general repairing welding We have on hand DELCO BATTERIES Hoover's Repair Veryl Hoover, Prop. Ph. 2602 or Ph. 351 Ship the WRIGHT Way Ship by Truck Phone Stayton 2125 From Stayton to Idanha and all stope SHIP IT WRIGHT 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE when the Bridges home was burned at the home of Mr». Roy Asmussen Pilot Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and due to a gas explosion. THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 1957 on July 2nd and on July 16th the two children, Ivalyn and Dennis ex­ LYONS Hv Eva Bressler Eulalia Lyons was hostess for the Wednesday afternoon card club with a one thirty dessert luncheon fol­ lowed by several tables of 500. High score was held by Bertha Allen, second high by Wilma Free, and low by­ Margaret Kunkle. Others attending were Thelma Nydegger, Nannie Mar­ tin, Bernice Bridges, Carrie Naue, Jugnita Wright, Charlotte Thiel, Mabel Bass. Bess Hiatt, and Donna Asmussen. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gage and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gage from Valley I C!ty, North Dakota left for that city j W'ednesday after spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Paul Schiewek. Mrs. S'-Mewek ’• a daughter of the Wells Gage and sis­ ter of Clark Gage. Mrs. Mannie Martin of Coquille is visiting relatives in Lyons. She is a j sister of Mrs. Bert Lyons, also Clyde and Velvie Lewis. I Buddy Bridges, 14 year old son of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges is con- 1 valescing at the St. Vincent Hospital ■n Portland, following surgery for | | skin grafting Monday, Buddy was ¡seriously burned several years ago,' NEW And USED Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings have meeting will be their picnic held in pect to move some time in August. The new Richfield service station I just returned from a twelve days the grove at the Glen Julian home. furniture vacatiun of fishing and sight seeing Attending the meeting were Mes- which will be known as Jack’s and Lee ’ s Service, is now open for busi ­ Cru- dames, Wilson Stevens. Charles at Vancouver Island in Canada. See our selection before son, Glen Julian, E. L. Roye, Alex ness and will hold their grand open­ Mrs. Letha Bentley of Lyons and Bodeker, Clyde Bressler, Mabel Bass ing Saturday, June 29. Free coffee, a teacher in the Mill City grade ù. ou Buy Elsewhere Ivan Smith and the hotsess Mrs. donuts and punch will be served and school and Glen Savage of Lyons and there will be balloons and suckers for , a teacher at the Mari-Linn school Powell. the CANYON’S OWN- Paul Schiewek will leave Saturday the kiddies. are attending summer school at Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer and for Milwaukie, Wisconsin. From there FURNITURE store mouth. ha will go on to W’ashington, D. C., son, Scott and Larry Manning, at­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mrs. then on to New York City, after a tended a family picnic held at the , Parker - Hutcheson Hugh Johnston and daughter Kath­ tour of the sci eteishe will take a I Romer» Rest park near Tigxrd Sun­ ryn were in Myrtle Creek, where they plane to Cairo. He will also visit day. Furniture attended the wedding of Leland Hum- _____ Mr. and Mrs, Jess Moses, who have Jordan, _______ Lebanon, Israel and Syria, phries. Leland is the grandson of Mr. then back to Athens, Greece. . Front From been spending some time at the Phone 4561 and Mrs. Jack Johnson and nephew there he will visit Rome, Switzerland, home of her sister, Mrs. Mabel Bass, of Mrs. Hugh Johnston, and son of I London and Ireland. He expects to have gone to Corvallis where they Gates, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Claire Humphries for- return home August 6th. will visit at the home of his uncle, mer residents of this community. Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Per- Victor Moses. A recent visitor at the home of Mr. Cy Hiatt cf Lyons attended the San- i and Mrs. Mike Fink and Mr. and Mis. |tiam Memorial Hospital board meet- Johin Jungwirth was their neice Mrs. |jng held at the home of Mrs. O. K. Hilda Kuypers and daughter Annette1 DeWitt Thursday — ' — afternoon. Plans from Paradise Hill, Canada. were made for the antique and hobby Mrs. Marshall Powell was hostess show which will be held June 29 and for the meeting of the W. S. C. S. at 30 in the Civic Building in Stayton. HEAVY HAULING her home Tuesday afternoon. Follow­ Twenty-two were present from Stay­ ing the devotions which were lead by ton, Mehama, Lyons, Mill City, Sub­ Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Mrs E. L. Roye the meeting was in limity and North Santiam. the form of a work shop. Cutting out Miss Joanne Kunkle, daughter of EXCAVATION and CONSTRUCTION Phone Salem articles in readiness for the bazaar Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle of Lyons this fall. Many other plans were and Ross Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. I SA-TON MOBII-E CRANE Bay 2-3461 made and discussed for the summer Herman Mason of Mill City, were j CONTRA ( ’ TIN G AND RESTAI. Nite 2-4417 months. The next meeting will be married Saturday, June 8 at Carson i City, Nevada. They were married by - J. Murphy and attended by relatives I of the Murphy family. Miss Kunkle j wore an afternoon dress of powder blue color with white accessories and | white carnation corsage. They hon- j eymooned in Nevada and California. I OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK While in Nevada they were guests at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. George Slack and in California at the home of Mrs. Masons uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Salchenberger. The young couple are now at home in Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith. Ivalyn | and Dennis spent the weekend away ' from Lyons. They spent Friday at I Pilot Rock, Saturday in Portland I with friends and Sunday in Cornelius | where they were guests at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and family. | Mrs. Earl Harper is reported to be > improving after being confined to 1 ” her home with pneumonia for the past two weks. Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwirth spent Sunday at Newport on the coast. I ENJOY A They reported a lovely day but that the wind was blowing and it was cold. I GLASS OF THE Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCoy and Mr. , CASCADES and Mrs. Bill Ziggler and children | from Portland were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill i »■ 1 1 and .. 1 T. L Mrs. Xg Vfzv/'V.vr Brassfield Bob, McCoy is Q a 1 sister and Mrs. Ziggler a niece of Mr. Brassfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom with Mr. and Mrs. George Meilke are staying at the home of their grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons. Miss Louise Pietrok of Lyons and Miss Mary pietrok of Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. William Schwartz of SUNSHINE Salem returned home Saturday from a two week’s vacation trip. They went south as far as Mexico. En­ route they went by way of Reno, returning by Los Angeles and San Francisco where they spent several I days sightseeing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimery and sons I Jack and Jerry and Mr. and Mrs. I Harold Ayers spent Sunday in Port- , Copyright 1957 by Bbtt-Weinhard Company, Portland, Oregon land. They visited at the home of J Mr. and Mrs. George Kimery and family. They also visited the zoo at Washington park. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Culwell and Cl ■hildren and his mother, Mrs. Lydia Culwell spent Sunday in Bend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Culwell. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ward. Mark and Julie of Roseburg visited rela­ tives in Lyons Saturday. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. A family dinner was held in the evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, Douglas, Margo Lee, David and Shelley, Mrs. Norman Johnson, Chris, Curt and Eric all of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. War­ ren Ward, Mark and Julie of Rose­ burg, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning, Richie. Larry and Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Elmer Hiatt, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Mrs. Bertha Bentford of Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Tom McEldowney of Philomath were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead. While here the group at­ tended the rodeo at Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mahoney of | Vancouver, Wash., and Mr. and , Mrs. Ken Haller of Camas. Wash., were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asmussen and Mildred. The Asmussen’s just moved . into their new house Saturday. Their friends, who were on vacation | were going to Louisiana. Several from Lyons attended the party in Jordan Saturday night hon­ oring Mrs. Hazel Wirth on her birth­ day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard Sr. and Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert Mays and daughter, Oletta, were in Portland Saturday afternoon to attend the wedding of Don Birde and Miss 1 at Swan. Mr. and Mrs. William Bash and little son of Albany were Saturday night and Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman. Mr. and Mrs. George Nydegger at­ tended the rodeo at Sisters Sunday. Their aon, Teddy took part in the bucking horse riding. MILL CITY Ivan Smth, sixth grade teacher at Man-Linn school for the past seven Phone 4407 years, has res.gned te accept a job as r sixth grade tea«, her in the school at Salem Sand and Gravel Company Quality Meats and Groceries FROZEN FOODS PILLSBURY Angel Food Cake Mix pkg. 49® 2 for 45® Made in Salem Dutch Maid Margarine 4 lbs. 85’ FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET 3 lb. can 89® KRISPY CRACKERS 11b box 27® VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS 21 TIN 4 Cans 89® SWIFT'S PARD DOG FOOD L__ MEATS FRESH FRYERS Lb. 49’ Can 1QC TOMATOES Lb. 19‘ SWIFT'S TURKEYS CRISP RADISHES Lb. 43’ Bunch 5® FRESH GROUND BEEF Fresh Green ONIONS 3 Lbs 1.00 Bunch 5® STEWART'S STORES LYONS UL 9-2494 FRE£ DELIVERY DAILY P RICES GOOD JUNE 27-28-29