1—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JULY 4, IS57 LYONS Oregon in 3-Way lie on Pedestrian Protection Oregon’s 1956 pedestrian protection program has won a first place award ^Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Powelson from the American Automobile As­ from Elgin were in Lyons Thurs­ sociation. day to attend funeral services for In Oregon's classification of states, Forrest Nydegger The Powelsons New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware are former Mill City residents. were in a three-way tie for second Mr. and Mrs. Roy Downing ofI place and California and Colorado Roseburg, Ted Downing of Merrill, , received honorable mentions. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton, Duane ' State officials said the award was Downing from The Dalles and Mrs. made in the basis of reports submit- Richard Brown of Eugene were out- 1 of-town relatives attending the fune­ ral of Forrest Nydegger Thursday Calif., are spending this week in Lyons. They are guests at the home afternoon. of her sister, Mrs. John Kunkle and Faith Rebekah lodge held their family. They will also visit relatives last meeting until fall Wednesday in Mill City and Salem. night with 15 members present. Mar­ Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hunt and ian Pennington, noble grand, presid­ Duane and her mother. Mrs. Effie ed over the meeting, with the usual procedure carried out. Hazel Lewis, Nydegger spent Sunday at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimery and son delegate tq the Rebekah assmbjy held in Bend gave an interesting re­ Jack and Jerry enjoyed a trip to port. At the social hour strawberry Eastern Oregon Sunday. They had a short cake was served by the com­ picnic lunch at Indian Ford and visit­ mittee, Blanche Wagner, Florence ed at Camp Sherman on the Metol- ious river. Branch and Celene Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard Sr., Rose Marie Jobe and Diane Miller of Portland are visiting at the home spent the weekend at the home of of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jobe. Rose their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Marie is a daughter of Mr. Jobe and and Mrs. Dale Prichard at Clat­ skanie. While there they enjoyed the Dianne a granddaughter. George Balsiger from Bengin. low tide and did some clam digging. Miss Norma Miller of Eugene Wash., was a Tuesday evening caller at the Alex Bodeker home. The Bal- spent the weekend in Lyons. She was sigers resided in Lyons for some a guest at the home of Mrs. Alice time while he owned and operated a Huber. Miss Miller, a former teach­ general merchandise and grocery er at Mari-Linn is now with the schools at Anchorage, Alaska. store. Mrs. Paul Gerath underwent minor surgery at Santiam Memorial hos­ pital in Stayton Wednesday morning. Loren Chamberlain spent the week end in Grand Rounde at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Talbott. Rickie Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harper was taken to 1 the Shriner’s hospital in Portland Thursday morning where she will undergo surgery on her feet. Deo Bridges, who is with the U. S- Marines and stationed at Camp Pen­ dleton in California, is spending a short leave at the home of his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges. Mrs. Donald Sorenson and daugh­ ter, from Klamath Falls "visited Mon­ day afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Robert Jobe. John Kunkle returned home Wed­ nesday morning from Santiam Me­ morial hohpital after spending sev­ eral days there for medical treat­ ment. William (Bill) Grimes front Hono­ lulu arrived in Lyons Thursday morning called here by the death of his father-in-law Forrest Nydegger. Mrs. Grimes has been here since the first of the month assisting in the care of her father. Mrs. Hilda Kuypers and daughter, ' Annette from Paradise Hill, Sask.. I are visiting at the Mike Fink and John Jungwirth homes. Sunday a family gathering and picnic in her honor was held at the Stayton park. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jungwirth of Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tschauner of Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Silbernagel and fam­ ily of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Silbernagel, Ted and Eldon of Stay­ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Florent Frichtl and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bender of Scio, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fink, Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwirth of Lyons, Mrs. S. J. Bender and Louis of Port­ land, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lockner and family of Scio, Miss Madelan Lockner and Frank Lockner of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth of Stayton, and Mrs. Teresa Rund of Salem. Mrs. Mary McLain and Mrs. Frank Cebalo from San Francisco, Calif., spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sieg. Mrs. McLain is a sister of Mr. Sieg. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Grimes and Tommy and Mr. and Mrs. William : Grimes went to Madras Sunday, I where they visited at the home of | Mr. Grime's brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asmussen and Mildred were in Toledo Sunday where they were guests of friends. Fifteen members of the MYF group spent Sunday afternoon and ( evening at Silver Creek Falls where they enjoyed a hike around all of | the falls, later having a picnic lunch and short worship service before re-1 turning home. Mrs. Willard Bleyting from Mont- . gomery, Ala., spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy at the Methodist parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Goodell with their daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crook of Mehama, left Saturday for a two week vacation trip to Elysian, Minn., where they will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crook and family as well as other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Howard of Cor­ vallis, and former Lyon* residents, visited one evening last week at the George Huffman and George Hub­ bard homes. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and sons, Walter and Jimmy spent the weekend at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. John Maimo, Johnnie and Billy from Aberdeen. Wash., Bill Daugherty of Salem and EMen Daugherty of Oregon City were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Phillips from Seattle spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Prichard and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Salchenberger, Donald and Mariyn from Arcata, BEETLE BAILEY by MORT WAtKF, I Editor s Leiter Box Dear Editor: j As a result of a recent announce­ ment in your newspaper, of my trip | to Pennsylvania, I received so many , birthday remembrances from so i many of my good friends in Mill ¡City and Gates (and even from Cor- ,vail is) that I wonder if you would | convey my thanks to them through I your columns. j If so, make it as follows: “Miss Georgia C. Shane of Salem, ■ formerly of Mill City and Gates, | wishes to convey her heartfelt thanks | to all the dear friends who rememb- ■ ered her on her birthday, including 'Santiam Rebekah Lodge No. 166, ' from whom she received a beauti- I ful corsage on the morning of her ¡birthday."- Thank you, Georgia c. Shane. B t Eva Bressler When you need PRIMI N G MILL CITY ENTERPRISE NEW And USED FURNITURE See our selection before You Buy Elsewhere THE CANYON’S OWN FURNITURE STORE Parker - Hutcheson Furniture Careful driving pays dividends to ted covering Oregon's pedestrian those who drive sarefully. Phone 4561 casualty record, accident records, legislation and enforcement, engine­ Separation of church and state is By Mrs. Albert MillMP Gates, Oregon ering, safety organization, school saf­ Judy Kadin spent a week at the still the keystone of religious and ety and public information. political freedom. YMCA camp at Silver Falls. Her trip The 1956 pedestrian toll in the "as made possible by a donation state was 53 deaths and 1267 injuries. from the Stayton Lions club. This compares with 67 pfedestrian Judy Kadin was an overnight guest deaths and 1298 injuries in 1955. I Saturday evening at the home of James R. Banks, manager of the Lorraine Taylor of Salem. Sunday Department of Motor Vehicle’s traffic morning they attended church and SALEM, OREGON safety division and executive secre­ Sunday school where Judy was pre­ Has Everything For Your tary of the Oregon Traffic Safety sented with a Braille Bible given to Commission, was also given a citation her by the Assembly of God church by the AAA for “leadership in pedes­ of Salem, which she has been attend­ trian protection.” Banks served as ing while going to school there. Mrs. FURNITURE and BOOKKEEPING SUPPUBS. contact man for the state. Marjorie Taylor, Lorraine, Butch Official presentation of awards will and Alicia of Salem were Sunday ENGINEERING SUPPLIES be made to Governor Robert D. evening guests at the home of Mr. 141 N. Commercial Street Phone *-*163 Holmes later this summer. and Mrs. Edwin Kadin and Judy. GATES THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS PP&L’s dependable, low-cost electric service You’re using twice as much electricity in your home as you did ten years ago — if yours is a typical home — and the average cost per kilowatt-hour is 25% cheaper than it was in 1947! Pacific Power electricity has always been a good buy... nowadays, hard working, low-cost electric service is your best buy for better living! & LIGHT COMPANY Lave Better... Electrically