THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE S EMPIRE_______________ ___________ ____________ VOLUME XIII NUMBER 28 MILL CITY. OREGON $3.00 A YEAR 10c A COPT THURSDAY. JULY 11, 1957 Canyon Gets By With No Wrecks Over Holiday Lions Elect International President Cascade Area Scouts to Use Camp Pioneer The North Santiam Canyon, as far DETROIT—Annual summer activ as reports coming to this office, got ities for all Boy Scouts in the Cas off lucky over the long Independence j cade Area Council will begin July day vacation. Not one accident invol 14 at Camp Pioneer. ving loss of life was reported. * Camp Pioneer is located seven The State as a whole did its share miles southeast of Marion Forks on . however in building up the annual I the shores of Pine Ridge lake in the holiday slaughter. The Oregon toll1 Willamette National Forest. The 40- stood at 14. Drownings took two lives. ' acre camp will operate for five con- One was Lester Burleson, 16, of Turn- | secutive weeks closing August 17. , er, who drowned while swimming in Each period begins on Saturday and tne Santiam River about 15 miles I ends on the following Sunday. 1 south of Salem. Other drowning vic- New this year at the camp are Edward G. Barry of Little I dm was Earl Booth, 23 of Tillamook. archery and rifle ranges. The sched | who drowned in the ocean at Terra Del I Rock, Arkansas has been elected ule calls for instruction in all scout- | Mar beach. The other 11 deaths were' International President of Lions 1 ing skills, handicraft and full aquat International at the association's ¡charged to traffic accidents. ics program including boating, swim 40th Annual Convention in San | Perfect weather here was enjoyed ming, life saving and canoeing. Over I by those who stayed in Mill City to! Francisco, Calif. Lious Interna I night hiking trips are also scheduled. ’ take in the second Mill City-Gates 1 tional, with 564,300 members in Each week a repersentative from the hungry celebration visitors can be seen get On the left Lyle Fleetwood can be seen 82 countries or regions, is the celebration. All those who took part Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commia- ting their portion of the tasty meat and down in the barbecue pit at the city park on world's largest service club or ih the event were well pleased with sion will lecture on the State’s foreat ganization. other goodies prepared by the American July 4th, lifting out some of the delicious I the affair. and river wildlife. Legion. Everyone attending the event seem beef. On the receiving end is Jim Kesterson. The beef barbecue which was put Approximately 125 Boy Scouts and ed to enjoy themselves.-—Enterprise Photos. on by the American Legion drew a In the photo on the right, some of the leaders are expected to participate large crowd, and all enjoyed the meat j in the camp program each week. prepared by Ig Etzel of Shaw. This Awards will be presented to out- Jim Poole Gets Promotion is the second year Etzel has been on I standing Scouts in each division at hand to help the Legionnaires out in In Navy at San Diego i the end of each period. the event. Scouts from the Salem area will A letter was received this week The Jaycees handled the youth open activities during the first week. ! from Jim Poole who is with the Promotion and transfer of high sports program. Highlight was the “No Smoking While Traveling" Last reports are that there are still LYONS—Santiam Valley- Grange I Navy in San Diego, Calif. He stated I ranking officials in the Salem office greased pig chase, which was won and “Forest Fire Tool” require vacant places in the fourth and fifth held their regular meeting Friday they like it fine down there and of the state forestry department was by Larry Moberg. ments became effective July 1 in the , week periods. evening July 5th. Plans were discuss- that the weather there is not too hot. approved by the board of forestry at The group enjoyed a ball game put Willamette National Forest, and ed for the Linn county grange The Pooles live in the same section its recent meeting in Salem, accord on by two Pewee League teams, both will remain in affect until October picnic which will be held at the of San Diego as the Don Moffatts ing to an announcement made by being from Mill City. This was just 31 unless terminated earlier ac North Santiam State park on Sunday did at one time, and stated they had State Forester Dwight L. Phipps. before the Firemen put on their fire cording to Forest Supervisor Robert July 14 with all Linn county granges driven by the home formerly owned Edward Schroeder,- assistant state works display. The display was even Aufderheide. A similar closure af to participate in the program. Giles by the Moffatts. forester in charge of the 800,000 better than last year and was wit fecting these same areas has been Wagner was appointed general Jim says he got a promotion Jhe icres of state owned forest lands, nessed by a huge crowd. placed in effect by the State Forester. Sunday morning, July 14, there chairman for the annual Fall Har middle of last month to tradesman has been promoted to the office of Monday night Lions clubbers and The ban on smoking applies to will be an installation service, in- vest Festival with a tentative date third class. It is a special driver’s deputy state forester, a position that others worked at cleaning debris from anyone traveling inside the national luded in the worship hour at 11 of September 21. The Home Eco rate. He said they repair, maintain has been vacant for some months, the city park. The Lions were in forest except when on paved or o’clock for the newly elected officers nomics club was in charge of the and instruct in all types of training and Vance L. Morrison, assistant charge of bingo and other games dur surfaced highways. The camping of the First Christian church. program which consisted of a read gear, mostly electronics. A lot the state forester in charge of the serv ing the day and also the food depart Their term of office is from July tools needed consist of an axe with ing “When Pa was Young’’ by Mrs. duties are mock-up planes that are ices division, will take over Schroed 1, 1957 to June 30, 1958. Those to be a handle at least twenty-isx inches ment. They were ably assisted by the Steve Myers, and a reading “Soli identical to the real thing except they er’s work. The transfer will become Lions Auxiliary in this department. long and a head weighing two or installed are: tude” by Fern Sletto and Johnnie don’t fly. He said it is very inter effective July 1. Elders—Richard Freeman, Robert Larry Brent was chief chef again more pounds, a shovel with a blade Lambrecht was the winner in a esting. He sends greetings to friends Schroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. this year, and put in a full shift on not less ¿han eight inches wide and a Gregory, Hugh E.. Jull and Glen game putting clothes pins in a milk here and said “More power to the Herb Schroeder of Mill City, attended i handle ^hlTty-nix Inchee or long Shelton. bottle. A very interesting ’eport of Lions on their 4th program.” He Oregon State college where he re the grill. Deacons- E. K. Fish, Eldon Hutch A good sized crowd went to er, and a water container of one or the high lights from State grange also remarked he would enjoy a nice ceived his degree in forestry. During Gates the night of the third tv attend more gallons capacity. The tool re inson, Robert Moore, James Putman, held at Bend were given by Mr. and trout. his undergraduate years he was with the dance put on by the Gates Volun quirements applies to campers or Floyd Shepherd and William Shep Mrs. Giles Wagner who were the dele- the U. S. Forest Service, Prior to teer Fire Department. picnickers using forested areas herd. gates from Santiam Valley. Junior Deacons—James Fish, Jr., that he had been a foreman in one of outside of the regular improved for Howard Means is at the present the Civilian Conservation Corps est camps, if traveling by automo Arthur Hedge, Jr., Donald Howe, and time working with the State Voca the John Fourth of July visitors at camps and during the period of 1936 Fire Siren to Announce bile or with pack horses. Campfire William Putman. Plambeck home were their son and tional Rehabilitation program in Sa to 1941 was with the woods opera Deaconesses—Mrs. E. K. Fish, permits are not required. wife, Dr. and Mrs. Hans Plambeck of lem, starting his work there Mon tion of the Mill City Manufacturing Civil Defense Test Forest officials point out that Mrs. Robert Gregory, Mrs. Arthur A Civil Defense test will be made State law and Federal regulations Hedge, Mrs. Ike Myers, Mrs. Elmer Corvallis, accompanied by young day. They plan to move to Salem Co., Mill City. later on. Douglas. I He entered the employ of the State here this coming Friday, according prohibit the building of fires in un Shaw and Mrs. Nat Wills. Church Clerk — Mrs. Clarence 'Forestry- department in 1941 and was to Floyd Völkel of Gates, who is di safe places or failing to extinguish assigned to the Clackamas-Marion rector of the canyon area. He said them. “To build a safe fire is to Howe. Church Treasurer—E. K. Fish. Forest Protective association district the fire sirens of Gates and Mill build it small in a spot away from Church Pianist—Mrs. Eldon Hut as an assistant forest inspector. City will be sounded at some time etumps, logs, roots or other debris, , From there he was transferred to during the day, no specific hour be and cleared to mineral soil,” Aufder chinson; assistant, Mrs. Hugh E. Roseburg where he worked succes ing set. heide said. “The fire should be com Jull. Stores and service stations will pletely extinguished with water Trustee—Floyd Shepherd. sively as inspector, in land manage HQ ALASKAN, AIR COMMAND hive pamphlets to distribute to their and stirring the coals while soaking Bible School Officers— Supt, Glen ment work and as conservation in Elemendorf AFB. Alaska. 1 July In a letter nominating him for customers prior to that time. Bob them.” He added that water should E. Shelton; Assistant, Mrs. William spector. 57—A former resident of Mill City, this year’s honors, Sgt. Podrab- Shepherd; secretary, Doris Hutch Following the 1945 Tillamook fire Hill is local chairman. not be used in masonry stoves. Technical Sergeant Ernest L. Po sky’s OIC, called him “typical of the inson; assistant secretary, Judy he was transferred to Forest Grove Foresters give much credit for re drabsky, USAF, has been named ideal Air Force career man” and an Ruebke; librarian, Mrs. Hugh E. as District Warden of the 1,500,000- duction in forest fires to widespread the Outstanding Airman in Alaska “inspiration to his juniors.' A double garage te being built at acre state unit. One of the huge tasks forest fire prevention campaigns, Jull; pianist, Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson. for the year 1957, it was announced Sgt. Podrabsky arrived in Alaska 1 that came under his administration the present time by Mr. and Mrs. increased public cooperation, and Cradle Roll Superintendent—Mrs. Charles French. Helping Mr. French today by Headquarters Alaskan Air in January, 1956. His previous duty E. K. Fish; Home Dept. Supt., Mrs. 1 was the rehabilitation of the state awareness of the value of forests Command. station was Portland AFB, Oregon. forest lands within the Tillamook is Everett Lake. The garage is large and the danger and losses when ike Myers. Sgt. Podfabsky, who was born in With the 66th he has served as ¡burn. In addition he had the manage enough to house their car, boat and Minister—B. A. Lawrence. the forest bums. Mill City in 1932, will represent his Dock Chief, supervising F-89 per ment of some 450,000 acres of state a workshop. command at the Annual Air Force As iodic inspections, and is presently forest lands. He came to Salem in sociation Convention in Washing a Scorpion crew chief with the I November 1955 to take over as As- Bean Festival Queen Candidates Named ton, D. C., later this month. squadron. He has been cited in the ’ sistant State Forester in charge of _ _ serving past as maintaining the most “trouble the State Forests division. The Serg^iit is presently with the 66th Fighter Interceptor free, the cleanest and most pre I Squadron, a unit of AAC’s Tenth sentable aircraft in the division. I.’ ” * Nowadays, the Sergeant is study- I.O.O.F. To Install Air Division, at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. He is an Aircraft Mainten- ¡ng and flying—with an eye tow- Officers Here Friday ance Technician, crew chief on a ard earning k.- his Private Pilot’s r:_ Lie-1 The Mi)1 city IOOF lodge wiH hold Northrop F89 Scorpion. i ense and a CAA Aircraft and En- t installation of officers ceremonies at While attending Mill City High gine Certificate. He’s an ardent hunt- the lodge hall here this Friday even School, Sgt. Podrabsky was Student (ter and fisherman, to boot. ing at 8 o’clock. Stanley Vail will be Body President (1949-50) and a four- Sgt. Podrabsky’s trip to the installing officer. year letterman in football. He grad AFA Convention in Washington II. I. Plymale will be installed as uated in 1950 and subsequently at ' should prove another pleasant mile- Noble Grand and Al Nesbitt as vice tended Portland State College for a ; stone in an already distinguished 1 grand. Appointive officers will also short time. career. He’ll receive hotel accomoda- 1 be installed at this time. As an honored guest at the AFA i tions, be hosted at offeial luncheons, Convention, Podrabsky will be ac banquets and other convention act- Little League to Play corded full VIP honors, along with | ivities. I ranking Air Force officials. This Podrabsky is the son of Mr. and , Two Home Games is the second year the AFA has spon sored the Air Force-wide competi Mrs. Ernest L. Podrabsky, Sr., of | Dick Crook, who does such a good tion to select an Outstanding Air Rt. 1, Lyons, Oregon. He is married I job managing the Mill City Little man. The program is designed to to the former Marianne Bell, of Scio, League baseball team announced to create “a better understanding and Oregon, and the couple are the par day that the local team will play appreciation of the technician serv ents of a three-year old «on. They two games here. The first game will reside in the Sourdough Trailer be Thursday with Scio and Monday ing in the Air Force.” night they will meet Stayton. A glance at the highlights of Sgt. ' Court on Elmendorf AFB. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Podrabsky Podrabscky’s Air Force career re veals why he was chosen. In a short left Saturday morning by plane from Chili Bowl at Gates six and one-half years, the ex-log J Seattle for Alaska to visit their son , and family. They were taken to Se- Leased by Mrs. Werner ger has come a long way. Eight months after entering the 1 attle Friday night by Roy Podrab- Mrs. Maxine Werner, formerly of service in January, 1951, Sgt. Po ' sky. Salem, but who has lately been op drabsky found himself in Korea. erating the Lake Cafe at Detroit, When he left, a little more than a took over active management Mon Weather at Detroit Dam day of the Chili Bowl at Gates. year later, Podrasbsky was wear- ing a host of decorations, includ 7:90 A. M. Daily Wea ther Readings Percy Mulligan said Monday the Union High School; Sherry Hansen, San Aad Lake Elevatiosi ing the Bronze Star. He won the move was necessary due to the ill Contestants for the crown of queen tiam Union High School, Mill City, Louann Max. Min Pep. latter when the F-80 “Shooting Elev ness of Mrs. Mulligan. of the annual Santiam Bean Festival Schlies, Stayton Union High School; De Star” for which he waa responsible July 3 74 51 0.00 1566.57 which opens in Stayton Tuesday, July 30, 79 52 0.00 1566.19 Dinner guest« Sunday at the home anna Threlkel, Cascade Union High completed 110 combat missions with July 4 for a five-day run, are shown in their of 88 54 0.00 1565.72 of Mrs. Myrtle Bates were Mrs. Stan out an abort. Eventually, as a result July 5 School; Patricia Wolf, St Boniface High ficial Bean Festival costumes of red dres 83 54 0.00 1565.52 ley Walter and »on, Leslie of Scio, of the Oregonians mechanical skill, July 6 School, Sublimity, and Jeanette Townsend, ses with white dots and white cumber 69 50 0.00 1565.37 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Morgan and the plane rolled up a record total of July 7 Cascade Union High School. Stayton Mail bunds, and matching parasols. Shown left 74 51 0.00 1565.36 John, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bates 288 combat missions—without an July 8 Photo. to right they are Norma Bentley, Stayton 82 52 0.00 1565.22 and Byron of Salem. abort in the bunch! July » | Santiam Valley Grange To Attend Picnic Juny 14 Ed Schroeder Gets Forestry Promotion Fire Prevention Measures Take Effect To Keep Oregon Green First Christian Church To Install Officers Sun. Ernest Podrabsky Gets High Honor from Air Force at Elmendorf Alaska Base