6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Quartier THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1957 and Tamara and Gordon Allen Mc Morris of Salem were guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMorris. Several from here have received Mrs. Bob Shelton and Mrs. Elaine invitations to the wedding of Miss Anderson of Corvallis were hostesses Marlene Joann Walker, daughter of Sunday afternoon at 2o’clock at the Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Walker, form Glen Shelton home for a shower hon er Mill City residents but now of oring Mrs. Harold Parks (Beryl Ma- Petaluma, Calif., to William Joseph | son) and baby son, Allan Leigh, of Hall, on Saturday, May 11 at 7 in the Silverton. The party was held on evening, at St. Vincente’s church in the lawn with games being played Petaluma. and prizes won by Mrs. Floyd Shep herd, Mrs. William Shepherd »nd Mr. and Mrs. Duane McFadden Mrs. Marie Tolbert. Following the (LaVetta Powelson) of Indio, Calif., opening of the gifts, refreshments are announcing the birth of their were served to Mrs. Harold Parks, third child, and second daughter, Mrs. Harold Mason, Mrs. Floyd Shep- Leah Jo, who was bom April 5, and herd, Mrs. Helen Saucier, Mrs. Clyde weighed 7 pounds. Grandparents are i Rogers, Mrs. Hugh Jull, Mrs. Glen Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McFadden of | Shelton, Mrs. William Shepherd, Mrs. Stayton and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mar e Tolbert and Mrs. Earl Loucks. Powelson of Elgin. Great grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keiser of Gates. Serving at the El Toro Marine Corps Air station, Santa Ana, Calif., with the Third Marine Aircraft wing, Elmer Itarney has returned to hia is Pvt. Samuel J. Wallen, son of Mr. home in Mill City for a visit with his and Mrs. Leonard E Wallen of Me family. hama. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill spent from Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rue have pur Wednesday until Sunday at their chased the old Bradshaw place west beach cottage at Road’s End. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howe of Port of town, according to Glen E. Shelton, land were weekend guests of his par local real estate man. The house just 1 south of the Eldon Hutchinson resi ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howe. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Carlson and dence was purchased by the Advent son, Skipper, of Salem, were Sunday ist church. dinner guests at the Rex Ohmart home. The Gertrude Shoemaker Circle Mr. and Mrs. Tex Blazek spent of the First Christian church will The Ches-Cha-Ma sixth grade Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. meet at the home of Mrs. Eathel Hill Camp Fire group met at the Don and Mrs. John Montgomery at Mc at 2 p- m. Wednesday May 8. The Carlson home Thursday at 4 o’clock. Santiam High school lost its first Minnville. Martha Troxell Circle will meet at They sanded stools for Camp Kilo- baseball game Thursday as Sublim Mrs. J. C. Dickinson of Salem, is 7:30 in the church basement, Tues-i wan. Those present were Jean Glunz, ity downed them 8-0. visiting at the home of her son-in- day, May 7. Suzy Carlson, Bonnie Boroughs, Ro- I Gary Bevier held Sublimity hit- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. zillah Yankus, Dianne Merrill, and Bob Draper, accompanied by Albert Shirley Veness. Leaders present were I less the first inning and gave up Lowell Cree. ’ one hit in the second to catcher Tom Mrs. Agness Allen states her Toman, Ernest Graham and Jake Mrs. Don Carlson and Mrs. Robert Christenson. son, Adelbert Allen from New York Myers, members of the Masonic T’uvrpe Bonnie Boroughs served re The third inning Sublimity collect- is expected to visit here about the building committee went to Redmond freshments. i ed two runs on three hits and one Tuesday, where they inspected a new first of June. base on balls. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodell Masonic hall, being constructed by In the fourth innning Sublimity Neal Stiffler, son of Mr. and Mis. and children and Mr. and Mrs. Gene the lodge at that point. scored four more runs on four hits. Lowell Stiffler, recently underwent Kindred and Kenny spent Sunday at Mrs. Floyd Johnson left Friday an appendectomy in a Salem hospital. Sublimity received two more hits fol Silver Creek Falls. Spending several days last week at night for Moose Jaw, Providence of At the same time as the emergency lowed by two runs in the fifth mak ing the score 8-0. Santiam’s Larry the C. M. Cline cottage at Waldport Saskatchewan, Canada, where she operation, he was suffering from an Kanoff came to bat in the sixth to were Mrs. Lester Hathaway and will attend the Saskatchewan Grand attack of measles. While Mrs. Stiff Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. ler, who now makes her home in get Santiam’s only hit, a single past Miss Daisy Geddes. third base. Otto Koeneke, who has been vaca Mrs. Johnson is Oregon’s Grand Lyons was staying at the home of a sister-in-law in Salem to be near1 In the sixth Brian Moffatt replaced tioning in the East for the past few Representative to Saskatchewan. Neal, the youngest son also broke I Bevier on the mound for Santiam and ■weeks returned to his duties at the held Sublimity scoreless. Attending the meeting of the Mar out with measlers. bank here Monday. Cletus Heuberger, Sublimity pit James Cuthbert, son of Mrs. Roger ion County Federation of Women’s cher, struck out 15 Santiam batters I Mrs. Doyle McMillin (Geraldine Nelson has been advanced to 1st clihs clubs at the Leslie Methodist church walked five men. Santiam had radio-telephone chief engineer at in Salem all day Tuesday were Mrs. Hamblin) and year-old daughter, and L. G. Hathaway, president; Mrs. O. visited at the Martin Hansen home two errors and Sublimity had one. KOMB, Cottage Grove. Batteries—Santiam, Bevier, Mof Mr. and Mrs. Dave Warde and fam K. DeWitt, Mrs. C. E. Mason and Monday atfernoon. The McMillins, fatt and Muir. Sublimity, Heuberger ily spent Sunday at Waldport at Mrs. Charles Kelly. Mrs. DeWitt is who have been living in Arizona, are ad Christenson. the home of his son and family, Mr. legislation chairman of the Federa moving back to near Salem to be tion, and Mrs. Hathaway gave the near his parents, both of whom have and Mrs. David H. Warde. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Frac« and annual report of the club. Main recently undergone surgery. Mrs. daughters, Linda and Claudia spent speaker of the afternoon was Dr. McMillin, called ‘‘Gerry’’ by her the weekend here at the home of Mary Purvine of Salem, who spoke many friends here, graduated from Report From Santiam Memorial of her trip to Africa, and musical Mill City high school and w’as active Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt. II os pita) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole and numbers were furnissed by the chor in Rainbow for Girls. Her parents, Born April 25 to Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Susan, and Mrs. Arthur us from McLaren school for boys and the Merritt Hamblins, are at present Virgil Coy Jackson of Stayton a Cole of Salem, were lupcheon guests by Betty Starr Anderson of Salem. in California. son, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces. last Wednesday of Mrs. Jay Mason. Melbourne Rambo underwent ma jor surgery at the Salem Memorial hospital Tuesday morning. He is re ported as getting along satisfactor- Uy’ Spending Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogers was their daugh F ’ ter, Mrs. George Bertilson, accom panied by two others from Oregon City. Dr. Mark Hammericksen’s Opto metric offices in the Bell building in Stayton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne I cessary. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole and son, Fred, of Salem, spent Sunday at the Jay R. Mason home. The men went fishing for a short time, but re ported poor luck. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd Tuesday were »1 Mr. Shepherd’s two sisters, Mrs. Lot tie Councilman and Mrs. John Chand ler, both of Salem. Mrs. W. W. Allen returned home Sunday evening after having spent several weeks visiting her son and family, the Robert Allens, at their home in the Hawaiian Islands. Sur prising Mrs. Allen by meeting her at the airport in Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly and family. Santiam Drops Game ¡To Sublimity Thursday Funeral Services Held for Former Mill City Resident Funeral services were held Tues day. April 30, at 11 a. m. at the Fairview cemetery for William P. Marrs of McMinnville under the direction of Macy 4 Son- Mortuary of McMinnville, with Rev. Jimmie Osborne officiating. William P. Marrs was born at Jonesville, Va., December 14, 1882 and came to Mill City while still a youth. May 20, 1912 he was married to Mary Ethel Flatman and they re sided in Mill City for many years while he was employed by the Curtis Lumber Co., and then Hammond Lumber Co. as a mechanic. In his youth he united with the Presbyter ian church. The Marrs home in Mill /n Japanese Film To Be Shown at Methodist Church Here Sunday The colored film, ‘‘The Living Word In Japan,” will be shown at the Free Methodist church next Sunday evening, May 5, at 7:30 p.m. Filmed in Japan, it shows how the Bible is distributed in this highly literate na tion. An interesting sequence takes place in a print shop where he Bible is set in type and printed on the great modern presses. Background music is provided by native Japanese. The public is invited. Dutch Maid MARGARINE 4 lbs. 85* Just call 3418 we will Pick-up and Deliver. Ask for one of our Pick-up Cards or visit us at 330 S. W. Broadway. Open Mon. thru Fri. 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Sat. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. In Mill City we give you 48 Hr. Service or a Spec ial I Day Service at no extra cost. We alio Service the Can- . yon from Mehama to t Idanha twice weekly. 1 THE ENTERPRISE CHOCOLATE RIBBON CHIFFON CAKE Developed Especially For This Week APPLE BLOSSOM PIE A new pie featuring Apples and Lemon Cream filling. Watch for our Daily Specials all This Week. MUIR’S BAKERY Phone 2222 Mill City, Oregon mz » Q 0. I I. G.A s6.00 Case CANNED MILK 2 CANS 25* FLOUR 10 lbs 83* ■■ EGGS 2 doz. 89e FRESH NU-METHOD CLEANERS of Mill City Gives Valuable S & H Green Stamp* n ini To dispose of that surplus Try a For Sale ad in In Celebration of National Retail Bakers Week April 29 through May 4 We are Introducing Our New NEW ARRIVALS MJ City was the home now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Nat Wills. They moved to McMinnville about 20 years ago. Survivors include his widow, Mary Ethel, of McMinnville, one daughter, Mrs. Melba Ousley now living in Italy, two sons, William Melvin of McMinnville, and Milton of Clover dale, two grandchildren. Bill and Di ane Marrs of Cloverdale. Also a bro ther-in-law, Dewey Flatman of Mill City, uncle, Floyd Shepherd of Mill City, aunts, Lottie Councilman and Viola Chandler both of Salem and a cousin, Leland Kaplinger also of Mill City. 1. G. A. PORK and BEANS 5 No. 2i Cans 83* MEATS Kingans 12 oz. Lunch Meat 29* FRESH Fresh FRYERS 21b. average 93* ^BS 5® LETTUCE Lb Bulk WIENERS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 10 lbs 2 Heads 25* 19c RADISHES AND GROUND BEEF 3 Lbs. *1.00 GREEN ONIONS Bunch 5* SEE OUR SELECTION OF FLOWERS & VEGETABLE PLANTS Stewart’s Stores LYONS UL 9-2494 FREE DELIVERY DAILY PRICES GOOD MAY 2, 3,4 MILL CITY Phone 4407 I