’--THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I THURSDAY, JANUARY 26. 1956 Nothing without wings climbs like a ’56 Chevrolet ! Ever level off a mountain with your foot? Nothing to it. Just point this new ’56 Chevy uphill and ease down on the gas. Up you go with a quiet (hy­ draulic-hushed valve lifters now in all engines—V8 or 6) rush of power. This is the car, you know’, that broke the Pikes Peak record. The car that conquered towering grades and vicious switchback turns to prove its superior performance, handling ease and cornering ability. These are built-in qualities that mean more driving pleasure and safety for you. Chevrolet also offers such safety features as seat belts, with or without shoulder harness, and instrument panel padding as extra-cost options. There are 19 new' Chevrolets— all with Body by Fisher. Drop in and drive one. Rebekah Committees Named for Year Business and Professional DIRECTORY JOHN W. REII), M. D. J The new Noble Grand, Ruth Hess, Physician and Surgeon ' presided over last week’s meeting of ! Santiam Rebekah lodge for the first MILL CITY, OREGON | time. Committees appointed for the |ensuing term were as follows: Fin- lance, Luella Mulligan, Bessie Bas­ sett, and Etta Reed; good-of-the- D. E. FOSTER, D. M. D. | order, Sophia Kist, Alice Thomas, and Alma Thomas; examining, Car- Dentist ! men Barnhardt, Mel Robinson, and For appointment phone Eva Duffy; publicity, Goldie Rambo, Mill City 5203 or 6608 Marie Stewait, and Ada Plymale; auditing, Julia Bassett, George Ve- teto, and Gladys Lake; flowers, Ma­ bel Yankus, Gladys Mason, and Ann Crook; reception, Rachael Olmstead, Dr. Kenneth L Prince Mabel Veteto, Cleta Wills, and Walt­ OPTOMETRIST er Thomas; education, Otto Koeneke, Susie Haynes, and Vera Hathaway. For Appt. Phone 6608 or 5203 During the business meeting plans Mill City, Oregon were made for the Rebekahs to put on a program number of the recep- ; tion to be held in Stayton on Febru­ ary 24, honoring Marceiie Ware, J. W. GOIN outside guardian of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon. EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN It was announced that the Theta By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS Rho Girls will install their new of­ Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregon ficers Thursday, January 26. The new trustee elected was Vera Hathaway, who will join Rachael Olmsead and Mel Robinson in that , capacity. Weddle Funeral Home I Elected as drill capta.'n was Marie Stewart, whose assistant will be Modern Funeral Service Carmen Barnhardt. Degree captain will be Mabel Veteto. STAYTON OREGON An official letter was read recom­ mending Marie Stewart for the De­ gree of Chivalry which would be be­ stowed upon her during the meeting of the Rebekah Assembly in the Spring. Marie Stewart and Mabel Yankus , Septic Tanks and Sewers Qleaaed received “Seals and Certificates of! Phons Salem 39468, COLLBCT 1079 Elm St. W. Salem Perfection' in the unwritten work, and Vera Hathaway also received the Seal. The Three Link club has voted to contribute $25 toward the purchase of a television set for Mrs. Clarence Stayton-Jefferson Meader, who is now at home but un­ able to walk. Additional funds for AUTO WRECKERS the same purpose will be raised by the lodge at a cake walk following Rebuilt motors and trans­ the next regular meeting. missions. Guests of the evening were Ava I Cars bought and sold Fasser of Carnation Rebekahs of | Wallowa, and Roberta Longnecker We buy junk. of Faith Rebekah lodge, Lyons. Mrs. Cline submitted her resigns-, tion as treasurer, and Ann Crook Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. was elected. New officers made up - ■ 11 the refreshments committee; Ruth Hess, Mabel Yankus, Ann Crook, and Ida Fleetwood. MIKE'S Septic Service Gene Teague Chevrolet CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE Phone 2844 STAYTON, OREGON ANNIVERSARY SLEEPER WITH >59" QUALITY NATURAL REST MATTRESS f - ••• ■ . ’259J0 value NOW ONLY Dave Epps Seeks Job As Delegate Dave Epps, former Mill City man,j but now of Sweet Home, announced that he will be a candidate for dele- . gate from the 4th district to the Democratic national convention in ■ Chicago in August. Epps, was a convention delegates ' from Multnomah county in 1940 and from the 4th district in the 1952 con­ vention. LYONS By Eva Bressler NATURAL REST" MATTRESSES Reduced for the First Time Celebrate with malt ! T o mark 75 yeen of mat tree* making achieve­ ment. eeat r brings you the tremen doua "Diamond Annneraary“ dol lar aauiv Sale' Th» la really apecial - for the firet time, the famoua >59 50 Natural R««t ha* been reduced for this Sale only to a pAeno-tena. ¡39 95' You’ll be thrilled with its superb comfort and reatfully firm support. See the Natural Reat - try it. buy it —in our bedding department today! Reduced to 95 Ttiïfiiiiitt "6o New and Used Furniture Across the Street From the Star Theatre. Stayton. Oregon We Give and Redeem Penny Saver Stamps ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦-♦ Mrs. Marion Spitz of Stayton was the honored guest at a baby shower held at the home of Mrs. Raymond Forrest in Lyons with Geraldine Downer, of Mill City, as co-hostess. Appropriate games were played and winners were Pauline Tibbits and Sandra Davie, and Marilyn Peters won the surprise drawing. Those at­ tending were Laura Stuncamp, Rose Poltz, Sandra Davie, Marilyn Peters, Shirley Robl, Sharon Myerhoffer, Shirley Wagner, Nova Ann Geraths, Pauline Tibbits, and the hostesses Mrs. Forrest and Miss Downer. A family gathering and dinner was held at the George Berry home Sunday honoring Mr. Berry on his 82nd birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington, Paula Cheryl and Marlene; Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Carr, Gloria, Nadine and Kath­ ryn, all of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Berry of Tillamook, Mrs. Susie Haynes of Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry, Alan and Timmy of Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Berry, Diane and Brian of Aums­ ville, Roland Berry and daughter, Sharon of Gates, and Mr. and Mrs. Buster Berry and Donnie of Port­ land. • Mrs. Virgil Holland. Penny and Harry of Dallas, Texas, are visiting at the home of her sisters. The Paul Geraths in Lyons and Keith Zimmer­ mans of Mehama. She will also visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parland in Salem. Clyde Lewi« was taken to Salem Memorial hospital Saturday where it was found he was suffering with an attack of kidney stones. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges are spending this week at Sidney, Mont. Keith Taylor of Waldport, is assist­ ing at the Gas Heat plant during their absence. Tuesday evening, January 31 the usual “cake walk" a March of Dimes benefit will be held at the Catho­ lic hall. Nadine Carr, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mr». Albert Carr returned home Saturday evening after spend­ ing several days in Good Samaritan hospital in Portland for observation. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 6284 Stayton DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved hi« Mill City office to Stayton in the Poat Office Building, 2nd Floor, tn the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. HOME OFFICE’ 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME (HEMORRHOIDS) AND orxa MCTAl ONCMMES TWÍATID WITHOUT HOSPITAL OPERATION •ALSO STOMACH AND COLON CON Vf NT CtfOlT «EÉ BOOKLET ***„£* PHONt 3**440 0« K’MOLDS Th« REYNOLDS CLINIC Natu«op«th»c «nd Chiropratie Physician» *<\J«S ♦00** i »5O0» h O*** b* Vetoes •• cìnti « »raciT »AUA o «« gon BE SURE WITH ___ ’o« you » TELEVISION OR RADIO Call 3207 We Specialize in Philco, Motorola, Admiral Stiffler's Radio and Appliance Co. MILL CITY. OREGON