. Mr. and Mrs. George Cree enter- Mr. and Mr». Bob Hill and «so Mr. and Mrs Louis Verbeck re­ 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE pained Mrs. Cree’s brother, Lawrence sons, Bobby and Stewart, spent a re­ ceived word of the birth of a baby TH I RSDAY. MARCH 29. 19M j E. Burton, of Scio Saturday. cent weekend on the coast, visiting girl to Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wirick A group of ladies were entertained the R. C. Hasemans at Waldport, (Marlene Verbeck) of Roseburg, on | Clifford Swift and Norman Stan­ also stopping to see relatives of Mrs. Sunday, March 25. The new arrival, at a noon luncheon at the Jay Ma- ley visited in Puyullup, Wash., at the Hill farther down the coast. who has been named Joyce, is their son home Wednesday in honor of Mi- J. I). MacGregor, who was cele­ third child and second daughter. Mrs. Elmer Payne has been ill I Don Peterson home Friday. brating her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loucks and this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Podrabsky and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shelton went to Mr. and Mr*. R. H. Poff of Salem, Invited were: Mrs. Chuck Wirkkala, daughter, Laurene, were Salem Corvallis Sunday afternoon to visit I spent Friday night and Saturday in Mrs. Eugene Engelgau, Mrs. Roy Ep­ Kenneth Chance is off work » it h business visitors Saturday. They also their son and daughter, Robert and 1 Mill City with Mr. and Mrs. Rex person, Mrs. Edsel Croan, Mrs. Leo an injured back. xisited relatives in Dallas. \ era Shelton and granddaughter, | Ohmart and sons. The Poffs, parents Fitzgerald, Mrs. James Olson, Mrs. Kathy Jo. Vera (Mrs. Robert Shelt- j of Mrs. Ohmart, came up to see Bonnie Whitsett, Mrs. Ned War- The Kenny Burt's spent the week­ Ned Warriner, clerk at Detroit dam on) is doing secretarial work at the their grandson in the school play liner, Mrs. Elmer Pavne, Mrs. Walter end on the coast. Mack ie. Mrs. Francis Ellingson, Mrs. Guns is in Ashtubula. Ohio at the present college, Friday night. Ted Brown, Mrs. William Shuford, time visiting his parents and his Mrs. Rosa Daly spent last week in Ammunition brother, who is seriously ill. A recent family "get-together" i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholson and Mrs. Don Carlson. Portland visiting relatives. Fishing Tackle I Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Mason re­ honoied the birthday anniversary of and son, Luther Bill, drove to Molalla Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pooole .spent i turned Monday night after having < lyde Rogers at the Rogers home. | Sunday where they were guests of Spark Heaters Attending were their daughter and : Sunday with the L. A. Pooles. spent from Thursday visiting at the husband, .Mr. and Mrs. George Ber- his brother, Ray Nicholson and fam­ Dutch Boy Paints Emil Gust home in Spokane, Wash. tilson. of Oregon City, and their son ily. even though a stormy day, they Boss Mason spent the weekend in Wall Paper and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rog- j were anxious to see the new nephew, Thurs., Fri., Sat. Portland visiting friends. W. J. Mikkelsen was a guest last ers > Jr., of Albany. The other daugh- ' Randy Ray, who just recently ar­ Housewares March 29. 30. 31 rived. Art Hempeck spent last week put- week at the L. A. Poole home during ter, Mrs. Troy Wambaugh, and fam­ ABBOTT * COSTELLO Small Appliances his spring vacation from the Univer­ ily were unable to come because of ting an addition on his home. Tickets are on sale by members sity of Oregon medical school in illness. MEET THE MUMMY Garden Supplies of the MOES club for the banquet I — PLUS — is reported that the Burnett Portland. Pipe Cutting & Threading Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross attended which they are sponsoring at the JANE POWELL and children have the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaw- and the wedding of their niece, Miss lodge hall this Saturday night at HOWARD KEEL, in Pipe and Fittings daughter, have returned from Spo- ! Marilyn Miller, to Bruce Cederoth 6:30. It is hoped that reservations Mrs. Floyd Shepherd is confined 7 BRIDES FOR can be in by Thursday morning so Plumbing Supplies kane, where they visited their son- ' to her home with a severe case of in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. j March 22 at the Moreland Presby-1 that the approximate number can be 7 BROTHERS terian church in Portland. Daughter G. E. Lamps the flu. Bud Bilyeu. of Mrs. Dorothy Miller of Portland estimated, according to Mrs. Floyd (Please Note Program Change) i and Roy- L. Miller of Salem, Miss Johnson, chairman. Wiring Supplies Your l-ast Chance to See Leo Morgan, of Idanha, was a cal­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke, who ha\e ] Miller formerly attended school here Thu- Wonderful Show ler at the home of his sisiter, Mrs. sold their home here plan to move to Fencing Mr. and Mrs. Willie Johnson and in Mill City and made her home with Orlie Harries on day last week. children, Billy and Pam, of Idanha, Salem when school is out. They have Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Wire Screen Sunday, Monday and his cousin, E. I. McCauley of purchased a home in South Salem on Walter Mackie, project engineer, Culver Road. Window Glass Mill City, made a three-day visit to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Anderson and Tuesday, Wednesday was visited Saturday by his brother family have moved to Dallas, where Drain, to see Mr. McCauley’s neph­ Bicycles April 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thoming and Mr. Anderson Jr., secured work in ew and to Elkton to visit Mrs. John­ WILLIAM HOLDEN. Power Mowers children, Jamies and Mary Ann, of the plywood plant. Mr. Anderson, Sr., son’s brother The men were looking KIM NOVAK Mrs. Boy Sterner entered Salem for work. They found all plywood BETTY FIELD, Bolts and Cap Screws Memoiial hospital Sunday and was Portland, spent Sunday at the home will be back in Mill City soon to see and sawmills operating but not need­ of Mrs. Thoming ’ s brother and fam ­ about selling his property here. The ROSALIND RUSSELL, in operated upon Monday morning. Drills, Taps, Dies ily, the Floyd Johnsons. Anderson family are from Modesto, ing men at present. The reported PICNIC lots of construction coming up in Calif. Mrs. Wilbur Meinert is spending Toys Eugene this summer. Winner of Three Acadamy Susan Kay, baby daughter of Mr. the week with her husband, who is I Awards and Mrs. Gordon Kay has returned Mr. and Mrs. John Plambeck Tools employed at the coast. Mr. and Mr«. Charlie Lovel, who ADDED! "WONDERS OF to her home from Santiam Memorial were returned to their home here Rental Floor Sanders have been residents of Mill City for MAN HATTEN” and Tony Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. hospital and is reported to be im­ Sunday after having spent four or several years, having moved here proved from her recent illness. "MAGOO MAKES NEWS” five days visiting at the home of Jim Grant, underwent minor surgery from Montana, have sold their home Feature Starts at 5:80 sad their son, and family,. Dr. and Mrs. Thursday morning at Salem General 7:30 Sunday. See it from A2c Boland I mphres« of Portland, Hans Plambeck of Corvallis. The here, and a rental property to a Mr. hospital. the Start where he is stationed at the air base, younger Telephone 2206 Plambecks transported Derrick, who also purchased the Muir property. Mr. and Mrs. Lovel have spent the weekend here with his them both ways. We Give S&H Green Stamps Norman Stanley, of Compton, CaL, now just returned from five weeks parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Um- Thurs., Fri., Sat. visited several days last week at phress. MILL CITY, OREGON spent in Billings, Mont., where they Quite a number of Presbyterian the home of his grandmother, Mrs. April 5, 6 and 7 visited their two daughters, and many women represented the Mill City­ Anna Swift. ANNE BAXTER. A2c and Mrs. Dean Glunz of church at Presbyterial in Newport friends. At present the Lovels are JEFF CHANDLER. Portland, spent the weekend with last Friday. Attending were Mrs. staying with a daughter in Portland. RORY CALHOUN, in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ray Robert Roach, Mrs. Roy Epperson, They expect to buy a home in Port­ REX BE ACHE’S at Gates. Dean is with the Air Force Mrs. James Swan, Mrs. Herbert land. IT'S TIME TO GET YOUR and is stationed at Portland. THE SPOILERS Schroeder, Mrs. Lester Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spanke, of Mo- 1 EASTER CARDS AND BASKETS Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. C. E. Rogers, PLUS M iss Shirley Hinkle, who is a stu­ and Mrs C. E. Mason. Several of lalla entertained a group of former!'| ANN BLYTH, Novelties, Easter Eggs and Party Favors dent at Cascade Bible school in Port- the group, accompanying Mrs. Hath­ Mill City friends at their home Sat- i I HOWARD KEEL, land, spent the weekend here with away, stayed over at the beach for urday. Present were Mrs. Walter ¡' VIC DAMONE, in Buy Your Easter Baskets All Ready To Go From her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil two nights, enjoying the holiday as Leisy of Sweet Home, Mrs. Christine j' KISMET Phillips, of Albany; Mrs. C. A. Brud- ti Hinkle. well as the meeting. At installation er, of Stayton; Mrs. Alonzo Daly, 1 1 Bwld Arabian Nights Adventure ceremonies, Mrs. Hathaway was in­ Mr. and Mrs. Preston Thomas of stalled as Secretary of Literature for and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chance of i i Prineville, were overnight visitors the entire Presbyterial. Mrs. Schroed­ Mill City, Mrs. Goldie LaDuke, Lewis j | Doors Open at 7HX P. M. Mill City, Oregon Phone 2284 Saturday at-the home of Mr. and er was the out-going secretary for and Mr. and Mrs. George Sumpter l i Mrs. Walter Nicholson and son Luth­ Missionary Education, a post she has of Salem. Mrs. Spanke is the form- | Complete show can be seen aay time up to 8:30 er Mrs. Johnnie Schumacher of Mill I i er. Mrs. Thomas is Mr. Nicholson’s held for the past year. City. '£ mother. Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise HARDWARE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES inumai I JENKINS HARDWARE MILL CITY VARIETY AND GIFT SHOP Joe Cain of Seneca, III., arrived I Tuesday by car to visit his »on, Dick Cain and the Cecil Lakes. The Lakes ■ and Cains lived as neighbors in the early 20’s in Montana. Mr. Cain ex­ pects to visit on the coast also. There is Still Time To Buy That NEW EASTER HAT By Peggy Sizes and Styles for Ladies and Girls Come in Today and Make Your Selections Sunday dinner guests at the Claude DeFrates home were C. L. and Ron­ ald Daw, Miss Isabelle McClusty, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dunrud, and Denise, David DeFrates and Donna Rav, all of Molalla. Priced From $1.98 to $3.98 Ada’s Needle Shop Phone 2248 MILL CITY, OREGON Friends here will be glad to know that M. C. Goodman, who has been hospitalized in Salem for some time, was able to come home Friday. He said he will not be able to go back to work at the cafe for some time, but that he is feeling fine. Quality Meats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS Calling to see Mr. and Mrs. George Cree during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Harris and Nancy Ellen, Emitt and Nolus McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholson and Ernest Podrabsky. . FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET HEY! WE WILL GIVE YOU $7.50 FOR YOUR RAZOR ON A SCHICK SHAVER Bring us your straight edge, safety razor or what­ ever you shave with. Mill City Pharmacy Dependable Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MltLCITY Mrs. Ixiwell Cree entertained at her home with a 12:30 luncheon Tuesday. Present were Mrs. Alonzo Daly, Mrs. Anna Swift, Mrs. Morris Howe, Mrs. Carl Chance, Mrs. Char­ ley Day, Mrs. J. C. Dickinson and Mis. Cree. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Poole had a surprise birthday dinner for their daughter, Kathleen Storey Tuesday night. Guests were Mrs. Storey and children, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Poole and chidlren, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Poole, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence' E. Poole. The Round Bobbin Pinochle club was entertained Monday night at the home of Mrs. Lou MacGregor. High was won by Alta Moffatt, low by Mabel Yankus and pinochle by Lou MacGregor. The next meeting will be held in two weeks at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Poole. - Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podrabsky, son, | Lahny, Donnie Podrabsky, and Edw. Palon of Scio, motored to Longview, Wash., Sunday where they fished for smelt. They returned with only six fish, but stated they had an en­ joyable time. They reported more fisherhmen than smelt. Mr. and Mrs. Shields ReMine re­ turned home recently from a several weeks’ trip to Twenty-Nine Palms, and other California points. Their daughter, Mary Gay, remained here in echool, staying with relativea. Mr. ReMine brought home several newspapers from pointe they visited and presented them to the editor. | Thanks Shields, we like to see how our southern neighbors do thing«. BASEBALL BAT Stve st our low salt price! Bigger selec­ tions, lower prices for »11 sporting goods! _ _ OC Reliable Ball 8-PC. SNACK SET Crystal clear glass cups and 11 i S-mch partitioned trays — four sets of them in gift bo». ooc YOUR CHOICE tight fhtvres for bed­ room, kitchen or bath. Modern styles to Mend w'h any decorating scMmt. Buy and im I 1” 99c BAG OF SPONGES Burgets alt mmi||||rvexs m purpose It* OPP assorted sins, shapes, iour ft. hardwood harv dl» — round Spring wire teeth Buy now tor spring r lean up chores. Valuti Hill Top General Store A. and M. TOMAN 49c colors. Salt priced! Phone 2724, Mill City 77e