5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Ada Moore of Redding. Calif., An entry permit must be obtained they visited with old friends in Ma- ago. French was a railroad man here THURSDAY. Jl’LY 18. 1957 arrived here Sunday night and is by persons wishing to enter on busi KEEP THIS AD! planning to spend two weeks at the ness. No permit is required of resi son City. Iowa, and with Mr. Meals’. f°r several years. The men are brother and family the Woodruff I cousins of Mrs. Estey. Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Mason home. Over 20,000 Arthritic and Rheu dents going to and from their homes. Meals in Mitchell, Iowa. They also John Estey and grandaughters, Don matic Sufferers have taken this Complete information on these areas viewed places of interest in Y’ellow- na and Linda Brown spent a few days The Woman's Council of the Christ may be obtained at the Detroit rang Medicine since it has been on ian church will have a picnic din er station from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. stone National Park enroute home. in Salem last week the market, It is inexpensive, can Arriving here Monday evening Gordon Brown was taken to the ner next Wednesday, July 24. at the seven days a week. be taken in the home. For Free for an extended visit at the home Santiam Memorial hospital at Stay home of Mrs. Ike Myers, president of I < amp Pioneer, official camp of the information give name and ad- ton Thursday- evening for medical at of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stout were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson spent the group. dress to P. O. Box 2535. Tulsa, (ascade Area Boy Scout Council, tention following a yellowjacket Mr. Stout’s sister and husband, Mr. Oklahoma. Sunday fishing at Clear Lake. opened its summer season this week sting. Shortly after the sting a re and Mrs. R. L. Thieme of Tulare, Alfred Ward and son. Bobby, are with a full camp. Some 160 Scouts action set in causing nausea, swell Calif. Wayne Oakley of Lebanon was a spending several days this week visit from the Salem, Falls City area are dinner guest at the home of Mr. and ing Ward's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. in camp this week. An estimated ing, breaking out and flushing of the ™ce- The lower part of his arm and H. Maag, at their ranch home near Mrs. Floyd Shepherd. 600 Scouts from 40 troops will attend hand was still pretty swollen the Redmond. the five one-week sessions, reports follow.ng day. Where did he get it? Sunday evening guests of Mr. and council officials. Next week troops At home in the wood shed, of course. Bob Hill, manager of the Mill City Mrs. Floyd Shepherd were Mr. and Dan Werner underwent eye surg- branch of the U. S. National bank, is represented will include’Albany, Sa Mrs. Harley Darby of Albany. HEAVY HAULING on a two-weeks’ vacation—spending lem, Independence, Aumsville, Leb er? in Salem last week for the remov anon. W ’ oodburn and Aurora. al of a cataract. He is getting along Mr. and Mrs. Car) Kelly and family most of it at home, building a bar Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Registration is closed for the first O. K. returned home Tuesday, after having becue for his patio. three weeks of camp, officials said, The redecorating o f the interior of spent a few days at the beach. Two little granddaughters from but space is still available for the Howdy’s club is progressing nicely. Phone Salem EXCAVATION and CONSTRUCTION fourth week, beginning August 4 to Plans this week is to erect a canopy i Hood River are spending several 10, and in the following week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Day 2-2461 BÔ-TON MOBILE CRANE over the bar which will extend out Sheridan spent the weekend in Mill weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. At the camp located seven miles over the bar stools. An added attrac Nite 2-4411 CONTRACTING AND RENTAL City visiting his parents, Mr. and W. H. (Mode) Davis. They are the southeast of Marion Forks on the tion is western music every Saturday two younger daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith. Mrs. Sam Delaney (Barbara Davis.) shores of Pine Ridge lake in the Wil night. lamette National Forest, the Scouts Arriving here Saturday for a few Terry Sischo, young son of the Ray will participate in hiking, overnight day’s visit _ at ___ the _____ Fred ______ Miller _____ home 8 Callers at the Erwin Peterson home Sischos of Elkhorn, spent a day in the hospital last week as the result Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zet camping, handicraft, aquatic sports, in Idanha, was Mrs. Miller’s sister terberg and children, Pat, Sue and fishing, and instruction in scouting1 and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bert of the “flu” bug. Craig of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Charles skills. An added attraction this year [Canaday and seven children of Kit and Karen Means, who have Stine of Albany, and grandsons, Bill is archery and rifle shooting. In ad-1 Guerncey, Wyo. The?- left for their spent some time at Astoria are again Stine and Bill Reid of Missoula, dition to the program outlined above, I home Tuesday, a representative from the Oregon I Arriving here Saturday for an ex at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mont. Fish and Wildlife Commission will j ( tended visit at the Buck DeLano Mrs. Howard Means. I —---------------------------- I Ginsts Sunday at the home of Mr. lecture on the State’s forest and river 1 home is Mr. Delano’s daughters, wildlife each week. ; I Mary Ann, and Mrs. Virgil Friend Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto went ' an , Mrs. Gordon McMorris were his Overnight guests Wednesday ’ of and five children of Neosho, Mo. to Salem Sunday where they attended 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1 Calling at the Carl Juhl home on FIRE-AUTO-HOME ANO FAMILY LIABILITY a reunion at Bush Park of the Veteto Quartier, Gordon Allan and Tamara last week at the Champion home _____ ___ ____ were Mr. ____ and _____ Mrs. Tenny clan. About 35 were present for the i McMorris of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. were Mrs. Champion’s uncle and Tuesday - — - — >».■» — affair. Bill Nored and their five children of aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Czarnetz- | Moore and family of Medford, who ski of Bottineau, N. Dak., and cousin, are on vacation. The Moore family ■ Corvallis. Miss Evalyne Czarnetzski of San - hiked to Stahlman Point where they Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freeman Francisco, Calif. spent the rest of the day with their and their three children spent the i Mr. and Mrs. Duane Schultz and Thof'» right I Proctkolly oil ot Miss Donna Rae Stevens, daughter weekend in Longview, Wash., with family of Grenada Hills, Calif., of Mrs. Anna Stevens, Detroit, be son. Mike, who is manning Stahlman your Intvronco ton be Included her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest spent Tuesday night and Wednesday came the bride of Jim Stahlman, son Point. Tenny was formerly district In ONf polity. Avoids dupltco- ranger here. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman. '■ons, sovei money I Imagine the of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stahlman, De Arriving on Wednesday at the Don Moffatt. They have been on an convenience: troit, Friday evening July 12 at a Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Plymale and extensive vacation trip which took 7:30 o’clock ceremony at the home! Juhl home was Mrs. Juhl’s mother, ONf policy —ONf renewol Mrs. Ruby Vilen of Modesto, Calif. Mrs. Charles Sullivan attended the I them back to North Dakota and on of a Salem Justice of Peace. Stand-in | dole-ONf premium (on onnuol to arrive on Thursday __ ___ . reunion at Albany I into Canada. Mr. Schultz is Mrs. Mof- was John Bryant of Salem. The __ Expected Myers family ________ .............................. or budget payments if you wish) for a few day ’ s visit will be Miss Sunday. About 30 of the clan were , fatt’s brother. — ONI ogent Ask us for full young couple are at home to their Lillian Nightengale, who just ; re- — present. details; no obligation cently returned from LaRochelle, ! Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ohmart returned friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Meals returned i France, where she served two years George Cree returned Sunday even I home Thursday from their vacation home Saturday from a month’s tour, jn army nurses’ corps. Miss ing from Ukiah, Calif., where he has trip. The first week of their vacation through Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, j Nightengale and Mrs. Juhl were spent the past two weeks with his was spent in Seattle visiting Lt. Iowa, Indiana, and South Dakota. In j roommates during nurses training at son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ' Cmdr. W. P. Ohmart and family and Rockville, Ind., they visited at the ‘ Mrs. Arthur O'Rourke and daughters. [with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ohmart and home of Mrs. Meal’s sister and fam a Portland hospital. They graduated in 1950. Miss Nightengale’s home is . 1 family at Deer Island. They returned Insurance ily, Mrs. Nettie Beaty, whom she Rev. and Mrs. Paul Dean Hill and I to Mill City Saturday and left again had not seen in 21 years. From there in McMinnville. Visitors at the John Estey home , Phone 971 Mill City _ _ Mont., visited I — ____ of _ daughters Billings, Tuesday for ’ Bend, Diamond and they motored to Nobleville, Ind., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert i Crater Lakes, then on to the coast where they visited at the home of Thursday were Ben Gooch of Alsea ....■ '— and George French of Portland. J Whitaker, Monday. Rev. Hill is pas- I and back home, arriving here Thurs- Mrs. Meal’s sister and family, Mrs. Gooch, his father, and brothers had tor of the Central Christian church , day. Helen Radar. On their return home timber claims near here 40 years at Billings. The Gertrude Shoemaker Mission G. Henry Howell and son, and ary Society of the First Christian another son and wife, of Kansas City, church met Wednesday afternoon at Mo., visited at the Otho Towell home the home of Mrs. E. K. Fish. Mrs. here recently. G. Henry Towell is a Fish, president, presided at the minister of the Church of Christ and business meeting. Mrs. Art Hedge has been with one congregation for was in charge of the program and Mrs. Glen Shelton was devotional over eight years. i leader. Mrs. Fish, assisted by Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel and Mr. ]fce Myers, served refreshments. The j and Mrs. O. E. Hoodenpyle made a August meeting will be in the form trip to the Ochoco National Forest of a picnic. Present for the afternoon Sunday. On the return trip they hit were Mmes. Arthur Hedge, Herbert I a deer just east of Hiner’s service Whitaker, Glen Shelton, Lowell Cree, station at Gates. The deer had to be > Floyd Shepherd, Hugh Jull, George — was ---- a-™- killed and the Kimmel ' car dam ; piook. jke Myers and E. K. Fish. — aged extensively. --Mill Ends- Company ____ ultra INSURANCE Jerry Pittam DETROIT Miss Sharon °f Salem is yi’ ting at the home of her great ui-clc and aunt. M.’. and Mrs. Lowel. Bv Boots Chamoion C ee Sharon’s pven.s, Mr. and Mrs. The ranger station reported that Join Wehrli, B’C'ara and Mathew 1.38 inches of rainfall was recorded were dinner gues f at the Cree home at the station in a 36-hour period, Wed« esday evening and Sharon re [from Saturday through Monday turned to her ho .ie with her parents. ■ morning. Ranger Howard Dean said ! that although the rain eased fire Wood? Heller made a telephone conditions somewhat, certain forested call to his mother at Portland, Ind., areas in the North Santian canyon Sunday and found that her home had will remain closed to the public been flooded by a recent downpour until about Labor Day. Closurers of rain. There was 16 inches of wa were placed on them early Friday ter in her home, causing considerable because of the "extreme fire hazard damage. That area had a six-inch existing in the areas comprised pre downpour on July 3. This is the first dominantly of old burns and logged that city had ever been flooded, ac off areas.” cording to Mr. Heller. The areas affected, little of which is termed recreation districts, include areas adjacent to Tumble Creek, Boulder Ridge, White Water Creek, FLIES BOTHERING? Bugaboo, Straight Creek, Marion We have Screen Wire 8 widths Creek, Kinney Creek, and Leone Creek. Dean said that in most of the Adjustable Screens above mentioned areas logging op- Ortho Fly Spray I erations are continuing. | Marion Lake is not affected and Raid and Black Leaf 40 i the Marion Lake road is open. A por Insect Bombs tion of Marion Creek is closed. The presence of “red slash, debris from JENKINS HARDWARE logging operations plus continued dry weather makes these areas especial S & H Green Stamps ly hazardous, stated Dean. ENJOY A Maple in a New Design that Retains All the Beauty of the Wood, and brings you simple Modern Lines, so Right for Today's Homes. Choose Your Own Pieces from Our Large Selection of Open Stock. During this July Sale You can Make Huge Savings. Come in and See. Here’s A Real Special Maple Double Dresser Sells regular for $48.75 July Sale Price........ 50 4-Drawer Chest Regular $29.95 On Sale For Only............ $OO 3-Drawer Chest Regular $26.95 July Sale Price *17.50 5-I)rawer Chest Twin or Full Size Bookcase Headboard And Foot Complete, Reg. $42.50 Special Price ... m | W W Maple Nite Stand Regular $ 16.50 Now Only ....................... $11 CHECK THESE SPECIALS ON UNFINISHED FURNITURE If You are One of these do-it-yourself Fans, Here is an Opportunity for GLASS OF THE *25.50 Regular $39.95 SALE PRICE Unfinished Knottv * Pine Triple Dresser Regular $36.95 Sale Price......................... *29.50 You to make Real Savings. ( ^finished Kneehole Desk Four Drawers Regular $29.95 On Sale For..................... *23.50 MANY OTHER BARGAINS IN UNFINISHED FURNITURE NOT LISTED. CHECK OUR STORE FIRST. PL Out of our cool, bright Cascade Country comes one wonderful beer... BLITZ I 367 Third St Ct*’"«*: l»57 W U tt W»lf*|r4 Conetey. Onr’’ We Give and Redeem Penny Saver Stampe Phone 6801