Business end Professional DIRECTORY 1— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1957 Furniture MEHAMA 117. The new named four children of Babbit, Nevada left Douglas Duane. Friday after u week’s visit with Mrs. UNFINISHED FURNITURE j C b A S S I F 1 E b RATES Used Furniture Bargains. We give \ isitors with relatives here the King's brother and family, Mr. and By Mrs. John Tsetere Mrs. Raymond Branch. | Church bazaars, suppers, bake Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ward (Alice first of the week were Mr. and Mrs. sales, etc, will be run under “Special H. L. Stiff Furniture Company, Wagner) left the last of the week R. C. Mulkey from Portland. DR. JOHN C. TARR Dean Branch returned home Sun Announcements" classification with 367rd St.. Stayton. 33tf for their home in Los Angeles, Calif., day evening from Washington where Chiropractic Physician Intended for Last Week a minimum charge of 50 cents per Phane 3274 Visitors the first of last week at | he visited friends and relatives in FOR SALE—Walnut dining room after a short visit with relatives here. ' taaertion. The Walter Johnson family went the Otis Marks home were Mrs. j Bremerton, Seattle, and Fort Lewis. Hours 9:00 to 6:00 set, only 370 with terms. Occasion Ten cents per line each insertion. Jesse Coleman was here from al chairs, 33 each. Other furniture. to Happy Camp, Calif., the middle of Mark's father, Henry Getman from Evenings By Appointment No advertisement accepted for less last week for a few days visit. They Portland and her sister’s family, Mr. Klamath Falls for the weekend. Mrs. Phone 2007, Mrs. Roger Nelson, 112 E. Ida St. Stayton fcan 50 cents per week. and Mrs. Rube Stangland and daugh Coleman returned home with him Mill City. 27 returned home Saturday. Sunday after visting for several Count five words to the line in Allen Pooler, who is employed in ter, Linda from Aberdeen, Wash> 1 ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill Portland was here visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Griffiths re weeks with her daughter and family, For Rent City or mail your advertisement to for a short while Saturday. turned home Saturday from a two- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crook and baby JOHN W. REID, M. D, The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City,! ! week’s vacation trip spent mostly in daughter. Harry Patton and two grandchild MAKE AN OFFER—Two properties Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze and Oregon. ren were Saturday guests of his mo ¡Kansas visiting relatives. for rent in Mill City Physician and Surgeon Mrs. Jim Richmond and daughter I ther, Mrs. Mabel Patton Mrs. Pat- Mrs. Larry Kimsey and children NUMBER ONE—On Ivy street, se spent Saturday night at the Tietxe tor. returned to Portland with her and her mother, Mrs. Jennie Moe MILL CITY, OREGON cond house west of Second Street son for a visit. ¡visited during the weekend at the cabin on the Metolious and attended Miscellaneous South, on south side of street. the Rodeo at Sisters Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Johnson of •Joe Jones home in Klamath Falls. ¡NUMBER TWO—On Fairview Ave Mr. and Mrs. Chris McDonald and 1956 HARLEY DAVIDSON KH Glendale, visited a short time Sat Rev. and Mrs. James Hardy and nue, approximately 5 blocks east Mr. and Mrs. D- L. Teeters and boys DeLuxe, sell or trade. Terms. 960 urday with relatives and friends here. children left Friday morning for of Second Street South. On north DR. LESLIE J. CARSON E. Jefferson, Stayton. Phone I Guest preacher at the Sunday California. The Hardys were accom were at the McDonald place at Tum side of street. Optometrist 6934 or 6944. 27tf BOTH may be identified by State morning services of the Mehama panied by Jewell Wallen. The Hardys alo during the weekend. They visited 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Sat. friends in Bend Saturday evening Owned Property signs attached to Community Presbyterian church was and Jewel expect to spend two weeks and attended the rodeo in Sisters FOR SALE—2 wheel trailer. Fifteen Except Wednesday. Hugh E. Jull of Mill City. attending choir school at San Ansel dwellings. Examine and make rent inch tires and wheels. Good Con Sunday. 580, Third St Stayton A group of young people from the mo, Calif. al offer to Department of Veter dition. Reasonable. Phone 3478. C. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner were Westminster Fellowship of the Me Phone 6944 Two of the elders of the Mehama ans’ Affairs, State Finance Build C. Davis. Mill City. 27p hosts at their cabin on the Metolious church, B. L. Kirsch and Harry Mon hama church accompanied a group ing, Salem, Oregon. 28 from the MYF of the Lyons Metho were in charge of the morning river over the weekend for a large WANT TO BUY TIMBER FOR RENT—1 bedroom house be dist church to Silver Creek Falls for roe services at the church Sunday in the group of friends when they enjoyed fishing and a card party Saturday Small or large tracts tween Mill City and Gates. Has a picnic Sunday afternoon. absence of Rev. Hardy. Either cash or stumpage basis night. All returned home Sunday. Mis. E. J. Hughes visited Sunday TV cable installed.—Chuck’s Fine Mr. and Mrs. Darrell King and Weddle Funeral Home j creek lmb co Foods, east of Gates. 19tf at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Mulkey in Port H mile weet of Mehama. Oregon 3tf Modem Funeral Service FOR RENT or FOR SALE—Three land. Also visiting there Sunday af bedroom modern home. Call Mill ternoon was another brother and OREGON ! FIREPLACES—One day installation STAYTON City 6707. lltf family, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mulkey | 315.00 month on budget plan. Val ley Yards, East Grant St. Lebanon FOR RENT—Two bedroom home on and daughter, Barbara. (just outside city limits.) 35p Visiting Friday night at th« Alvin | Grove street in Mill City. Has been Grifiths home were Mr. Griffith’s | completely redecorated. Phone UL OFFICE FURNITURE and equip- 9-2533, Russell Wilson, Rt. 1, Ly brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Or- ment. typewriters, adding machines, ons, Oregon 13tf phus Griffiths and grandson from calculators, cash registers, duplicat Cashmere, Wash. The Orphus Grif Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, fiths were on their way to Eugene to FOR RENT — Hospital beds and mat Ph. Salem EM pin- 3-9468 COLLECT rent, »wap and repair. Bargains in tresses, rollaway beds and mat visit a daughter’s family. 1*79 Elm St. W. Salem used machines. Roen Typewriter Mrs. Hubert Wagner was hostess tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Exchange, 456 Court bU, Salem, tf We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 to a group of girl» Thursday after 3rd St. Stayton. Phone «804. 3«tf noon, Jun« 27, honoring her daugh- Sawmill LOGS WANTED ter Sara Kay- on her 8th birthday Top prices for Second Growth Present for the afternoon of games Legal Notices When in Need of Printing STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. and refreshments were: Marita, Rose H west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf and Linda Rohwein, Sharon Speil- No. 17020 Buy it in MiH City from FOR EXPERT ¡PLUMBING—Call a NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT meyer, Fay La.Munyan, Donna Huber, I have filed my Final Account in Joy Prideaux, Ginger Carter, Jo Ro Licensed Plumber. UL 9-2355. 5 The Mill City Enterprise the estate of Richard Kanoff, de- berts and the honor guest, Sara Kay. Weekend guests at the Hubert HEAVY HAULING FOR LEASE—Major Oil Co.—Have ceased with the County Clerk of modern unit for lease. Gasoline Marion County, Oregon, and the Wagner home were Mrs. Wagner’s Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment and Diesol facilities. For info, call Court has set the 19th day of July, son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mr. Morgan Stayton 5264. Finan at 9:15 A. M. and the Circuit Court Turnidge and two sons from Port EXCAVATION and CONSTRUCTION cial assistance available to quali room as the time and place for hear land and Mrs. Turnidge's mother, WE SELL BETTER fied party. 22tf ing objections thereto and the settle Mrs. Roy Guthier from Wesminater, Î5-TON MOBILE CRANE CARS FOR LESS Calif. This was the first time the FOR SALE Red Raspberries. John ment of said estate. CONTRACTING AND RENTAL Turnidge’s had been here since the HELEN KANOFF, Kunkle, Rt. 1, Box 50, Lyons, birth of their second son on June Administratrix of the Es- Oregon, first house east of Fox state of Richard Kanoff, Valley schoolhouse. Phone UL 9- Deceased. . WJ2. ........................... 27p BELL A GEIILEN, Stayton, Oregon Lost and Found STAYTON,OREGON Attys, for Admin. IT PAYS TO BUT AT FOUND—Yellow Parrakeet, came to our place Sunday evening. Owner HOME may have same by paying for this ad and identifying.—Call Mill City 6483 evenings. Mrs. Ingle Johnson. ST OUT . . MIKE'S Sepiic Service Salem Sand and Gravel Company GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET CT WASN'T Card of Thanks THIS WAY Plan to Exhibit At State Fair? Salem—One of the questions most frequently asked at the Oregon State Fair is, ’What must 1 do to enter an exhibit?" Now is the time for ex hibitors and would-be exhibitors to start making plans. The 92nd State Fair opens this year at Salem Aug- ust 31 and continues for 8 days. With a new fair commission, under the chairmanship of Jack Travis, and a new fair manager, Howard Maple, plans are in the works for an en tirely new and different kind of fair Real Estate this year. Mx. Travis and Mr. Maple ¡are especially anxious that there be REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or RENT—Two bedroom a large number of new exhibitors from all parts of the state. house on the river. JOS. DEVERS HELAL ESTATE ; “We need exhibitors from every county and especially from eastern W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Phone 4515 Gates. Oregon. and southern Oregon," Mr. Travis said. "We want the people of the 1 stat« to feel that this is their fair , ai.d we want it truly representative.” Whether exhibitors are thinking I of entering a sewing or weaving ex- I hibit, a bouquet of flowers or some I dairy cattle, the first thing to do is I to send for a premium book. They may be secured from the state fair in Salem, or at any county agent's 1 office. The premium book lists thir- 1 teen departments in which exhibit» can be entered, including dairy cat tle, dual purpose cattle, beef caV’s . draft horses, sheep and goats, swine, poultry, pigeons and rabbits, hon ey bee, land products, including fruits and grain, floral and garden, art, foods, and textiles. you want the BEST, the, The exhibitor, whether amateur or 1 • - commercial, is urged to study care fully the rules for entering each di- I viaion. In some departments there ia a small entry fee. Others reqire no 'fee. Entry blanks can be secured charge from the state fair. SERVICE STATION & without Exhibitors in the Textile Department TRAILER COURT must be Oregon residents. The last Phone 908, Mill Oity day for filing entries varies with different departments but is is about MOTOR TUNEUPS the midd e of August. Exhibitors whe aad win prises are given ribbons and cash BRAKE WORK awards which vary from fifty cents AUTO SUPPLIES to 3200 All exhibits will be return ed to the owner at the end of the fair. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their help and as sistance during the illness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Joe Leis. We also wish to express our appreciation to those who sent so many beautiful floral offerings. These acts of kindness will always be remembered by us.—Joe and Rob ert Leis. 27p LICENSED Garbage Disposal IlJi Per Month and Up A Wo Servicing Gate*. Lyons Idvnaha eed Detroit MILL CITY, OREGON DISPOSAL SERVICE Bud CMne, Owner Ph. 3902 BE SURE WITH Ater ’O» YOU» TELEVISION OR RADIO Phone 3207 or UL 9-2191 We Spécialisé in Phllco, Motorola, Admiral StiHler't Radio and Applianct Co Last week this was a beautiful picnic spot, but something happened. Today it is a charred countryside, SILVER SADDLE FOR \ MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbare, ashes, trimmings, eu weekly Dickons 31.50 ner month Also light hauling Bnd Mine, Owner Ph. 5902 (»»ttitntt BE SURE YOUR CAMPFIRE IS OUT BEFORE YOU LEAVE IT The Mill City Enterprise