s :uneral Held Thursday For Forrest Nydegger *—THE MILL CITY ENTEKPRISETHl KSDAY, JULY L 1957 « 1 HILLTOP OFFERS A NEW LYONS—Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock from Weddle Funeral Home in Stayton with Dr. Robert Moultin Gatke of Salem officiating, for For- j rest Nydegger of Lyons, who passed away at bis home Monday after several months illness. He was 51 years old. He was born in Ohio, May 2, 1903 and came to Lyons with I his parents at the age of seven years. He spent his entire life in ( this community. He was married to Effie Downing ■June 30, 1928, who survives him, also five children, four daughters and one son, Mrs. Betty Hunt and Beverly Nydegger of Lyons, Mrs. Mabel Me- shew of Stayton, Mrs. Shirley Grimes of Honolulu and Cletus Ny­ degger of Stayton and five grand­ children as well as a host of friends. Interment was in the Fox Valley cemetery at Lyons. Pallbearers were Henry Holzfuss, Bill Kimery, Don­ ald Kuiken, Harvey Grimes, William Kuiken and James Tomb. MEAT MARKET Selling nothing but the Best - Cut the way you Want it. This week we are proud to announce another new service to the pub­ lic. We have hired our own meat cutter and now you will be able to get choice cuts of meat, cut the way you want it, while you watch. Plan to make Hilltop Market your one-stop shopping center for your food needs. OPEN ALL DAY JULY 4TH NEBERGALL’S HAMS Whole or Half lb. 59' WEINER'S Nebergalls Best lb. 49 « NEBERGALL’S Economy BACON 1 lb. pkg. 55* Bids Asked for Bridge Across North Santiam Fresh Pan Ready Fryers lb. 40' Bids have been invited by the Port­ land District, Corps of Engineers, for construction of a steel girder bridge with concrete piers and deck across the North Santiam River at Detroit Dam reservoir. The new bridge would replace the present one which failed last sum­ mer. It has since been used for foot traffic only. Construction of the new bridge calls for four 96-foot long girdera from the old Deschutes River high­ way bridge which was removed dur­ ing relocation work made necessary by construction of The Dalles Dam on the Columbia river. Bids for construction of the new bridge will be opened at 2 p. m July 23. Work must be completed in 150 calendar days. LEAN, FRESH Ground Beef 3 lbs. s1.00 BEEF POT ROAST lb. 39' FROZEN —BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY French's Mustard 9oz. Jar 17* Simple Simon Meat Pies pkg. 27* MUIR'S BAKERY Dutch Maid Margarine 5 lbs. Always Fresh Bread and Buns $1.00 Remember Muir's Large Loaf White or Whole Wheat Bread, only 28* NEW ARRIVALS Report Santiam Memorial Hospital Born June 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Herbert Nollen of Marion a son, Keith Lee, weighing 5 pounds 10% ounces. Born June 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- lyn Joseph Birkholz of Stayton, a daughter, Kathleen Marie, weighing 6 pounds 6^4 ounces. Born June 25 to Mr. and Mrs Gerald Victor Kintz of Stayton a son, James Thomas, weighing 9 pounds % ounce. Born June 26 to Mr. and 3 Alois V. Prantl of Rt. 1, Scio daughter, weighing 6 pounds ounces. Born June 27 to Mr. and .3 Robert Kottre of Sublimity, a son, Timothy Robert, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces. Born June 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ‘thur P. Pietrcck of Rt. 1, Scio a son Kenneth Joseph, weighing 7 pounds 7% ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fry of Stayton June 27 a son, Raland Dale, weighing 10 pounds 7% ounces. Born June 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert D. Franklin of Rt. 1, Lyons a son. Born July 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Jer­ ome A. Grossman of Stayton a son, Kerry Michael, weighing 9 pounds 3% ounces. il Dutu'iIudiJ P NewSpuds IQ lbs. 29* SOLID, RED RIPE Tomatoes 2 lbs. 25' LARGE SOLID HEAD Lettuce 2 for 25* FRESH GOLDEN BantamCorn 6for39* ’.ARiiARIMi MADE IN SALEM NALLEYS ELSINORE PINEAPPLE Blue Bell Potato Chips Dill Pickles jar 39* ¡S3 3 Bags ini pkg 49* Relish- jar 27* Beans Ige. Tins 31* Catsup2 14 oz. jars 35' No. 1 Tall Tins 33 2 lb. loaf *1.39 Juice, 46 Tinea. 29' NALLEYS S & W BAKED Weather at Detroit Dam 7:00 A. M. Daily Weather Readings And Lake Elevation Sweet, Hamb., Cucumber June June June June June July July DEL MONTE TILLAMOOK CHEESE MEDIUM RIPE OLIVES WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE LUSTRE VAN CAMPS 2'/2 TINS Lane Greeting Cards Pork & Beans 4 lor 85* YES WE CARRY Max. M 70 80 72 69 70 70 Min 52 57 58 52 48 48 51 Pep. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Elev 1567.22 1567.22 1567.24 1567.25 1567.23 1567.21 1567.11 lumdUlh Charcoal Briquets • THURS. - FRI. • FRI. July 4-5-6 ANTHONY QUINN in RICHTEX DR. ROSS VARIETY DIET Golden Shortening 3 !b.Tin 79* Crisco Shortening 3 lb. Tin 99 c Waxtex Wax Paper 100 ft roll 20' Dog Food, 4 Flavors, 3 Tins 5QC Tide Soap, giant size pkg. 78* Complete Line Picnic Supplies : MAN FROM DEL RIO ■< * HILL-TOP MARKET FREE FREE PARKING PARKING 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 If Mill City really wants to grow, there is on sure way: make jobs available for the people who would Lke to live here. I« EVERYDAY LOW PRICES From Mill City, Ore.. - - Phone 2744 h ♦ i | — PLUS — SAL MIN’EO in : ROCK PRETTY BABY | Starts 5:30 July 4 t ! SUN. - MON’. July 7-9 t J 1CK PALANCE, ♦ EDDIE ALBERT, in I ATTACK ! Start» 6:30 Sundav I____________ _________________ ♦ Doors Ope« at 749 P. M. Complete «how ran be seen ear time up to 9:90