Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1957)
3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1957 GATES er. There was a small attendance due The Gates Woman’s club met to the fact that many of the memb Thursday evening at the Commun- ers are picking strawberries . ity house in regular session. Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martig and Walter Brisbin presided at the busi family from Shelton, Wash., arrived ness meeting at which outstanding in Gates Thursday for a week's stay bills were paid, ways and means and while looking after their property plans for the year ahead. ' here. They resided here for several TN-11--- discussed Following adjournmpn* /k auc?*u’ *. **^*e xur several By Mrs. Albert Milka» I“ *?.J?!»™*« CELEBRITE were served by Mrs. Brisbin and the Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Howard, of vice-president, Mrs. Richard Park- Longview, Wash., were visited Tues day and Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Howard's aunt, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson. The guests were enroute I home following a trip to Butte, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freihtl and fam ily, Joan, Bruce, Margie and Beta Lee from LaCanada, Calif., a ere 85% of all accident; guests at the home of Mrs. Freihtl’s brothers, Richard and Oscar Ny- are caused by only strom, for the past two weeks. They 15% of the drivers in also visited other relatives in the community, including Mr. Freihtl’s the United States. mother, Mrs. Margaret Freihtl, of Stayton. The Freihtl children are all talented musicians and dancers and have appeared in pictures and on TV. | Mrs. Maude Davis is caring for her I grandchildren, four little Overlocks, STATE FARM keeps j while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Its auto insurance James Overlock of Seattle, are on a trip to Toronto, Canada. Upon their costs low by aiming return they will also visit for a time to insure only the at the Davij home. Oliver Watson returned home careful, “less expen Friday from the Veterans hospital in sive,’* drivers. Portland, where he had undergone surgery. He will be required to re- I turn for further treatment soon. Guests at the home of Mr. and I Mrs. Philip Cann for a day and night were Mrs. Lena Townsend and I You may save as her daughter, Mrs. Nadine Veitsch and son, David, from Shell Beach, | much a« 40% of the Calif. They were enroute to Colorado j by car. | cost of ordinary auto Mr. and Mrs. Loren Eppler, of Bel- insurance by buying 1 lingham, Wash., were recent guests STATE FARM. I at the home of Mrs. Eppler’s daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. I i‘XI"] It »• kaaw yaar | I db J STATE FARM Agent | I Rynearson. Mr. and Mrs. Rynearson I and two children enjoyed a short va- ! cation at the beach last Monday, I GEORGE LAIRD I where they occupied the Jack Colburn I cottage. I Mill City, Rhone 6103 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oliver, of Cor- Stayton, Phone 6954 I valis, spent Monday and Tuesday of | last week at the home of his parents, Refreshment Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oliver. Bill has | been seriously ill for some time. Luncheon guests at the Orville Nygaard home Friday were Mr. Ny gaard's sister, Mrs. McConnell and Is four children, from North Bend and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Ny gaard of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were Stayton visitors Monday where she received medical attention. They also visited their daughter and family, i; the Edmund Kleckers. I I I I I I YOU I I I I KNOW! I I I I I— MILL CITY, ORE Barbecue Beef Dinner At The Mill City Park Starting at 11:00 O’Clock Put on by the Mill City American Legion Post No. 159 J Stand will be in operation all day long at City Park, serving hamburgers, hot dogs, coffee, cold pop, ice cream, under direction of Lions Club and Auxiliary. EVENING BASEBALL GAME NABISCO - OREO and SWISS CREAM 69( 29c 49c COOKIES 2 pkgs. can K. P. LUNCHEON MEAT Hl-C ORANGE DRINK 2 cans Carnival Concessions Bingo Games Sports Events for Young Folks 'I SPONSORED BY MILL CITY JAYCEES M PRODUCE HEADJLETTUCE, Large Heads LEMONS, Dozen WHITE SHAFTER POTATOES 10 lbs. 10c 29c 29c 1 Hour Mammoth Display at Allen Field Put on by Mill City Volunteer Fire Dept MEATS FRESH ROASTING or Stewing Chickens lb. 35c PICNIC STYLE Pork Roast lb. 39« PLATE AND BRISKET Boiling Beef lb. 25c EVERYDAY LOW PRICES GROUND BEEF lb. 39c Cascade and Nebergall Picnic Hams lb. 39c 2ÌTb. WIENERS 24 lb. cello pkg- pkq. 95c Ken Golliet MEHAMA, OREGON Your Friendly IGA Store Pi«» Effective I JULY 3rd I At Gates School Gym Good Music - Lots of Fun Put On By The Gates Volunteer Fire Department Sponsored By Gates G* Mill City Communities Í June 27-July 3 i