Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1957)
Good News! From Z Lab Walter A. Mackie spent Monday, ! ' 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Tuesday and Wednesday at McNary I THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 1957 dam, attending a project engineer’s i conference. Viv's Steak House Theta Rho Girls Phone 5807 MiH City Jacobson, accompanied by • • • Doug Hirte, Ron Kuhlman, Gary Give Reports on Bevier and Brian Moffatt went to Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sweet Home Monday morning to at Assembly You May Now Buy a Genuine SYLVANIA "Halolight" TV And a Cable State tend a fire control school. Mr. Jacob Mill City Theta Rho Club for girls son and Doug returned Tuesday., but reported on their recent attendance the other three remained for the Closed Mondays Hook-Up Together -One Down Payment - One Contract - One at campus the State Assembly held on the summer, where they will be employed of Pacific University at the by the Linn County Fire patrol. Wednesday evening meeting of San- Monthy Payment. Come in NOW And See Us - You Might Win 1 tiam Rebekah lodge. Girls giving re- ports were Peggy Vail, Marla Mc- i Whirk and Aloha Thomas. Miss Me- I Your Set FREE. j Whirk is the newly elected president ANNIVERSARY PARTY ☆ ☆ ☆ SYLVANIA TV "FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST" From New 21" (diagonal meaiuie) SylvamaTV with the clean- cut look! Features HoloLight and new Magic Touch Tun ing that works at the flick of a finger. It’s 3 times os fost os ordinary TV tuning1 Your choice cf lustrous finishes. ZHB 149.95 Gene of the Club. Mrs. Mabel Yankus pre sided at the lodge session with Mrs. | Dorothy Vail assisting her as vice grand. It was announced that Mrs. Ruth Hess had received her commis sion as District Deputy President. 1 Visiting the lodge was Mrs. Jessie ’ Rossman from Juanita Rebekah I Lodge No. 82 of Springfield. Mrs. I Rossman is president of the Patri archs Militant in the Eugene area. Mrs. Blanche Syverson reported on j the recent District Convention which j was held at Turner. This was the 50th j annual convention with next years I session to be held at Staytoni Two 1 members of Santiam lodge were elect ed to serve at the convention; Mrs. S.vverson to act as Left Support to the vice-president and Mrs. Rachel Olm stead will serve as Chaplain. A committee was appointed to con sider ways and means of raising money to augment lodge funds; par ticularly to support the Trust Fund of the IOOF home in Portland. Ap pointed were Carmen Barnhardt, Dorothy Vail, Sophia Kist and Ruth Hess. Following the meeting refresh- , ments were served in the dining room from tables attractively arranged i with summer flowers. Committee in | charge were Etta Reed, Norma Lee I Henness, Dorothy Vail. Come help us celebrate our first year in business at Meander Inn. Plan to spend the night with us. Saturday, June 29 Party Starts at 8 o'clock FREE FOOD FREE SHUFFELBOARD TOURNAMENT Prizes Will Be Given MEANDER INN Everett and Laura Newton Phone 928 Mill City, Oregon FOR YOUR BEST BUYS SHOP AT THE Presbyterian Women To Recess for Summer Months) YOUR NEW, COMPLETE TELEVISION SERVICE Witt Bldg., Mill City — Gates Furniture Store The last meeting of the year for the Presbyterian Womans Association was held at the Fellowship hall Thurs- | day afternoon with Mrs. Lester Hath- | away presiding. The meeting started i with a 1 o’clock covered dish lunch eon. The Invocation was given by the Rev. Robert Roach with Mrs. Roach reading several scripture verses. A I quartet from the Presbyterian choir, I Mrs. Shields ReMine, Mrs. Lee Ross, | Mrs. Carl Kelly and Mrs. Donald i Sheythe sang two selections. They ; were accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Bill Hoeye. Distinguished guests present in- . eluded Miss Elizabeth Hogg, president of the Willanutti I’resbyterial; Mrs. Gerald Emerson, Secretary of Foreign Missions. Mrs. W. R. Dallas, pro- ' gram chairman of the Oregon Synod- i ical, Mrs. Walter Pugh, past Secre- ! tary of Sewing and Mrs. Curtis Hale, | past treasurer of the Willamette Pres byterial. Ea.h gave a short talk on work of their deparment. Mrs. Hathaway announced that Rev. and Mrs. Roach had made a film ' on "Religions of the World’’ which | was outstanding and would be avail- I able for showing to other groups. Each guest was presented a love ly corsage made by Mrs. Curtis Cline. I George Cree vieited Saturday af- : ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burton at Scio. That youngster of yours can be assured of a college education through the magic of a savings account at U.S. National — a good place to save. He'll do the growing while you do the saving. Right now. take that important first step to make sure your son or daughter can go to college. Save with bank safety at U.S. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson and afmily have moved to Happy Camp, California, where he is employed. MARSHALL-WELLS STORES A. and M. Toman Store Hours 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Located next to Mill City Jewelry Store Mill' City, Ore. Summer Sale of Now is the time to buy material for those school dresses. During this sale event you can save many dol lars by making your own skirts, blouses and dress es. Ship and Sail Mrs. Harry Wood and Mr. and Mrs. ' Jack Colburn spent the weekend at the Colburn ranch on the Alsea. Mrs. Frank Bass spent several days in Mill City looking after pro- i perty interests. She is now employed in Salem, and says she enjoys her ,job there. Phone 6824 ! I i . Mr. and Mr». Warren Kremer were hosts at their home Saturday even- | ng for a pinochle party. Refresh ments were served at the close of the I evening’s entertainment. Receiving | prizes were, Mrs. Clyde Hathaway, high for women; Mrs. Frank Severs, low for women; Dick Downer, high for men and Gordy McMorri* low for men. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Downer and daughter; Mr. and Mr». Al Ziebert and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hathaway and daugh ters; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMor- ■ is, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Severs ..nd the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. War den Kremer and son. Indian Head Quadriqa Cloth Springtime Broadcloth Queen Bee Broadcloth Nylon Metallic Ponge Drip Dry Prints Many other Nationally Advertised Prints at low, low prices. SAVE TODAY JENNIE’S Next Door to Post Office OLYMPIA with pleasure/ We Rive S&H Green Stamps