Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1956)
For Representative | 2—THE MILY (TTY ENTERPRISE THLKSDAY, MARCH 29, 195« DETROIT MILL CITY PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. By Mr». J. A. Wright Mrs. G. W. Moore, Mr». Don Julien »nd Mrs. Ann Steven» were initiated into the FOE Auxiliary Wednesday, March 21. Installing officer was Madam Pre-¡dent Boots Champion. Due to the snow in the area the I FOE Auxiliary will hold their an- I nual Easter egg hunt in the gymnas- I ium of the Detroit school at 12:30 p. m. Easter Sunday for »11 children | in the aiea. A bus is scheduled to | leave the Idanha Community church | at 12:05 thence will proceed to Stolls Grocery, from there it will leave at about 12:15. The next stop will be I at the CCC camp a few minutes later. Children residing in areas be tween Detroit and Idanha including those residing in the Myers, Fischer- vilie addition are requested to be at . the roadside. Coffee will be served to the adults and goodies to the children. The Idanha Community church and I the Detroit church will unite to have 1 sunrise services at 7 a. m. at the Idanha church Easter Sunday. Later regular morning services will be held at both churches. An Easter pro gram has been arranged for the Sunday School hour at the Detroit church. At the PTA meeting on Thursday evening, March 22, th» following of ficers were elected for the ribw year. , Mrs. Glen Davidson, president; Mrs. I George Humphries, vice president; Mrs. Herb Wenke, secretary; Mrs. Ralph Swayze, treasurer. Slides re lating to Civil Defense were shown during the evening and also » picture of life in Hawaii. Last Friday visitors of Mrs. J. A. Wright included her sister, Mrs. L. I A. Crane, niece Mrs. Cyrus Peery and son Bruce, all of Scio, and her broth- ■ j I | j UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 1955 Ford 2-Door R and H 1955 Ford 4-Door R and H, Overdrive 1955 Ford Conv- R and H, Overdrive 1953 Olds "88" R and H, Hydro 1954 Ford 2-Door, Heater 1953 Chev 2-Door R and H 1954 Ford Victoria R and H, Fordomatic 1925 Chevrolet (/2 Ton Pickup 1953 Ford */2 Ton Pickup 1952 Jeep •/a Ton Pickup 4 Wheel Drive £ • • • 0 • • £ • • Also New Ford Cars and Trucks Come In and See Our Deal Phone 7402 MILL CITY There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Jason Lee, Salem attorney Tues day announced he would seek the Democratic party’s nomination for Representative from Oregon’s First Congressional district. er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Gregson of Lebanon. Verna Worthen, who is empolyed at Ketchum Lunch, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Worthen in Mill City. Jimmy Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davidson, who has been in Santiam Memorial hospital for a week suffering with a bad case of poison oak was able to return home Monday, but will have to remain out of school for the rest of the week. Mrs. Julien Rudy is reported im proving at Santiam Memorial hos pital where she was taken March 14 for major surgery. Her father, Mr. Colby, who has been in the same hospital for over two weeks is re ported in fair condition. When the Eagles Auxiliary held their St. Patricks Day dance at the Business and Professional Spar Cafe in Idanha they took in DIRECTORY «173.00 and cleared «84.97. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moses, who op era.ed Fischer’s Landing last year, have sold their lease to the Barker Motel. The landing will be operated JOHN W. REID, M. D. this coming year by Raymond Long, son-in-law of the Baikers. The Moses Physician and Surgeon family have no definite plans yet. They received word from the Cal MILL CITY, OREGON Schladors this week that they plan to stay in California another two I weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Perkins return- I D. E. FOSTER. D. M. D. ed to their home here this week after Dentist spending several months in Californ-1 la. 150 East Washington Mrs. Anna Stevens and her daugh By Appointment Phone 6994 ter, Dona Rae, had a pleasant ex Stayton, Oregon perience last weekend while visiting her son-iiplaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wadsworth of Portland. They had a ride in their 27-foot Dr. Kenneth L. Prince cruiser from Milwaukie to Long view, Wash. OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harlam wish Saturday Afternoons Telephone to invite their friends to an “Open Evenings Mill City 2503 House” to be given Friday evening, Days Salem 3-7583 March 30 at the Lake Cafe in cele bration of their 25th wedding anni versary. Hours 9 to 10 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ramey visited DR. LESLIE J. CARSON several days last week with their Optometrist son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Sat. Mrs. Ben Zakit, at Sisters. Except Wednesday. Mrs. Edna Short of Salem will re 530, Third St. Stayton main here for another week’s visit Phone 6944 at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burch. The pack meeting of the Cub Scouts has been postponed until April 3. It will be held in the Idanha church. J. W. GOIN See Us for Printing Mill City Enterprise EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregaa Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Service OREGON STAYTON Flash bulletin from Mobilgas Economy Run -------------------------------- ¿ MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tank» and Sewer» Qeaaed Phon» Salem 39468, COLLECT 1079 Elm SL W. Salem To dispose of that surplus Try a For Sale ad in The Mill City Enterprise I . ■ * » • W* • V i T> -t* Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. . (MB DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN ! REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST j . z- 4Í b +■ .<■ w - I’X U 1 Haa a*»v»d hi» Mill City offtco' to Stayton in the Post Officer Building, 2pd Floor, tn th» £ Dr. Victor J. Myer» office» J Thunriajrs 1 p. m. to 6 p. ■«. j HOME OFFICES * 343 W. FIRST, ALBANY I "V FORD Cfttíímnt MN —IM »«aim» wwws- ■ 4 WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS C. GENE TEAGUE ■ 4 V-8 WINS CLASS A Io this year's Economy Rua a new Ford V-8, with Fordomatic was the official victor over every car in its field, with a winning average of 47.7643 ton-milea per gallon. This means that the sturdier, heavier Ford carried more weight, with greater gas economy per pound, than any car jn its field. litis latest 1 ord victory was scored over a rough and rigorous 1.468.8-mile route run ning from Los Angeles to Colorado Springs. 1 lie winning Hird threaded its way over the tough and twisting course averaging better than 40 mph. Through the heat of Drath Valiev and over the chilling height of an 11,000-foot mountain peak ... through T* "2*'*'*”■'*. ***'*'•“ *» *>."****'. tara. «..»<W>«4 H 16« «.«.»• V -•» the gas-eating stop-and-go of city traffic and over the straight-line open road . . . Ford proved anew its traditional reputation for economical performance. The winning Ford waj a regular-produc tion model taken right from the assembly line and officially impounded until the starter's gun sounded. It was no different than thousands of ’56 Fords you see on the road and in dealers’ showrooms. This proves that Ford, the Performance, Style and Safety leader, leads in Economy, tool That adds up to four big reasons why the '56 Ford is worth more when you buy it, while you drive it, anti when you sell it, too! -.«-rax to Ira.ra «pral r*«w« fee oil ran <■ rar* riue — eoe e^eM >. H ..wtor < plra raw. -o«. (HEMORRHOIDS) FORD ANO O<MU ««TAL CxKMtMM VRCATSO WITHOUT HOSPITAL obrado * also stomach ano colon ALL-AMERICAN ’1 PERFORMANCE CHAMPION Top-Award 1 Winner of Winner for MANUFACTURER'S All-Around TROPHY Stock Car Daytona Beach, Performance... Florida PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. Phone 2524 MILL CITY, OREGON Telephon« 624 Great TV. 8TAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUT AT HOME Test Drive the Economy Winner ... STAYTÖN, OREGON CHEVROLET Ford Theatre, Station KPTV, Channel 6, Thursday 9:30 coNvtratNT c»tou «M KXMLCT »M. « C m P hons 3-»«* o 0» »VNCXOS The REYNOLDS CLINIC N«tu'Op«H>.c «nd Ck>ropr«t>c Phy»,cun« •OURS «O0*"i«3OO»" Mwm hr A mmwm •• C(NT(t fTUST SAilh. ORtBON BE SURE WITH TELEVISION OB RADIO CUI 3207 We Spedali» in Philco, Motorola, Admiral Stiffler's Radio and AppKanco Co.