II—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 1957 Business and Professional DIRECTORY DR. JOHN C. TARR MILL CITY, OREGON * DR. LESLIE J. CARSON Optometrist 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Sat Except Wednesday. 539, Third St Stayton Phone 6944 UNFINISHED FURNITURE RATE 8 Used Furnituse Bargains. We give Church bazaars, suppers, bake Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, tales, etc, will be run under “Special H. L. Stiff Furniture Company, Announcements” classification with 367rd St.. Stayton. 33tf 1 a minimum charge of 50 cents per FOR SALE—Walnut dining room I inaertion. set, table 6 chairs and buffet, good Ten eents per line each inserticm. condition, 376. Complete bedroom Ne advertisement accepted for lest suite, 2-tone blond finish, inner I fcan 50 cents per week. spring mattress, good condition, Count five words to the line in 375; round oak dining table and i ordering your ad. Phone 6661, Mill four chairs, 325. Other household City or mail your advertisement to articles. Phone 2007, Mrs. Roger The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Nelson, Mill City. 26 Oregon. ic I assifi E~D Chiropractic Physician Phene 3274 Hours 9:00 to 6:00 Evenings By Appointment 112 E. Ida St. Stayton JOHN W. REID, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Furniture 14-Day Special ! I Fer Rent Special Announcements GENERAL TIRES BAKED FOOD SALE in old bank FOR RENT—1 bedroom house be­ building, from 9 until 2 on Friday, tween Mill City and Gates. Has June 28. FREE COFFEE—Spon­ TV cable installed.—Chuck’s Fine sored by Mill City Jaycettes. 26p Foods, east of Gates. 19tf FOR RENT or FOR SALE—Three bedroom modern home. Call Mill City 6707. lltf FOR SALE—2 wheel trailer. Fifteen inch tires and wheels. Good Con­ FOR RENT—Two bedroom home on dition. Reasonable. Phone 3478. C. Grove street in Mill City. Has been C. Davis. Mill City. 27p completely redecorated. Phono UL Russell Wilson, RL 1, Ly­ WANT TO BUY TIMBER 9-2533, ons, Oregon 13tf Small or large tracts Weddle Funeral Home FOR RENT'—Hospital bed* and mat­ Either cash or stumpage basis rollaway beds and mat­ STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. tresses, Modem Funeral Service tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 STAYTON OREGON 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 38tf FIREPLACES—One day installation 315.00 month qn budget plan. Val­ ley Yards, East Grant St. Lebanon Real Estate (just outside city limits) 48p SALE—Hotel, good living MIKE'S Septic Service OFFICE FURNITURE and equip­ FOR quarters for the price of a home. ment. typewriters, ad.iing machine*, Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned May consider some trade. Inquire calculators, cash registers, duplicat­ Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT at the Mill City Hotel. 24tf ors, safes, tiling equipment. We sell, 1979 Elm St W. Sakes rent, swap and repair. Bargains in REAL ESTATE used machines. Roen Typewriter FOR SALE or RENT—Two bedroom Exchange, 466 Court S t., Salem, tf house on the river. WANTED—Someone to put up 10 JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman acres of good grass hay.—H. W. Gates. Oregon. When in Need of Printing Van Duzen, Rt. 1, Box 160, Lyons, Phone 4516 Oregon. 26p Buy it in MiH City from The Mill City Enterprise Miscellaneous Top prices for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. 51tf GENE TEAGUE PIANO, ORGAN BARGAIN! New plan. "You Play or Don’t Pay’’ at Tallmans! Low prices, all makes. EZ terms! See us today. Tailman Piano Stores, 396 S. 12th, Salem. Open Monday and Friday even­ ings. 26 CHEVROLET FOR EXPERT PLUMBING—Can a Licensed Plumber. UL 9-2365. 6 WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Stayton Phone 6284 FOR LEASE—Major Oil Co.—Have modern unit for lease. Gasoline and Diesol facilities. For info, call Mr. Morgan Stayton 6264. Finan- cial assistance available to quail­ 22tf fled party. MOTORCYCYE FOR SALE—Clean 1956 Harley-Davidson KH. Wind- ■ shield, buddy seat, rear shocks, hand clutch, foot shift. Dependable high performer. Was 31125 new, stripped. Now J790. Good terms to right party. 940 E. Jefferson, Stay­ ton. Phone 6934 or 6944. Better’ phone before coming, so 1’11 be home. 25tf FOR SALE—Spaniel Pups. 31 each. Trash burner, 330; Child’s Good Pedal Dump Truck, $10.—B. D. Bumgarner, Rt. 1, Box 170, Lyons. Phone Mill City 1103. 26p FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See The Mill City Enterprise. Top Quality printing, priced right. Faat service too. Phone 6661. Nights call 7606. Now. for the first time. General offers a complete line of quality Nylon Tires at low, low prices. Nylon gives you extra strength, extra safety. Get General Nylon Tires today and... save’ Proportionate Savings on Other Sizes Legal Notices Sawmill LOGS WANTED ■4 west of Mehama. Oregon GENERAL I No. 17020 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my Final Account) in the estate of Richard Kanoff, de­ ceased with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, and the Court has set the 19th day of July, at 9:16 A. M. and the Circuit Court I room as the time and place for hear­ ing objections thereto and the settle­ ment of said estate. HELEN KANOFF, Administratrix of the Es- state of Richard Kanoff, Deceased. BELL