The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, June 27, 1957, Page 8, Image 8

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    »— the
27, 1957
By Boats Champion
.seventeen forest service employees
headed by District Ranger Al Sor-
seth, and Assistant Ranger Howard
j Dean, left Tuesday morning for an­
nual training at McKenzie guard
| school. Sorseth and Dean will serve
as instructors. They will return on
j Friday.
Sorseth also reported that the re-
, inforced concrete ‘Bug-a-Boo’ bridge
located across the Santiam River
I above Marion Forks is now nearing
completion. He also said that “Battle
j Axe and Coffin Mountain” lookouts
I will be manned this week. This brings
the number to three, manned to
date, the other being Stahlman Point.
Spending the weekend at their
summer cabin were Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Moore and son, Gary of San-
Weekend guests at the home of
j Mrs. Mabel Moore were her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
• Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Lusk of Portland. The menfolk en­
joyed a bit of fishing while here.
Mrs. George Brasmer of Raton,
N. M. spent a few days in Idanha last
| week on a combined business and
I pleasure trip. The Brasmers were
1 former residents of Idanha, and still
I retain their home there.
Weekend visitors at the Champion
home were Mrs. Champion’s niece,
Joan Ramage, and Pete Lorenson of
i Salem. Mrs. Champion’s nephew,
j Webb Ramage, of Salem, who is em-
| ployed by the forest service, is mak­
ing his home with the Champions for
the summer.
Arriving here last week for an ex­
tended visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Stout, are Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Keller of Aranfas Pass, Texas.
The Stouts who are now residing in
a small trailer house, are awaiting
> the arrival Friday of a larger and
| more modern trailer house.
Miss Fay Cooper returned home
Monday following a week’s vacation
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Opitz in Salem. On Saturday Miss
Cooper accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Opitz to Salem. On Saturday
Miss Cooper accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Opitz and Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Mosseur of Independence to
Toledo, where they attended the Pi­
oneer Days celebration. Miss Coop-
I er reported that it has been 30 yeari
| since she last visited the coast.
A birthday party honoring Mrs.
Harold Champion was held Friday
evening at “Howdy’s” (Lake club.)
Entertainment was provided by the
playing of shuffleboard and dancing
Many well wishes were extended as
well as gifts. Refreshments were
Mrs. Jean Rosemond reported that
her dryer got on fire Monday. Luck­
ily the fire was confined in the lint
trap, therefore little damage, other
than srzoke was done. Warren Stoll
came to the rescue.
Three more cases of measles wen*
reported. Latest victims are Eliza­
beth Moore, Wayne and Melodie
Rosemond of Idanha. The five Tomp­
kins children are reported to be on
the road to recovery.
Expected to arrive at the Len Davis
home this weekend is Mr. Davis’s bro­
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Davis of San Mateo, Cal.
They plan to remain a week.
¿»pending the weekend at their
summer home here w-ere Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Beeson of Eugene.
Largest Payroll Savings
Campaign in the State
Starts Soon
Announcement was made in Salem
today that the State Board of Con­
trol has authorized a campaign
among State Employees to encourage
the purchase of United States Treas­
ury E Bonds through payroll deduc­
tions. Last year a similar campaign
resulted in approximately 2,400 State
Employees signing up to buy E Bond*
on this installment plan.
The new campaign will get under
way on July 1st and continues until
the end of the month.
TH I RS. - FRI. - SAT.
June 27-28-29
— PLUS —
Wings of the Eagle
♦ :
Starring John Wayne
Sunday Show Starts
Sunday - Monday
at 6:30
Donrs Open at 7-M P. M.
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