Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1957)
Order Your Printing From The «—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 1957 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE SUMMER CAR SERVICE Don't forget that during the summer months your automobile will function better if it has the pro per grade of grease and oil. Why not bring your car to us today and get it ready for hot weath er driving. DRAPER'S FLYING A SERVICE WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS w I Phone 7442 [ Highway 22 Mill City MONTGOMERY WARD 155 North Liberty Phone EM 3-3191 Salem. Oregon LOGGERS BUY NOW! SAVE NOW! Famous West Coast Caulks 9 $20.99 $25.98 to $26.98 values » ► GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday school 9:45 a. m Sunday school at 9:45 am Morning Worship 10:55. Morning worship 11 a.m. Evening Service 7:00. Sunday School for children e • • • • • OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Jordan. Oregon Devers Real Estate Building. Gate« Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at Sunday, 11 a. m. s:30 a.m. Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes Maas: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. day at 8 p. m. Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor • • • • • • ST. PATRICK’S PARISH COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN Lvona, Oregon CHURCH Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at I Mehama 10:30 a.m. Rev. Jamas Hardy, Pastor Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 a.m. Morning worship 9:45 a.m. Rev. Bernard Neuman, SDS, Pastor • • • Sunday School 10:45 aan. I Midweek services, Thursday 7:30. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST • • a 475 S. E. Fairview Ave., Mill City FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m. Satur- Mill Qty day. Rev. Robert Roaeh, Pastor Morning service, 10:45 Saturday Supday School 9:45 a.m. Visitors welcome. • • e Morning worship 11:00 a.n>. Music by choir. DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST Midweek services Wed. 7:30 pan. Glen I yds. Minister a a - Bible Sohool, 10:00 a. m. SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS Worship Hour, 11:00 a. m- Rev. Wm. Scott. Pastor A friendly welcome to all. Sunday school at 9:45. • • e Morning services at 11*00. IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Christ’s Ambassadors, Jackie Walk Morning service 11 a.m. er, president, 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:00 p.m. Evening services, 7:80 p. m. Wednesday prayer meeting at ii 30 Wednesday prayer meeting 7'A0 pan p. m. Sunday school 10 a.m. see LYONS MBTHOMST CHURCH Clrarlea McCarthy, Paster Sunday school at 0:45 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. at. Womens Society at Christian Ser vice meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month with Mrs. Samuel Roberts, president a a e Of all kinds. Trusses FREE MBTHODIST CHURCH Abdominal Supports North Mil City Rev. Gene B. Davidson, Pastor Rastic Hosiery Sunday school at 9:45 a.m Expert Fitters Morning worship 11 a.m. Private Fitting Rooms Evening servme 7:30 p.m. Young Peoples Services every Sun- day at 6:30. “Ask Your Doctor” Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm. a a a ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Mrs. Helen Davis, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a_m 504 State St Evangelistic Hour, 7:45 p. m. Corner of Liberty Matt. 5:16 “Let your light so shine S and H Green Stamps before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” SURGICAL SUPPORTS I THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Entered as second class matter N* vember W, 1944 at the post office a’ Mill City, Oregon, under the Aet of March 3. Iff79 Marion-Linn Counties, per year «3.00 Outside, Marion-Linn Countiea $3.50 NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION REMOVE THIS SHADOW FROM SEE US AND SAVE Does your insurance fall short A Thought for the Day of covering today’s higher By Mrs. Helen Davis A lot of Christians are like wheel-| barows—not good unless pushed. Some are like canoes—they need ! to be paddled. Some are like footballs—you can’t tell which way they will bounce next. Some are like balloons—full of wind and ready to blow up. Some are like trailers—they have to be pulled. Some are like a good watch—open faced, pure gold, quietly busy and full of good works. value of your property? If so you stand to lose important money in case of fire. D. B. HILL INSURANCE COMPANY SEE US SOON t I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Benjamin A. Lawrence, Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 10:55. Evening Service, 8:00. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. ni. • • MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Full Gospel Rev. E. B. Jewett, Pastor Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:45 n. m. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic Service 7:45 o. m. Bible Study, Tuesday, 7:45 d . m. • * * ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC CHURCH, MILL CITY Mass at 9-15 a.m. every Sunday Confessions heard before Mass. Fr. Senko, Pastor Capital Drug Store Two Heights in Four Styles YOUR HOME Telephone 6651 or 7605 OON W. MOFPA.TT Editor-Publisher F L O W E R S WILL MAKE THIS z A BETTER DAY Today is special for some one you know ... s birthday , . . an anniversary ... a home coming ... a new baby ... a business promotion ... a talent achievement. You could make the day sparkle by sending flowers We’re specialists in making lovely events lovelier, gay times gayer. Ä f RALEIGH HAROLD Let The Enterprise Florist and Nursery Open 7 a.m. to 9 pan. Including Sundays Phone Stayton 6684 DO YOUR PRINTING I There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to have your PRINTING done. here at home. The Enterprise can do it right The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all YOUR PRINTING NEEDS 319 W. Wash Street THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM. OREGON Has Everything For Y’our OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE and BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES ENGINEERING SUPPIJES 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-3163 TRY US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED • Envelopes • • Statements • Direct Mail Pieces • letterheads • Advertising Brochures • Business Cards • Wedding Announcements Ruled Forms When regularly cared for, you* watch will give years of fine service. You owe it to yourself to have your watch cleaned and oiled at least once yearly. It's such a satisfaction to have a reliable watch—such an annoyance to have one that's inaccurate. Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Bring your watch to us soon and let us inspect it—free of charge, of course! Make this a yearly habit. It will pay off! In «crncing vour Butova untch uv use nn/y Gemile Bl I 0H latlorj Parts The Home of Good Printing '■Itlthnrizf'J Rtdoi’t Ihitributnr Phone 2651 Mill City, Oregon Telephone 1843 ___________ Mill City, Oregon