3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, .MARCH 29. 1956 When you need ...PRINTING Mill City Enterprise WEP Training Sessions Held For Brownie Leaders LYONS—A Girl Scout orientation session of six hours training for Brownie leaders and Brownie troop committee members has just been completed under the competent in struction of Mrs. Eleanore Christen WE PAY sen. Mehama hopes to have two Brownie troops next year and those FOR THIS taking the course were Mrs. Myrtle Prichard, Mrs. Hilma Coles, Mrs. . . When parties involved Hattie Golliet, Mrs. Helen Callahan, have had the forethought Mrs. Jean Owens, Mrs. Dorothy to let us protect them with Christenson, and Mrs. Dorothy War the proper insurance wick. Lyons, too, is expanding its , Brownie troops, and give instruction Home owners, motorists, to Mildred Carr, Mrs. Juanita Brown, businessmen — all take a Mrs. Gypsy Weaver, Mrs. Alma supreme risk when they Spellmeyer, Mrs. Betty Carter, Mrs. live from day to day in the Carlyn Hiatt, Mrs. Jackie Harper, hope that nothing will hap and Mrs. Alice Wheeler. pen. Let us take the risk. Beginning the first week in April there will be a similar orientation Call us today for details U. S. Nationals modem new five-story motor bank at Broadway and Oak street — in the session for Intermediate Girl Scout heart of Portlands downrown business district—provides convenient drive-up windows for bank- leaders and Girl Scout troop com D. B. HILL from-your-car service. Two parking floors above the street level of the motor bank provide off- mittee member» The girls of Stayton, street parking for bank customers. The two floors house pan of U. S National's trust department Mehama, Lyons and Gates are great INSURANCE ly in need of more troops and more and executive offices. adult leaders. Any woman who is in- , COMPANY terested in this kind of service should was with an Sp g jn the si , c I tivity for Kiwanis International. Telephone 1708 home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. contact Mrs. Jeannie Norton of Stay-1 Kev James Hard was ]n Inrfe. The 7th grade at Gates school gave Edmund Davis, Thursday for a long MILL CITY, ton or Mrs. Eleanor Chnstenson of I pendence a week ago Tuesday where a party for the 8th grade Friday weekend visit. He returned to Ta OREGON Ly°ns- ' he attended a meeting of Willamette night. Sharon Stevens was general coma, Wash., Monday where he is I Presbyterial. chairman for the affair which was employed. Guests a week ago Sunday at the in payment for loosing the class Mrs. George Bailey and son, Dick, I Orval Landers home were Mr. and membership contest to the Sth grade spent Thursday in Portland, visiting Mrs. Ray Dickerson and family from Mrs. Frost was chaperone. their daughter and sister, Mrs. By Mrs. John TeeO-rs ; Woodburn. About $500 net profit was realized Walter Funk and baby son, Pat. James Phillips arrived at the home . . ■ ____ . v., k'pith Mrs- C1»y Knkland was hostess in by the Gates Volunteer firemen from the benefit dance held March 17 in di.ek.rg. from th. .rmy .. F«t■ ¿S-fTS-tf the school gymnasium. Fire Chief Red Rynearson expresses his thanks to Lewis March 19. Jimmy, who is a< children honoring her daughter, Paula all who donted and worked to make . ............. j anniversary. 1962 gr«du«i. ot SUylon high “ho°l , '71. the affair a success. Expenses incur just finished 19 months in Korea. He About 30 children were present be red amounted to $214.91. Two U. tween the hours of 3 and 5 to enjoy the games and birthday refresh- S. bonds were given as door prizes. I ments. Mrs. Kirkland was assisted Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon spent ■ with the games and serving by her Thursday in Salem in observance of I sister, Mrs. Herbert Graen. Mr, Levon’s birthday anniversary. The Ercill Wilson family returned . spent __ _______ , Mrs. Velma _____ Carey Saturday HEAVY HAULING I home the first of last week from a *n Salem. James Carey, her son, was i 10-day vacation when they visited at home from Willamette University Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada and over the weekend. I Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. Etta Reed returned to the I EXCAVATION and CONSTRUCTION Phone Salem | Among those from here attending home of her daughter, Mrs. Philip 85-TON MOBILE CRANE Day 2-2461 j the annual silver tea of the WSCS in Cann, Friday evening, from El Cer- pkgs. CONTRACTING AND RENTAL Nite 2-4417 I Lyons Tuesday afternoon, March 20 rio, Calif., where she had been i for were: Mrs. James Hardy and Mrs. several weeks. Mrs. Richard Parker and NO. 3 SQUAT i Tilman Rains. A good many more I had planned on going but due to con daughter, Lynda, accompanied her mother, Mrs. Ed Kadine __ flicting dates were unable to do so. Dean Branch and Alameta Coff daughter Judy, were Salem visitors man, who are students at OSC spent Saturday. Mrs. Rosa Roten left for Redwood Spring vacation at the home of their SALEM, OREGON parents, the Raymond Branch» and City, Calif., Friday, March 16, where G. W. Coffmans. she will make an extended visit at Has Everything For Your Bobby Crook and David Zolkoske the home of her son and family, Mr. were at the home of their parents and Mrs. Amos Roten and children. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun and from OTI for a 10-day vacation, re turning to Klamath Falls Sunday. daughter, Louise, returned home FURNITURE and BOOKKEEPING SUPPUES. Miss Carlene Colman of Klamath Sunday, from a week’s trip to Cali NO. 2 CAN Falls was also a guest _ at the __ fornia, where they had visited rela 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 8-4AM Charles Crook home at the same tives. Edmund Davis, Jr., arrived at the time. Mrs. Lou Pooler and Mrs. Pearl Allaway visited with Mrs. Pooler’s son, Allen in Portland Sunday after noon. zy, CAN Mrs. Jennie Moe returned home last Friday from Vancouver, Wash., her daughter’s family, the Henry Kornmanns. ■I Ifll FLOWER. Give her an Easter Plant or Corsage from our Fine, Fresh Stock. UMlBBlBa. MEHAMA RALEIGH HAROLD 319 Washington STAYTON, OREGON GROCERY AND MEAT JELLO The Next Time You Need Printing Call 2651 Salem Sand and Gravel Company Specials •• 29c 2 cans 49c 2 lbs. 49c 2 cans 29c Taylor's Sweet Potatoes N.B.C. CRACKERS . Hood River Apple Sauce THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE I Cranberry Sauce 2139c OFFICE NEEDS . 29c pkg. 15c DOLE SLICED PINEAPPLE Sunshine Shredded Wheat Fruit Cocktail 3F r $1.00 PET MILK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cans 25c Aspagraus lb. id . 21c zic Large Florid ™ Radishes, bnch 5c CUKES 2 for 29c Gr. Onions, bnch. 5c YAMS 2 lbs. 29c EASTER HAM SALE These are fully cooked, boneless, ready to serve. NO FUSS. NO BOTHER $1.98 $2.99 $8.98 $2.99 Swift’s 3; lb Picnics - Swift’s 41 lb Picnics - Morrell’s 13 lb HAMS Wilson’s 4 lb HAMS • No. I Govt. Inspected Fresh Armour's Star rresn Frozen rr - lb 49c HEN TURKEYS FRESH STEWING $1.09 CHICKENS 3 lb pkg LARGE Roasting Chickens lb 45c A GOOD EASTER DINNER CASCADE Ring Bologna 4 rings 89c This is a repeat of last week's sellout special GATES By Mrs. Albert Milkap The regular meeting of the Gates PTA will be held Thursday, April 5, beginning at 7:30. Following the business meeting and election of of ficers, there will be a speaker from the Marion County Planning Com mission. This should be an interest ing meeting and should be attended by everyone in the cnmmunity. The Junior-Senior play, “Hillbilly Weddin’ ” is scheduled for Friday and Saturday nights, April 6 and 7 in the high school auditorium. This is a laughable farce and should cheer everyone up after this hard winter. Members of the two classes will be around to sell tickets. G. B. Frost went to Bend Friday evening and returned Sunday morn ing. He was attending the Pacific Northwest Key Club District conven tion. On Saturday he conducted a class for Advisors to Key Clubs. The convention was attended by 250 boys and club advisors from Washington, Idaho and Oregon. Mr. Frost is serv ing as District chairman of this ac- ENTERPRISE THE MILL CITY Entered ai aecond ciana matter No vember 10, 1944 at the peat office al Mill City, Oregon, uader the Act of March 3. 1879 Marion-Linn Counties, per year $3 00 Outside. Marion-Lian Conati*« 13 -it Price» Effective Your Friendly IGA Store < > March MEHAMA, OREGON 1 1 29, 30 and 31 Whether your project is one of repair or expansion or remodeling, you’ll find a convenient FHA Home Improvement Loan through U.S. National is the answer. No Down Payment— 36 months to pay. Ask your contractor or dealer... or see any U.S. National branch. SAMPLE OF EASY PAYMENT SCHEDULE ON SOME TYPICAL LOAN AMOUNTS C m » «f 1 MO NEWSPAPER 1,000 PUBLISHERS MOO MOO ASSOCIATION Ken Golliet Winter can be mighty rough on a house. That’s one reason why so many home owners are making " ’56 The Year To Fix.” J Monthly Peymoaf 1 2AAo«A I o « a M im H) PeywMat 14 M«a torn $ UH 0773 171.44 $ ».♦» 43.00 •i rr IW* 11471 editorial DON W MOPPATT Editor Pnbliahar Telephone 2651 or 7605 OREGON'S OWN STATEWIDE BANK MorAly Po y Mat }4MoO I mp $13.07 31.04 MM 70.33 *