Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1956)
1— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1956 Gov. Smith Proclaims Advertising Recoanition Week Real Estate CLASSIFIED RATES REAL ESTATE Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales Glen Shelton, Broker etc. will be run under "Special An Phone 2207 nouncements" classification with " West side Mill City minimum charge of 60 cents per in-1 FOR SALE 40 acre farm, 13 acres eert»ji^_ under cultivation. Some timber. Count five words to the line in Good spring water piped to and ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill in the house. Modern house. Also City or mail your advertisement to for sale, 1 KO Allis Chalmers Cut The Mill City Enterprise. Mill City, with blade and lines. Good condi Oregon. tion.- R. C. Berry, Rt. I, Box 195 Ten cents per line each insertion. Lyons. Sp No advertisement accepted for less than 50 cents per week. REAL ESTATE ________________________________ JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Phone 4515 Gates, Oregon. serve them, and so to contribute to our advancing standard of living; now THEREFORE, I. Elmo Smith, Governor of the State of Oregon, do hereby proclaim February 19-25 1956. inclusive, to be ADVERTISIN’; COGNITION WEEK and d> cal >n all our citizens during this per- especiaily to recognize the bene- i provided them by the work of s great art and profession. Given under my hand and seal this 'h day of February, 1956. Signed: ELMO SMITH, Governor of the State of Oregon MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 • Mill City • • Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Closed Mondays WHEN IN MILL CITY Make Your Home At MILL CITY LODGE Day or Weekly Rates Phone 1967 289 NJC. Alder MII.I. CITY, OREGON Furniture UNFINISHED FURNITURE and Used Furniture Bargains. We give * 1 Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, ] H. L. Stiff Furniture Company, 367rd St., Stayton. 33tf Dog License Due Business Services PAINTING—Let me do your paint ing and decorating. Interior or ex- terio. First class workmanship.— C. A. Cummins, P. O. Box 98, Mehama, Oregon. 9p SHAVINGS FOR SALE-3% iwi? load delivered. Phone Lyons UL rick 9-2245. 8 FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See The Mill City Enterprise. Top 1 Quality printing, priced right. Fast service too. Phone 2051. Nights . call 7605. SEE US when in need of T. V. An- i tennas and supplies. We handle a complete line of Philao television sets. 1179 and up. Stiffler Radio and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill | City. , t1? LICENSED Garbage Disposal 11.50 Per Month and Up Also Servicing Gates. Lyons Idanaha and Detroit MILL CITY, OREGON DISPOSAL SERVICE LEONARD HERMAN SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kind». Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms. “Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 State St Corner of Liberty S and H Green Stampe Garbage, ashes, trimmings, eu »eeklv nickuns $1.80 nor monti Also light hauling l eon a rd Herman t'hone 395? , For Rent FOR RENT—Mod. 6 rm. house, good TV reception.—Inquire of Mrs. Scott at U. S. National bank or Wilson Stevens, Lyons. 7 Situations Wanted WANTED—Housework or baby sit FOR RENT—One bedroom house | ting. Mrs. M. D. Anderson, 528 S. between Mill Ctiy and Gates on W. Douglas St., Mill City. 8p highway 22.—Call Chuck’s Fine Card of Thanks Foods, 5822. 3tf W’e wish to thank our many friends who called on us during our open house Sunday, February 12. It gives one a good feeling to know they are rembered by their friends. To all of you who made this a happy day for FOR RENT—2 bedroom house lo us, we express our heartfelt thanks cated two blocks from school.— 8 Carl Kelly, phone Mill City, 6803 —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch, Sr. or 2251. 2tf FOR RENT—Furnished one and two bedroom apartments, $50 and up per month. See Chuck’s Fine Foods, Phone 5822PO. East of Gates on Highway 22. 38tf FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat tresses, rollaway beds and mat tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf Fees Penalty In Marion County After March 1st Male $1.00 Male.................... $3.00 Sp. Female ...... $1.00 Sp. Female ........... $3.00 Female $2.00 Female $4.00 Governor Smith today proclaimed the week of Feb ruary 19-25 as Advertising Recognition Week in Oregon. The week's observance here, under the general sponsor ship of the Advertising Association of the West, is part of the nation-w’ide celebration of National Advertising Week. This will be the sixth annual celebration of the week here. In signing the proclamation, Governor Smith said, “The power of advertising has long been known, but the benefits of advertising for each of us are too often unappreciated. It is fitting that we take one week in the year to recognize these benefits.” Jack Fitting, president of the Oregon Advertising Club who was with Governor Smith when he signed the proc lamation, said, “The purpose of this week is expressed in its theme. ‘Advertising helps us live better for less.’ All activities of the week are planned to help the public understand the essential service advertising provides in giving them information about the products and services they need.’’ The text of the proclamation is: Malte Money Order or Checks Payable to: H. C. Mattson, County Clerk Salem, Oregon Quality Meats and Groceries PROCLAMATION W HEREAS, the freedom of com munication in one of the corner stone!« on which rests the home of a free and enlightened people; and WHEREAS, advertising is an im portant means of communication, giving our people information not only about the tangible products they buy for their daily needs but also about the intangible concepts that make for a fuller life; and I WHEREAS, advertising is an es- sen.ial factor in our economy, < help- I ion, to create ing to spur competition, ------- I mass markets and the jobs that OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS . FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET AUTOMATICALLY. . . Most Modern Trucks on any job! Help Wanted WANTED—Woman to do housework full time, or will consider part- time help. Mrs. George Cree, Phone 924 Mill City. 8 Pets WILL GIVE AWAY FREE—2 Toy Collie puppies, 5 weeks old.—Ford Wilson, Phone 7271 Mill City. 8p Miscellaneous LOGS WANTED Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch diameters in eight foot, or multi ples of eight feet. We also buy ! stampage. r BURKLAND LUMBER CO Turner, Oregon Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. 25tf BUY THE BEST—When you by a Fowler glass lined Water Heater, you know you are buying the best. Easy Terms. Lyons Plumbing and Electrical Supply. Phone UL9-2335. WANT TO BUY TIMBER "Der'I Forget To To! Your W4o, Tho Boy» and I Stopped By To Say Holo.** Small or large tract« Either cash or stumpage basis STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. H mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf There Will Be No Kicks When We Service Your Car and Truck OFFICE FURNITURE and equip ment. typewriters, adding machine*, At Our Service Station calculators, cash registers, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, rent, «wap and repair. Bargains in used machinas. Roen Typewriter SERVICE STATION & Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf TRAILER COURT GOOD COOKING Six used Propane Ranges. W’e Phone 903, Mill City. furnish one year free tank GATES rental with each range. TIRES and BATTERIES Some with griddle. A generation of cooking left in these. • AUTO SUPPLIES Two Bendix Washers, each $50.00. I Two good conventional late model j Washers, each__ __ ........ ...... $50.00 j GAS HEAT OF LYONS Lyons, Oregon ltf SILVER SADDLE Sawmill LOGS WANTED , Top prices for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO j 4 west of Mehama. Oregon SItf New Chevrolet Task-Force Trucks for'56! With new Powermatic, and a wider range of Hydra-Matic models, there’s an automatic drive for every series! A new 5.speed transmission is offered in heavier duty models! New Powermatic, a Chevrolet exclusive, combines six fully auto matic forward speeds and a torque converter in three drive ranges. Hydraulic retarder is built In. Hydra- Matic is now available in 3000 and 1000 series trucks; new 5-speed Syncbro-Mesh transmission in heavy-duty jobs! Stop in soon, for details. Fast Facts About New ’88 Task-Force Trucks A V8 for Every Model* • Moro Power ful Size* • An Automatic Drive for Every Serie* f • New Five-Speed Syn chro- Math Tranwniiiionf • High level Ventilatìon • Concealed Safety Step* • Tubale** Tire», Standard on All Mod el* • Freth, Functional Work Styling. •Vt itandard In LJCJP. modali, an art ra con option tn all orbati. 'Optional at fitta coft In a »ida rant* of modali. Anything less is an old-fashioned truck! Gene Teague Chevrolet CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE Phone 2344 STAYTON, OREGON