Miss Hazel Caudle, daughter of Mrs. Walter Mackie received word last week of the death of her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Caudle and Miss parents of a new daughter, born to Frances Johnson, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Kristiina Kumlin, of Hockinson. them Friday at Santiam Memorial and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, spent the Wash., Thursday, February 9. The hospital in Stayton. Name of the Lincoln birthday holiday at the funeral service was held in Vancou new girl is Gloria Eli’^beth. This is girls ver, Wash., Saturday. Surviving are their second child. A well-attended meeting of the P. homes of their patents. Both the husband, Ansel Kumlin, and T.A. was held in the high school are State employees in Salem. I three daughters, Agnes Isaacson and club The Round Bobbin pints-hie auditorium last Wednesday evening. CLUB, LODGE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Founder’s Day was also observed, met Monday night at the home of Martha Piel, both of Vancouver, and Sylvia Mackie of Mill City. The de Mary Kelly, Woman’s Editor Phone 625 with past presidents being intro Mrs. Eugene Engelgau. Winning ceased had been seriously ¡11 for a Mrs. J. D. MacGregor; high was duced, and service pins for outstand- number of months. I ing service in PTA work were pre- Mrs. Kenneth Chance, pinochle, and Mrs. Jay Mason, low. The next meet i sented. The opening ceremony was the ing will be held at the home of CHUCK LOVEL flag salute conducted by the Camp Mrs. Kathleen Story, February 27. Guns Is with Dyer Auto Service Fire Girls, after which a short busi Mill City people attending the fun Mr. and Mrs. Carl Podrabsky of Ammuni+ior ness meeting was piesided over by eral services for Wanen Burton at BENI), OREGON Sublimity, attended the Mill City- Presiding over her first meeting as Fishing Tackle Jefferson basketball game here last the new president of the Mill City Mrs. Al Nesbitt. A request was read Stayton Friday afternoon were Mrs. NEW OLDSMOBILES ■ from the Deanha PTA for three George Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Friday night. Toastmistress Club on Thursday eve [judges to be furnished by the Mill Cree, Spark Heaters Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, GOOD RUST FREE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Rourke and ning at Fir Manor was Mrs, Gayle City group for their talent show on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Mrs. Dutch Boy Paints I daughter, Jean of Ukiah, Calif., were Lowery, The “Inspiration” was given I Friday, February 24. USED CARS __ _____ ’ Byron Bates, ____ Mr. and ___________ Mrs. John Hol- l overnight guests of her parents, Mr. by Mis. Howard Means. Mrs. Vernon Wall Paper i Election of a nominating commit- man, Mr. and Mrs. John Angelsey I and Mrs. George Cree Sunday. S. Todd and Mrs. Robert Roach were tee, to report at the next meeting and Mrs. Howard Kanoff. NEW INTERNATIONAL Housewares Phil Carey, student at the Uni dessert hostesses preceeding the resulted in the following: Faith The Young Adult class of the TRUCKS versity of Oregon, spent the weekend meeting. Small Appliances Veness, Cecilia Crcan, ana I Nes- Christian church Bible school held Special guests of the evening were bitt. It is hoped to have a speaker j ¡ts monthly class party Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack PICKUPS Garden Supplies Mis. William Prichard of Lyons and at that time on the “Mental Habits evening in the church basement, fol- Carey. Mrs. R. D. Jennings of Bridgman, Mr. and Mrs. 1). B. Hill, accom Also 4-Wheel Drive Pipe Cutting & Threading and Health of Children,” furnished lowing a no-host supper. Twenty panied by Mrs. J- F. Potter, left Michigan, who is visiting at the home by the Marion County Health de-1 adults and 19 children were present, Pickups Pipe and Fittings Tuesday for Fresno, Calif., and other of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Roach. partment. ’ J(r. and Mrs. Albin Cooper weie in Topicmistress was Mrs. John Pri- southern points for several weeks of ONLY 100 MILES AWAY Bluebirds of the second grade, with charge of the entertainment, Plumbing Supplies deaux, whose topic was “Should Mrs. Frank Barney and Mrs. Lester j vacation in the sunshine. G. E. Lamps Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and i American Husbands Help With the Johnson as leaders, gave the “Blue Minister H. E. Jull brought the daughters, Diane and Beverly, of Housework?” The educational report bird Wish”; third graders, led by I votional. Wiring Supplies Minister and Mrs. Hugh Jull ( Portland, were Sunday visitors at was given by Mrs. Todd who told of Mrs. Kathleen Storey, Mrs. Bernard tertained at dinner Sunday in honor [ the home of Mrs. Carey’s parents, the Council No. 2 meeting in Eugene. Bennett, Mrs. Charles Stewart, and | of the birthday Fencing anniversary of their Serving as toastmistress was Mrs. Mrs. Dub Stewart, sang “Listen to Mr. and Mis. L. C. Chance. Wire Screen Paul Cree, and son Boh, of Bend, I Lowell Fleetwood .with her theme, the Bluebirds”; fourth graders, un (daughter, Mrs. William Shepherd. ‘ Other guests present included Mr. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. “Lights as Symbols.” Window Glass der Mrs. Russell Mobert and Mrs. Floyd shepherd, Mr. and Extemporaneous speeches were Art Kerr, gave a recitation; fifth I and Mrs. George Cree Friday and attended Mrs. _____ Milton _____ Roten ___________ and children, ____ Mr. Bicycles funeral services for his uncle, War made by Mrs. Marshall Powell, "Har graders, assisted by Mrs. Al Yankuslan d Mrs. Glen Shelton and daughter, bor Lights,” Mrs. Lester Hathaway, Mrs. Burton Boroughs, and Mrs. (Ellen; William Shepherd and son, ren Burton at Stayton. Power Mowers Mr. and Mrs. Hex Ohmart and “Following the Gleam,” and Mrs. Don Carlson, gave a skit about! son, Leroy, and Ralph Jull. Bolts and Cap Screws sons were dinner guests of Mrs. Oh Ralph Fough, “Lights of Home.” Camp Kilowan; and the seventh' A guessing contest was held at mart’s sister, Miss Dorothy Poff in Impromptu talks were given by grade group, with Mrs. Bonnie Whit- I Jennie’s this past weekend. A pair Drills, Taps, Dies Portland Sunday. They also visited Mrs. Lowrey on “Starlight,” Mrs. sett and Mrs. Jack Duggan assist- ' of large size jeans were hung in the Toys Faugh on “Moonlight,” and Mrs. •ng, gave the “Firemakers’ Desire.” j window, and a prize was offered the other friends while there. The Woman’s Council of the Glidewell on “Candlelight,” the latter Tools j It was announced that this month party guessing the right size. Four Christian Church will meet Wednes also being topic critic. of February, the organization of > ladies succeeded in guessing the size Rental Floor Sanders day, February 22 at 2 p. m., in the Mrs. Al Nesbitt was evaluator, Parent-Teachers’ Associations be-I right on the nose, and each received Evan the (ineat watch church basement. Mrs. Hugh Jull with Mrs. Means as timer. Ap came 69 years old. The following past a prize for their efforts. The size should be cleaned and oOed will be the hostess. pointed on various committees for presidents were presented with vio was 44. Those winning were Carol at least once a year. Neglect | Member« of the OCE chapter of the year by the new president were let corsages: Mrs. Robert Veness, today—may mean costly Phi Bet® Sigma, teacher’s honorary, the following: hostess, Jane Roach; Mrs. Howard Means, Al Nesbitt, and Andreassen, Mrs. p. F. Willoughby, Telephone 2206 Betty Christensen and Tina Graham. repair bills tomorrow. will hold their annual banquet at press, Faustina Nesbitt; education, Mrs. Harry Mason, represented by Miss Leia Kelly has been ap We Give S&H Green Stamps 6 p. m. Februaiy 18 in Monmouth Evangelyn Fleetwood; membership, Mrs. Bill Hoeye. pointed general chairman of this MILL CITY, OREGON City hall. Secretary of the society is Vera Hathaway; program, Aria EXPERT WATCH Service pins for outstanding serv- I year’s water show at Oregon State Glidewell; parliamentarian, Edythe ¡ce beyond the “call of duty” were I College which is sponsored by the Miss Dolores Poole, Mill City. INSPECTION Means; and lexicologist, Marian awarded to Faith Veness, Edith Ma- Women’s Recreation association and Todd. I son, Vernon Todd, Earl Loucks, and a group called the "Seahorses.” It was announced that the Howard Means. Members are already in practice for regular meeting on February 23 will We have just received a new shipment of The meeting next month will fea the show which will be built around feature the local speech contest. ture “Hobby Night,” with everyone an academic theme, featuring the Let us inspect your watch. asked to bring the results of in different schools at Oregon State. It’s worth a (ew moments Picnic To Be Held at teresting hobbies. “Father’s Night” The show is scheduled for March of your time to find out whether all's well. There’s Camp Kilowan This Sunday wiu also be observe<i> with the hus- 1, 2, and 3. .. ,, ' 1 hands nf tha nffippre tialcin<r tho no charge or obligation for bands of the officers taking the Mrs. Ida Geddes marked her 101st Families of Camp Fire Girls are this service. birthday quietly Thursday, Febru- I invited and urged to go to Camp chairs. Why not drop in today f Kilowan this Sunday for a picnic. All ' Refreshments in the Valentine mo ary 9, with a few close friends cal tif were served by a group of fourth ling to offer their felicitations. The ! are asked to wear camping clothing COTTON BLOUSES, new colors Baker’s $1.98 and to bring their picnic lunch. The grade mothers in the recreation usual plans for a large community I room. birthday party for her were discard lunch will be at 2 p. m. in one of Now is the time to choose your new Spring ed this year, due to the state of her the buildings. A tour of the camp Mrs. Byron Bates entertained health. Mrs. Geddes received a huge I Wardrobe. The place to buy it is here will be made. Telephone 2643 Committee members will hold a Wednesday evening at . a* birthday bouquet of red roses from a nephew, MILL CITY dinner in honor of her daughter, Mrs. and was also the recipient of two or meeting at 3 o’clock, and adjourn We fee Genuine Factory Parts Clyde Morgan. Invited were Mr. and chid corsages. Several neighbors and ment is planned for 5 o’clock. _________________ Mrs. Clyde Morgan and family, Mr. friends brought a covered-dish sup- I David Jones of Salem, spent the and Mrs. Carl Stavang and family per to help her celebróte the occa- , Phone 2243. Mill CITY, OREGON weekend here with his grandparents of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin sion. Among those sending con Mr. and Mrs. Sig Jepsen and friends. ' Edwards and family. gratulations was L. T. Henness, a long-time friend who lives at Gates. He celebrated his 101st birthday last fall. Only Ch.evro!?) pvfi you in charge of the dynamite action and Mr. and Mm. Lee Poole are the THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1956 Social Events HARDWARE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Fiill Ends Next PTA Meeting to Feature Hobby Night Toastmistress Club Names Committees How Long Since Your Watch Was Cleaned ? JENKINS HARDWARE FREE! SPRING DRESSES $3.98 and up Mill City Jewelry ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP Get a sure-fire handling qualities it fakes to break the Pikes Peak record! Better try it before you buy any car at any price. record - break i n<> run for youi mone\ */ • t/ There's Always Something New For You AitnoM everybody likes a real road car. And nowadays you no longer have to pay a king's ransom to own one. 1 hey re going at Ctiovrolet prices! For the new Chevrolet is one of the few truly ure.it •• «1 . nrs being built today! AT It hus to be to hold the stock car record for the Pike- Peak clintb. It has to have cannonball accelera tion horsepower now ranges up to 225!) and nailed-down stability on turns—plus lots of other built-in qualities that make for more driv ing pleasure and safety on the road. Come on in and try a record breaking Chevrolet! MILL CITY VARIETY AND GIFT SHOP Mill City, Oregon Phone 2284 Salem Sand and Gravel Company HEAVY HAULING Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment ( EXCAVATION and CONSTRUCTION J5-TON MOBILE CRANE CONTRACTING AND RENTAL Phone Salem Day 2-2461 Nite 2-4417 COME TO THE DONKEY BASKETBALL GAME Sponsored by the Lyons Boy Scouts Mari Linn School Gvm Saturday, February 18 Mari-Linn Faculty The Bel Air Sport Sedan—one of 19 new Chevrolet beauties. All have directional signals as standard equipment vs. Mari-Linn School Board Gene Teague Chevrolet CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE Phon? 2344 STAYTON. ORFXtON There'll be fun galore at this event. It's Funnier than a circus and wilder than a rodeo. Adults $1.00 Students 50c