■ ■■ WANT AWW -’’• •"-«OB^œsuai t—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1956 Real Estate REAL ESTATE Glen Shelton, Broker Order Your Printing From The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Our Great America classified rates Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, West side Mill City Phone 2207 ete. will be run under '"Special An­ nouncements" classification with a FOR SALE—40 acre farm, 13 acres under cultivation. Some timber. ■unimum charge of 50 cents per in­ sertion. Good spring water piped to and Count five words to the line in in the house. Modern house. Also ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill for sale, 1 KO Allis Chalmers Cat City or mail your advertisement to with blade and lines. Good condi­ The Mill City Enterprise. Mill City, tion.—R. C. Berry, Rt. I, Box 195 Oregon. Lyons. Sp Ten cents per line each insertion. REAL ESTATE No advertisement accepted for less JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE eha.'i 50 cents per week. W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Gates, Oregon. To dispose of that surplus Phone 45)5 Quality Meats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS i Try a For Sale ad in The Mill City Enterprise Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Business Services Mill City • • PIANO LESSONS at my home.— Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson, 314 S. W. 2nd Ave. Phone 1602, Mill City. 7p Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m Closed Mondays Furniture UNFINISHED FURNITURE Used Furniture Bargains. We give Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, H. L. Stiff Furniture Company, 367rd St., Stay ton. i PAINTING—Let me do your paint- ing’ and decorating. Interior or ex- terio. First class workmanship.— C. A. Cummins, P. O. Box 98, Mehama, Oregon. 9p NOTICE Parents Urged to Use Every Weapon At Hand to Prevent Dental Decay SHAVINGS FOR SALE—3ft unit load delivered. Phone Lyons UL The following article was given to | rick 9-2245. 8 the publisher today by Effie Cole, gex and uncooked vegetables such as I county health nurse: carrots and celery for sweets as be- SEE US when in need of T. V. An­ tween-meal snacks for the kiddies. “ If parents took advantage of all tennas and supplies. We handle a the preventive measures available complete fine of Philco television The toothbrush it still one of the sets. $179 and up. Stiffler Radio their children would grow up entirely best weapons against decay, It is and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mil! free of dental disorders," Dr. Harold important, thoughthat the teeth tY R. B. LT •• 4In/xr, Cell'. ... zlsantict Hutchinson, Salem dentist tlTtil and be brushed after meals. one of the chairmen in the current Periodic check-ups with the family 1 National Dental Health Week pro­ dentist also helps detect dental troub­ Miscellaneous I gram, said. les before they become large, pain­ i FOR SALE—Bed springs and matt- About one-half of the first grade ful ones. . u.p school students in ” Marion ress. Good condition. Oregon Pulp 1 county have Another weapon against tooth de­ house, between Mill City and , not received dental care of any kind, cay, recommended by county health 6p it was reported this weekend on the Gates. -------- i eve of National Children’s Dental and dental associations, is fluorida­ tion of drinking water. This can be ■ LOGS WANTED Health week. accomplished either by treating pub­ Top prices paid. Six inch to 50 inch i A school survey conducted last fall lic water supplies or by adding fluor­ 1 a m- A a —— ’ in — eight .3 1.A L X —_S — County . TT —•111- 1 Depart- A am » «aA diameters foot, Am or multi- » by ‘ the Marion Health pies ef eight feet. We also ’ buy 1 ment indicated that 1,062 of the total ides to individual water and milk supplies. stamps ge. ! 2,074 first grade kids had not re- Such treatments, it is indicated, re­ ; BURKLAND LUMBER CO. i ceived dental attention. duce tooth decay from 40 to 65 Turner, Oregon Of course, it was pointed out, not percent with no ill effects discovered Phone Turner 1125: Evenings phone the students on the non-attention list to date. More than 1,100 commun­ I Turner 2502 or Salem 27826. 25tf stood in heed of dental care. But if ities in the United States currently FOR SALE—Well kept grand piano national averages are followed a good fluoridate their water supplies. On the home front this week, pub­ worth $125. $50. Cash or pay­ share of them should have had some I lic health nurses in conjunction with ments. Oregon Pulp Paper house, sort of care. This year the health department in local dental groups, will continue between Mill City and Gates. 6p cooperation with the local Marion- their program of stressing dental BUY THE BEST—When you by a Polk Dental Association has carried ! health before schools and parents Fowler g’.ass lined Water Heater, I on a campaign to promote better den- ’ organizations. you know _-ou are buying the best. tai health through the schools. One method has been to urge cur- j Easy Terms. Lyons Plumbing and Electrical Supply. Phone UL9-2335. tailment of the sale of candy and car- ■ bonated beverages in the schools. | WANT TO BUY TIMBER j Lectures, films, exhibits and other ; I published materials also have stress- Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis | ed care of the teeth. STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. “Since dental disorders have their ' _---------- V4 __ mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf start in children, early attention to „„„ _ . , _— ;—; proper dental health procedures helps FOR SALE—Full size gas range. | the chiw avoid ¿„'j disease that practically new._254 S. E. Grove, lagueg his parentsDr. Hutchinson St., Mill City. J. L. Keeton. 5p ga-(j OFFICE FURNITURE and equip-I Improper diet can be blamed for the ment. typewriters, adding machine«, lar8« incidence of the dental decay, calculators, cash registers, duplicat­ dentist say. Sugar, one of the main ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, factors of decay, is consumed in 10 rent, swap and repair. Bargains in times the amount of 100 years ago. Parents are urged to subsitiute used machines. Roen Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf fresh fruits such as apples and oran- Personal property taxpayers are required to file an invoice as of January 1,1956, with the Assessor for an assessment base. As­ sessment must be filed on or before March 2, 1956. Penalty provided after due date. Trucks and automobiles carrying State li­ cense plates, and furniture in private homes are exempt Trailer houses, licensed or unlicensed, being used as a residence, and furniture in Motels, Hotels, Apartment and Rooming Houses are subject to taxation. If you nave not received an assessment please notify the Assessor’s Office. John W. Sheppard Linn County Assessor. a a SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kind«. Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms. “Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 SUte St Corner of Liberty S and H Green Stampe b mb a Today..$3.00per Year GOOD COOKING Six used Propane Ranges. We furnish one year free tank rental with each range. Some with griddle, A generation of cooking left in these. Two Bendix Washers, each $50.00. Two good conventional late model Washers, each _____________ $50.00 GAS HEAT OF LYONS Lyons, Oregon itf Top prices for Second Growth >4 west of Mehama. Oregon 51 tf For Rent FOR RENT—Modern one bedroom house, 1 mile east of Gates.—Ed Chance, Phone 5803. 6p FOR RENT—One bedroom house between Mill Ctiy and Gates on highway 22.—Call Chuck’s Fine Foods, 5822. 3tf SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903. Mill City. GATES TTRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES $2.00 for Males and Spayed Females $3.00 for Females not Spayed. After March 1st an additional charge of $2.00 win lie made as a penalty. To secure a dog license send your name and luldreaa and state the sex of the dog and enclose the proper fee After March 1st the Dog Catcher Will Take Over Situations Wanted WANTED—Housework, baby sitting or cafe dishwashing.—Nettie Prit­ chard, City Trailer Court. 5p License for dogs in the City limits of Albany and Sweet Home are secured at the City Hall of said cities. CALL FOR BIDS Bill will be opened at 8:00 P. M., February 14, 1956, at the Mill City Grade School, covering approximate­ ly 17,000 gallons of light fuel oil (300), and 3,000 gallons of diesel oil, to be delivered to the Mill City schools before June 30, 1956. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 129 J EDNA F. ROSS, Clerk. Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere ap­ preciation to all those who have been so kind to us since my auto­ mobile accident. To all those who sent cards to me while I was in the hospital in Goldendale, W’ash., and especially to all the clubs and indi­ viduals for their financial asaistance. It i* truly a wonderful feeling to be remembered by all you fine people. —Mrs. Clarence Meader. 5 FOR RENT—Furnished one and two bedroom apartments, $50 and up CARD OF THANKS per month. See Chuck’s Fine We wish to express our thanks to Foods, Phone 5822PO. East of all those w’ho were so kind at the Gates on Highwsy 22. 38tf time of the passing of our sister, FOR RENT—2 bedroom house lo­ Martha M. Brown.—Mr. and Mrs. cated two blocks from school.— Charles R. Ryan and friends. Carl Kelly, phone Mill City, 6803 or 2251. 2tf FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat­ tresses, rollaway beds and mat­ tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf R. M. RUSSELL, Clerk Legal Notices MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE i ou re playing your cards smartly when you choose an OK Used Car. A mighty low bid will bring you high returns in value. That’s because volume trading -for new Chevrolets means volume savings passed on to you. OK Used Cars are always inspected, re­ conditioned, and dealer-warranted in writing. CAPS Also light hauling Leeaard Herman Phon* LOOK FOR THE OK TRADEMARK I Sold only by an Authorized Chevrolet Dealer Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc weeklv mckups $1.50 ner month WHY 1956 dog licenses are due and payable at the County Clerk’s Office, Albany, Oregon Mill City Enterprise ztt STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. SILVER SADDLE DOG OWNERS Subscribe to The Sawmill LOGS WANTED Automotive Supplies a GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET PHONE 2344 STAYTON. OREGON