Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1957)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ________________________________________ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME XIII MILL CITY, OREGON ' NUMBER 18 Gets Superior Rating at Festival Record Crowds At Detroit for Season Opening DETROIT — Record breaking hordes ofenthusiastic anglers opened the trout season Saturday at Detroit Lake and its tributaries. Success hordes of enthusiastic anglers opened The number of fishermen on De troit Lake was estimated at 5,000 to 6,000, easily a record. This estimate was made by the same operators who last year estimated about 2,000 on the opening day. State Policeman Arthur Jincks said 1,200 boats were checked into Detroit Lake before noon at one of the lake’s six landings. Fred Snider, operator of Snider’s resort at Detroit Lake, said parking arerfl were jam med and overnight campers could find no place to pitch tents. He said his 50 boats were reserved two weeks ago. State Policeman Wally Cobine said about 15 arrests were made Friday when over-eager anglers started the season a day early at Detroit Lake. Eye witnesses reported a boat chased a deer Saturday. The deer was swimming across the lake to Piety Nob. The deer was forced to swim back. THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1957 Tre flute ensemble of Mill City Elementary school was given a superior rating at the music festival held recently at Woodburn. Pictured above are John Kelly, Rozillah Yankus, Charles Epperson and Shirley Veness. —Enterprise Photo. Lyons Water System Soon Ready For Operation; Boon to Area By Jean Roberts LYONS—Residents of Lyons will river, many people prophesy a build soon be able to open a tap and get ing boom in the Lyons area. pure Santiam river water. The Lyons Pipe line has been laid to a water water system, under construtcion for storage center atop the hill near the the past three months will soon be Mike Schwindt residence. The well complete. has been dug near the bridge at Me Home owners in this area have hama. Santiam Union High school won its long deplored the water situation. The well is concrete, 14 feet deep fourth League game 7-1 with Chem Water for homes has consisted of and water tight. Water is obtained private wells and very few of them awa Indian school. Brian Moffatt by lateral pipes embedded in the hurled a three-hit game to keep the have proven satisfactory. Most of gravel parallel to the river. This is Chemawa Indian bats stilled for the the water has tasted and smelled like the only way water can enter the seven innings. They scored their only a mill pond. well, and will maintain clear, pure The existence of mill ponds in the water despite the rise or fall of the run on an error. Santiam now is in second place in area and seepage through the porous river. Nearby is a small concrete the League with 4 wins and one loss. soil, has been blamed as a contribut chlorinating station. St. Boniface has undisputed control ing factor to bad water.. Consequent Telephone Cable Underground of first place with five wins and no ly the town, though unincorporated, The water system is not the only floated a bond issue and set about losses. utility keeping up to date in the improving the water problem. Santiam plays Jefferson next The fact that inadequate water was I Lyons area. While the pipes were laid Weak and Colton the following week. for water the Co-operative Telephone Hitting star Tuesday with Louis a drawback to industry was first ' Co., was busy laying cable with the noted a few years ago when the big Morgan with two for three. , Pipe. Batteries—Santiam, Moffatt and M&M Plywood plant built near At least 50 wires were spliced and Lyons. Families desirous of living Muir; Chemawa, Weaver and Satan- ' buried with the water pipe. Encased near their work planned to build or us. move to Lyons, but the water situa ' in a pipe the cable crosses the river tion prevented many. Now that the just under the bridge. The telephone too is a home owned water will be procured from near the utility with all users stockholders. The Board of directors are local men, farmers, loggers, bookkeepers, and sawmill workers. Their time is do Ron Kuhlman and Dick Ziebert nated free of charge. This enables took first and second place in a track I Lyons to have the cheapest dial tele- | phone system in the state. meet Friday on the Gates oval. San tiam had 92 4.21 points, Jefferson Tuesday afternoon, May 7, has I With a new school, fire district, been announced as the time for visi ; dial telephone and now the addition 52 10.21, and Falls City 6 1.3. Kuhlman garnered 36V« points in tation by pre-school children at the of good water, it is small wonder addition to winning both hurdles elementary school. Those children that many persons are wanting to events, the high jump and broad who will be six years of age on or build homes in the Lyons area. jump. Ziebert added 16V4 points and before November 15, 1957, and ex finished first in both sprints plus the pect to enter Mill City School next 440. fall, are invited to visit one of the Stewart's Store at Lyons Dale Smith won first in the mile; first grade rooms, beginning at 1 p. Ken Epperson won first in the 880; m. on May 7. The mothers of these Gets New Sign and Doug first in the discus throw; Jim children are invited to attend a group Exterior Paint Job Henry first in javelin throw. The 660 meeting to be held in the elementary This week a new neon sign has relay was won by Kuhlman, Long- school library that afternoon. This been erected at Stewart’s Grocery at meeting will begin at 1 p. m. and Lyons, and the outside of the building necker, Bevier and Ziebert. include discussion periods led by Ef has been repainted, which adds much fie Cole, county health department to its appearance. Annual Band Concert and the two teachers of Grade Since being taken over by the To Be Held Friday, May 17 I nurse 1, Mrs. Fem Sletto and Mary E. Stewarts, the store has made many The annual band concert will be Brent. improvements, and has been restock held Friday night, May 17, at 8 p. Refreshments will be served to vis m. in the elementary school auditor iting children and those now enrolled ed with new merchandise. Dub Stew ium. This concert will feature ele in the first grade just before dis art and Dick Crook are in charge mentary and high school students of missal time in the afternoon. All of this store. On page 5 of this issue Mill City, who are members of the prospective first grade children and I they have taken space advertising i special for the weekend at the Lyons first band. their mothers now living in the I and Mill City stores. The concert, which is under the di district are cordially invited to be at rection of Earl Loucks is open to the school for this visitation period. public. Santiam Wins Game From Chemawa Tues. Kuhlman High Point Man in Track Meet A/ Idanha Church May 7 Visitation Day At Elementary School Last Frontier East of Frank Barney Injured in Town Serving Luncheon Accident Sunday Morning In an advertisement in this week’s Frank Barney was injured severe ly Sunday morning when he lost con trol of Clyde Barney’s car on the north approach to the bridge in Leb anon. He was taken to the Lebanon Community hospital by ambulance and treated for cuts and bruises on the forehead. The car was a total 4 om . The impact of the crash broke the motor mounts and drove a guard rail through the right door. The battery of the car was found under the bridge. Coming Events The Rev. Carl J. Kinzler of the Bible Missionary Church, Kennewick. Wash., will hold special service« ev ery night at 7 p. m. at the Idanha Community church. In addition to h» wide experience as a successful pastor and evangelist, he is an ac complished trombonist and will bring special music each night. May 5 through May 12. The public is in vited to attend ail service*. issue of The Enterprise, the Last Frontier, just east of Mill City is an nouncing they are now serving noon luncheon. Heretofore the place has been closed until 4 in the afternoon. In announcing their new hours on page 2, they state they are open from 12 noon until 2:30 a. m. each day except Wednesday. Many improvements have been made during the winter at this popu lar establishmment, including new siding on the exterior and a rustic fireplace in the lounge. Chamber Officers and Directors Have Meeting The officers, directors and execu May 1, Open House at Santiam Union high school at 7:30. Also San tive committee of the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce met Thurs tiam Rebekah lodge meeting. Friday, May 3, IOOF Lodge meets. day evening in Mehama and decided Monday, May 6, MOES meeting by unanimous vote to purchase ad and Lions work night and steak fry vertising space in a travel folder that ! will be distributed in motels in the at City Park. Wednesday, May 9. IT A at school Bend. Redmond and Portland area. It will consist of a map of the auditorium and Marilyn Assembly, Rainbow for Girls. canyon area with ail points of in Thursday, May 9, Woman's Club terest located on the map. Also discussed were plans for the Benefit tea for Children’s Farm Home, 2:30 p. m-, Fellowship Hall, May 22 meeting which Governor with Mrs. Robert Holmes as guest. I Robert Holmes will attend. State Park Supt. Talks at Lions Meel Monday $3.00 A YEAR 10c A COPY May Day Queen I c. r H. v Armstrong, state park sup- erintendent --— of Salem, was speaker of the evening at the Lions club dinner meeting Monday. In the be- ginning of his talk Mr. Armstrong told of coming to Mill City in the early days, when his wife was then a teacher here. They came to Mill City by train then. He also worked in the mines up on the Little North Fork when the only way in was with horses or by foot. He told something of the develop- ment of the park system in the ________ state. Rozalia Bowers, senior at Detroit- There are 164 park areas in the state I Idanha high school, will be queen of now under the supervision of the the May Day ceremonie» held at her state highway commission. Of these school May 3. The event ia sponsored parks, 45 are located along the coast. .by the sophomores of the student Ft. Stevens, one of the newest of the body. parks, located near Astoria, is com posed of nearly 800 acres.. The first Proclamation year it was visited by some 170,000 people. In this vicinity the North WHEREAS, The local retail bak- Santiam park, located west of town, er, an American main street fixture is one of the newest. The first year for more than 100 years, has played it was opened to the public it was a daily bread and taste tantalizing visited by 5,000 people and last year ' role in our society with a constant over 40,000 visitors enjoyed this fine concern for the cleanliness of his park, which contains about 64 acres. product and for the health of his Lake Shore Forest Camp on De customers; and WHEREAS, During the week of troit lake has been improved in the past year or so. In 1955 there were April 29 to May 4 these independent 3,578 visitors and in 1956 there were retail bakers of America celebrate 7176 overnight campers, with a total National Retail Bakers Week across use registration of over 73,161, Mon the length and breadth of the na gold has been improved for boat tion; and launching purposes and now 30 boats WHEREAS, The baker has largely can be launched at one time. There liberated the American housewife are now 27 overnight camping areas from the tedious drudgery of the in the state. Last year these parks kitchen and thereby permitting her were visited by 7.6 million people— to participate more freely in com over 4Vi times the population of the munity, church, school and education state. al activities all to the betterment of At the business meeting President the American family; Lowell Fleetwood appointed Frank NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert D. Hunter, Charles Kelly and Carl Kel Holmes, as Governor of the State of ly on the nominating committee and Oregon, do hereby proclaim April Jay Mason and Don Moffatt on the 1 29 to May 4 as National JteUil Bak ci»samittee to secure a place for the ers Week in Oregon, and d**lre to I call to the attention of all the people joint installation later this year. Monday night the Lions will work of Oregon to the important role of in the park, and have a steak fry. I the independent retail baker. All Lions are invited to turn out1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I . have hereunto set my hand and caus- for this meeting. i ed the great seal of the State to be affixed at Salem, this 29th day of I April, A. D. 1957. ROBERT D. HOLMES, Governor By the Governor: MARK O. HATFIELD, I Roy Podrabsky, Mill City Junior Secretary of State. Chamber of Commence, announced this week that two local Jaycees will attend the anuual Jaycee State Con Parker Construction Gets vention, May 3, 4 and 5, to be held School Roofing Contract in Portland. All officers of the Ore- A| # meetln(f ()f thc Board gon Junior Chamber of Commerce, of Edueat|on of the elementary will be eelcted at this meeting. T >e schooi par^er Construction company North Santiam Jaycees Stayton, of Gates, was awarded a roofing con- are running Harmon Drushella for (tract. Work to be performed und district 5 vice president. Candidates er this contract includes re-roofing for state president are Rudy Enbysk , the addition located at the south end from Pendleton and Wilt Paulson of the main building. from Astoria. The Board also authorized a call President Podrabsky stated that j for bids on a new 60-passenger this will be the largest Jaycee State | school bus. Convention to be held in Oregon. He said there is an expected attendance Annual Rural Budget To of 1200 degelatee and wives. Delegates from Mill City are Roy Be Voted Upon May 20 Podrabsky and Ronald Ragsdale. The attention of voters in Mill City School districts is called to an im portant election to be held Monday, Ada's Needle Shop May 20, from 2 to 8 p. m. at the Has New Neon Sign elementary school. This election is for the purpose Ada’s Needle shop on Broadway this week has had a new sign instal of voting on the annual budget pre pared by the Linn County Rural led at her place of business. This is the sign which formerly School Board for the operation of used by the Variety Store. It has schools during the next year. More information will be given at been repainted and is an improve a later date. ment to this part of town. Jaycee Delegates to Attend State Meeting Camp Smith Creek Cleanup Slated for Saturday; Picnic Sun. LYONS—Family picnics and con ducted tours of the Girl Scout sum mer camo, Camp Smith Creek, will be featured Sunday afternoon, May 5, at the camp’s annual open house from 12:30 to 4. Coffee and punch will be served throughout the afternoon by the junior camp committee, which will also take groups on a tour of the camp. In case of rain there is plenty of room in the lodge for all to eat indoors. The Junior camp committee is made up of elected camp representatives of 1955 or 1956 Camp Smith Creek campers from Corvallis, Salem, Sil verton, Woodburn, Independence, Stayton, Albany, Sweet Home, Leb anon, and McMinnville. The junior camp committee will go to Camp Smith Saturday to clean up the area. They are also planning a Saturday evening cookout and camp fire, Sunday breakfast and church service. The Girl Scout camp is situated in the Silver Falls recreational area. It is operated by the Santiam Girl Scout council which covers five coun ties, Marion, Linn, Lincoln, Polk and Benton. Camp Smith Creek will be operated from June 30 through August 24 and is open to all rirls who have complet ed the second grade up through the age of 17. Already over 250 regis trations have been made. Two new groups for olders are fea tured this year— program aide train ing for girls who have completed the 10th and 11th grades and a Tepee unit for girls who have completed the 7th, 8th, or 9th grades and have at least one week of camp experience. For camp folders and registration blanks write Mrs. C. C. Richards, | 234 N. 32nd, Corvallis. Don Jenkins to Sell Store Here; Holding Sale Don Jenkins this week is opening a stock reduction sale, prior to sell ing his hardware store to Hugh Jull, of Mill City and Herb Whitaker of Billings, Mont. Mr. Jenkins has been in the hard ware business here since getting out of service in 1946. He built the build ing which houses the store. After 11 years of serving the public here Don stated: “Mill City has been good to me, and I hope my successors will have as good a patronage as I have." He continued: “I am confident I am leaving the business in good handa. Mr. Jull has worked part time for me for the past several years, and Mr. Whitaker has been in the hard ware and implement business in Montana for many years." The stock reduction sale will be continued from today until the 17th of May. Local Men Attend Glad Meeting in Portland Ford Wilson and John Lengacher, delegates for the Western Interna tional Gladiolus Show Advisory com mittee went to Portland Sunday to attend a meeting held to adopt a constitution for the WIGS. Societies involved include Victoria' G. S-, and Vancouver Gladiolus So* ciety of British Columbia, Canada; Yakima Valley G. S., Inland Empire G. S., Pacific Northwest G. S. of Washington; Oregon State G. S., Portland G. S., Grants Pass G. 3., North Santiam G. S. and Eastern Oregon G. S. of Oregon; Sacramento of California, of Salifornia. Present for the meeting included Mr. and Mrs. R. M- Perrin; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pommert, regional vic* president of the N.A.G.C., of Pacific Washington; Grant Wilson of Van couver, B. C., also proxy for Vic toria G. S., Mr. and Mrs. James Otto of the Portland G. S., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell of the Eastern Oregon G. S., Mr. Powers of Inland Empire G. S. of Spokane and Ford Wilson and John Lengacher of North Santiam G. S. There was a letter alao from Southern California G. S. The meeting lasted about four hours. Re freshments were served by the Port land Glad Society. Elementary Graduation Set for May 28 at 8 P. M. Graduation exercises for eighth grade graduate* of Mill City Ele mentary school will be held Tuesday, night, May 28, at 8 P. M. The pro gram for that night is under the general direction of Mr*. Doris Sheythe. In addition to participation by members of the graduating class the program will include some choral and instrumental musical numbers presented by elementary students. All students of the enghth grade graduating class have been extended an invitation from freshmen student* of Santiam Union High achool to at tend a “get acquainted" party to bo held at the high school Friday even ing May 10. Weather at Detroit Dam 7:00 A. M. Daily Weather Randlage And Ijike Elevation Elev Max. Min Pep. 50 38 0.45 1556.47 April 24 46 37 0.28 1557.14 April 25 59 38 0.00 1557.70 April 26 62 41 0.00 1558.22 April 27 74 42 0.00 1558JO April 28 85 47 0.00 1559.88 April 29 87 50 0.00 1560.88 April 30 Convention Chairman Jaycee SUU Convention chairman. Paul Nordstrom, heads meeting to be held May S, 4 and S in Portland. Over 1.000 Jaycee« and wive« ar« ex per ted to aliened.