Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1957)
Mrs. Harvey Meacham is visiting S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE | Mr. and Mr». Jerry Pittam and her husband at Happy Camp, Calif. THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1957 j family and Linda Barker of Detroit spent Saturday and Sunday at Breit- Mr. and Mrs, Bill Howe of Port ’ enbush. They stated the road to the land were weekend guests of hi» resort is much better this year than parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howe. I last. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hudgins and Sherry of Portland were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson. They left Monday and plan to go into the State of Wash ington looking for a new location. DOLLAR OFFER for windows ... breezewoys polios... porches... doors Kelly Lumber Sales Phone 6803 Mill City -i/ One-Stroke, One-Coat Work-Sover Point Mr. and Mr». Ace Underwood. Beverly and Darlene, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Underwood returned Sun day evening from a vacation trip which took them back to their old home at Kansas City, Kansas. They I had been gone since the firgt of the Mr. and Mrs. George Lindquist and month, and said the crops there had son, Dean, spent Sunday with Mr. been damaged by too much rainfall. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers and two and Mrs. Don Moffatt. They were sons of Denver, Colo., spent a few accompanied home by Mrs. O. E. David Sail, who is stationed with days here last week at the home of______ ___ had _ ____ Schultz, who spent two weeks the army at White Sands. N. M.. cal Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitaker. They here with her daughter, led Mrs. Jennie Smith here recently left Saturday morning. ____________ stating he would most likely get a -------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. O. K. DeWitt were furlough the forepart of July. A coin Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grant and sons, j in Portland Sunday to attend a fam- cidence of the call was that his par Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMorris, Miss ily reunion held at the home of his ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vail, of Lorena Devine, Wayne Devine and sister, Mrs. Jim Richardson. The Gates, , drove ----- into the Smith yard Marlin Cole, attended a soft ball Richardsons are leaving soon on an : just as he called, so he was able game in Corvallis Sunday afternoon. European tour. ! to visit with his parent« also. Dr. Mark Hammericksen's Opto- Mg. r" . and Mrs. Charles Champ and Traffic Accidents Lower metric offices in the Bell building in children, Lisa and Rex i of .. _____ North Stayton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. Hollywood, Calif., visited last week In State This Year _____________ to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne- at the home of his cousin, Mrs. M. Traffic accidents and injuries so ! cessary. adv.|G. Rambo. They all attended a family f- far this year appear to be running reunion at Newport Sunday, and re slightly below 1956, 1956. even though the ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mackie port perfect weather. death count for Oregon remains vir and son, Billie, returned Friday fore tually the same. noon from a two-week vacation trip In Corvallis Friday evening for the A release from the Department of ___ ii:_ »» __ _ _ w _ _J n . ’ iJ--~ that took them to Berkeley, Calif., Corvallis Moose vs. Nored Builders Motor Vehicle's traffic safety divis- I where they visited relatives. softball game were Mr. and Mrs. j ion shows 19,099 traffic accident» Gordon McMorris, Mr. and Mrs. Jim I were reported to the state through M iss Nancy Whitaker, who has Grant, Miss Joan Cole and Marlin the end of April. This compares with visited here for two weeks with her Cole. McMorris, Grant and Cole are 22,222 accidents during the same per parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert playing this season for Nored Build iod a year ago. Whitaker, left Monday by plane for ers of Corvallis. About 500 fewer personal injuries her home in Billings, Mont. were reported this year for the Jan- j Funeral services weTe held Thurs uary through April period. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grant, Mina Lo- day afternoon at the Bilyeu Den rena Devine and Marlin Cole, at- cemetery near Scio for Dale Burton, I tended the Lindberg-Randall vs. Nor- infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred loo Late To Classify j ed Builders softball game in Salem Burton. The baby was born Sunday SALE—Red Raspberries. John i I Saturday night. in the Albany hospital and passed h OR Kunkle, Rt. 1, Box 50, Lyons, are away Tuesday. Grandparents Oregon, first house east of Fox Mr. and Mrs. Ford Wilson and fam I Mr. and Mrs. John Angelsey of Mill \ alley schoolhouse. Phone UL 9- ily left the latter pat of the week for |City. 23*2. 27p Anchorage, Alaska, where he will be -------------------------------------------------------------------- - employed by the government. Kathy Comstock. fouz-year-old , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett and Thomas, was severely injured re SHOP daughter, Miss Rosalie, spent Sunday cently when she fell while running on the coast. They reported good with a stick in her mouth. The wound KELLOM'S weather and many people at the which was inflicted became infected beach. and she is »till in the hospital in GROCERY Salem. Her mother stated she be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes and son, lieved she would be able to come for your every day Allen, were dinner guests of the home this week. needs Rex Ohmart’s Sunday evening, The occasion was in celebration of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jenkins. Try Our Haye’s birthday anniversary. Susan and Dennis, returned Satur GREASELESS DONUTS day after a two and a half week They ’ re Good Hugh Jull preached the sermon vacation visiting friends in Los An Sunday at the Gates church and next geles, and touring the State of Cali- | Sunday will fill the pulpit at Mehama fornia. They visited Yosemite Na- i Kellom's Grocery at the Community Presbyterian tional Park, Reno, and Tiajuana, 1 Your Neighborhood church, during the absence of Rev. Mexico. In Van Nuys, Calif., they I visited the Bill McCarthy’s; in Peta- j James Hardy. Grocery luma the Roy Walkers and in Santa Mill City, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Draper and Rosa, the Russel Heacox's, all form- | Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson were in Port er resident? of Mill City. land Tuesday night to attend an East- em Star meeting. Mr. Draper’s sis ter, Mrs. Nona Sarachs was initiated into the order. Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Croan have been on vacation for some time and returned recently from Victoria, B. C. Before they went there they had spent some time in the San Eranciso area. They said they had an enjoyable time on both sojourns. “DUTCH BOY” INSTANT NALPLEX NEW ACRYLIC LATEX FLAT WALL PAINT . . . goes on fast and smooth begins to dry instantly easy clean up with water odorless washable Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podrabsky and daughter, Judy, left Saturday morn ing for Los Angeles, Calif., where , they will spent the week sightsee ing and visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jull were in- | volved in an automobile accident near Woodland, Wash., when an other car pulled out onto the high- i way from a side road. The Jull car was totally wrecked, and Mrs. Jull is now on crutches, however the in- ' jury was not too serious. I------------------------------- • McCoy Electric Co., Portland, is making potential transformer chang es at Detroit Power house at the pre sent time. They had a three-mau | crew working last week and a five- man crew this week. $ $ $ $ $ SAVE .t> SAFECO auto insurance You can cut your auto insurance bill if you are a safe driver. Get better all-around protection, and fast claims service. Ask us today— SaricCT JERRY PITTAM AGENCY MT w . Rea. 7471 Phone 971 s $ IT PAYS TO BUY FROM HOME TOWN STORES SUMMER DRUG SPECIALS TUSSY DEODORANT Stick or Jar i Price CREST TOOTHPASTE Two Large Jars 79e Remember to Enter the BEXEL PONY CONTEST Don't Shortchange Yourself on Vitamins Because It's Summer TUSSY LIPSTICK SPECIAL s2.20 value $1.20 s2.00 size $1.25 Tussy Cologne, Bubble Bath or Bath Powder MILL CITY PHARMACY Dependable Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 Mill City I ( owe s t - p ri c e d luxury oar you can buy ! t JENKINS HARDWARE Word wa> received here the fore part of the month by Hugh Jull that We Give S & II Green Stamps his younger brother had passed i away in Scotts Bluff, Neb. He had Mill City been ill for many years following an Phone 2206 automobile accident. Need Something Different for that PINK AND BLUE SHOWER? We have just received a new shipment of ideal Items for this happy occasion. ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP Phone 2 243 Look Smart / MILL CITY. OREGON Be Smart' Have your Dry Cleaning done now The Nu-Method Way Just in Time for July 4th Independence Day Our Rates are reasonable and we also give S <& H Green Stamps FORD SUNLIM R Model for model, right across the board FORD is LOWEST* priced of the low-price three Location 330 Broadway. Mill City We will be closed July 4th DO NOT FORGET THE MILL CITY 2ND ANNUAL CELEBRATION r.i.Ar. *Ea>*d un a nmputriton '] manufarturrrt tu/f'ud rHad drliirrrd prima Nu-Method Cleaners STAYTON, OREGON F. K * PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. Phone 2524 <