. The will be handicapped in their bids to Tree Farm program. A Bean-Hole bean feed will be held $94,773. Work must be completed pheasant season would open October start.” S. W. Robb, chairman of the Ore James Putman is leading the par in 150 calendar days. at approximately 5 p. m. (following sonage repair crew where a new 26 and run through November 11. The game, which has netted nearly gon Committee of American Forest The new bridge will replace the the hores show) on the carnival Two cocks per day would be allowed $225,000 for the Shriner’s hospital Products Industries, and an official of j roof and front porch are being work present one which failed last summer grounds Saturday evening. This com ed on. People have given generously in western Oregon while on the east in the last nine years, pits the top Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dall and has been used for foot traffic plete dinner features u delicious and side of the Cascades, the bag limit high school senior performers of last as, said Oregon ranked twelfth in tot of their time, money and materials to only since then. unique method of cooking beans. The would be 3 cocks per day. Valley quail year against each other on a state al U. S- wood pulp production at lat get the church and parsonage in beans, placed in large sealed cans, mountain quail, bobwhite quail, Hun versus metropolitan area basis. Many est count. In 1955, he pointed out, the “tip top” ssape, and when completed are buried in hot coals under ground garian partridge, and chuckar sea of the game’s alumni have gone on state produced 834,189 ons of wood the buildings will be a credit to Mill I to cook for 24 hours. They are then sons would run concurrent, with the to star in collegiate and profession pulp, accounting for 4 percent of the City. dug up and served directly from the ion ’s total volume. vuluuic When the outside is completed it is preasant season in eastern Oregon. al ranks. nation cans as they come from the ground. 4*r This is^ene^raging,” Robb said, hoped that donations will continue to In western Oregon open season for The grand finale to this year’s Mail orders for reserved seats are ,, u m .. Oo is the great poten- come in so the inside, which is also mountain quail would be from Sep being accepted now at Shiner’s Hos “but even ... more so the 18th annual, festival will come can tial existing here for an explanded badly in need of redecorating, C±= tember 14 through the 22. There pital All-Star Game headquarters, Some 367 children from the area with the “Bean Hoppers Ball” to be pulp industry based on utilization of “ d°ne* . . would be no open season on the west 1119 S. W. Park ave. Portland. were taken to Salem Saturday after held in the Civic building adjoining r ... . ml ___ — 1 Thn tYliniafa The minister and the congregation sawmill left overs. There are nine side of the valley and bobwhite qail noon to attend the Shrine Club-Po- the carnival grounds, Saturday are grateful and want to thank all pulp mills in production here now and Hungarian partridge. lack Bros. Circus. This was a few evening. Music for the dance will be I who have so generously donated their and several more are under construc- Blue and ruffed grouse season less than attended last year, but all furnished by Tom Tate and his or in the planning stage. Much ' services, money, and materials. It is were pleased with the performance. would be from September 14 through chestra. of°nther future' output" of "these mill.'| appreciated by all. September 22 in western Oregon and The Santiam Shrine club thanks will come from chips furnished by August 31 through September 8 in allvthose who contributed money or neighboring sawmills and plywood eastern Oregon, Mourning dove sea services thus making the trip pos Republican Picnic to be Last week the Little Leaguers of plants.” son would run from September 1 sible for the youth of the area, also The industry chairman said chip through September 22 with a com Mill City defeated Stayton 17 to 4 to the school boards for the use of Held Sunday in Salem plete closure in Jackson county, while and Scio 4 to 1 to give them a record per installations, converting left the buses and the drivers and chap A Repulican picnic will be held on overs into chips suitable for pulp use, the bandtail season would open Sep of three wins and one loss to date. erones who helped out. Sunday, July 28 at the state fair Grace Robinson Kirkland, 76, of Terry Morris, Mill City’s ace pit are now commonplace in Oregon lum tember 1 extending through Septem Following is a list of contributors: ' ground*. _____ >_____ ____________ Salem. ____ Any interested __ Re- Mehama, died Saturday in a Stayton cher, has int he 23 innings he pitched, ber and plywood manufacturing Lyons Food Market, Thiel’s Store, pUJi’cj^ns and their families in" Mar- ber 30. Instruction for making application struck out 39 batters—a real record plants, both large and small ones. hospital. Riverside Cafe, Ken Golliet, 1 Ercil ¡on County are being invited. Mrs. Kirkland was born May 21, Wilson, George Pettingill, Merton for controlled hunts will be made pub in any league. He has only given up Several pulp mills in the state obtain lic immediately following adoption 18 hits in the four games pitched. a high percentage of their wood fib 1881, in Vermont. She is survived by Cox, Oliver Willis, Floyd Völkel, R. I The picnic will begin at 1 o’clock Dubby Stewart, Mill City infielder er from these chipping plants and her husband, Lois Kirkland, Mehama; P. Sophy, Last Frontier, Hilltop at the Silverton road entrance to the of final regulations on July 26. fairgrounds. Those attending are is leading the team in hit« with four one, at Albany, bases all its produc a daughter, Marjorie Hudgins, Me Market, Marshall Wells Store, asked to bring their picnic lunches. I for eight, followed closely by Luther tion on chips. 1 hama; a son, Clay Kirkland, Me Stewart’s Grocery, Mill City Pharm I Nicholson with four for nine. “The combination of fuller chip hama; four grandchildren and four acy, Baker’s Jewelry, U. S. National Coffee for adults and ice cream and soda pop for the children will be pro Walt Olmstead batting .334 in utilization and the state’s expanding great-grandchildren. Bank, Shirley’s Beauty Shop, George Funeral services were held at 11, laird Insurance, Dave Reid Insur vided. 1 clean-up spot, is leading the team Tree Farm prod gram gives a sound A number of state and county of- in runs batted in. His four hits con- basis for optimism over Oregon’s I a. m. Wednesday at the Weddle Fu ance, Jerry Pittam Insurance, Jenk 1 sist of one single, two doubles, one future role as a leader in pulp manu neral Home in Stayton, the Rev. Jim ins Hardware, Red & White Store, ficals have indicated they will attend Two new members were sworn in triple and a three-run homer. Hardy of the Mehama Presbytenan Kelly Lumber Sales, Leo’s Richfield the affair. Games will be provided facture," Robb reclared. for duty on the Santiam Union High , Church officiating. Interment was Station, Muir’s Bakery, Draper’s Fly for children. Prises will be awarded Four Game Statistics school board of education recently. T e Pct ab h 1 at Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton. ing A Service, Fish Barbershop, for the youngest and oldest Republl- Carroll Morris Gets attending. They were Albin Cooper, who also Walker 1 5 0 .... 7 .144 Ada’s Needle Shop, Verne’s Barber can serves on the Mill City elementary Nicholson ...__ 9 1 4 5 .444 Air Force Promotion Jack Miller, Salem, is general Shop, Fred Buckler Richfield Sta Fire Laddies Will Burn board, and Bob Blumenstein who Morgan 7 5 3 . 12 .417 r Carroll Morris, younger son of tion, Harold Wiltae Shell Station, D. chairman of the picnic. The Marion also serves on the Gates elementary .... 11 4 5 0 .334 Mrs. Doris Morris, who just finished Grass, Old Buildings W. Moore, and D. B. Hill Insurance. County Republican Central Commit board. Chairman of the elementary Stewart 4 2 ¡L 8 .500 hia first “session" in the service at The Mill City Volunteer Fire de- tee, Marion-Polk County Young Re board for Mill City is Sid Baughman. M orri» 0 1 5 . 5 .200 Lackland AFB, Texas, visited his mo partment is «till looking for old publicans, Salem unit, Oregon Fed For the Union High board W. R. Ohmart ---- __ 9 1 2 1 .111 ther here recently. He has been buildings to burn. It matters not Highway Traffic Show* eration of Republican Women and Hutcheson of Gates is chairman. O 2 0 .000 promoted to A3c and transferred to ' to them whether they are old sheds, Trahan .... 2 the Salem unit, Oregon Republican At the meeting of the Santiam 2 1 1 2>00 Great Lakes, Mich., where he will houses or barns. If the old buildings Increase This June 5 . .. club, are sponsoring the affair. Union board the architect was pre Whitten ___..... 2 0 2 11 . M take fi«e months’ school in “medics.” present a problem to the owners, Highway traffic during June was sent and stated the plans for the Richards 0 2 0 6 .000 Calling on Mrs. Morris last Sunday the firemen will be glad to burn up 1-3 per cent over June 1956, ac new high school building were nearly Sheythe ---- .... 1 0 0 0 cording to the monthly traffic count .000 was her elder son and family, Mr. them down. ready for submission to the board Marshall —__ 1 0 0 0 .000 and Mrs. Richard Morris, their 4- They will also assist anyone who made by the State Highway Depart Following the approval of the local Hit»—Mill City 21; Opponents1 18. year-old boy and new baby daughter, has high grass on vacant lots to ment at 28 rural automatic counter board the plans will have to pass the burn. The firemen are trying to help locations. Runs—Mill City 40; Opponents 21. of Salem. State department and state fire mar The largest increase occurred on reduce fire hazards in the area. shall US 20 five miles east of Bend where ' Charles Wirkkala this week an Ronald Adams, Mehama IOOF Lodge To Picnic a 15-7 per cent gain over June of nounced that he has received the Howdy's Club at Detroit With Marines in Memphis charter for the Lions sponsored Na 1956 was reported. Weather at Detroit Dam At Santiam Park Sunday To Hold Grand Opening tional Rifle club. He states 15 have MEMPHIS, TENN. — Marine Pfc. Highway US 99 showed an 8.6 per The Oddfellow lodge will hold their 7:09 A. M. Daily Weather Readings annual family picnic at Santiam Ronald O. Adams, son of Mr. and Howdy’s Club, formerly the Lake cent increase near Halsey and at Ot signed up to date and that more will And Lake Elevation Elev State park west of Mill City this Mrs. R. O. Adams of Mehama, is at Club at Detroit ia holding their ter Rock on US 101 traffic was up be added later. At the next meeting Max. Min Pep. of the Lions club, the number to be 97 46 0.00 1545.07 Sunday. The affair will be in the tending Aircraft Mechanics School grand opening thia Saturday night, 7.9 per cent. July 17 Near Rainier on US30 an 11J per allowed in the rifle club will be de July 18 72 51 0.00 1544.97 form of a potluck dinner, with the at the Naval Air Technical Training according to an advertisement ap pearing in The Enterprise thia week. cent increase was recorded and at cided upon. Also received were hand 80 51 0.00 1564.96 lodge furnishing the coffee, cream Center, Memphis Tenn. July 19 Prior to enrolling at Memphis the The club has been redecorated and Valley Junction on ORE 18, traffic books and some miscellaneous sup- 84 54 0.00 1544.93 and sugar. July 20 students completed a zix-week course Last year 47 attended the event, music on Saturday night will be was up 13 per cent. At Midland—six I Pl'«»- July 21 82 53 0.00 IM M Guns and ammunition will be ord* in aircraft fundamentals at the Naval furnished by the Rancheros. Door miles south of Klamath Falls on US 74 54 0.00 1565.20 and it is expected a larger crowd July 22 97—there was a gain of 7.7 per cent. I ered later. Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla. prize» will be given. July 23 74 50 0.00 1545.03 will be on hand this year. Shrine Football Game Scheduled for Aug. 24 First Christian Church Getting Repairs, Paint Astoria Firm Bids Low On Detroit Dam Bridge Pulp, Paper Industry Offers Bright Future For State, Says Robb 367 Children Attend Shrine Circus Saturday Little Leaguers Win Two More Games at Stayton New Members Sworn In at Board Meetings Charter Received for Lions Rifle Club