Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1957)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE S EMPIRE VOLUME XIII MILL CITY, OREGON NUMBER 25 Many Improvements in Community Church 2 Lyons Stores Burglarized on Sunday Night LYONS—Two business establish ments were burglarized some time Sunday night. About $75.00 in cash was taken from the Question Mark Cafe, which was discovered by Mrs. Hallie Downer when she opened up at 5:30 a. m. A ciragette case was also jimmied. Stewart's Lories Most The Stewart Food Market suffer ed the heaviest loss with about $550 lost. Cash taken amounted to about $283; $100 in fishing equipment, also some cigarettes and other mer chandise was lost. Dub Stewart, who operates the store reported that it was hard to estimates the loss in merchandise as things were in such a mess. He discovered the breakin when he opened the store Monday morning. He said things were scat tered all over the store. It was found that entrance was gained into the old feed room, from where they pried open the back door. It was not determined how en trance was gained to the cafe. Hospital Auxiliary to Hold Antique-Hobby Show July 29 and 30 $3.00 A YEAR 10<- A COP* THURSDAY. JUNE 20, 1951 Above are pictures of the Mill City Community church as it looked up to about six months ago and how it looks now. The center picture is the Pastor Rev. E. B. Jewett. The church was built about 10 years ago by Rev. W. Watkins. He was pas tor here for about five years. Rev. Joiner then served as pastor of the church for about two years and was followed by Rev. Hiligoss who served the church about one year. Rev. Taft then served the church for a year prior to the time the present pastor came, last June. The present minister has brought about a trans formation of the building. The front of the church was redone according to a sketch prepared by Rev. Jewett. The steeple which is a work of art was completed last Christmas. People of the con gregation helped put on new siding and painted the building. A Funeral Services To Be Held for Harold McMillin Simpson Plant Gets Award for Safety Record new sign was painted by Sue Poole and shrubs and cement work were donated by Frank Caraway. The church will have new sid ing put on this summer. Another improvement is a study or of fice which the pastor converted from a Sunday school room. This is used as a room for the pastor to counsel those in need of his aid. Rev. Jewett stated in an interview that “Lake all other pastors of the community my greatest desire is to be of service to the people and to see them prosper physically, financially, but especially spiritually. If people will let God have His way in their lives this will happen.” The church is now a credit to the city and the pastor and his congregation are to be commended up on their work. I Marie Stover's Stepmother Killed by Electric Fan Blade The Idanha Veneer plant of the Simpson Logging Company was awarded a trophy and plaque for establishing an outstanding safety record for the year 1956. The awards were receivd by Guy M. Hartle, manager, at the annual meeting of the Douglas Fir Plywood association held at Gearhart, this week. The DFPA conducts safety contests for companies operating plywood and veneer plants. Seventy- three operating units competed. Simpson’s Idanha plant, operated 63,663 manhours, under the super vision of superintendent Harry Spen cer, without one of the 47 employees experiencing an injury serious enough to cause loss of time from I work during 1956. The Portland District, Corps of Engineers, has invited bids for the manufacture and erection of a rail mounted movable bridge with two power units at Detroit Dam on the North Santiam River. Colonel Jackson Graham, Portland District Engineer, said the bridge would be a traveling carriage which can be hauled up and down over the project's test chute so that engineers may conduct various velocity teats. Bids will be opened at 2 p. in. June 28. Completion time is 120 calendar days. The bridge will be a trussed walk way, mounted on rails on each side of the first spillway and will be raised and lowered by a hoist unit on eaih of the adjacent piers of the spillway and connected to the mov able budge by wire rope. Funeral services will be held at Mrs. Earl H. Horseman of Kan 10:30 Thursday in the W. T. Rigdon I sas City, Kansas, stepmother of Mrs. Chapel in Salem for Harold D. Mc Bill Stover, former resident here, Millin, who passed away Monday in ! was found dead beside a bedroom a Salem hospital following a linger- ! window fan which had no protective It ’ s a mill that is making money on ing siege of cancer. grill around its blades. Mr. McMillin, 59, was the father of ! today’s market and that is signifi The family physician said one of ciencv of the Frank mill is the high The Santiam Memorial hospital Doyle McMillin, husband of the form- I cant. The Frank Lumber Co. at Mill the blades apparently hit her head, auxiliary is sponsoring an antique er Gerry Hamblin. City, Oregon, was built to be about er percent of standard grade obtain ed by the method of cutting 6 or 8”, Her husband found her when he and hobby show, July 29 and 30 as a a 50M foot mill but they have trou cants out of the log and then running came home about 6 p. m. from his hospital benefit. Anyone having ar ble keeping it under 65M. Sometime the cants back through the gang to foreman’s job at a General Motors ticles to display can contact the in the'future, plans are to add a cant assembly plant. The fan was run- chairman in the community nearest gang saw and thus increase produc make 2”x6”. This avoids down-grad ning. ing spike knots. Only one man op their home. Following is a list of tion to 100M per day. erates the headrig and only two the chairman and their locations: Credit for much of this efficiency other men are under the sawmill Mail Orders for Shrine Cates, Detroit, Idanha, Mrs. Joe goes to Thomas Haley with Timber roof. There is no offbearer on the Bowes, Mrs. Floyd Völkel; Mill man’s Engineering Co., Portland. Football Game Available gang saw. City, Mrs. O. K. DeWitt; Lyons, The core of the 22 to 23 man op Mail orders for the 10th annual The Portland Iron Works 6x54 Mrs. Percy Hiatt; Mehama, Mrs. Er- MEHAMA—The Mehama Women’s eration is the 36x24” “'Super” Mill cil Wilson; Stayton, Mrs. Byron club met for a special meeting at Engineering log gang head rig. Per edger is run by one man. One man Shriners’ hospital all-star football Struck, Mrs. Harold Wodtly,* Sub the club house Tuesday evening, haps the biggest factor in the effi- 1 operates the 28’ Prescott selective game, schRluled for August 24 in mill trimmer. Out on the pond are Multnomah stadium, are being ac limity, Mrs. John Frank; North June 11. The purpose of the meeting two men and a third unloads log cepted now, according to Police Cap-1 Santiam, Mrs. Andrew Hammer; was to vote on turning the club I trucks and pulls logs out of the deck. tain Eugene Ferguson, the game’s Scio, Mrs. Carl Bethel; Howell, Mrs. property over to the Stayton Rural managing director. Rex Kimsey; West Stayton, Mrs. Fire Protection district for the use The green chain employs four men DETROIT—Cloud 8 did a little Headquarters for the game have of the Mehama Fire department. Jim Rand. as does the planing mill which also more than just cry last week. He been established at 1119 S. W. Park Mrs. Harry Monroe, president of All articles should be marked and handles the planing of another un- avenue and orders for the $3 reserved turned out to be a real squaller. Mrs. each person is responsible for taking the board of directors, reported on related mill across the road. The 2-3 seats should be sent here. Ferguson Mabel Parker, official weather bu their own display articles to ana the recent meeting of the board and I man carloading crew also serves the reau recorder reported that 2.33 I neighboring mill as well as the said. from the Stayton Community build stated that the vote was unanimously The colorful gridiron contest turns inches of rain fell in a five-day per in favor of the move. Gene Coles ing, where the show will be held. Frank operation. all receipts over to the Shriners.’ hos iod (Tuesday to Saturday.) Largest Voters of School District 129-J of Police protection for articles will was present at the meeting and told two pital for crippled children, and brings amount of rainfall in a 24-hour per Other facilities include a j Mill City approved the 1957-58 school be provided for Saturday and Sun of the work of the Rural Fire Dis | budget 52-5 when they went to the 'track Moore dry kiln operated by one together top senior high school play iod was recorded as 1.22 inches. Snow day evening after the show closes. trict and answered questions. After : polls Tuesday afternoon. Albin Coop man who also operates the lift truck, ers of last year. The players are wan reported to have fallen Friday Articles should be brought by 10 a. a discussion period the club voted «antiam antiam Pass and Monument er was elected to replace Russell i Other personnel include one person divided into State and Metropolitan on g m. June 29. Each community will to deed the property to the fire dis Kelly on the board. Kelly did not run ' in the office, one tallyman and a con teams. Peak. Sunday the temperature stood trict with the provision that the have its own display. tract filer.. With the millwright and Fred Spiegelberff of Medford will aj 78. i for reelection. Those displaying articles should Women’s club would have the life use the foreman the same man, the full coach the State squad and Ralph The area hummed with hundreds Cooper, whose name appeared on take them home after 10 p. m. Sun of the clubhouse for club purposes. 1 the ballot, received 40 votes, Eleven use ot manpower is upheld and the Harper of Benson Tech, the Metro o .., f — ,— motorists who t0Ok advantage day or Monday between 8 and and write-in votes went to Arey Podrab- Frank Lumber Co. takes its place team. Personnel for the two squads of fhe wonderful sunshine. Swim 12 noon. Mehama Farmers Union as a model of designed efficiency^— were selected several weeks ago. sky and six went to Rex Ohmart. ming, fishing and boating seemed to 'Crow’s Western Equipment and In Gate» Elects Two be the order of the day. However, the To Picnic August 4th dustry. day was not without incident, an un Two Ranibow Girls Get The Mehama Local of the Farmers 1 Twenty-six voters turned out at identified woman was brought ashore Gates Tuesday approving the budget Union met at the Women’s club house Honor at State Meeting at Snyder’s Resort suffering from and electing two directors to the in Mehama June 14. After a potluck Two Rainbow Girls from Marilyn heat prostration. Fortunately a doc supper the meeting was opened by board. Sixteen voted yes for the Assembly of Mill City, received rec tor was among the many anglers at , budget and 10 were opposed. the president, Bob Carpenter. ognition at the State Convention held the Resort, and gave asistance. Robert Blumenstein was elected Rev. James Hardy reported that a Members of the Gates Volunteer in The Dalles. They are Fance» Nes to a five year term with 10 votes Fire department are in the process legislative law had been passed to bitt, who was named as a member Many Trees Planted in ¡and Robert Oliver received 11 votes labor. regulate migratory at the present time of making a The February Heart Fund canì - of the Grand Choir and Phyllis Pate, The annual picnic of the local will for the three-year post. Both were paign of the Oregon Heart associa house to house survey of their area, who was chosen as Grand Represen Willamette National unopposed. Merle Devine received in an attempt to be better able to be held August 4 at the Santiam tion raised $60,000, an increase of tative for the State of Tennesee. five write-in votes for the three-year State park. A pot luck dinner will be Forest This Year serve the residents within their nearly one-third over a year ago. Following are the girls who at- : held at 1 o’clock. An invitation has term. according to H. G. “Bud” Horn, tended the convention along with | ., jurisdiction. During th«^ fiscal* year Voters also approved annexation Among things being found out in been extended by the Mehama church State Chairman and Mrs, Forrest their Mother Advisor, Mrs. Robert 1957, which ends June 30, a total of of the City of Gates to the rural the survey are where all utility out to attend worship service before the Erickson, Heart Sunday chairman. Draper: Caralee Whitten, Sheree n 402,400 seedlinga were planted on fire protection district. lets in homes are located, which picnic. The $60,000 total * included $36,- Muir, Phyllis Pate, Phyllis Bickett, the Detroit Ranger District of the | Voters at Mari-Linn approved an It was decided to discontinue rooms are occupied during the night 340 from the Heart Sunday activ Carol Veness, Judy Hoeye, Rosalie Willamette National Forest. With annual budget which exceeds the six for sleeping, and where water is meetings during the summer, with ity, a single day, dodr-to-doofl Bassett, Julie Randall, Sandra Olson, exception of 11,000 Noble fir seed percent limitation by $4,575, by * the next meeting being September available for their fire trucks. campaign that had the support of Sherry Hensen, Clydie and Nancy lings, which were planted on the 23 to 3. vu the me luvimuun 13. INOUCe Notice was CMiivu caned to invitation margin of -- All this information will be record 1Ô. several thousand volunteer» in more Sotrey, Becky Stoll and Frances Nes higher elevations, Douglas fir was of Terrabonne local to attend the.r 41uy Hartle was elected to a five ed on cards and placed in the fire planted. All seedlings were two-year than 80 Oregon cities. bitt. trucks for reference when the de picnic at Peterson’s Rock G ardent» year term on the boar an old trees from the Foreat Service The girls were taken to The Dalles Horn expressed “real satisfaction” June 30. A Stanley party was beta Wibon to a t™-)™ term nursery near Carson, Wash. Areas partment is called to a fire. in a bus, driven by Bob Thorpe. Detroit (»1res Budget O. K. i with the total results and said the planted were recent cut over areas In after the meeting. Following »re are results results of of the the elec- elec I tion in Detroit. The budget earned “Oregon Heart Association owe» a cluding a portion of the Sardine deep debt of gratitude to the Creek burn. Total acreage planted is 75 to 41 and Even Evenson was thousands of volunteers who work approximately 700 acers. over re-elected as a board member ed so diligently.” With the exception of 70 acres, John Pitcher 64 to 58 for a five year He indicated that benefit» will which were planted by a contractor, i flow to every community in the state term. all planting w<a done by Forest Ser The Stay ton Pee Wee baseball | through programs aimed at basic A new TV service is opening its vice crews. A group of Mill City . -------- - team topped Mill City 16 to 10 Mon doors in Mill City, and also in | research, rehabilitatioA of cardiac»,, high school students planted trees on A Drivers License Examiner will day night at Allen Field. They outhit protecting childrens’ hearts by pre Gates this week, according to Jim several weekends. Excellent planting be on duty in Mill City Thursday, the local group 12 to 8. Stayton’s venting of Rheumatic Fever, and Carey of Gates. In Gates the location weather and availability of good help top hitters were Miller with three for June 20 at the Fire Hall between the will be at Gates Furniture store and physician and public edducation. has made the past year above aver» four trips and Crabtree with four hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Marion County raised $7.584.35, of in Mill City in the Witt Building, age for tree planting. Persons wishing original licenses hits for five times up. For Mill City formerly occupied by Mason’s Dress Luther Nicholson hit two for four or permits to drive are asked to file GATES—The special feature of Sunday, according to Mr. shop. and Gene Calkins 1 for 2 each batting applications well ahead of the sched the Gates Sunday School Fathers George Arbuckle, Jr., Marion Conn- In the opening advertisement in uled closing hour in order to assure .500. Day program was the recognition of ty Heart Fund Chairman, this issue of The Enterprise, they Each team used three pitchers with time for completion of the required three generations of three families | . .... , ------ state one person out of the first 13 Stayton's two striking out four and license test. present. Those honored were Mrs. | will receive a free television set. Wednesday, June 19, North San Mill City chuckers fanning 10 of the Glen Henness, her son, Clare, and his Gene Teague Features Mr. Carry just graduated from tiam Chamber of Commerce at De visitors. Community Church To daughter Kandee. Mrs. Henneaa be Willamette University in Salem. troit City Hall at 8 p. m. Last meet gan attending Gates Sunday school Service in Adv. This Week Have Special Singer and ing until Fall. In a large advertisement on pages about 39 years ago, a member of Weather at Detroit Dam Thursday, June 20, Jay-C-Ettea Mrs. I>*ng Stafford’s class; Mrs. Del four and five of this issue. Gene 7:99 A. M. Daily Weather Reading« Speaker Friday Evening meet at the home of Mrs. Thomas Teague Chevrolet is calling attention la Dike, her daughter, Mrs. Allura Rev. Opie of Southern California A ad Lake Elevation Report From Santiam Memorial Kanoff at 8 p. m. Elev will be a special guest Friday night Chance and her daughter, Roberta. to the many services given the mo Max. Min Pep. Sunday, June 23—North Santiam Hospital Mrs. Dike has attended Gates Sunday toring public at their Stayton loca 62 5« 0.30 1565.16 at the Community church. Sportsmen’s club forest trip. Meet at June 12 Bom June 15 to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. tion. Acording to Rev. E. B. Jewett, school many years and has an eight 63 49 0.39 1565.28 Ranger Station at 9 o’clock. Bring June 13 Teague has 18 men and women Lawrence, Rt. 1 Aumsville a girl. 53 46 1.24 1565.65 Rev. Opie has an unusual voice. He year perfect attendance. The other sack lunch. June 14 Patricia Ann. working and a total annual payroll 52 45 0.84 1566.10 had his own radio program for a family honored was the Barnhardts. July 3, Firemen’s dance at Gates. June 15 Bom June 15 to Mr. and Mrs. of $82,000. A picture of the building They seldom miss a Sunday school number of years in California. He 48 0.05 1566 45 62 July 4 Second annual Mill City- June 16 girl. Ronald L. Minton, Stayton a Mrs. lang and all employees is featured in the 75 50 0.00 1566.92 will also be preaching that evening. service, according to Gates celebration at Mill City. June 17 Joan Marie. , advertisement. Stafford, who is superintendent. 77 53 0.00 1566ji8 The public is invited. June 18 Women's Club Votes To Give Property to Rural Fire District Lots of Rain Falls In Detroit Area Albin Cooper Elected to School Board Position; Other Elections Held Gates Fire Department Making Survey of Area Mill City PeeWees Topped by Stayton Heart Fund Shows Increase This Year New TV Sales-Service For Mill City and Gates Drivers License Man Here on June 20th Special Program Given ■ By Gates Sunday School, K0WM. o„ Coming Events NEW ARRIVALS