Mrs. Ethel Downing, all of Stayton. 8—THE MILL CIT^ E.NTERPRISE Cletus Johnson of Portland visited THl R8DAT, FEBRUARY 16, 1956 Saturday at the home of his mother. Mrs. R. D. Johnson. , Moving to New Location By Mrs. J. A. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Reiner returned Mon- ( AU. W( RIGHT) GIFT SHOP An enjoyable evening was spent by | day from Portland where they have 22 members of the Detroit Women's I been the past six weeks. While there Next Door to Ketchuni Lunch Mrs. J. A. Wright, Owner Civic club at the home of Mrs. R. they sold their Portland home. I DETROIT, REGON ___ Mrs. __ G. _ W. ____________ Moore is adding a room LYONS—The birthday of Scouting D. Johnson Tuesday of last week. was honored Sunday with the annual During the business meeting presided to her apartment in the Post Office Blue and Gold dinner held in the over by the president, Mrs. Al Sor­ building where she expects to make multi-purpose room at the Mari-Linn seth, it was decided that the club her home permanently. Mrs. Joe school with James Wright, principal should give not less than $25 to the Wright, who has been living with I of the school as master of ceremon­ Detroit church each year to be used Mrs. Moore for the past nine months for improvements on the building or plans to make her home in a trailer ies. The tables were appropi iately de­ property. There was some discussion house near her gift shop which is corated by the Den Mothers in Blue about numbers to be arranged for being moved soon to its new loca­ and Gold colors and clever center­ the PTA talent show to be held Feb­ tion. Following the membership drive pieces. Approximately 150 Cub ruary 20. After the business meet­ I Scouts, Boy Scouts, their parents and ing Mrs. Raymond Sophy showed last fall a group from the Deanha leaders were present. Out-of-town many interesting things she had PTA headed by Mrs. Harry Willis | guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jury brought back from Mexico on a re­ had to give a party for the group of Albany. Mr. Jury is the Scout ex- cent trip. She also gave a talk and headed by Mrs. Jeff Leming. This | ecutive for the Cascade Area Mr. showed colored slides. The Valentine party was given Friday evening in and Mrs. L. A. White, also of Albany motif was carried out In the refresh­ the school cafeteria. Due to sickness were present. Mr. White was the ments, and each guest received a only a small crowd was present. guest speaker in the afternoon. He valentine. The hostesses were the A guest the past week at the is a member of the executive board lady members of the Detroit faculty. Wendell Jones home was Mrs. Merle Mr. and Mrs. John Meals visited Deets, sister of Mr. Jones and her in Albany, and has had 38 years in their son, Robert, in Astoria over baby daughter, Marna, of Gold Hill. ; Yes it s dad who sets the ex­ Scouting. After dinner the following pro­ the weekend, coming back through Visiting over night on Sunday was| ample for son with clean well gram was presented: flag ceremony, Portland, where they visited friends. Mrs. Howard Pilcher of Redwood i groomed clothes. And the best Boy Scouts; invocation, Richard On February 13, Mrs. Meals received City, Calif., mother of Mrs. Jones, i Scott; song, led by Joanne Scott; wel­ word from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lay­ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tyler of Sweet way to assure son following come to the parents by Cub Gary man that they had arrived in Vic­ ! Home were guests Sunday at the | this fine example is to let us Palmer and Scout Frank Sherwood toria, Texas, and found, their son, and j home of her brother and sister-in-1 give his clothes the same Jr., greeting from the sponsors, Mrs. wife, Bob and Berniece Layman in law, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sorseth. cleaning care we give to dad’s John Prideaux for PTC and Leo good health. The Laymans were go­ Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore and fam­ Cruson for VFW. Akelas Council ing on from there to the Mardi Gras ily visited relatives at Bend over PHONE 3418 four Webelos, Gaiy Palmer, Walter in New Orleans. the weekend. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olmstead, Wayne Stiffler and Dennis Officers of the Cub Scout organi­ Sherwood, advanced to Boy Scouts, Waitte and children Russell and zation held a planning meeting in There were skits by six dens, a re­ Michael of Salem visited at the home Idanha Monday evening. Those pre­ 48 HOUR SERVICE I view and preview of Scout activities of Miss Fay Cooper. Guests on Sun­ sent were Al Sorseth, Howard Dean, by Frank Sherwood Sr. The closing day were Mrs. Loris Trask, Mrs. Carl Juhl, Mr. and Mrs. Glen David- Mill Citv, Oregon ceremony was by the Cub Scout den William Trask and son, Terry, and son, Mrs. Glen Burch and the Wal- lace Cobines. A steak feed was of Mehama, and benediction by Rev. planned for February 27 for Cub Scott. Girl scouts of troop 6 were in JoAnn Anderson, Bonnie and Billy Scout Pack No. 47 to be held at the charge of serving. Those helping Parker, Beverly Power and Jerrie school cafeteria. It was also decided supervisors since this is Blue and Gold montn, were Bonnie Cruson, Ann Powell, Lou Wilson. Kitchen Detroit Jean Prideaux, Mary Lee WrfgTit, were Mrs. Glen Julian and Mrs. Leo the pack would attend church in a group Feb. DeAnn Sexton, Marjorie Worden, ' Cruson. Scouting Birthday Is Honored at Lyons With Blue and Gold Dinner beauty essentials by COTY«« Cr»em -for normal or oily skin. Regular value 2.00. now only ]W H.m.«.nli.* Craem —for dry skin. Regular value 2.00. now only | J® Cl««n»«r-Regular value 1.50. now only |00 Skin freahner —Regular vatUS 1.50. now only joo 'S»b-Tint'. Regular value 1.25. now only ]oo 'laatmt leavty'. Regular value 1.10. now only 854 'VITAMIN A-D' COMPLEX CREAM. Regular value 2.50. now only ]» I ; NUMETHOD VITAMIN A-D" lotion in special dispenser bottle HWY • Regular value 3.00 DETROIT now only I50 prices plus to* MILL CITY PHARMACY DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY And a gambler is a man who drives a car without adequate insurance— And RISKS All of His worldly possessions. Remember this— If you can’t afford insur­ ance, you can’t afford to drive an automobile. D. 5. H/££ INSURANCE COMPANY Telephone 1708 MILL CITY. OREGON iiumwi Thurs., Fri., Sat. J February 16, 17, 18 5 Thrilling True Life Adventure! I THE LIVING SWAMP ; 9 • I —PLUS­ RAY MILLAND. JOAN COLLINS, in GIRL IN THE RED VELVET SWING Sunday, Monday February 19, 20 ¡ RICHARD EGAN, 10 DANA WYNTER. in THE VIEW FROM POMPEY'S HEAD 9 Dram» of Life in a Small Tows Tuesday, Wednesday Here's a big 312 cubic inch powerhouse with the most displacement in the low-price field. Most torque, too. For you that means the greatest response—quickest getaway, swiftest passing power. Teamed with Fordomatic in any Fairlane or Station Wagon model, this 225-h.p. Thunderbird Special V-8 is the silkiest, quietest, thrillingest engine you have ever commanded. It gives you more ”go" for your dough—and you can order it now! Come in and see us today. February 21, 22 FAMILY NIGHTS JAMES STEWART, GRACE KELLY, in REAR WINDOW You can order it now! Get more Go for your dough! STAYTON, OREGON Phone 2524 PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. 1 Great TV. Ford Theatre, Station KPTV, Channel 6, Thursday 9:30 mill city , ore & on Telephone 624 WHOLE FAMILY FOR We Door. Opea at 7 .-«• P. M. Compie*« abvrw taa be seen aay time Olii»