Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1957)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE S EMPIRE VOLUME XIII NUMBER » Plans Complete For Kids to See Circus Saturday MILL CITY. OREGON I Child Clinic To Be Held I Here Tues. July 23 THURSDAY, JI I Y B. 1957 $.1.00 A YEAR 10 c a COPY BSS£SeeiMore^xFree KXi CityToPave Mrs. Edsel Croan states there will be a well child clinic held here from 1 to 3:30 Tuesday, July 23. All those At a breakfast meeting of the Members l(f the Gaynighters children entering the first grade or Santiam Union Student Loan Fund Square Dance club made a trip to high school for the first time are club, held at Chuck's Fine Foods the beach over the weekend for their urged to have their physical exam Tuesday morning, the board went on annual outing. According to plans inations at this time. If impossible record as being in favor of forming the group for the most part were go to attend this clinic, they should make a non-profit corporation. Funds are ing to can p out at Beverly Beach, every effort to come to the clinic in available at the present time to make one of the state camp grounds on The Santiam Shriners say that August. Street Commissioner C. E. Mason a loan to one student for a four-year 1 About 450,000 cubic centimeters the coast. When the Howard Earm- they can still take more children to of Salk polio vaccine — enough to fill l.° | Dr. Stone will be present. and other members of the City coun period, beginning this year. Only one ens arrived to stake out camp sites the Circus on Saturday. While it application was presented to the some 117 gallon jugs—have already for the group they found there was cil outlined plans for the summer would be a great help if all who are board for the loan this year, that been received in Oregon through the not enough room to accomodate them paving program in the City at the going could register by the 18th, being the request of Bruce Gordon, national polio vaccine assistance act all. After due search, however a Wednesday evening meeting of the Thursday, no one is going to be left , who p’.ans to enter college this fall. I of 1955. Enough 980,000 cc’s have been camping site was found at Gleneden group. It was agreed that the amount behind just because he didn’t let it spent should not exceed $5,000.00 . The board approved his application. distributed through regular com Beach. be known beforehand.. So, come on mercial channels. Rex Ohmart was appointed to serve Not only that, a community hall which is well within budget allow if you can, register before Thursday, Although the 23-month-old federal was available for rent, and a dance ance. The City recently oiled most las se.retary-treasurer. if possible. The Big Show is to be Each member signing up for mem- program officially ended throughout was held Saturday night. High wind of the streets which had not been at Waters Park in Salem and will A road grader was ; bership has pledged $50 a year for the United States the first of this and rain more -r le<s dampened the I previously i paved. A start at 2:15 p. m. on Saturday, July hrekf:.., Sunday s,mornimr I four years. The loan to the student month, state board of health spokes picnic breakfast 20. morning,! ' l,urch«"wi recently which will enable 1 amounts to $500 per year, payable at men in Portland revealed Tuesday but the group did have a fine time. the street department to do a better The caravan will form at Detroit $50 per month. The student gets the that orders placed several weeks ago Attending were Mr. and Mrs. | job of street maintenance. The old and those from that area should plan for an additional 230,000 cc’s of tax- James Wright and daughter. Mr. and grader, which is an outmoded model, loan interest free, and does not have to be at Don Hiner’s Union Station Division of a jointly-owned 20,- will be sold. 1 Mrs. James Gordon and daughter, in Gates by 12:20 for the Gates bus 000-acre tract of virgin Douglas fir to make any payment on the loan purchased vaccine are expected to', A petition was presented from keep the program operating on a slow will leave there at 12:30 p. m. Front timber valued at more than $50,000,- until after he has completed his four- ly-diminishing scale in Oregon until Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rosamond. Mr. residents in Riverview Addition ask- year course and is financially able to and Mrs. Al Nesbitt and daughter, Mill City circus bound passengers . 000 is sought in a federal court ac- do so. In the event he does not com early next year. ...d S. yr*.. Mr. and Mrs. j will leave the Fire Hall at 12:45 p.m. ' tion in Portland. W. Linn Blvd, to S. W. Spring It is estimated that by the time Simpson Redwood company, a sub plete his course, or flunks out, the all vaccine now ordered nationally daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard (street. Council members agreed that The Lyons-Mehama group should be loan then is due and payable immed ______ _ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalaek. . , , , . .... , barmen, ready to leave front the Ginger Bread sidiary of Simpson Timber company, has been used, about 29 million Am Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Mr. and I there would be less of a traffic House at 1:00 p. nt. The last contin asks the court to partition the tract iately. hazard that way and permission was erican children and expectant moth-1 Those who have signed pledges are Mrs. F’rank Spellmeyer and daugh gent will get under way from Stay and set aside to it in severalty Simp ers, accounting for 45 percent of the ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt. granted. Russell King, police com expected to have their money de ton Union High School in Stayton son’s 12/32 interest in the timber, population m these two groups, will is now planning an out- missioner, was instructed to find a at 1:20 p. m.—next stop Waters Park, said to be one of the finest stands posited in the United States Nation have received one or more injection. I The group dance a( Rreitenbush in the 1 relief patrolman to replace Percy al bank here prior to September 1. a glorious afternoon's fun and each of yellow fir remaining in Oregon. 1 Mulligan, who is leaving soon for through the tax-financed program. | ” Anyone interested in joining in this and everyone will have a circus treat The tract is in the Thomas creek | California. Chief Meader repotted Dr. Harold M. Erickson, state near future. worthwhile cause may contact any drainage in Linn county. waiting before the show begins. five arrests for the month of June health officer, said the program was . Other major ownership is that of officer of director. They are J. C. established by Congress to provide For those parents who wish to take j with 17 calls answered and 1614 their children to the circus personal Sewell Avery of Chicago, board Kimmel, president; Carl Kelly, vice "free" vaccine for complete three- . miles driven by the police car. president; W. R. Hutcheson, Floyd ly, free tickets can be obtained at chairman of Montgomery Ward, and 1 It was called to the attention of shot protection for 25 percent of all Völkel or Don Moffatt, directors. each of the following places: Idan Waldo A. Avery of Grossepoint, I Council members that there have children and all expectant mothers, ha, Stoll’s IGA Store; Detroit, Fred Mich., who have a combined 17/32s I been buildings and additions being as a guarantee that no highly-sux- ¡ Portland Manufacturing Snider’s Boat Landing; Gates, Don interest. ceptible person would be denied polio . . II T 1 j constructed without a permit, which Hiner’s Service Station; Mill City, company owns the remaining 3 32s is required by city laws. Frank Hunt ■TTX&f X?. The Mill City Enterprise and the interest. er is building inspector. Simpson asks the court to order j Marshall Wells Store; Lyons, Lyons t>f the public vaccine is adequate for | At the fourth annual invitational Food Market; Mehama, Ken Golliet’s partition of the tract according to only about one shot for each of the ( softball tournament at Corvallis four and in Stayton at Charlie Clarkson’s the respective rights of the parties approximately 621,245 eligible per- members from the first three teams, Service Station. Adult tickets can be involved, and further asks that sons, he pointed out. Bashor’s of Portland; Rubensteins three referees be appointed by the purchased at each place. Although much of the vaccine has Furniture of Eugene and Nored Just as last year a police escort will court to divide the property and to been given on an individual basis in Builders of Corvallis, won individua conduct the busses into Salem and allot Simpson its portion, consider doctor’s offices, Dr. Erickson said awards. ing both quality and quantity. The on to Waters Park. The Santiam Mrs. Maude McKitrick. 70, widow the bulk of the tax-purchased supply | Carl Beyer and Gordy McMorris, Shriners are indeed grateful for the suit asks that costs of the parti A record distribution of $415,406.05 has been used at mass clinics such as wbo paced the Builder’s to a surpris- of Henry L. McKitrick, win at one opportunity to make it possible for tioning be paid pro rata by the par in earnings from the irreducible those held recently in Mill City and ' , ing njf third tnira place in the me tourney, walked time operated the Mill City news every youngster to see the circus ties. school fund to the public schools of many Oregon counties. 1 | off with two of the individual awards. paper, died Thursday, July 11, in a U. S. District Judge J. Frank Oregon was authorized Tuesday by again this year. The club sincerely He called the program “ one of the ( M , Ml)rrig WUs named I M. Morris was named the the most most val- val- Salem hospital. She was a late reai appreciates the financial assistance McLaughlin, on motion of R. L. So the State Land Board. rnost striking examples of teamwork uable . yer to hig t,,an, duriIlg the dent of Nelscott, where for the past bin, Portland attorney representing that has been provided by merchants Governor Robert D. Holmes, Chair we have ever witnessed in the health 1 j tournament. — - - • —--*■— four yneri* sh<_ had owned and op The fiery shortstop «nd residents r,>si<lents of each community in the Simpson company, ordered the man of the Board, said the figure field.” and erated cottages. Mrs. McKitrick be I fielded brilliantly and hit -333 in five Averys to appear or plead to the which represents just over 87 cents the canyon. “Although Congress provided the games with six safeties in 18 trips, came ill at her home Wednesday complaint on or before September 3. for each of the State’s 475,293 school funds for the vaccine, we certainly jwo of his blows were home runs, night and was taken to the hospital Simpson acquired its interest when in an ambulance. children, was the highest rate in 35 could not have achieved the present . including a 1 bases-loaded clout and it purchased that M & M Woodwork She is survived by her father, amount of protection against 1 doubles. McMorris also ing company last fall. The tract con years. John H. Harper, Parkdale; sons Earnings are from nearly $14,000,- threat of paralytic polio in so short j tains some 1,500,000,000 feet of tim I I drove in seven runs. John T. McKitrick, Portland, and ber, much of it mature. Simpson 000 in irreducible funds collected by a time without the wholehearted co five Beyer pitched four of the McKitrick, Los Angeles, wants it divided so the timber can the Land Board from the sales of operation of Oregon physicians, nur I Builder games, and in one night William E. Calif.; brothers, Tom K. Harper, ses, school authorities, local health school grant lands, timber from the be harvested before it deteriorates. against Lebanon and Eugene, worked Parkdale; A spokesman for Simpson said lands and royalties from sand and departments, the press, the radio and 21 innings. He won two and lost two, Canada; George Harper, and Earl Victor Harper, Parkdale; television industries, and hundreds of gravel removed from the beds of the company wanted to develop the pitching in 35 innings. Beyer struck Harper, Long Beach, Calif; sisters. Effective Midnight July 11 tract, on a long-range program con Oregon’s navigable streams, Gover volunteer workers,” Dr. Erickson out 34 and walked seven in his four Mildred Beam, Parkdale; Anna Woos nor Holmes explained. The funds are said. “ Everyone who has ever been The special permit closures on the sistent with sound forestry practices, starts. ley, Montana; and Jean Bliler, Fres W’illamette National Forest are in ef a a timber supply for its Albany and invested in mortgage loans and bonds concerned over the terrible effects Com- James Grant and Marlin Cole of no, Calif- of a polio epidemic among our child approved by the State Bond fect on and after midnight Thursday, Lyons plywood plants. Mrs. McKitrick was a member of missi •>. ren owes these people a real vote of Mill City also played on the Nored July 11, according to word just receiv-1 Marilyn Chapter, No. 145, Order of State Transfer of 104,493 acres of thanks. ” Builders team. ed by Forest Supervisor Robert Auf-1 Land Board timber lands for adminis Those selected on the all-star the Eastern Star, of Mill City, in He estimated that at least 80 per derheide. These closures are neces- | tration from the Land Board to the cent of the tax-purchased vaccine has team are: Catchers, Bill Mehle, Nor which she took an active interest sary due to the extreme fire haxard State Board of Forestry was approv been administered as a free public ed Builders, and Eimer Sanetel of while here. that exists in the areas which are pre- , Funeral services were.held Wed ed in a resolution adopted Tuesday service by privae physicians, who Oregon City. dominantly comprised of old burns or nesday afternoon, July 17 in Salem by the Board members. Pitchers, Carl Beyer, Nored ’ s have given an aveage of at least four logging areas. It is required that an 1 Provisions for the transfer were hours time from their offices to the Builders, Don E'loren and Kenny A fellow member of the Christian entry permit be obtained by persons included in laws passed by the 1957 progam. Westmoreland, Bashor’s of Portland. Science church conducted the service, wishing to enter these areas for bus First Base, Ron Koski, Bashor’s. reading passages from the Bible and iness purposes only, except that no A new “raincoat” that protects ' legislature and signed by Governor Second Base, Bob Bartholomew, Science and Health, with Key to The permit will be required of any ac houses against weather damage, such Holmes. Included are Elliot State Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Eugene. tual settler going to or from his as blistered paint and rotting wood, ; Forest Lands in Coos and Douglas Third Base, Bob Dombrowsky, home. Full information, together is now available as a water-repellent counties, totaling some 71,643 acres. Acreages in counties outside of Elliott Eugene (Bob played for Mill City with permits, may be obtained from wood preservative, according to section are: last year.) the ranger station indicated below, or Charles Ross, Oregon State college Benton County, 440; Clackamas, Shortstop, Gordy McMorris, Nor I • from the guard station nearest the forestry specialist. 113; Clatsop, 320; Coos, 3,096; Cur The warm, dry weather of the next ed Builders. The preservative is pentachlorphe area. ry, 1,159; Douglas, 3,377; Jackson, couple months requires extra care Outfield, Gene Smith, Eugene; Detroit Ranger Station nol, often referred to simply as “pen 13.061; Josephine, 5,458; Lane, 1,682; in our lawns, according to County Mickey Newell, Bashor’s and Phil Area No. 126-P, Tumble Creek ta.” It is sold under various trades Lincoln, 4,373; Linn, 40; Marion, 160; Area. names, already mixed in a water re Polk, 160; Tillamook, 964; Yamhill, Extension Agent Wilbur L. Bluhm. Gatto, Oregon City. This extra care helps greatly in de Utility, Kuykendall, Eugene and pellent solution so as a concentrate No. 98-P, Boulder Ridge Area. Area 80; Hood River, 953; Jefferson, 120; veloping and maintaining a vigorous Jerry Clark, Noreds. Area No. 97-P, Whitewater Area. to be mixed according to directions on Publication of three new education Lake, 640; Klamath, 3,043; Union. weed-free turf throughout the year. Area No. 99-P, Bugaboo-Straight the label. al materials on communicable diaease I ¡607; Umatilla, 800; Wallowa, 280; In brief, the following practices Wood siding, especially when it Creek Area. control was announced Friday by the Wasco, 240; Wheeler, 560; Grant, should be followed at this time of the Area No. 100-P, Marion Creek has not been recently painted, soaks state board of health. year: 2,120. Area. up moisture rapidly when subjected The leaflets, entitled Measles, 1. Watering^only when necessary- Whooping Cough, and Scarlet Fever, Area No. 127-P, Lost Creek Area. to a driving rain or water running I then deeply. will be distributed without charge Area No. 93-P, Kinney Creek down over it. Tell-tale signs are paint 2. Mowing grass higher. Area. blisters or streaky stains from wood, through local health departments, pri Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Syverson have 3. Adequate fertilizing. Area No. 128-P, Leone Creek Sale building paper or rusty nails. Watering the lawn to a depth of 8 received word that their son A2c vate physicians, schools, and local Before repainting a house, Ross Area. I to 12 inches encourages deep root Raymond “Dick” Syverson has been civic and health organizations. suggests scraping and sanding blist The 7%x5*4” leaflets each contain Mrs. Fay Weavill of Gates was ing and a healthier grass. Light, shal I named airman of the year in France. two pages of uommon questions and ered areas. Then, before applying new Among other honors he was pre low sprinklings, on the other hand, paint, brush a penta water-repellent seriously burned on both arms Mon cause shallow rooting. The lawn sented a gold trophy from General answers on prevalence, recognition preservative into overlap joints, butt day, July 8, when a kettle of hot should be watered rather infrequent Gearhart. Syverson is a crew chief of disease, symptoms, ’ and normal ends, and all joints on door and win- grease, in which she was going to do ly, only as it needs it. on a F86 for the 417th E'ighter Bomb precautions which should be followed low trims and house comers. Penta some deep frying, caught fire. Mrs. It is desirable to raise the lawn er Squadron. He is also crew chief to avoid complications. They are de treatment is especially important Weavill was afraid her house was go mower to clip the grass higher dur for Colonel Yeager, the jet ace who signed to aid parents recognize the 24th Div., Korea.—Pvt. Richard J. where old paint has loosened. Excess ing to burn down, as the kitchen cur I need for proper care of cotrimon child ing warm weather. Bentgrass lawns first broke the sound barrier. Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John penta that runs down over the paint tains caught on fire. hood disease and to help interpret the Syverson has qualified for Ale should be clipped at least IVk inches She picked up the kettle of grease Porter, Mehama, Oregon recently was should be wiped off with a cloth physician’s instructions. high and all other grasses 2 inches and will receive his promotion in Oc assigned to the 24th Infantry Divis dampened with paint thinner. Allow and carried it outside, receiving ser The state board of health distri higher. Avoid letting grass get too tober. He is presently stationed at ion in Korea. the penta to dry thoroughly before ious burns to her body. She was burn tall by regular mowing. butes films and pamphlets on sever Toul, Rousiers, France. ed on the chest also when the grease A tank turret mechanic in Company the house is repainted. al hundred subject« as part of its A light green color of the grass B of the division’s 6th Tank Battalion In replacing rotted siding, Ross ad splashed out of the container. She is continuing educational program on Richard entered the Army in Septem vises first soaking or dipping the new under the care of the doctor at the may indicate a need for fertiliser. common health hazards. Last year Earlier fertilizing of lawns is recom Katherine Harris Elected ber 1956 and arrived in the Far East wood in a penta solution. present time. these materials were used by more mended, but fertiliser applications last June. Persons building new houses may County Democratic than a million persons in Oregon. can still be made if needed. Fertiliser MINNESOTA PICNIC AT JANTZEN He attended Stayton High School. be able to obtain treated lumber since should be watered into the lawn thor Chairman The annual Minnesota Picnic will many lumber yards are now install At a Linn Democratic eentral com Weather at Detroit Dam ing wood-treating equipment. Add be held at Jantxen Beach Park in oughly, especially at this time of the Gates Woman's Club year. The application rate now should mittee meeting in Lebanon, July 9, 7:00 A. M. Daily Weather Reading* ed life in the wood and lower repair Portland, Sunday, July 28. A ad I-ake Elevation To Meet July 25th This i» the annual gathering of all be half the nomal rate. Mrs. Katherine Harris, Lebanon, was toils will justify the expense of the Weed control practices should be elected county chairman, replacing Max. Min Pep. Elev. former Minnesotans now living in the Mrs. Dick Parker stated Monday treatment, Ross says. 79 55 0.00 1565.16 Pacific Northwest. These ex-Gophers continued throughout the summer Mrs. Eva Sylvester, who recently re July 10 that the Gates Woman’s club July «4 54 0.05 1565.05 July 11 come from the states of California, months. Spraying and hand pulling signed to accept state work. meeting would be held Thursday, 74 54 0.00 1565.02 Other vacancies caused by similar July 11 Rev. and Mn>. B. A. Ia»renr*> and Washington, Idaho and Oregon f°r supplement good lawn care in obtain July 25, instead of July 18, the regu ing vigorous turfs. 81 55 trace 1564.92 resignations were filled by Francis July 13 lar date. The change of date was their children and her parents, Mr. their annual get-together. 71 56 0.35 UM j N Semler, Albany, vice-chairman of the July 14 made necessary because so many of and Mrs. Lloyd Roland of Duarte, 67 54 0.45 1565.27 Whoever runs from an enemy per Smartness is never synonomous entrai committee, and Mrs. Elaine July 15 the officers would be out of town on Calif., spent Monday at Breitenbush 69 48 0 ft 1565.11 Cahill, Albany, alternate chairman. July 16 with vulgarity and improprieties. the 18th. and Wednesday at Stiver Creek Falls. nuts that enemy to run his life- Salk Vaccine Now Ordered Some Streets This Summer Division of Timber Tract Being Sought •-’■J ** •*»«••- Gordy McMorris Named Irreducible School Funds Distributed X’.: In Softball Tornament Wife of Former Publisher Dies in Salem Closure Proclamation Effective Midnight July 11th Wood Preservative Helps Guard Home From Weather Wear Water Lawns Deep to Form Better Roots Gates Woman Receives Serious Arm Burns Mehama Man With Army in Korea k Communicable Diseases Leaflets to be Distributed Soon Dick Syverson Honored In France by Air Force