Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1957)
Study Drivers' Book Before Taking Test 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1957 Social Events Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 • • • Mill City Married Here Recently CLUB, lodge ANI) local activities Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor Phone 625 It pays to know the law before at tempting to get a driver’s license in Oregon, just as it pays to obey the law in order to keep the license, the Oregon Traffic Safety Commission commented today. As a matter of fact, failure to pass the rules of the road test, the writ ten portion of the Oregon exam for a license, flunked almost as many first time applicants last year as the act ual behind the wheel driving test, according to Department of Motor Vehicles figures. The department reported that 10,- 843 of the 60,895 first-time appli cants failed to pass the rules of the road test in 1956 on their first try. Another 14,485 flunked the behind the wheel exam. Most were success ful on subsequent attempts, the De partment said. The high number of failures, es pecially when a passing grade of 75 of the road test, clearly shows that too many people fail to study thet driver’s manual before they take the test, the Commission said. This is especially true of people who may have held licenses in other states and thus assume they can pass the Oregon test without study. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for violation, especially in view of the fact that failure to obey laws is noted in about 90 percent of all Oregon ac cidents, the safety group concluded. Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m Closed Mondays Mrs. Albert Toman Mrs. Jull Is Hostess for Women’s Council Meeting Tells of Mid-West Trip Mrs. Hugh Jull was hostess at her Mrs. Albert Toman returned last home Wednesday afternoon for the week from a three-weeks vacation June meeting of the Women’s Council which was spent in Minnesota and I of the Christian church. Mrs. Elsie Illinois. While in Illinois she visited Myers presided at the business meet- the area which was devastated by SHOP ing and also led the devotions for the the recent tornado. At Delano. Minn., afternoon. It was decided to hold the where she has relatives she told of KELLOM'S annual bazaar the first part of No- a recent flood in that area which did vember. A dish towel shower for the extensive damage to both the busi GROCERY church kitchen will be held at the ness and residential areas. The air is for your every day I July meeting, which will be a potluck still stagnant from the flood waters. dinner at the home of Mrs. Myers | She said there was only one real hot needs j Refreshments were served by the ,day during her stay in Minneapolis, Try Our hostess, assisted by Mrs. Floyd Shep and for the most part the weather herd. GREASELESS DONUTS was cool and cloudy. During her Min Present were Mmes. Elsie Myers, neapolis stay they had been warned They’re Good B. A. Lawrence, Rowen, of Twentj- of an impending tornado. There were i Nine Palms, Calif.; E. K. Fish, Low- | black clouds overhead but no “fun Kellam's Grocery I ell Cree, Herbert Whitaker, Glen nel” in the cloud was formed so the Shelton, Ralph Jull, William Shep- area was spared. Your Neighborhood I herd, Arthur Hedge, Floyd Shep- She visited Lincoln's home and Grocery ’ herd and Hugh Jull. tomb and also went to New Salem, Mill City, Oregon Something to sell? Then try a where she saw a replica of the town as it was when Lincoln lived there. ■ Classified ad in The Enterprise. “It was really ihteresting,” said Mrs. Toman. On commenting on the country, she said she was very glad to be back SA in Oregon. She was accompanied on the trip by her granddaughter, Lynn Robison. Hard work still represents the main essential of success in life. Parents Should Have 7 3’A MILLION AMERICANS SAVE AT BANKS! Open or add to [ your savings account at U. S. National by July 10 .Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier and son, Jim, went to Foster Sunday i where they visited their son and Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jull who were brother, Gary, who is stationed there married here recently in a pretty church wedding. They are at with the Linn County Fire PatroL home now in Cougar, Wash., where he is employed as a civil en- They stated their son, Brian Mof- gineer’s aide with the Department of Commerce ' fatt and Ron Kuhlman will come 1 Parents should obtain complete | home for the Fourth. physical and dental examination^ as Mill City Residents Plan soon as possible for all children en- I tering school for the first time this To Attend Convention We Have Just Received a New Shipment of fall, the state board of health an A number of Mill City people plan j nounced Saturday. to attend the 109th annual convention I BATH TOWELS, FANCY DISH TOWELS Early examinations are necessary of the Oregon Christian churches, to allow time for complete immuniza which will be held at the Turner AND LUNCH CLOTHS tion schedules and any corrective Memorial Tabernacle at Turner. The work which is indicated, according to meetings start Tuesday evening and Come in and See them Today. ' Dr. Harold M. Erickson, state health close Saturday evening. The theme1 1 officer. for the convention this year will be ■ I Dr. Erickson explained that Ore- “The Love of God Made Perfect.” on school authorities require records Among those who will speak dur- I Phone 2241 Mil J. CITY, OREGON I of such medical and dental examina- ing the convention are the Rev. Dr. | tions at a child’s first registration. George R. Davis of Wichita Falls, He also reminded parents that many Texas; Dr. Orval W. Peterson of school districts ask parents for cop St. Louis, Mo.; Rev. Fred Sawyer 5 ies of birth certificates for all new of Indianapolis, Ind.; and missionar- admissions. aries to the Belgian Congo and Jap Birth registration cards may be an. The Rev. Ellsworth Lewis and secured by sending one dollar to the Mrs. Isobel Dittemore will also tell state board of health, room 979, Port of their experiences. land state office building. Although the board of health recommends John Swan and George Stewart birth registration cards for such pur- went to Roseburg Thursday to at popses, complete photostatic copies tend the Eagles convention. While of birth certificates may be obtain there they visited Rev. Ray, former Presbyterian minister here, who is ed for two dollars. Information accompanying requests now 83 years old and still is active in should include the full name of the church work. Rev. Ray wanted to be child and parents, and the date and remembered to his friends here and especially to Lowell Fleetwood, who place of birth. used to accompany him on trips So long as the only test of a man s around the area when Buzz was a worth is the size of his bank account, little fellow. the world will lack much of being an ideal state. ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP 1 YOU’LL EARN INTEREST FROM JULY 1 The most amasing deep-tone colors we have ever seen! SPREÒ SATIN COLORS Dramatic new deep buet in the famoue Wonder Paint, uitb the original ryntbetio rubber emultion for mula that changed the decorating habile of America. PERSONAL STATIONERY LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES we recommend them so highly ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS . F BOOKLETS J À or just PUTTERING ’ For th« first time, here are de«p tones that you can apply quickly and easily without complicated surface preparation or troublesome intermixing. New you don’t have to hesitate about trying those beautiful decorator effects you see in the magazines. k ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS INVOICES ... tkersi a West Co«»f I K«d« and «II« t« fill »very Med I MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Phone 2651 MILL CITY See r* ter ell yenr bnilding HMterial needs. Kelly Lumber Sales Phone 6803 SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Seeds Feeds Machinery Fertilizer Grinding and Mixing SEED MARKETING Hardware Custom Clemúng Petroleum Products Household AppHan<