Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1956)
-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1956 Quality Job Printing at Mill City The Next Time You Need Printing Call 2651 Bv Mrs. John innlnr» Telephone 2651 «temen ondition DECEMBER 31, 1955 • ■ The United States National Bank PORTLAND OF /T’T^'ITF TT “FT* tx rr RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. . . . United States Government Bonds.............. Municipal and Other Bonds........................ Loans and Discounts—Net.......................... Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ................ Bank Premises (Including Branches).... Customers Liability on Acceptances. . . . Interest Earned ............................................. Other Resources............................................. yv Enterprise MEHAMA 149,802,394.07 300,342,045.56 74,125.957 36 309 103,253 93 1 050.000 00 5,591.925.35 93.654.00 2,570,013.75 1,399,241.00 LIABILITIES Capital.............................................. Surplus............................................. Undivided Profits.......................... $ 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 20,790,555.57 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc Acceptances............ Dividends Declared Deposits................... Interest Collected Not Earned Other Liabilities 56,790,555.57 4.235.655.49 126,439.50 555,000.00 751,492,594.39 4.396.591.50 51,624.60 I 147,711,491.35 Speaks softly and packs a powerful wallop! THE BEL AIR SPORT COUPE— one of 19 high pricod looking Chtrroloft, oil with tody by Fuhor, Soft-spoken, yes. (One reason is the hydraulic-hushed valve lifters now in all Chevrolet engines—V8 or 6.) And this handsome traveler packs a horsepower wallop that ranges up to 205! It’s charged with sheer, concentrated ocfton. Action that can save you precious seconds for safer passing! /teflon ♦hat lets you take steep hills in ef- fortless stride! Acfion that helps you zoom out of trouble spots! And action isn’t all. Chevy holds the road like part of the pavement! Of course, Chevrolet brings you the security of safety door latches. Instrument panel padding and seat belts, with or without shoulder harness, are offered at extra cost. Come in and highway-test it Gene Teague Chevrolet CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE Phone 2.M4 STAYTON, OREGON directory 1 he Hot Lunch club met in the school basement Thursday evening, JOHN W. REID, M. D. January 5 with Mrs. G. W. Coffman, CATES—A good representation of Mrs. Ken Golliet and Mrs. Al Phelps Physician and Surgeon as hostesses. A committee was ap District 21-J patrons attended the pointed to get a man to help the open house of the new Gates ele MILL (ITT OREGON children across the highway before mentary school Monday night. Each and after school and the board has room was open for inspection with I agreed to pay a man to be there for samples of the childrens’ work on a short time in the morning and af display. The fourth grade passed out ternoon. Mr. Dickson reported that copies of their first newspaper. D. E. FOSTER, D. M. D it was still uncertain when Mrs. Much interest was shown in the bul Dentist Myers would be able to resume teach letin board, showing pictures of the For appointment phone ing. She has been ill since before the >ld school building and many of the Mill City 5203 or 6608 holidays. At the end of the meeting people who had attended school here refreshments were served by the in the past. Audio-visual equipment hostesses and a social time was en- was on display in the music room. A short business meeting of the Mrs. L. E. Wallen was hostess PTA was held, preceding the open I Thursday, January 5 after school to house, Dr. Kenneth L. Prince at which time the date for a group of girls honoring her daugh OPTOMETRIST I ter, Diana on her 13th birthday an the bingo and card party was an niversary. The girls came on the nounced for Saturday night, January For Appt. Phone 6608 or 5303 school bus and met in the church 28. This will be held in the Gates Mill City, Oregon basement where they enjoyed a high school. Coffee and cookies were served wiener roast and birthday cake. Some time was spent in playing during the evening by the refresh- games after which Mrs. Wallen took ment committee which consisted of J. W. GOIN the girls to their homes. Those pres Mrs. Crossler, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Me-1 ent were: Donna Carey, Carol Show Cluskey, Mrs. Haywood, and Mrs. EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN er, Judy Ware, Nancy Wodtly, Sandy Frost. They were assisted by Jessie By HAROLD’S FLORAL GARDENS Humphreys, and Marylee Elliott all Cupps, Ellen Chance, Janet Glunz, Phone <338 Stayton, Oregea from Stayton, Linda Monroe, Janis and May Haywood. Wilson, Jewel Wallen and Diana. Mr. and Mrs. Ercill Wilson, Janis and Rodney returned home last Monday after spending the holidays Weddle Funeral Home visiting relatives in San Francisco, Calif. Modern Funeral Service Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gowell of Roth LYONS—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Da bury, Mich., were overnight guests vison of Lyons are announcing the STAYTON OREGON last week of Mrs. Mabella Landers. . •umiiwg«; vx their vuvrs '*** Mjj see*«.« , *^ »* * marriage of daughter, Darla They left for Burns where they will I Dawn to 1st Lt. William H. Huss visit relatives before returning ' on December 23 in Anchorage, Alas- home. Mrs. Gowell is a daughter of ka. The double ring ceremony took Mrs. Sabra VanDyke, who visited place with a Christmas setting at here recently. Elmendorf Air Base Chapel with MIKE'S Septic Service Mrs. Lloyd Sletto returned last Chaplain Shirley officiating. Follow 8eptic Tanks and Sewers Qeaaed Thursday from California where ing the ceremony, a reception was Phone Salem 3»4<8, COLLMT 1079 Elm St., W. Salem she was called by the serious illness held at the Elmendorf Officer’s club. of her father. The bride was given in marriage The Clay Kirkland family moved by 1st Lt. Charles Langston of the last of the week into the R- E. Texas. Maid of honor, Miss Doris Shield house which was recently va Frantsvog of Castle Rock, Wash., cated by the Don Miotkes. Mr. and wore a blue gown and carried a yel Stayton-Jefferson Mrs. Herbert Graen and daughter low bouquet. First Lt. John P. Bart- also moved last week into the apart oszek of New York City was best AUTO WRECKERS ment next to the Hub, owned by man. Ushers were close friends of Mrs. Pearl Allaway. the groom. Rebuilt motors and trans Mrs. May Quier of Eugene was a For her wedding, the bride chose missions. visitor several days last week with a gown of champagne lace and her daughter’s family the Ray Rob roses, carnations and chrysanthe- Cars bought and sold erts. Mrs. Quier was formerly post- • mums, • • VS ••• AJ • We buy junk. mistress at Buxton but is now tak i Mrs. Huss is a graduate of Stay ing courses at the University of Ore ton High school and was employed j gon. . by the American Associated Insur Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook and ance Co., of Portland for a year be Mrs. Eva Crook visited relatives in fore going to Anchorage last Sep Portland Sunday. Mrs. Eva Crook tember with Miss Frantsvog. Mrs. remained for a week’s visit there, Huss is now stenographer to the ------- , ' camp manager v- after which she ~ will fly to — Phoenix, of Morris-Knudson SEPTIC TANKS Ariz., where she will stay with her Contractors, working on the instal- , daughters’ family for several weeks, lation of the DEW Line. GLEANED Visitors Thursday evening at the 1st Lt. Huss, a jet pilot with the D. L. Teeters home were Mr. and 65th Fighter Squadron, is the son Prompt service in the Mrs. Jack Love from Lebanon. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huss of Canyon when you call us The Dee Goodman family arrived Davenport, Iowa. He attended the home Sunday evening from a vaca- Davenport high «»fezmi «.„.i the ttnt. school and Uni Reasonable Rates versity of Iowa, before joining the Satisfaction Guaranteed I Air Force. They will make their home in the Stayton Martin Arms apartments in Anchor Phone 6284 age while Lt. Huss is stationed at I Elmendorf AFB. Darla Davison Wed In Alaska December 23 w $ 547,711,491.35 Business and Professional Good Representation At Gates School Open House Monday Night k tion trip to the East coast where they visited relatives in Pennsylvan ia, Maryland, and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Brown and daugh ter from Stayton accompanied the Goodmans on the trip. Mrs. Ruth Hess Since Mrs. Albert Millsap is con- valescing in the Salem Memorial hospital from a leg fracture, Mrs. Ruth Hess will be the correspondent from Gates until the time when Mrs. Millsap returns and can resume her former duties. Mrs. Hess would ap predate __ ___ ___ all news to be left with her at the Gates Post Office or at the Chili Bowl. Saturday afternoon Young Dickie Rynearson entertained Mike and Chuck Swaim, Rhonda McWhirk, Olie and Ginger Nygaard, Pat Vail and Dickie's sister, Susan at his home honoring his 5th birthday anniver sary. Mothers helping Mrs. Rynear son were Mrs. McWhirk, Mrs. Swaim and Mrs. Vail. Mr. and Mrs. George Arthurs, who at present are residing in Stayton for the winter, were at their home in Gates over the weekend. Miss Arlene Kershaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kershaw, is nurs ing an injured ankle, which will not allow strenuous exercise for a few weeks. Mrs. Frankie Johnson, who has been on the sick list is improving. Mrs. Mattie Root has moved from the 222 Motel to her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Kadin's home. Subscribe to The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has Mvod hi. Mill City affin to Staytoe in the Foot Offtoa Building, 2ad Floor, ta Use Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays I p. m. to I p. bl HOME OFFICE! MS W. FIRST, ALBANY WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME (HEMORRHOIDS ) *«i ones mctal ooorKxn r»i*TtO eiTWOUT HOSPITAL OKtSATlON ALSO STOMACH ANO COLON CONVINSNT CSftXT r»« sooklst PHONf 1-9460 ».«. „ cm Ê 0« SSTNOLOS Th« REYNOLDS CLINIC *t.tu«opAthic end Ch.ro0rst,c Physicists -Cues 400AH ,«SOOPN HM CS.TSS STKST oa - M— w —• sals *. oeseOM BE SURE WITH ANT moo a ___ *O* YOU* TELEVISION OR RADIO ( all 3207 MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbare, ashes, trimmings, etc •eeklv nickum 51. 60 nor month Alw» lirht hauling Leoaard Herman Phone 395? We Specialize in Philco, Motorola, Admiral I Stiffler* Radio and Appliance Co. MILL CITY. OREGON