•—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JANUARY 19, 1956 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Business and Professional DIRECTORY Faith Rebekah Lodge Infalls New Officers LYONS—Installation bf officers JOHN W. REID. M. D. preceded all other business at the Entered as second class matter No meeting of Faith Rebekah lodge Physician and Surgeon Waanber 10, 1944 at the post office a Wednesday evening, when District ■Ul City, Oregon, uader the Act of Deputy President Helen Anderson March 3. 1879. MILL CITY, OREGON and staff weie in charge. Making up the staff were Zona Marion-Linn Counties, per year $3.00 Sischo, marshal; Alta Bodeker, ward Outside, Marion-Linn Counties $3.50 en; Eva Bressler, secretary-treasur- ’ er; Frances McCarley, chaplain and D. E. FOSTER. D. M. D. Jean Roberts inside guardian. Dentist N E WS PA P £ R Officers installed were Norma \ For appointment phone Pennington, noble grand; Marion k PUBLISHERS Mill City 5203 or 6608 Pennington, vice giand; Helen John ^ASSOCIATION ston, warden; Hazel Neal, conductor; Zona Sischo, RSNG; Rosa Berry, LSNG; Lois Myers, RSVG; Mildred Telephone« 2651 or 905 Carr, LSVG; Gertrude Weidman, DON W. MOFFATT Editor.Publish«! chaplain; Blanche Wagner, musi Dr. Kenneth L. Prince cian; Almo Olmstead, secretary; OPTOMETRIST Beulah Lewis, treasurer, and Roberta For Appt. Phone 6608 or 5203 Longnecker, past noble grand. Headed by a newly developed automatic trans- provements marks the new Chevrolet trucks. The Mill City, Oregon mission. tubeless tires and more powerful six- and above half-ton pickup typifies the styling, visi- Jean Roberts was elected drill eight-cylinder engines, an impressive list of im- bility and convenience of the 1956 line. r captain, and Helen Anderson degree captain; Rosa Berry, trustee for three years; Ethel Huffman, trustee for two years, and Eva Bressler, po J. W. GOIN lio chairman. ■ EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN The new noble grand appointed the By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS By Eva Bresslei following committees: Finance, Ro Stayton, Oreg«a berta Longnecker, Donna Smith and | Friends and neighbors gathered at Phone 6338 Carolyn Hiatt; Visiting, Norma Pen the Catholic community hall Satur nington, Marion Pennington, Roberta LYONS—Mrs. George Huffman LYONS—The Mari-Linn Parent- day evening, honoring Mrs. Leota Longnecker, Gertrude Weidman, Gar- was hostess for the meeting of the Teacher club held their January Worden on her birthday anniversary. | nett Bassett, Helen Anderson and meeting Tuesday evening the 10th, ¡A pot luck supper was served at 6:30 WILL MAKE I Hazel Lewis; Examining, Marion Three Links club held at her home with an interesting symposium after which the time was spent in Weddle Funeral Home 1 Pennington, Lois Myers, Zona Friday with an all-day meeting. The “How Well Are Our Children Learn visiting. About 50 were in attendance. Modern Funeral Service Sischo; Publicity, Eva Bressler; time was spent in visiting until the ing to Read.” Speakers were Merlin Those honoring Mrs. Worden were Press, Jean Roberts; Floral, Hazel noon hour when a pot luck dinner| Morey, chairman of the group and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and Glenn i Today is special for some- k STAYTON OREGON om you know ... a birthday Lewis and Eva Bressler. was served, after which the usual 1 superintendent of Stayton schools, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson, . an aanivcrMry . . . • home At the business session, a general business meeting was held. Marian who spoke on "Reading” what it is Bonnie and Merry Jo, Mr. and Mrs. k Y coming ...» new baby ... a discussion was held in regard to Pennington, president, was in charge. and how it has been taught thiough Leonard Cruson, Michael and Nikki, * business promotion ... a talent selling the hall for wreckage or The main business of the afternoon the years. James Wright, principal Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and achievement. You could make the putting it up for bids. Anyone inter was making plans for the smorgas of Mari-Linn school spoke on “My Mary Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Harley I day sparkle by aending flowers. ested may contact the trustees. bord dinner which will be held down Philosophy of the Teaching of Read Scott, Lynn and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. We're specialists in making Ralph Downer, Lonna, Carol and pot luck At the social hour a stairs at the Rebekah hall Thursday ing.” lovely events lovelier, Septic Tanks and Sewer« Qenned with Maxine supper was served Mrs. Marshall Powell, first grade Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mc- Phone Salem 39468, COLLBCT gay times gayer. evening, January 26 from 5:30 to 8 Berry and Jacquie Harper in charge p. m. with the proceeds going to the teacher spoke on "Methods we Use Dowell and Frank Harley, Mr. and 1079 Elm SL. W. Salem of the tables which were decorated Street light fund. A general discus to Teach Reading in the Lower Mrs. James Bash and Jimmy Lee, in a beautiful manner, carrying out sion was also held on selling of the Grades.” Ralph Hurst, eighth grade Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle, Joanne, the winter theme. teacher spoke on “Methods we use to Judy, Juanita and Johnny, Mr. and hall or trying to remodel it. Those attending were Zona Sis Improve Reading in the Upper Mrs. Otto Weidman, George, David, cho, Loi« Myers, Hazel Lewis, Jac Grades." John Prideaux, parent, and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Stayton-J ef f erson quie Harper, Norma Pennington, spoke on "Ways Parents can Help Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen, Mr. and RALEIGH HAROLD Marian Pennington, Alta Bodeker, Their Child’s Reading.” Mrs. Roscoe Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Mrs. Cora Cor AUTO WRECKERS 319 W. Wash. St. Helen Johnston, Inez Ring, Maxine Poole, fourth grade teacher spoke on I bett, Marjorie Worden, and Jerry Mohler. I Berry, Helen Anderson, Anna Hub- “Some Classroom Problems Which STAYTON, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hiatt, Mrs. Rebuilt motors and trans- i I bard and the hostess Mrs. Huffman. Make Teaching Difficult.” Mrs. Joe missions. Johnson, parent, spoke on “Problems James Hiatt, Valerie and Debby of Parents Face in Trying to Help Dallas were Wednesday guests at Cars bought and sold I Their Children.” Acting as consult the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hiatt. We buy junk. ants were Sarah Reddin and Mamie Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem is LaVay, both teachers in the Stayton schools. I spending several days at the home Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. of her brother and sister-in-law Mr. I A short business meeting followed « “U AUXO. and Mrs. VIJUV Clyde V1CDDIVI. Bressler. ounuay, Sunday, and at the close of the evening re- ahe with the Bresslers were dinner frochmwnta WPFi> Kxr tFisv fpnph. 1 . . .t v - - freshments were served by the teach guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | ers of Mari-Linn school. Earl Allen. SEPTIC TANKS Mr. and Mrs. James Bash and little son, Jimmy Lee, were weekend Quality Job Printing at CLEANED i guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman. Prompt service in the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weaver from Canyon when you call us Fairfield, Montana, are visiting at Telephone 2651 the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Reasonable Rates Wendell Weaver and family. Mrs. Floyd Bassett returned home Satisfaction Guaranteed Monday morning from the Salem Memorial hospital after spending Phone 6284 Stayton several days there for medical treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. George Nydegger spent the weekend at Ocean Lake. DR. MARK They were guests at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Williams. HAMMERICKSEN The Lyons Extension Unit held REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST another special meeting Tuesday at Hu moved hi« Mill City office the Rebekah hall starting at 9:30 a. to Stayton in the Poet Office m., with a sack lunch served at noon. Building, 2nd Floor, tn the Dorothy Brown, county agent was Dr. Victor J. Myer« office« present to demonstrate the project Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. as. which was “Color in the Home.” HOME OFFICE! Those present for the meeting were Alma Spellmeyer, Joanne Scott, Rose M3 W. FIRST. ALBANY Thayer, Lucille Huber, Leoa John- son, Donna Asmussen, Jacquie Smith Bea Hiatt, Verna Jenks, Mabel Downing, Juanita W right and Doro- WE SELL BETTER thy Brown. CARS FOR LBSS ■ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cruson spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives and friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Fox of Salem were Thursday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen. STAYTON, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Craig Martin and Bel Air Beauvillw— IT PAYS TO BUT AT little son, Jeff, from Douglas, Ari 4 Doors, 9 Passengers zona, are spending several days at HOME the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cruson and Gerry. Chevrolet offers you a choice of six The Altar Society of the St. Pat rick Catholic church held their meet sprightly new station wagons— ing Thursday evening at the Catholic THE HOT ON Es» including two new 9-passenger hall with Mrs. Leo Wagner, presi models—all with beautiful Body EX/EN HOTTER dent in charge. Committees were ap I ( HEMORRHOIDS ) by Fisher, all with plenty of cargo pointed for the year and officer» ••Two-Ttn” Beauvilla— AM> OMI «OM. OBOSMn apace, all with new horsepower for the hall were elected. Sam TVtATtO »ITMOOT HOSPITAL OPtPATION 4 Doors, 9 Passengers Bridges was re-elected director. also stomach ano colon ranging up to a hot 205! Those attending were Mmes. Leo CONVIMINT CttÙT Here's.a zippy, exciting kind of Wagner. Sam Bridges, John Jung HUE «OOALST •«, « CJI wirth, Mike Fink, Andrew Sieg, Her power that’s fun to handle. Anri the ’ «’n PHONi J.V440 tM •tTNOLt’S man Free. Bob Free, Lloyd Free, closest thing to sports car perform Phillip Pietrok, Mike Schwindt, Chas. Th* REYNOLDS CLINIC ance-split-second steering reaction Bouche, Ed Castle, Ray Adams, Pat Natu»op«tbic an<j Chiropratie Physic»®«« “Two-Ten” Handyman— "One-Fifty” Handyman— and the knack of holding fast Lyons, Lu Doerfler, Lowell Stiffler, 2 Doors, Ô Passengers *ouK a oo a m «• s oo a * •• ckntsr stkkt 2 Doors, 6 Passengers around curves that you’ll find in George Van Agtmael, and Father Ow be A». ■■«-. VUE«. 091*0« Sheffold. a full-size automobile. Seat lielts, The Three Links club will sponsor X with or without shoulder harness, a smorgasbord dinner to be held and instrument panel padding, are f BE SURE WITH downstairs at the Rebekah hall optional at extra exist. Safety door Thursday evening, January 26 from -J 5:30 to 8 p. m. Proceeds will go to latches and directional signals are the street light fund. standard. Come in :oon and drive Bel Air Nomad - “Two-Ten” Townsman— Mrs. Felix Lucier was able to re- a real road car! 2 Doors, Ô Passengers 4 Doors, ó Passengers 1 turn to her home in Lyons Sunday i after suending some time in a hos ___ *OA YOU* pital at Marys Hill, Wash., following TELEVISION OR RADIO injuries she received in an automobile Call 8207 ' accident. We Specialize in M Three Links Club Plans for Dinner Mari-Linn PTC Has Informative Meeting LYONS MIKE'S Septic Service See Us for Printing Mill City Enterprise Mill City Enterprise I’ve got room for 9 of us GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Gene Teague Chevrolet CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE Phone 2344 STAYTON. OREGON Subscribe to The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Philco, Motorola, Admiral Stiff ler't Radio and Appliance Co. MILL CITY. OREGON ■ ♦