GATES 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I'Hl KSDAY, JULY 18, 1957 By Mrs. Albert Mills«» AT THE HILL-TOP MARKET V KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE 2 lbs. 79* DUTCH MAID MARGARINE 5 lbs $ KRISPY CRACKERS 2 lb. box 49* MAXWELL fl 5 _ W ti R lunt's Hunts Tom. Juice c? ffll 46M 014/95’ HOUSE COFFEE HI HO CRACKERS Large pkg. 35* lb 89* ¿OMATO ML I I I 4 •1 DutcbTUaid Made in Salem DEL MONTE TUNA Chunk Style 4 cans $1 Hunts Tom. Sauce fea Hunts 13 cans $1.00® JOMATOSAUÇf Assorted Flavors JELLO 4 pkgs. 35* Playfair Dog Food 13 cans $1.00 7& ^r^PtC^AT TH&P PEAK ( priced/ow! GREEN ONIONS 3 bunches 10* Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kadin and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kadin and Mich ael, Mrs. Mattie Root, Mrs. Dick Parker and daughters Lynda. Lyn- ette and Jeri Jo, attended the golden I wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Ms. Ed DeLand of Salem, , Sunday. Mrs. DeLand is a sister of | Mrs. Root. Judge and Mrs. Edward Peetz and daughters, Miss Beatrice Peetz, and Mrs. Robert Quick and son, Micheál, a of Oakland, Calif., are ¿pending j part of their three-week vacation with the W. r Hutchesons. Mr. Peetz and Mrs. Hutcheson are bro ther and sister. Also at the Hutch inson home is his grandson, Dickie, from Anderson, Calif., who is mak- ing an extended visit. Mrs. Albert Millsap returned to | her home via ambulance from San- tiam Memorial hospital in Stayton, where she has been a patient for a time. Her daughter, Mrs. Edmund Klecker, of Stayton will care for her mother at present. Mrs. Rosa Roten visited friends I in Gates and Mill City for a week, re turning to Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker spent the weekend in Seattle, attending a religious convention and visiting I their daughter, Betty. George Bailey has accepted em ployment in Washington. Mrs. Bailey will make her home in Gates for the present. Visitors at their home for the weekend, were their daughter, Mrs. Donna Funk and baby son, Michael, and their son, Dick Sibley, home on furlough from Fort Ord, Calif. Mrs. Della Dike is visiting at the home of her son, Kenneth Dike and j family, in Spokane, Wash. Mrs. Til Rains honored her bro ther, Earl Groblesbee at a family dinner recently—the occasion being his 80th birthday. Present was an other sister, Mrs. Arthur Black burn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Til Rains attended the wedding of their grandson Mar- I vin Leon Cline to Miss Gloria Miller I of Sweet Home in the Lutheran church, Sweet Home on June 30th. Royal Johnson had the misfortune to fall from a hay truck at their home last week. No bones were broken, but he sustained painful bruises. All his friends wish him a |speedy recovery. Jim Carey flew to San Francisco Friday to attend the wedding of one I of his former Willamette University classmates. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Van Winkle, Susan and Donnie of Manitowac, Wise., visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kadin several days this week. Mrs. Van Winkle and Mrs. Parker attended high school together at Winter, Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin have been visiting in Los Angeles and San J Bernardino with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Errol Gard- | ner. Report the temperature 110* and over and that old Oregon will j look mighty good to them when they return shortly. Mrs. Wm. F. Kershaw and grand daughter, Arlene are spending a week or so visiting in Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. loan Lamson of Portland and Mrs. Nora Van Buren i of Molalla were recent guests at the j Til Rains home—friends they had not I seen for many years. The Gwtes Fire department was called out early Sunday evening to put out a chimney fire in the Bud Strucknieier home. Damage was light due to the quick response of the department. Loud talking sometimes passes as intelligence, but not for long. SWIMMERS SUPPLIES Masks ................ 98c - $4.95 Fins ____ $1.98 - $8.95 Nose Plugs Snorkels JENKINS HARDWARE S & II GREEN STAG’S Nebergalls Skinless Franks id 11 lb. 49* TH! RS. - FRI. - FRI. NEW POTATOES 10 Pounds 39* PAN READY FRYERS lb. 49* _____________________________ s GROUND BEEF 2 k 69" HILL-TOP MARKET EVERYDAY LOW PRICES FREE PARKING Mill City, Ore., - - Phone 2744 I ! I July 18-19-20 BILL WILLIAMS, HOWARD DUFF, in THE BROKEN STAR — PLUS — GENEVIEVE PAGE, ROBERT MITCHUM, ia FOREIGN INTRIGUE :-------------------- | SUN. - MON. | July 21-22 I I : i I SUSAN HAYWARD, KIRK DOUGLAS, Door. Opea at 7^0 P. in M. Comphte show ran be aeen aay TOP SECRET AFFAIR Urne Bp ». 8:30 Top Comedy! Starts 6:30 Sunday