• r Annual Aerial Forestry Survey Being Made ■THE .MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JULY II, 1957 77»e Road Really Narrows Down Going Through That Gorge Back There . If your car ever gets in a tight^squeeze, well straighten things out in ¡ig-time. Our workmanship is tops . . . and our prices won’t put the "squeeze’ on your pocketbook. Always at your service! Leo’s Richfield Service Leo and Elaine Russell HIGHWAY 22, MILL CITY The Next Time You Need Printing Call 2651 The annua! aerial survey of Ore- ____ and Mrs. George Dickie and gon ’s 27,000,000 acres of forest land Yvonne and Mr. and Mrs. Lester which is for the purpose of locating Werner and two daughters spent | areas of forest insect infestations everal days last week at Sandpoint, and their extent, got under way in Idaho, where they visited at the southern Oregon recently, according home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Webb. to Al Larsen, state forestry depart The Webb family formerly lived in ment official who is in charge of Mill City. He is a brother of Mrs. I the forest insect and disease section Dickie and Mrs. W’erner. Larsen will act as pilot of the state plane for the entire project. Mr«. Charlo French received word Observers who will pin-point areas today from Mrs. J. K. Harris, .who of infestation are W. J. Buckhorn is now living in Los Angeles. She I and Peter Orr, entomologists for the asked to have her Enterprise sent to I Pacific Northwest Forest and Range their new address. They were forced ' Experiment station. to move to a new location when an In western Oregon the observers adjoining apartment was damaged will watch closely for areas infested by fire on July 4. *The Harris* house I by the balsam wooly aphid or cher hold effects were not damage, how mes, an insect that attacks the true ever. firs, Larsen stated. He indicated that the 1956 survey showed 150,000 acres It ha-s been learned here that the of scattered spots of infestation ex Bill Mannings (Millicent Olin), who tending as far south as Crater Lake. had recently bought a home at No Another area of serious infestation vato, Calif., where he was stationed was found in the Coast Range in I with Hamilton Air Base, have been Polk county, he added. _ “ _______ Entomologists have expressed transferred to Alaska. Mrs. Manning and younger daughter, Virginia, considerable concern over the possible , visited here last August when she at spread of the chermes infesttion tended the renunion of her graduat since no practical method of control has yet been developed,” stated ing class at the high school. BISQUICK 3 Packages sl,00 ds Larsen. “Salvage is the only solution and this is economically impossible in many instances because of isola- tion of the areas. Of extreme im- portance is the threat to wilderness areas, national parks and other re creational areas within the forests. It is expected that the western Ore gon survey will be completed near th end of July and the project will then be transferred to the eastern part of the state where the observ ers will be primarily concerned in the end of July and the project will forester stated. He pointed out that in spite of successful control pro jects on 4,000,000 acres of forest land there was still 500,000 acres of infested forested mapped last year. “The areas are so scattered and isolated that further control work was not considered necessary at that time but it does not indicate a defi nite end to the infestation,’’ said Larsen. “It can build up again. The survey will indicate the exact status at the present time.” During the flights over the state the observers will also watch for in festation by the bark beetles, areas of mortality through tree diseases and areas where porcupines may have made serious inroads into the young pine stands. Larsen added that this informa- tion will all be checked through ground studies by experienced en- S & W COFFEE Drip or Regular lb. 89c 24 oz. bottle 2 lor 69’ r*i WALDORF COLORED TISSUE 4 Roll Pack 39’ t MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING Quart 53’ ». uj Betty Crocker Cake Mixes WESSON OIL Quart 59e BAFFIN TUNA i'r* Those who enforce the law should set the example of obedience. The chief trouble about the human race is human beings. The man who disagrees with you ia not necessarily an imbecile. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order duly entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, in the Matter of the Estate of C. T. Haseman, deceased, the undersigned, R. C. Haseman, was duly appointed as administrator of said estate and has qualified as such. AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, together with the proper vou chers, to the undersigned adminis trator in care of the office of Bell & Gehlen at Stayton, Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this Uth day of July 1967. R. C. HASEMAN, Administrator. BELL & GEHLEN Stayton, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. 32 No. 16744 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my Final Account in the estate of Christ Thorgensen, de ceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, and the Court has set the 9th day of August, 11957, at 9:15 o’clock A- M. and the j Circuit Court room as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement of said estate. D. B. HILL Administrator of the Estate of Christ Thorgensen, de ceased. I BELL & GEHLEN I Stayton, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. 32 i, KRAFT ORANGE DRINK 46 oz. can 4/$1.00 tomologists who will determine the accuracy of the observers’ findings, the intensity of the infestations, lo cation and acreage. This wiU all be used as a basis for recommendations as to future action in control pro jects, Larsen added. NOTICE OF SALE For sale by sealed big the foUow- ing described property located in the 1 City of Gates, County of Marion, State of Oregon, to-witt: Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Gates ville, Marion County, Oregon. Property consists of a five room modern home located on a lOO’xlOO’ lot. Located one block west of post office in Gates, 1 Oregon. Sale will be by sealed bid. Enve lope containing bid must be plainly marked, “Sealed Bid.” Please refer , to L-13051-F in all correspondence. A good and sufficient bond or certi- ified check for ten (10%) percent of bid must accompany bid. Right is re- ! served to reject any and all bids. Property will be sold “as is.” Mini mum price is Five Thousand ($5,000.- 00) Dollars. Minimum acceptable terms ten (10%) down, fifteen (15) years to pay balance on con tract. Interest will be charged at the rate of five (5%) percent per an- 1 num on unpaid balance. Bids will be opened in the office I of the undersigned on August 8, | 1957 at 3:00 P. M. Date of First Publication; July 11, 1957. Date of Last Publication, August 1, 1957. DIRECTOR OF VETERANS’ AFFAIRS State Finance Building Salem, Oregon. 31 VMTfíf&IT? WANTADS Mill City Enterprise SMOKED BOSTON BUTTS lb 49' U S GOOD T BONE STEAK lb 89’ Garden Fresh Corn 3 ears 25 THl RS. - FRI. - FRI. July 11-12-13 ROBERT MITCHUM. DEBORAH KERR, in Fresh Crisp Radishes 2 bunches 15c Lemons Dozen r MR. ALLISON 39c k Firm Red Ripe Tomatoes 2 lbs. 35c HEAVEN KNOWS. SI N. - MON. - TUES. July 14-15-16 THREE DAYS M \RLON BRANDO. GLENN FORD, in TEAHOUSE OF THE HILL-TOP MARKET EVERYDAY LOW PRICES wa FREE PARKING Mill City, Ore., - - Phone 2744 AUGUST MOON Start« 6:3» Sunday