WANTAKWS« I»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISETHl RSDAY, MAY 2. 1957 CLASSIFIED RATES]*" •torch bazaars, «uppers, bake Furniture aUee, etc, will be run under “Special _ AfcBOuncements'* classification with UNFINISHED FURNITURE and Used Furniture Bargains. We five • minimum charge of 50 cents per Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, iBBertion. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company, •ount five words to the line in 367rd St., Stayton. 33tf «dering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill •By or mail your advertisement to Real Estate Vto Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, I Auegon. FOR SALE------Hotel, good living Ten sent« per line each insertion. quarters for the price of a home. Mo advertisement accepted for less May consider some trade. Inquire ■as 59 cents per week. at the Mill City Hotel. l*tf Business and Professional DIRECTORY There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING CLOSING OUT ALL ACCORDIONS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS THREE LINES OF PIANOS AND ORGANS. NAME YOUR OWN PRICE AND TERMS SAVE UP TO 60% REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or RENT—Two bedroom house on the river. JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman DR. JOHN C. TARR Phone 4515 Gates. Oregon. Chiropractic Physician Phone 3274 FOR SALE or TRADE, $1,000 equity Hours 9:00 to 6:00 in modern 2 bedroom home in Dal­ Evenings By Appointment las for property or acreage ia 112 E. Ida St. Stayton Mill City or Lyons area.—M. D. Anderson, 906 10th Oregon. JOHN W. REID, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 493 Center St., Salem, Ore. Open Monday and Friday Evenings FOR RENT or FOR SALE—Three bedroom modern home. Call 2484 Mill City after 5:30 P. M. lltfc. New Issue FOR RENT—One bedroom modern house, 1048 4th St. in Stayton. $35 per month. W. H. Loose, Rt. 1, Stayton. phone 2F4. 16tf DR. LESLIE J. CARSON Optometrist 9 to 5 >30 Mon. Thru Bat Except Wednesday. 530, Third St Slayton Phone 6044 FOR RENT-—Two bedroom home on Grove street in Mill City. Has been completely redecorated. Phone UL 9-2533, Ruesell Wilson, Rt. 1, Ly­ ons, Oregon i3tf Weddle Funeral Home FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat* tresses, rollaway beds and mat­ tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 8rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf Modern Funeral Service OREGON GENERAL REPAIRING WELDING We have on hand DELCO BATTERIES MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT 1979 Elm St.. W. Salem Hoover's Repair WE SELL BETTER * CARS FOR LESS Veryl Hoover, Prop. Ph. 2602 or Ph. 351 GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET SURGICAL STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME SUPPORTS Stayton-Jefferson Of all kinds. Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms. AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. “Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. 504 SUte St Corner of Liberty SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 6284 Stayton S and H Green Stamps 12,811 Shares VALLEY TELEPHONE CO RWAX (Formerly Interurban Telephone Co.) Silverton, Oregon -ANP WAltW YOU® BAMKB à XL f>»Y»AAATlC INVMTWCNY IN I/.IMV'WI XWPe WILL ¿UUP V¿\ jr THOU roe veut AY AtMSE r jTUCt CAY»/ that c*r«N DETROIT By Boots Champion Mothers of Deanha kindegarten will preside at the tea urns when they hold a silver tea May 9 from 1 to 3 p. m. in room 3 at the school. As­ sisting at the tea table will be Mmes. Wayne Tompkins, Henry Heibert, Frank Moore, Richard Harms, John Pitcher, Lynn Williamson, Gordon Meyers, Herb Wenke, William Smith, James Harris, Quincy Smith and Ruth Miller. Mrs. Jim Fletcher, who ■will be the teacher next year will also assist The kindergarten is a cooperative, meeting three days a week for 2’4 hours each day. Mrs. Frank Moore has been the teacher this year with mothers assisting in turn. All time for the kindergarten work is donated. All those interested are invited to attend the tea. Pro­ ceeds from the tea will go into the kindergarten fund to purchase ne­ cessary equipment. A group of high school girls held a wiener roast Friday evening at Mongold. Entertainment was provid­ ed vy playing games and bingo. At­ tending the affair were Becky Stoll, Sandra Youngblood, Mary Witt, Clydia Storey, Donna Rae Stevens Rozalia Bowers, Betty Dunbar, Bar­ bara Slater, and Evelyn Harper. Ann Stevens was chaperone. Mrs. Joe Leis was taken to San- tiam Memorial hospital Thursday evening following a heart attack. Her condition is reported as fair. Mrs. Otto Oja entered the Memor­ ial hospital in Salem Friday for medical attention. District Ranger Al Sorseth re­ ported that a “sleeper” was discov­ ered from last fall’s slash burning in the Marion Creek area. There was only an attendance of 29 at the first aid classes Monday evening at the Detroit community fire hall building. An attendance of 40 was reported at tse first meeting April 22. Cake and coffee were serv- ed by the Eagles Auxiliary. Sunday visitors at the Champion home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry I and chidlren, Linda and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Chambers and son, i Butch, and Emma Rhoads of Salem. Weekend viistors at the Fay Coop­ er home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waitt and children of Salem. Dinner guests at the Champion home on Monday were Mr. and MrB. Earl Layman, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fagan, and Mrs. Lee Ware of Mill City. |__________________________________ When in Need of Printing Buy it in Mill City from Valley Telephone Co. and its predecessor “Interurban” have been engaged in a general telephone business in the Silvenon, Oregon area since 1904. COMMON STOCK (Par Value $10) PRICE: $10 per share DAUGHERTY, BUTCHART & COLE, INC. 729 S. W. Alder Street Portland 5, Oregon Telephone CApitol 8-0231 Please send me a copy of the offering on the Valley Tele­ phone Co. common stock offering. NAME ADDRESS CITY ... The Mill City Enterprise | I Your Guarantee * Miscellaneous FOR SALE—1% h.p boat motor and 3*/i h.p. boat motor. Both run good. $25 each. See at N. E. Alder and 3rd, Mill City. 18p WANT TO BUY TIMBER LICENSED This Garage, all its Staff and Mechanics, and its Thousands ■ of.Dollars Worth of Shop Equipment Stand Back of the Small or large tracte Either cash or stumpage bans Garbage Disposal ■ Of CoLtt» I lev« John, But I Co W m > i Wow> » Se f>ro