THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRU \RY 2. 1956 Our Great America A MILLCITY HI-LITES Entered as second class matter No vember 10. 1944 at the post office a’ By Harold Kliewer, Jr. Mill City, Oregon, usder the Art u< This week our biggest attraction _____ March 3. ’«79. ■ was our student body meeting Fri- Marion-Linn Counties, per year $3.00 I day. Mr. Hale made a speech and Outside, Marion-Linn Counties $3.50 | handed out the letters for the var- ' sity players. Mr. Lowery made a short speech and handed out the B squad letters. He also handed out keys to those who are eligible for entering the honor society. Friday night the sophomore class gave a box social. They danced and then auctioned the food boxes. Every­ one had loads of fun. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION The names of those receiving letter awards and admittance to the honor J O society appear on page one. Tuesday we were visited by Dick Ficker, of the Air Force. It was Telephones 2651 or 905 good to have a former graduate around. He stated he was being trans- DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publiaher fered to Africa. Obituary For Son of Local Residents Who Was Accident Victim Seeks Atty. General Job Donald Eugene Kelly, Technical i Sergeant, United States Marine j Corps, was killed instantly in an , oettwr coffee auto-truck crash in Virginia, Jan­ 75MWS JSMsrs uary 22. Born April 10, 1925, in Kettle ( Falls, Washington, Sgt. Kelly travel- j ed extensively throughout the Unit-1 ed States with his parents, giadu-i ating from University high school in Los Angeles. Following his graduation with hoaors, he enlist- ed in the Marine Corps in August, 1942. He received his boot train- 4foee THAH /. 400 000 ing in San Diego, and served sub­ ATTEND AAA SUPER'ME'P AUTO sequently at Marine Air Station, each year - the soo - mile RACES LPOLI* CLASSIC DRAWS ABOUT Santa Barbara, .with Marine Air! ITS. OOO AHHUAuy^ Group 21 on Guam, and returned to I the United States in 1945. On his [ State Senator Carl H. Francis return he served at Marine Air Sta­ tion, Santa Ana, and Camp Pendle­ today announced his candiracy for ton, California, and then at Marine the Republican nomination for the STOUT OAk HULL OF TMF Ar WEST LIUH.ORe.. AH 80- Air Station, Ewa, Hawaii, where he | office of Attorney General. The Day- 1 MAVHOWC/V still seovei < ÍÍP*" rvEAR OLD PAPER SAACHIMr Wim AUWKIHP- SltiCE 1628, THU edited the camp newspaper, “The I ton lawyer, a veteran of legislative SEARS I* STILL MAXIMS PAPER FOR SHiP’5 piSMAHTLeP HULL HA* ¿LN-, ose. 1« AUCMIHÍ HAS PROOUCEP I service, served in the 1943, 1945, Ewa Snow.” 6reN ÜÎEP A* A BARM IN A '1947, 1949. 1951, 1953, and 1955 H6ARLV SOO. OOO TOfJS Of MPgP— SMALL VILLA6E OUTBIDS LOHWH.EH6. UfAAll AU Of/TUAOe fKOM WOOO While on lecruiting duty in Kan­ sessions of the legislature, and al­ I py « warA|l FORSVT PRODUCTS R41/UP1 MU. OK sas City, he met and married Mary though only 40 years old ranks as one Alice Arnold. He was transferred of the oldest, in time of service, to Camp Lejeune, N. C. where he Lions Club Convention among the lawmakers. An active worked as combat correspondent, Come in and see our fine assortment of To Be Held In Portland taking part in Mediterranean ma­ Republican worker, and president of Gift Items for All Occasions. The Mill City Lions Club Auxi­ neuvers of Fleet Marine Force, At­ the State Y’oung Republican Federa­ liary met at the home of Mrs. Don lantic, and the A-bomb tests in tion in 1947, he has had the unusual distinction of having received both Moffatt last Wednesday evening, SHOP HERE FIRST Nevada. DETROIT—The sister of a native the nomination of his own party with only a few members attending. Upon transfer to Quantico, Va., he and that of Democratic party in six of Ramsay, Isle of Man, Great Mrs. Robert Veness conducted the once again served as editor of the MILL CITY VARIETY AND GIFT SHOP Britain, is anxious to find her broth­ of his seven successful campaigns. er, whom she hasn’t heard from brief business meeting, with Mrs. camp paper, “The Quantico Sentiy.” He has also been Mayor of his home Jay Mason acting as secretary in At the time of his death Sgt. Kelly town on seven occasions and when i since before World War I. The broth- ior, Harry Christian, left Ramsay as the absence of Mrs. Jim Poole. Re­ was Chief of the Division of Infor­ first elected was reportedly the sec­ 5 a boy for Monmouth, Oregon, where port of the treasurer was given by mation, at Headquarters Marine ond youngest Mayor in the United Corps in Washington, D. C. Sgt. . he was adopted by his uncle, also Mrs. Frank Hunter . An official letter was read an­ Kelly’s feature articles and fiction States. ■ named Harry Christian. nouncing the dates of this year’s in many service publica­ i Captain H. A. Wright, son-in-law convention, which will be in Port­ appeared tions. I of the missing Christian’s sister, who land, as June 10, 11, and 12., i He is survived by his wife, a son, Too Late To Classify j still lives in England has asked that The door prize, which was furn­ Kg i anyone knowing the whereabouts of ished by Mrs. Martin Hansen was Michael, a cadet at Carlisle Military I Christian, notify him at SS. Adellen, drawn by Mrs. Charles Kelly. De­ Acadamy in South Carolina, and two FOR EXPERT PLUMBING—Call a Licensed Plumber. UL 9-2355. i % Bernuts, Lemboke, Co., Inc., 420, licious refreshments were served by daughters, Patricia and Judith; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lexington, Ave., New York 17, N. Y. hostess. Kelly, of Mill City; and Mrs. This notice was seen in The Ore­ the Attending the meeting were: Mrs. Lewis, a sister, also residing in gonian and given to Miss Fay Cooper Robert Veness, Mrs. Jay Mason, Mrs. I with whom Harry Christian makes Frank Hunter, Mrs. Charles Kelly City. Interment was at Arlington j his home. He is 84 years old, came and the hostess, Mrs. Don Moffatt. tional Cemetery in Arlington, Va. I to the United States in 1882 and I lived with an uncle of the same name near Monmouth. Later he lived in Miss Fay Cooper, Detroit, and Mrs. different valley towns coming to De­ Oskie Nyberg, Idanha. While they troit in 1906. He lived here several have not had time yet to receive any Dependable Prescription Service Mrs. Ruth Hess years and then was away until 1919 communication regarding this matter Will start off with an apology. I when he returned and has lived here Mrs. Nyberg feels sure this is the J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY since that date. He has lived here Harry Christian for whom they are mistakenly gave the mashed toe to the wrong person. Should have been with his two step granddaughters, looking. Mrs. Mary Howell instead of Mrs. Tillman Raines. Toe is still too sore to put a shoe on. Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Raines I LOVE TO DATE visited in Fern Ridge at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. MY HUSBAND and Mrs. Joe Toepfer, this last week. Quite a few Gates people attended It’s his consistently smart ap­ the Ham dinner given by the MOES pearance that makes her club at Mill City Saturday night. prouder than ever of him, A stork shower honoring Mrs. To assure good grooming of Daniel Romey was held at the school your own clothes . . . call us house Saturday afternoon. Those en­ joying the afternoon weie Mrs. Rosa to give them rapid scientific cleaning attention. Roten, Mrs. Till Raines, Mrs. Philo Potter, and Bernice, Mrs. Louisa PHONE 3418 Wrigglesworth, Mrs. Elmer Shaw, Mrs. Ed Davis, Mrs. A. T. Barn- hardt, Mrs. Mary Howell, Mrs. Clyde Oliver, and Donnalee, Mrs. Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Oliver Watson, Mrs. 48 HOUR SERVICE Nothing can beat the driving fun of Ford’s new Cecil Haun, Mrs. Harry Keiser, Mrs. .underbird Y-8*. You'll pass with new ease and Ford's new Thunderbird Y-8 engine brings Mill City, Oregon J G. C- Bamhardt, Mrs. Wilmer Crites, nfidence. Hills will melt. And its deep-block I Mrs. Clare Hennes and Kandee and you power that obeys your commands instantly! design means a smoother, longer-lived engine. Mrs. Nick Ball and Carol Sue. •Iff the standard eight for Fairlane and Station Wagon models. The Chili Bowl closed Wednesday and will be closed for the month to enable the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulligan to enjoy a well- earned vacation. Thurs., Fri., Sat The Santiam Canyon Extension j unit wound up their kidnap coffee­ 1 February 2, 3, 4 time with four parties this last week, i RICHARD BURTON. Monday forenoon Mrs. Oliver Willis I FRED MacMURRAY. entertained 23 ladies in the new din­ LANA TURNER, in ing room. Monday afternoon Mrs. Percy Mulligan served 28; Tuesday RAINS OF Mrs. Hess served 23 ladies and nine Ò children at the home of Mrs. Cecil RANCHIPUR Haun. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. William Pennick entertained 15 la­ Drama Filmed in India dies at the last party to be given. Also—Featurette The Extension unit reports over $60 "STAMPEDE CITY” realized from the series of coffee Rodeo Days in Calgary time put on. New faces seen this You'll see why Ford ar.d the l.unous Thunderbird last week were Mrs. Ercil Wilson, an* called kissin’ cousins. For here s all the dash Ford’s Thunderbird lines turn heads wherever you go! Mrs. Keith Phillips, and Mrs. Till­ and dazzle of the Thunderbird in family size' Its man Rains Jr. of Mehama; Mrs. clean-cut stvling will itinf ahead in flic years ahead. Sunday, Monday Frances Heath and daughter Cindy, Mrs. Margaret Clise, Mrs. George 8 February 5, 6 Arthurs, Mrs. Roy Colgan of Salem, Mrs. Oliver Willis, Philip Cann, Mrs. l/owrr the I^ff-Boata, Mateu Clare Rush, Mrs. Charlie Stewart, You M um "Sea" This One and son, and Mrs. Willis, mother of 8 Oliver Willis. FRANCIS IN THE The Extension meeting held at the I 8 home of Mrs. William Pennick with! NAVY project leaders, Mrs. Floyd Völkel I With and Mrs. Cecil Haun in cha-g/i was j ‘ Francis ’ and Donald O'Connor to learn about broiled meals. Their samples were very good and they I 1 had enough for seconds. Hope Mill I City ladies will come oat for oar Tuesday, Wednesday meetings as they are a part of this j I Santiam Canyon unit. The next meet- February 7, g I mg will be on "The Hair, and Ita Care,” to be held at the Gates Com- FAMILY NIGHTS | munity club house. Bring brush, MARILYN MONROE. comb and towel. Ford’s the fine cor at half the fine-car price! Something New Everyday Seeks To Establish Contact With Brother VALENTINE’S DAY Cards Candy Mill City Pharmacy GATES’ NU METHOD ROBERT MITCHUM, in In Ford you'll find new Lifeguard Design. Its a whole new faujilv of safety features which helps protect you ano V”*** from the major causes of accident injuries. But that s only the beginning. Come in. YouH agree that everything in the new ’56 Ford says "fine car” except the price! MILL CITY. OREGON Phone 624 PHILIPPI MOTOR CO . RIVER OF Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise STAYTON. OREGON Phone 2524 Today.. S3.00 per Year NO RETURN