Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1957)
SALEM BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1957 ■ Salem Sand and Gravel Company HEAVY HAULING Quality Meats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET b Uji If youwant I what you i waix^ when you ■ j WWTJT... ’ then WJTAPS ; are for you ! OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Jordan. Oregon Morning service 11 a.m. Mas*: lit. 2nd, and 5th Sunday at Evening service 7:00 p.m. 4:30 a.m. Maaa: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 30 Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor p. ns- e • • Sunday school 10 a.m. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN Roy Kneeland, Pastor • • • CHUUB! Mehama 1 8ANTÏAM CHAPEL AT LYONS Rev. James Hardy, Pastor Rev. Wm. Scott, Pastor M,oming worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday school at 9:4*. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning services at lltOO. Midweek services, Thursday 7:30. Christ's Ambassadors, Jackie Walk • • • er, president, 6:80 p. m. GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Evening services, 7:80 p. m. OF CHRIST Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p^n. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. • • • Morning worship 11 a.m. LYONS METHOBIST CHURCH Sunday School for children up to Charlei McCarthy. Pastor see Sunday school at 9:4* a. m. ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Worship servic«, 11 a. m. CHURCH, MILL CITY W osmm Society of Christian fer Mass at 9-15 a.m. every Sunday ries moot 1st and 3rd Tuesday of aata Confessions heard before Mass. mouth with Mrs. Samuel Roberta, Fr. Senko, Pastor • * • president. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Mrs. Helen Davis, Pastsr MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Full Gsspsl Morning worship 11 asa. Rev. E. B- Jewett, Pastor Sunday evening services 7:4*. Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:4* u. m. Prov. 3:6,5 Trust in the Lord with Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. all thine heart; and lean not unto Morning Worship 11 a. m. thine own understanding. In all thy Evangelistic Servic* 7:4* p. m. Bible Study, Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. ways acknowledgo Him and He shall o * e direct they paebs. « • • FREE METHODIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH North Mill City Mill City Rev. Gene E. Davidson, Pastor Rev. Robert Roach. Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a.a*. Supday School 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 am. Morning worship 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:80 p.m. Music by choir. Young Peoples Services every Sun Midweek services Wed. 7:30 p.m. day at 6:30. • • • Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm. DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST 0 0 0 G'ten Lyds, Minister FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible School, 10:90 a. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship Hour, 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship 10:5*. A friendly welcome to «11. e • o Evening Service 7:00. Sunday evenings at 6:1* there CHRISTIAN SCIENCE there will be a class for any interest Devers Rest Estate Building, Gates ed persons on “How to Teach.” Sunday, 11 a. m. Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes day at 8 p. m. • • e ST. PATRICK’S PARISH Lyons, Oregon Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:80 ajn. Rev. Bernard Neuman, SDS, Pastor • • • SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST American Legion Hall 475 S. E. Fairview Ave., Mill City Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m. Satur- day. Morning service, 10:45 Saturday Visitors welcome. WE ALL HAVE OUR DREAMS vi iXfflÿvS?. Spelling Hints Given Students by OSC Expert 3] Yes. we all have our dreams. Perhaps sometimes, they are mere pro jections of our selfishness . .. hopes unfair to others . . . ambitions dangerous to our selves. But often, they are healthy, honest as pirations . . . opportunities which zeal de serves . . . victories which justice demands. Is it wrong to dream such dreams? Does God frown on honest hope and love? Of course not! Rather, God has given us minds able to dream, and souls coura geous enough to seek the difficult—even the impossible. But the Divine Architect helps man to model his castles in the air. and provides the tools for their building. With faith and the guidance of the Church a man may realize hopes and aims which a cynical world calls futile. THE CHURCH for AU AU FOR THE CHURCH Th« Chu’ch n th,,,. •or on wnh fe, lh, ~ •4Xi711*dho *ld I «up. rTh'.To^.^r : h (I) i hu”" ’ ,C,‘* r°' *•’ . h .ui ' ro,h * co“"«>'r and nation lake «; Tor th, ,ak, ol th. Church U m U which n,,di hu r— moral and ma '•rial support Flan church r<£ * * r and «Ml«r| Bib!« daily. Day Book Sun da Joshua M ondi Matth« Tuead., -*■»» Matth« Ines.fyLuhe - - • z •-««# Thurid,, Friday J;' 1«»«» limi. Siturdi, I John Tbi- -*-ri«w of ad« to «pooeorrsi by the following Firms In Interest of all churches WRIGHT’S TRUCK LINE Ship The Wright Way STAYTON, OREGON ★ ★ PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE Liberal Trade-In Allowances Phone 4.*>ai GATES, OREGON * * HILLTOP MARKET The Canyon'« Food Center Pb<H.. ¿744 Mill City, Oregon MILL CITY PHARMACY Reliable Prescription Service Mill City, Oregon ♦ Good spellers are made, not born, and they're made mostly from de sire, correct pronunciation, and knowing the meaning of words to be spelled, according to an Oregon State college professor who is author of a new spelling book for high school students. Ned D. Marksheffel, assistant professor of education, says spelling I is “sold short" by too many students, i who fail to realize that spelling is basic to writing and that it is an ex tremely important subject. Many factors are involved in spelling—intelligence, ability to read, , background experience, etc.—but the ■ average student can learn to be a good speller if he wants to and if ' he works at it. His method for studying spelling includes these steps: know the mean ing of the word; be able to pronounce it correctly; break the word down into syllables; say it aloud; and then write it. Special emphasis is placed on knowing the meaning of words to be spelled. “Learning to spell words which have no meaning may be a fine form of mental gymnastics, but it is not conducive to spelling growth,” I he says. Here are some other suggestions: Always learn to pronounce the word clearly and distinctly. Research , by spelling experts has shown that a I person needs to know how to pro nounce a word before he can spell i it Library • w correctly. --- -------------- _ and govern- ment, for example, arc often mis 1« spelled because they’re mispronounc ed “libary” and “govermenL” Review is important. Within 24 hours from the time you learn new words, have someone test you on them again, he advises students. The dictionary is a great help in “studying"' words, Marksheffel points out Tt helps not only with defini tions but also with pronunciation and with breaking the word down into syllables. * KELLOM'S GROCERY “Your Personal Service Store Min City, Oregon ★ East Salem Auction Sale ROOFING State Roofing Service Every Thursday . 7:30 Evening We Buy - Sell - Consignment EM. 4-3971 1225 Lancaster Dr. No Job To Small EM 2-7629 1190 N. Cottage 8t. Roofiag, Siding, Eaves, Trough AUTOMOTIV E Rin*AIK RUG. CARPETS CLEANED Salem Fluff & Rug AUCTION V Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Phone Salem EXCAVATION and CONSTRUCTION Bay 2-24Ö1 tft-TON MOBILE CRANE Nite 2-4411 CONTRACTING AND RENTAL v If You Can’t Buy It At Home—Try These Friendly Salem FI tom * THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mill City. Oregon See Us for Printing Fast. Dependable The Mill City Enterprise Hammer Auto Repairing Complete Motor Rebuilding Industrial Equipment - Trucks Tractors - Bear Wheel Aligning Wheel Balancing - Brake Service Electric Service - Loaner Cars 1485 Pine EM 2-1864 DRAPERIES Ida Weston We can Redecorate Complete Home With Curtains & Draperies Bedspreads - Cafe Curtains Travis Rods - Rods Estimates Free EM 4-3650 3579 Cherry DRUG STORE Rug Cleaning, Sizing, Binding Mattress Making - Rebuilding Pickup and Delivery 1351 Wilber Call EM 3-8441 SAW SHOP Vista Saw Shop Lark Brown, Owner Precision Filing & Grinding No Better Workmanship Any- where - Fully Eqtgpped Shop 3205 Liberty Rd. EM 2-lMf SEPTIC TANKS Lioenced & Bonded Foor Corners Pharmacy K. F. Hamel Complete Prescription Service Vet Supplies - Animal Remedies Sundies - Green Stamps Store Hours: 9:00 to 9:00 Daily 10:00 to 6:00 Sunday & Holiday* 135 N. Uncarter Dr. EM 4-7727 Septic Tanks Cleaned BM 3-7494 Electric Machine Service Drains, Sewers, Prices Eeti—tad 1143 8th Guaranteed Seevtoa DURATILE State Approved Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tank« Size 500, 750, 1000 Gal. Capacity Del. Service, Wholesale A Ratal EM 3-7324 211» Pringle M. OF SALEM Metal Wall Tile Ceramic Tile Shower Doom - Tub Enclosure« Bathroom Accessories 1249 S. Commercial EM 4-5292 SIGNS WB GO ANYWHERE NEON SIGN REPAINTING Window A Office Door lettering 1980 Turner Road Across from Airport - Salem CaH EM 4-6201 EXCAVATION - GRADING Ben Otjen A Son Free Estimates - Earth Moving A Speciality Office Ph. EM 3-3080 no answer 818 Rural Ave. Call EM 8-7519 Mortarleaa Block Co. SHEETMETAL Charies W. McCabe Sheet Meta! Co. Sawdust ft Oil - FWancea Burners, Fam, Lennox Furnaces Eaves, Troughs 606 S. 12 BL Res. EM 3-8912 R m . EM 2-tMB SURVEYOR Ralph Barnes Licensed Surveyor City Lots - Sub Division Farm Surveys - Timber Surveys Water Rights 477 Court BM 2-4115 or 3-7*88 TERMITE CONTROL FLOOR COVERING Bert A. Lucas Floor Covering Quality Workmanship For Your Floor Covering Needs Linoleum Tile, Formica, Carpets 3260 N Lancaster Dr EM 3-3941 FURNITURE CLEANER RUGS Cleaned in Your Home or Our Plant — Serving the Salem Area for 10 Years Pacific Rug A Furniture Cleaners T ermites Termite Control 5-Yr. Guarantee Dry Rot Damage Repair $100.000 Insurance F.M 2-07M Guaranteed Pest Control Service 1910 Lee St._____________ Salat TIRE SERVICE Russell's Tire Service 1887 Front St. EM 3-3736 Remodeling. - Repairing Moth Proofing Recapping 15,000 Mi. Uncondi tional Warranty Fleet Service on AH Sizes 3297 Portland Rd. EM 2-5654 FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK REPAIR Edgar R. Brock Steinke’s Furniture Repair and Refinishing 664 Norway EM 3-8367 Truck Repair, Van Construction Commercial Welding 1610 N. Commercial St. HOME INSULATION WELDING Home Insulating A Heating Company Roscoe Welding A Forgery Work Electro Ray Baseboard Heating Rock Wool, Thermo Seal, Fiber glass blown in or by the bag. Free Estimates Given 810 Plymouth Drive EM 3-3363 12 Years in Salem Complete Welding & Forgery Service 395» State EM 2-8523 INTERIOR DECORATING Beautify & Refresh Your Home With Custom Made Burch Draperies Draperies, Cornices, Bedspreads, Interior Decoration 1915 N. Commercial EM 4-1609 MOTORS - ELECTRIC SERVICE Mike’« Electric Motor Service Sold - Repaired - Rewound Industrial • Commençai, Residential Motors Parts and Supplies Electric Control Equipment Can EM 2-8525 S51 Court St. NURSING HOMES WEI DING SUPPLIES Complete Repair Service Salem Welding Supply EM 2-3581 John p. Seitz, Owner Announcement — We Carry In dustrial Air Products Knowles Body & Fender Repair Ph. 88, Mill City; 206 Chemehete WROUGHT IRON * Ornamental Iron Work for Enduring Beauty Wrought Iron Shop Porch Railings, Columns, Gate«, V-Legs - Brackets - Rail Lights Custom made Wall Shelve« for I Christmas Gifts Estimates Giron EM 2-7566 4950 Delight BL ITIIOSTERING Lenora C. Tracy, Owner Reg. and Practical Nursing Aged, Convalescent. Ambulatory 65« Ixx-ast F.M 3-5895 Salem Upholstery Co. Furniture, Re-upholstered Custom Built, Refinished Specialized Woodworking, Kenneth Hinkle Upholstering Vince Furlott Refinishing 454 Ferry Ph. EM. 3-4724 PAINTS RADIATOR REPAIR Norris Walker Paint Mfg. Co From the Largest Cat to the Smallest Heating Core We Fix ’em All St Bernard A Elderest Nursing Home 1710 N. Front Log Marking Paints Mill Finishes - Water or Oil Base House Paints - Linoleum Interior Wall Finishes Industrial Enamels for Machinery, Etc. PAINTS - WALLPAPER Hutaheon Paint Store Artist Material - Paint Vamiri» - Wallpaper Buy Your Paint at a Paint Store FM 3-8687 162 N: Commercial Valiev Moton Co. Salem’s Own Ford Dealer Center A Liberty EM. 3-314T RESTAURANTS Marshall» Ian AT FOUR CORNBRS Noted for Fine Foods and Bar Service. Open Every Day Nona to 2:80 A. M. Dancing After 9 P. M. 3815 State EM 2M34