Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1957)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE H ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME XIII MILL CITY. OREGON NUMBER 27 Plans Finished Here July 4th For Celebration Angel of Mercy Rode THURSDAY. JULY I, 1957 ¡th This Driver r $3.00 A YEAR 10c A COPT Valley Telephone Company Takes Over Mill Operation; Present Staff To Keep Working Plans are completed for the second Lowell Brown Jr., of Silverton, is ton with exchanges also located at annual Gates-Mill City July 4th cele in Mill City this week setting up the i Turner and Detroit. bration. The Gates firemen are spon books for the Valley Telephone com The Valley telephone Co. will con soring the dance to be held at the pany, which took over active control tinue to operate the system with the Gates school gym Wednesday, July and management of the Santiam Co- I present staff and in the best pos 3, and the balance of the celebration Operative Telephone Company Mon sible manner until such time as the day morning. will be held at the City park in Mill lines can be rebuilt and the system City. Mr. Brown said Monday that in the converted to dial operation. August The Legion beef barbecue will be near future a service man will be 1958 has been set as the date of con- held starting at 11 a. m. the day of permanently located here to service [ version. the Fourth. Bob Oliver and Stanley the local system and the Detroit- In closing out their business, the Idanha dial system. Vail worked Monday night at the i Santiam Cooperative Telephone Co. park getting the barbecue pit dug. The Valley Telephone Co., and its will render a bill to each present The kitchen committee will work It looks like a mess, but what can you ex 40-foot embankment to the bed of the river. He predecessor Interurban Telephone subscriber shortly after July 1, which Wednesday night getting the cook pect when a loaded logging truck goes over the was uninjured. James F. Ferebee, state highway Co., have been engaged in the tele will contain charges for exchange house cleaned up for the event. Herb bank and into the North Santiam. This is what flagman of Four Corners is in Santiam Memor phone business for 53 years. The service for the month of June and Schroeder has built some cupboards happened recently when a truck owned by Mar principal office is located in Silver- I j for toll calls made between May 21 ial hospital with a crushed leg, caused when the in one end of the kitchen, and a new and June 30. Payment of this bill ion Aiderman and driven by Henry Bradshaw log truck bumper knocked him over the bank, water heater has been installed. I should be made directly to the repre The Jaycees have secured a pig for drove into the river rather than crash headon covering him with dirt and logs. Floyd Russell sentative of the Santiam Cooperative into two state highway trucks. The accident hap Curtis driver of one of the highway trucks was the greased pig chase and have their Telephone Company at Mill City. games all lined up for the youth part pened just above Big Spring Forest camp about taken to the hospital and treated for shock.— I Telephone bills rendered by the Vai of the program. There will be bingo ( 5S miles above Idanha. Bradshaw stayed with Mill City Enterprise Photos. , ley Telephone Co., are prepared in and other games on the grounds all ( the vehicle when it made this descent down the the Silverton office and will be mailed day long, and the Mill City band | directly to the subscriber. In order under the direction of Earl Loucks to distribute the work of preparing will appear during the day. A ball a large number of statements, the game is scheduled in the evening | ' billing period for the Mill City ex- before the fireworks display, put on I change will be from the 16th of one by the Mill City Firemen. The United States National bank to the 15th of the following Buttons are still on sale,, and 'of Portland in its June statement of month month. Thus bills dated July 16 will Beginning Monday, Elmer Peter-I condition ...... those who do not buy them prior to report showed deposit« son, of Hilltop Market has changed totaling well over 710 million dol- be for the period July 16 to August the Fourth may get them on the j 15. Accounts due the Valley Tele j over his meat service and now has grounds the day of the celebration. lars. employed his own meat cutter. The ' The Mill City branch listed de- ! phone Co., may be paid at the Mill Monday night, Otto Koeneke pre market will be run more as an old-1 posits of $1,886,736.84, according to j City office or by mail to Silverton. sented 100% pins to Burton Boroughs ; fashioned butcher shop where meat D. B. Hill, Jr., manager. Rates will not change, and sub Lowell Fleetwood, Bob Hill, Frank - is cut to suit the customers taste and 1 Loans and discounts for the state scribers who now own their telephone Hunter, Carl Kelly, Charles Kelly, | DETROIT—Four men miraculous-1 ‘ cut while you wait. Oh- j ly escaped death Wednesday morning Jay Mason Don Moffatt, Rex C wide system now stand at $323,551,- instruments will be required to leave i a week ago, in a highway accident bin Ave., both Salem and drivers of I Mel Whelchel, formerly of Fres 688. The Mill City branch reported it in service until such time as the mart and Lee Ross. | involving two State Higsway Depart the State trucks; James F. Ferebee, no, Calif., is the new butcher. Mr. ’ loans and discounts in the amount system is converted to dial, unles* State Highway flagman, also a resi the service is discontinued, at which men dump trucks and a loaded log dent of Four Corners Trailer court, I Whelchel is not a newcomer here, ’ of $792,757.88. ging truck, near White Water on the end Henry Bradshaw, Idanha, driv having worked at the store about One of the leading banks in the time the equipment may be disposed six years ago for A. W. Toman. nation, U. S. National now lists total of as the owner see* fit. The company North Santiam Highway. er of the loaded logging truck. i He is an experienced meat man, ac- ' resource» of $790,440,132. will provide repair service bo main The quartet was Floyd Russell The accident occurred about 9 a. {Cording to Mr. Peterson, and only the Curtis, Four Corner Trailer court, Since mid-year 1956, U. S- Nation- tain the quality of service of these and Edward Alfred Reed 4335 Dur m. Wednesday as Curtis’ truck was j best of meat will be sold at the ' al has completed modern new build telephones. The company will follow dumping rock into the river over an market. ings at six of its branches. In ad- the usual commercial practice of embankment. Flagman Ferebee was Mr. Whelchel plans to move his 1 dition, major remodeling projects at providing telephone instruments for 1 in front of the truck warning traf- i wife and six children here in the other branches have added new serv- new subscribers. Telephone subscrib- ‘ future. ' ices. Cqs’^mer parking lots were *.n- ers tv'ring service at the time of ( Reed driving another state truck dial conversion will not be required ' stalled at many other locations. started to pull around them, when I An increase in savings interest rate ; to make auy payment of any type the motor stalled, blocking the high West Coast Steel Low With one of the greatest arrays ✓"* i /> ■ ( dial became effective January 1, raising in connection -------- ”“*■ with the J! -' conver way. The flagman told police he saw Bidder for Movable of circus talent ever assembled, ga I the rate to 2Vz%. At the same time, sion program. the loaded truck about three-tenths thered from all points of the world j the bank announced an increased rate 1 All applications for new service, of a mile away, blowing its horn, Bridge at Detroit Dam and previously exhibited in the great of 3% on three-year certificates changes, disconnects, and trouble the driver shouting and waving his West Coast Steel Company, of deposit purchased after January metropolitan areas of the East and hand. When the log truck was with Portland Friday was low of five Interest on these new certificates 1 reports should be made to tt)e Mill then making its big leap from the in about 200 feet of the blocked high bidders with an offer of $17,933 now paid semi-annually at U. ** City office. East to West as it annually does, way, Ferebee dropped his flag and when bids were opened by the Port playing Los Angeles, San Diego, With the recent purchase of an- ran. Curtis jumped and followed, but land District, Corps of Engineers, National. Oakland, Sacramento and San Fran cisco, each and every one of these other grader, to replace the old worn- Reed froze inside his truck. The log for the manufacture and erection of cities under the sponsorship of the out machine, the city has completed truck smashed head-on into Reed's a fail mounted movable bridge with Firemen Called Out to power units at Detroit Dam. r. _ Prat Shriners. Polack Bros. Shrine Cir grading the streets and giving them truck sending it tumbling backwards, two Other bidders were: Moffitt En- ^°P ^^aSS hires cus will again appear in Salem fot a coat of much-needed dust oil. Reed escaped without serious injury. Mill City Volunteer Firemen were its second annual visit at Waters While residents may complain about The log truck then caught up with g.neering Corp., Albany, Calif., called out twice this week to kill the “ gooey ” mess for a few days it $28,544; Marine & Industrial Supply the running Curtis, hooking him with Field, July 19 and 20. From Salem the show will proceed to Vancouver. will eliminate the dust in the air and the bumper and plummeting over the Co., Seattle, Wash., $18,170; Wayne fires hi Mill City, both evidently Canada and Seattle from where an I make for much cleaner living and embankment into the river. Ferebee Construction Co., Seattle, $39,739 and started by smoker’s carlessness. The first one was at the Vancouver other big jump back will be made to 1 homemakers in general will be re was tossed into the water by the im Monarch Forge & Steel, Portland, Ply location in East Mill City and $25,260. San Antonio, Texas, Oklahoma City, lieved of some of the dust problems. pact, and logs spilled over him. the second right by the river on the City Street Commissioner C. E. calendar Bradshaw, driver of the log truck, Completion time is 120 Little Rock, Springfield, Ill., St. Pacific Power & Light company Pacific Power location just east of Mason said the price of the oil had days. escaped with hardly a scratch. Fere Louis, Charleston W. Va., and thence Thursday honored its Albany district the bridge. The bridge will be a traveling to its closing date and rehearsal for [ raised two cents a gallon this year, bee was found beneath debris with a Now that grass is dry everyone is line crews and other operations em carriage which can be hauled up and the 1958 season, getting ready to I which does nothing to help the city badly crushed leg. ployees with a dinner meeting in urged to be extra careful with fire. Ferebee and Curtis were taken to down over the project’s test chute so again span America as it has done finances, and that the cos$ of pav recognition of the 16-month safety for several decades, bringing enter ing also had gone up. This will cur Santiam Memorial hospital at Stay that engineers may conduct various Mrs. Albert Millsap, Gates corres record the group has compiled. tainment and excitement to millions tail some of the paving projects that ton. Cutris, who was suffering from velocity tests. The company’s 79 line operation« pondent of The Enterprise is in the of circus lovers throughout the na- i the City Dads had hoped to complete shock, was released later. Ferebee's men in Albany, I^banon, Sweet hospital at Stayton at the present Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Putman and leg condition was reported as seri this year. Home, Jefferson, Scio, Stayton and tion. One other improvement citywise ous. His general condition was re ' family returned Monday night from I time. Gates residents will join The Mill City have worked 16 months, or Polack Bros. Shrine Circus has Enterprise publishers in wishing her ’ an outing at Odell Lake. man-hours, without earned its laurels through presenting this past week, was when the high ported as good. 1 about 308,472 a speedy return to her home. time-loss accident. circus in its truest and cleanest way department put in a new cul which Members of the district group form without tawdy sideshows and vert at the Union Oil Station, were awarded jafety cards in recog cheap gambling to mar its real may or may not eliminate the floods Have Accident Free Record nition of individual accident-free re worth. Those who visited the Shrine which in two preceding years have circus last year were high in their caused heavy damage to The Enter- cords compiled. Collectively, the dis praise and this year it returns with prise plant and also some residences. trict has amassed a total of 670 Time alone will tell whether they put a completely new show. years worked without time-loss ac This year the circus, with ita 40 big in a large enough pipe—however, cident. C. Herald Campbell, of Portland, acts will be headed by the Hawthorn- they at least made an attempt to al personnel director for Pacific Power, trained Wild Animal Fantasy con leviate the situation. praised the group for its safety re sisting of a large group of royal leo cord, noting that the Albany district pards and a troupe of pure white half-bred wolves, black panthers and was a major contributor to the com Zebra, each natural enemies to the pany’s system-wide safety record K » ■ F jl other, working together in absolute . which recently received national re I harmony in a massive steel arena F cognition. under the direction of pretty Pat DETROIT—Final rites were held ! The company recently completed Monday morning at 10 o’clock in the Jamison, an English arena star. , its second period of one-milllon ac- The Santiam Shriners are cooper chapel of Weddles Funeral Home, I cidenb-free man-hours worked with- ating with the Salem Shrine club Stayton for Mrs. Joe Leis of Detroit. I in a year. and are arranging a plan whereby Interment was at Fairview cemetery Campbell credited participation in every child in this district will have near Gates. Pacific’s safety program on the part Pallbearers were Otto Russell, of an opportunity to see this truly won of individual employees with being derful show. The local committee is Portland, L. L. Rynearson, Gates; the major factor in the company’« Albert Toman, George W. Laird, Ken John Cook, Raymond Sophy and Har safety record. Golliet and Ercil Wilson. old Champion, Detroit, and Len Davis He pointed out that the company*« Parents wishing to have their of Idanha. safety engineers conduct monthly safety education meetings for all children see the circus are asked to Mrs. Leis, aged 65, passed away send in the names of their children Friday morning at Santiam Memor working unit« in th« system in addi to Fred Snyder for Detroit and ial hospital following a heart at tion to providing latest type protec Idanha; W. R- Huthceson at Gates; tack Thursday evening. tive equipment wherever required. Stewarts Grocery and The Enterprise A highlight of the dinner meeting, The deceased was born October 31, at Mill City; Stewart’s Store at 1892 at Wilsonville. She was the held ®t the Albany hotel, was pre- Lyons; Ken Golliet at Mehama and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James j sentation of a gilded safety hat to Merton Cox at Stayton. Mayor William L. Fitzpatrick, who Whittmore of that city. Ora Whitt- I congratulated the group and welcom Several have registered so far. more Leis, was united in marriage j ed out-of-town company men present. but many as yet have not registered to Joe Leis in 1915 at Calgary, Other guests included Fong J. their youngsters. Please do so at once. Alberta. A son, Robert, was born to Forty-nine years of accident-free work Glen McCrary, Ijtbanon; and Joe Samek, Hughe», Portland, safety director for this union. The Leis’s have resided time are represented by these four Pa Stayton. The district workmen for the Pow Pacific, Wallac« C. Eakin, assistant Mr>. Floyd Johnson and Mrs. in Detroit for the past 11 years. cific Power & Light company linemen who er company, who received cards at the din to the publisher of the Democrat- James Cuthbert spent Monday in Surviving are the husband, Joe were among Albany District operations Herald, and C. B. "Shorty” Green- enBd, where Mrs. Cuthbert was look Leis Detroit; son, Robert Leis, La- ner in recognition of individual safety rec ough, Albany, safety engineer in workers at a dinner meeting June 27. ing for a house, as they will be mov Mirada, Calif ; and two nieces,' charge of the company’s Willamette ing to Bend this weekend where Maude and Evlyne Weatherberg, They were, left to right, Stan White, ords, have amassed an aggregate of 670 valley and coast service areas. Mr Cuthbert will be working. Portland. Sweet Home; Norman Anderburg, Scio; years worked without time-loss accident Four Men Have Close Brush With N At ™. Hilltop Market service Death When Truck Takes River Route Rather Than Headon Jolt Shriners Invite Kids of Area To Annual Circus City Streets Get Coat of Dust Oil Pacific Power Men Have Good Work Record Final Rites Held for Mrs. Joseph Leis