io—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE UH ICSDAY, APRII. Linn County Sets May 6 toll as Clean-Up Week INI For the ® dollar-wise ^/shoppers » mm —-------------- FLAV R PAC FROZEN FOOD VEGETABLE SALE DEL MONTE Cream Style Corn 7for$1.00 santiam Cut String Beans 5 tor RICHTEX Golden Shortening 3 lbs. 79c MSB® 21* Sf’1.00 The week of May 6 to 11, inclusive, has been designated as “Clean-Up W’eek” in Linn County, says M. L. Hensen, Rt. 2, Albany, chairman of the Linn County Farm and Home Safety Council, the sponsoring or­ ganization. Mill City’s annual cleanup is al­ ready well under way with many re­ sidence and business properties show­ ing signs of spring. The Council is asking all city gov­ ernments, Chambers of Commerce, civic clubs, Granges, Farmers Un- ■ ions, Farm Bureau Centers, Garden clubs, and similar groups to declare May 6 to 11, inclusive, as “Clean-Up Week,” and sponsor clean-up activi­ ties during that period. Hansen points out that a concen­ trated effort by a large number of groups will be effective in making the campaign a success. Major ob- 1 jectives are to remove trash from homes and business houses, elimin­ ate unsightly trash along highways | and public reads, eliminate fire haz- , ards and possible accidents by re­ moving the sources, to fix-up and I paint-up, and make all individuals conscious of the importance of such activities. Hansen says the Farm and Home Safety Council just recently took over the responsibility formerly held by the Linn County Clean-Up Com­ mittee of which Karl Arnold, Rt- 1, I Albany, was chairman. Other mem­ bers of the Farm and Home Safety • Council are Maynard Hempstead, | Fred Weber, C. B. Greenough, Leon- I ard Wilson, and O. E. Mikesell, all of Albany; Victor Haffner, Harris­ burg, and Mrs. Willis Kirk, Shedd. OUR EVERYDAY PRICES ON Popular Brands Coffee lb 99* CAPITAL Brand Peas CHOPPED 10 oz. 6 for 95* Broccoli 17* 6 for 95* Vegetables 17* 6 tor 95* PKG. GREEN 10 oz. 17* Peas Peas& Carrots 17* FRENCH FRIED 9 oz. 69* qt. PRODUCE Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary Recently GREEN ONIONS AND 6 for 95* RADISHES PKG. lOoz. lb MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing PKG. MIXED 10 oz. DRIP OR REGULAR Much More Coffee WHOLE KERNEL lOoz. PKG. Corn 9 Cans $1.00 6 for 95* PKG. Bunch Tube TOMATOES each CUCUMBERS each LYONS—Installation of officers was the main business of the Lyons Extension unit held Thursday after­ noon at the Methodist church. Mrs. J. L. Karnosh, Linn county extension secretary was present and installed Helen Johnston, vice the following, ~ ' president and Janice Savage, secre- tary-treasurer. Mrs. Karnosh and of the new officers were presented a sorsage made by Evelyn Julian The topic of the day was “Holland” with Jacquie Smith in charge. The next meeting will be held oa May 23. County Extension Agent Eula Wintermote will be present and the topic will be “Living Within 24 Hours.” At the close of the meeting coffee and cookies were served to Betty . Carter, Lottie Grosso, Lucille Huber, Janice Savage, Juanita Wright, Helen Johnston, Donna Asmussen, I Alta Bodeker, Jacquie Smith, Gypsie Weaver, Alma Spellmeyer, Mrs. Gar- nosh and Mrs. Rice who were guests of the afternoon. Helen Moore, who was to be installed president was un­ able to be present due to illness in i the family. 29* Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Podrabsky were given a surprise party on their 25th wedding anniversary, Tuesday evening, April 23, at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Podrabsky. The group of relatives attending the informal occasion included Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podrabsky and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Podrabsky of Sublimity, Mrs. Mattie Edwards and the Milfred Bell family of Scio, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Podrabsky and family, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Leroy Podrabsky and small son. Re­ freshments were served. 4 Potatoes 17* LEAF 14 oz. PKG. Spinach 17* CHOPPED 14 oz. PKG. Spinach FLAV - R - PAC PKG. Strawberries 19c 6 for 95* MEATS FRESH KILLED OREGON 6 for 95* Grown FRYERS Bacon Squares 6 for 95* Pork Steak each lb. lb. $1.00 29* 39* Reprisal! — PLUS — JUNE ALLYSON, in You Can’t Run Away From It SUN.-MON. May 5 and 6 Walt Disney*« BLADE CUT U. S. GOOD 5 for 89* Beef Roast THURS.-FRI.-SAT. May 2-3-4 Gl’Y M ADISON, in lb. Westward Ho The Wagons Here’s one you MI ST *er. FREE PARKING Hill-Top Market EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Mill City, Ore., - - Phone 2744