Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1957)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY - GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE VOLLME XIII NUMBER 26 MILL CITY, OREGON City Park Set for Second Annual Mill City-Gates July 4 Event Dance at Gates Night of July 3 THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1957 Sportsmen Show-Me Tour Sunday $3.00 A YEAR 10 c A COPY Sportsmen's 'Show Me'Trip Sunday Gives Group Information On Work Done by Foresters Lions club members and a good Bv Jerry Coffman representation from the Junior chase has been added to the usual The Show-Me trip sponsored by cheek bank, others using logs for games. Chamber of Commerce have turned the North Santiam Sportsmen’s club tables and seats. It was here that the Concessions, including bingo, will out for several weeks now giving the in co-operation with the U. S. Forest rangers pointed out some of the re city park a thorough clean-up job be run at the park all day long. These Service got off to an on-time start forestation practices. For instance, preparatory to the second annual are being handled by the Lions. There at 9 a, ni. Sunday. There were ap where thinning is practiced Hemlock will be merchandise prizes in Mill City-Gates July 4 celebration. proximately 29 persons on the tour timber will take over because that The day will start off with the bingo stand this year, besides which started at the Detroit Ranger species will grow faster than fir usual novelty items. barbecue beef dinner, with serving Station where the operations and where the growth is restricted by at 11 sharp. This is being handled by procedures were explained by Ranger other vegetation and lack of sun the American Legion, assisted by the Al Sorseth. Mr. Sorseth was ably light. In an area that is clear cut, Legion Auxiliary. All those who wear assisted by Rangers Howard Dean logged to the ground and the slash the celebration day buttons and have and Carl Juhl. The party left the ing burned, the fir will crowd out tickets will be served the dinner. But Detroit station at 9:30 in private the less desirable hemlock because It tons which sell for $1 have been avail cars, forest service crew haulers, will grow faster given an equal able for the past three weeks. Those and a “crummy” donated for the chance. who do not get buttons prior to the trip by Ercill Wilson. The first stop After lunch the group left the Fourth can purchase them on the was at the Breitenbush forest camp, Blowout canyon and climbed some grounds. They may be secured from where the rangers explained how 4,000 feet over couger ridge where the Gates or Mill City Fire depart timber sales were conducted, how a breath-taking view of Mt. Jeffer ments, Jaycees, American Legion or sale sites were chosen with regards son could be had. There were hund Lions club or auxiliary. These tickets Wanna see the circus, kids! to recreation value in the future as reds of acres of rhododendrons in will admit holders to the evening ball I It looks as if all the young folks, well as timber values today. It was bloom in the area. It was at this spot, game and fireworks display, which is I up to 14 years of age, will have an- stated that access roads that are now where hand planting had taken place put on by the Mill City firemen. open or will be open to public travel I a year o* two ago and row upon row I other chance to see the Shrine Cir- This year the Gates Firemen will j cus in Salem this year. Last year are the result of timber sales. The of young trees could be seen, trees hold their dance on the night of kids from Gates, Mill City and Me- cost of building the roads is part of that will be lumber and other by-pro July 3. Last year it was held on the hama were taken to Salem to see this the purchase price of timber. After ducts for generations to come with night of the 4th. the timber that is affected by the the use of modern tree harvesting I big event."Last year businessmen of initial sale is removed the road be I procedures. The MiU City Jaycees will have ' the area in cooperation with the San- comes the property of the Forest i After leaving here the tour pro- charge of the games for the young tiam Shrine club made the trip pos- service, which is in turn available , j ceeded down tt the Santiam Highway sters and this year a greased pig | s‘ble as they again plan to do this for public use. I year. Last year 325 kids were taken then up Minto Mountain where still to the circus, and it is expected that This day, being a real summer another form of tree harvesting and (twice as many will go this year as day, found all the available camp conservation was taking place. Here the area from Stayton to Idanha is grounds being used to capacity. It deformed trees, dead trees and blow ' being included. was also noted that in some instances downs were being removed, Here i Albert Toman, local chairman states the buildings that were put there for again the road was built by the com- all those who wish to attend this free public use were sometime used for I pany or logger purchasing the tim Some time ago a group of resi ' | event should contact the following in firewood by thoughtless persons. ber. The best of the remaining trees dents of me the area area aeciuea decided to aents oi co do ao some- I their respective communities by let- The ipat of one unit in an overnight were marked by painting a stripe on thmg for the graduates of I Qf carJ at once; camp^is about »1200. This cost in- them and a forest service crew came Union high school, who wished to go i Idanha and Detroit, Fred Snyder, clu<MB water, stove, table and sanita along on pruned off the limbs 35 on to college, but needed additional Detroit; Gates, W. R. Hutcheson; tion.- The fact that the tour was a j feet up. This practice will make assistance in a financial way to at , Mill City, The Mill City Enterprise; catavgti really brought home the I clear "peeler- in a few years time. tend. This group set aside a certain j ' Lyons, Dub Stewart at Stewart’s fact that roads into recreation areas 1 At a later .to some more of the amount of money each year to be i Food Market; Ken Golliet at Mehama such as the Breitenbush should be timber will • thinned out. Here loaned to some worthy applicant. _ ** and Merton Cox at Stayton. oiled. The lead car had it _______ good but again the > operation calls for small * the L .. further , > —• . t back . * .. 1— ; in — I line - _ you ... * were * . the • I equipment « ■ *■ * Officers elected recently are J. C. j j Although the circus will not be held in order to do as little Kimmel, president; Carl’ Kelly, vice i until July 20, 21 and 22, ^Chairman more you ate. On this day the j damage as possible Ao the remaining president, and W. R- Hutchoon, i Toman asks parents of the efiilJr-.n Sunday a group of citizens of the area were given a traffic was nearly as heavy as it limber?" Floyd Völkel and Don Moffatt, di I planning to attend to send in their show-me tour of the Willamette National Forest area up was on tse main highway. Every Timber management is only A rectors. wide spot in the road saw a family I small part of the forest service jobj names at once. the canyon from Mill City. The top photo shows the There are 14 members in the group parked for the day in the fresh I There are roads and telephone lines group as they were ready to leave from Detroit Ranger to date, and anyone interested is in mountain air and away from the j to maintain, camp grounds to keep Station. In the middle photo the group is shown eating vited to join by contacting any of the Mill City JayCettes to hustle and bustle of the city. There— --- ’ the *u- all-important ;---- -*—* 1— * up " and lookout picnic lunch at Blow-Out-Creek and in the lower photo it officers of the organization. were fishermen from 6 to 60 and it stations to map. As the cities be Have Baked Food Sale shows the tour when it stopped at MftYfdff Porks Tish One application has been received, didn’t seem to matter whether the come more -crowded so do the camp The Mill City Jaycettes met at hatchery, where John Conrad explained the workings of fish were biting or not, the family grounds and picnic areas. Use in and the board of directors will meet home of Mrs. Thomas Kanoff Thurs that department. All photos were taken by JerrM Coff was all together for a day’s outing, crease is far ahead of recreational in the near future to act upon the day evening. Attending were Mmes. man. Mehama. and all having fun. development but as far as funds application. Eugene Engelgau, Everett Christian, The process of thinning out dead I are available existing grounds are James Grant, Kenneth Chance, Al home areas was viewed. This practice improved and new ones developed. Ziebert, Roy Podrabsky, Beryl Lamb, The tour ended at the Marion Forks is necessary to prevent trees from MILL CITY : Clyde Hathaway and the hostess, falling on cabins and blocking roads, Fish Hatchery where John Conrad Mrs. Tom Kanoff. i j A small tractor or "cat” is used in conducted the inspection of that in- The group plans to decorate the order to create as little disturbance 1 sta Ration. After the tour of the booths for the July 4 celebration next | as possible to the surrounding area. hatchery coffee was served to the week, and all members are urged to Next the tour stopped at the new 'group and everyone went their sep- turn out evenings and help. Stahlman summer home sites on the I arate ways, each with some new ’ A baked food sale will be held this Only 32 voters turned out Monday south shore of the lake. This is a ! knowledge of what was going on tn Friday, June 28 in the old bank build night to cast their ballots on the San- new project, a new recreation area their “back yard.” One family from ing east of the post office from J to tiani Union High school budget All | that is being developed as fast as Portland was so impressed by the 2 By Ronald E. Ragsdale 32 votes were in favor of the budget. I funds are available. At the present recreation opportunities in the San Refreshments for Thursday’s meet- Benjamin E. Cave, Salem archi The final meeting for the summer I tim thei*e are 72 lots laid out and tiam Canyon that they want to ap ing were served by Mrs. Thomas tect was preesnt at the board meet j about 300 applications for them. At ply for a summer home site. At the meeting last week, it was Kanoff. The next meeting will be ing to discus plans for the new high of the North Santiam Chamber of a near future date a drawing will Gordon Kirsch, President of the Commerce was held at Detroit last held in the old bank building. decided that the Mill City Jaycees school building. Mr. Cave said unless Wednesday night, with Don Hiner be held to determine who gets lots North Santiam Sportsmen’s club would have a pot luck dinner for the something unforseen comes up the of Gates presiding. and their location. Across the Blow- and Gene Coles, one of the active members and their wives to be held pirns will be ready to submit to the 1 out road from these summer homes members, assisted in the tour. After Coming up for discussion was the July 17 in our new meeting place. board of education by July 8. Th» are the tracts that are set aside for the trip was over this writer was in Members of neighboring Jaycee clubs Dians then h'ive to be approved by p< 'icy of the state highway commu organization use. The entire Lake structed to thank the men of the nion in handing roadside parks, It will also be invited to attend. ! the state board before bids can be was brought cut that there were shore will be utilized by organiza forest service and the hatchery per- Everett Christian was appointed called for construction. tions rather than individuals so sonnet for a wonderful day. Orientation Chairman by President DETROIT—Superintendent Harold Two newly elected board members, complaints on the »1.50 fee charged more people can use the lake ahore. ¿ ’ for overnight camping. District Roy Podrabsky. He will see that new Regele of the Detroit-Idanha school Albin Cooper cf Mill City and Bob The North Santiam Sportsmen's members receive the proper briefing reported that an inter-communica ' Blumenstiin of Gates were present] Ranger Al Sone th stated the fs»s did I club has applied for one of these not bring n, enough money to pay upon entering the club. Everett is a tion and master clock system is be at the meeting. for the caretaker. Fee for a vehicle sites. They plan to build a lodge recent transfer from the North San- ing installed in the school. Other im j without sleeping accomodations is for the use of their members and tiam Jaycees. Many may remember provements scheduled for the sum | only 75c. The park service furnishes , families. him as the chairman for the extension mer are the installation of a stain Picnic Lunch at Noon wood, water and garbage facilities of the Mill City club. He brought less steel hood above the kitchen The group stopped for lunch at « in the camp. with him to the meeting a visitor, range, the painting and decorating the divide creek bridge at noon, Bill Patton. We hope to see Bill of the kitchen (heretofore unpaint The group was informed by Fred some spreading their lunch on the Fishermen from all over the world back as an new member soon. __ ___ __ of the floor I Snider that the State Game commit- ed) and the resealing probably would be envious of res Thursday forenoon a two-car smash I sion has planted 95,000 legal sized It was suggested that we have a3 jb^k’n'the school and"auditorium, idents of this part of the state if an added entertainment for the present, galvanized iron is on the hill going down into Mill City fish in Detroit Lake during May and At the present, 5 they knew of all the nice chinook children at the 4th of July celebra- I applied to the roof of the audi resulted in bashed in cars but no I June. salmon that were being taken from tion, a greased pig chase. The one toriunl other outside work schedul bodily injury, Mrs. Don Lemke and i As usual, there was a discussion on the river right here in Mill City. who is able to capture the little pork ed is the construction of a ramp son, Dennis, were coming up the hill I industry promotion for the area. During the past week many fisher- er will get to keep him. The com walk between the school and the au towards the west. Mrs. Lemke no ! men have landed good sized fish, On the agenda for the first fall The board of directors of Santiam mittee is now working on acquiring ditorium, and the inclosing of the ticed her tiny son was rolling off the meeting of the Chamber, which will Memorial hospital auxiilary met June j And to think of it, some people have seat, made a grab for him and turn the pig for the chase. play bus shed, which will serve as a ed into the opposite lane of traffic, be held in Mehama September 18, 20 at the home of Mrs. O. K. De- to drive hundreds of miles to fish and In place of having the usual board room for the primary group. many of them come back with empty sideswiping Mrs. Sid Baughman, who will be the selection of a vice presi with with 22 members present. meeting, this Wednesday was desig I creels. dent. Representatives of the Bureau was going down the hill. The rear Mrs. Roy Philippi reported the nated as a work night to finish paint Largest fish reported caught was Sunday Shows Here door of the Baughman station wagon of Land Management and the Federal Thrift Shop has realized over »350 ing the new meeting place. Forestry department will be invited and that there is still need for more one landed by Howard Farmen which the was damaged extensively as was To Start at 6:30 measured 44 inches and weighed 80 the to attend this meeting. articles and buyers. Bob Veness announced this week front wheel and fender of in- Watch Out for Old pounds. The Chamber members voted to Sewing for the hospital is all that during the summer months Lemke car. Both parties were , spend »25 on the Santiam Bean Fes- caught up at present, according to Refrigerators With Doors shows at the Mill City Theatre will sored. tival parade float. Mrs. Carl Bethel, chairman. New Quite frequently during the year start at 6:30 on Sundays, instead of chairman of the blood bank is Mrs. one see» where children die from the usual 5:15. Lura Fair. The bloodmobile will be suffocation when locking themselves Patrons are asked to bear this in One Named in Gates Forrest Nydegger of Lyons in Stayton, October 30. in old refrigerators. This could eas mind as the new hours are in effect Mrs. John Apple was appointed ily be avoided if everyone, when beginning with the show this com School Election chairman for the refreshment com I Charles Wirkkala, chairman of the The Enterprise was in error last Passes Away Monday scrapping an old ice box or refriger ing Sunday. LYONS—Forrest Nydegger, 54, mittee for the antique and hobby Lions Club Junior Rifle committee week in stating two directors were ator, would smash the door off the to the Board of Education. died at his home in Lyons Monday. show which will be held June 29-30 stated thia week that 15 boys and hinges, so some innocent child will Weather at Detroit Dam elected Only one was elected to a five-year He is survived by his wife, Essie; at Stayton in the Civic building. girls had signed up for the club, not perish in this manner. It was Elev. term. He was Robert Blumenstein, son Cletus Max. M:n Pep. Nydegger, Stayton; Mrs. Floyd Völkel asked that all who | and that the charter had been applied brought to the attention of this 55 0.00 1566.98 with 11 votes. Robert Oliver received daughter Mabel Mashew, Stayton; bring articles should have these list for. 75 19 writer that there is an old refrigerat It is hoped more will sign up for 71 53 0.00 1567.04 10 votes and Merle Devine 6. There daughter Shirley Grimes, Honolulu; ed and they will be checked in and 20 or in the west part of Mill City on 65 48 0.00 1567.08 were 27 votes cast at this election, daughter Mrs. Betty Hunt, Lyons; out according to the list. Articles the club this summer so activity can 21 *he Marion county side, that has *>■> 70 49 0.00 1567.02 according to Clare Rush. daughter Beverly Nydegger, Lyons may be taken from the show after i start later in the summer or early been discarded with the door still in 50 0.00 1567.00 SO 23 and brothers George and Vem of 10 p. m. on the 30th or before noon fall. Anyone wishing to join may con The vote to transfer »2,55240 from tact, This should be removed or de 80 53 0.00 156744 other than county funds into a special Lyons. No funeral arangement were on July 1. Some antiques may be tact Mr. Wirkkala or any Liona 24 stroyed at once. After a child is club member. 76 51 0.00 1567.13 improvement fund carried 26 to 1. 25 ■ learned at the time of going to press. for sale. dead, it is too late. Student Loan Fund Association Formed a JAYCEE ACTIVITIES J Passed Monday With No Dissenting Votes Chamber to Bean Festival ! Improvements Being Made at Detroit School Cars Damaged But No One is Injured Hospital Auxiliary Directors Have Meet Boys and Girls Sign Up for Lions Rifle Club