»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1956 Sail (’loth Pedal Pushers Jacket and Blouse Outfits For Misses and Girls We have just received a large shipment of these new Spring Outfits. Come in and make your selection today. These can be bought as sets or individual garments. JENNIE’S Next Door to Post Office We give S&H Green Stamps FOR YOUR BEST BUYS SHOPATTHE Hilltop General Store Your Marshall-Wells Store Hilltop General Store A and M Toman, Owners Phone 2724 Mill City Mill Ends Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Burton and Rosemary of Scio, were Sunday vis itor« at the George Cree home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore left Tuesday for a month’s trip to Okla homa, where they will visit relatives i and firends. Spending Sunday evening at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Rourke and daughter, Jean, of Ukiah, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burton and daughter, Rosemary of Scio, Mr. and j Mrs. Gordon McMorris and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and daughter, Frances. The Sunday school class, taught by Mrs. Robert Roach, and made up of a group of sixth graders, enjoyed a Valentine party at Fellowship hall I Saturday evening. About 10 boys and I girls attended the affair, the party I lasting from 7 until 9. Entertain ment for the evening consisted of various games, followed by the serv- ' ing of refreshments. A committeee made up among the membership had assisted in making the plans and in | i the serving. The 80th birthday anniversary of1 Mrs. W. W. Mason of Eugene, form er long-time resident here, was cele- l brated with a family dinner and get-together in salem recently, the, actual birthday falling on January J 30. A large, decorated birthday cake i featured the affair, and “Happy j Birthday’’ was sung over the loud | speaker at the restaurant in her | honor. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. I George Mason of Rickreall, Mrs. I Arthur Mason and two children, i Marti« and Catherine, of Eugene, I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly and three children, Karen 1 Jean, Carl Hall, and Patrick, all of Mill City, and the guest of honor, Mrs. W. W. Mason of Eugene. SAVE $49 I In order to give you Better Merchandise for Lower Prices, we have gone on a strictly CASH BASIS Here Are The Canyon’s Lowest Prices. You buy for less when you pay cash •f Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday. COFFEE 93 « All Standard Brands Limit Pard Dog Food 3 35c cans Chili 4 89 Fancy Small Oysters 2 Cans 59c Û Frozen and Pan Ready Each FRIERS 99 SHOPSMITH HENS $1.19 Light Meat, Chunk Style TUNA 4 WITH 4 In. JOINTER or IS In. JIGSAW Can $1.00 Frozen and Pan Ready. 3 lbs. average Each I TWO WEEKS ONLY FIRST TIME EVER! FEBRUARY 16 29 FREE JOINTER or JIGSAW WITH SHOPSMITH ALL FOR $289.50 I Radishes - Green Onions 3 Bunches 10c KELLY LUMBER SALES Open Saturdays Authorized Shopsmith Dealer East Mill City Ümits, Hiway 22 Phone 6803 i ti HILL TOP MARK T HAROLD KU EWER Telephone 2744 MILL CITY, O? GON We reserve the right to limit quantit ej