Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
•—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRIBETHL'RNDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1955 I Wright. The dinner was followed Business and Professional I by the Christmas tree and a social I evening. DIRECTORY By Eva Brenslei The Christmas festivity began in Mis. Mary White of Portland is Lyons Saturday evening with Christ visiting at the home of her son-in- mas Eve services held at Methodist (Intended for Last Week) JOHN W REH). M. D law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen LY ’ ONS —The teaching staff of t church, and Christmas morning serv VISUAL CARE: There is No Finer Gift Julian. ices at 11 o’clock. The St. Patrick Mari-Linn school with their bus- ( Physician and Surgeon Mrs. Inez Ring went to Portland Catholic church held mass at 8:30 bands and wives held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Thursday where she spent Christmas land 9:30 a. m. at the home of her grandson, Dean Many dinners were served with Roscoe Poole, near Stayton Saturday LESLIE J. CARSON, O. I). Vision Specialist MILL CITY OREGON Trask and family. I family gatherings and some going evening. There was the usual gift ex change and time was spent playing | 530 Third Street, Stay ton, Oregon. Mari-Linn school played St. Marys (out of the area for dinners. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons spent the games. Dainty refreshments were Friday night. The boys won the game 9:00 to 5:30 Every Week Day But Wednesday 48 to 16. High scorer for the team | holiday at the coast at the home of served. Those attending were Mr. and D. E. FOSTER, D. M. D was Michael Cruson, who scored 36 their daughter, Mrs. Keith Taylor Mrs. James Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Dentist points. The Girls Volleyball team and family at Taylor’s Landing Ralph Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall For appointment phone I near Waldport, and Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, lost 35 to 38. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings, Mr. and MiU City 5203 or 6608 The Mari-Linn Parent-Teachers i Wayne Ransom and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wesley Helsel, Mr. and Mrs. i George Meilke at Newport. They re- club will hold their January meeting Van Prichard ,Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Tuesday evening the 10th. The pro i turned home Monday forenoon, re- Franklin, Hazel Wirth, Elva Kuiken, j porting a good time but lots of rain gram will be a panel, “How well are there. the same as here. They also Bean Fletcher, and her mother, Mrs. our children learning to read.” Helen Fletcher, Mrs. Gladys Hurst Dr. Kenneth L. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith are reported a loss of between $4,000 • and j and Mrs. Alice Huber, and Duane by a spending the holidays in Las Vegas, $5,000 to the Taylors caused struck OPTOMETRIST Burgess. severe wind storm which i Nevada, where they are with For Appt. Phone 6608 or 5203 — there. It tore a 60-foot roof off of brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Mill City, Oregon their b>at landing, carrying it across guests at the home of his parents, 1 Mrs. Eveiett Garn and family. the river. Several boats that were Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott in Salem, Jeanette and Mrs. Huffman’s par- tied up were taken down the river, returning home Monday evening. ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard, 19 motors being dumped into about They left Tuesday morning for a spent Sunday in Eugene at the home 20 feet of water. They also lost a trip to San Francisco for the re- ! J. W. GOIN of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Decker. showcase with a lot of fishing mainder of the week. I EXPERIENCED VETERINARIAN tackle. Water was all over their Mrs. Decker is a daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stockwell and 1 Hubbards and sister of Mrs. Huff yard, coming to the porch of their children from Redmond and his J By HAROLD'S FLORAL GARDENS house, entering one of their cabins, mother, Mrs. Ina Stockwell, were . Phone 6338 Stayton, Oregon man. Thursday evening dinner guests ( but doing only a little damage. dinner guests at the home of her at the <*v vuv wcuiftv George iiuumau Huffman iiume home were , Mr. . and Mrs. Joe Johnson had as . i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Frank Kinsman, Jac-|the,r «uests he[ Par®nts- Mr. and i Mr. and Mrs. John Neal were Mon- i queline, Joan and Gary of Stayton, : Mra- Geor8e Osburn from Ashland, ¡day visitors at the home of Mr. and and Mr. Kinsman’s mother, Mrs. 1 ‘^r; an<? , -^ra- " ayne Leirman, I Mrs. Royal Pederson near Lebanon. I Weddle Funeral Home Pearl Kinsman from Olympia, Wn. j Ronnie, Richard and Cheryl, of Stay- Guests at the home of Mr. and ! Modern Funeral Service Mrs. Alice Huber was hostess for ‘on ant* ant* ^rs‘ E®“ Allen Mrs. Oscar Naue were Mr. and Mrs. the meeting of the WSCS held at the j w,ere ,dinner at °f Donald Naue and sons, Donnie and STAYTON OREGON Leota Worden and Marjorie. church Tuesday afternoon. Jacquie 1 Mrs. ' Mikie of Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Smith was in charge of the Christ- 1 , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens, Mr. Shirley Conser of Lebanon and Mr. mas story program, assisted by Jo 'and Mrs. Albert Stevens, Mr. and and Mrs. Howard Naue of Lyons. anne Scott, after which dainty re Mrs. Ivan Kelly of Lyons and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing at freshments were served, carrying out i Mrs. Jack Scott of Mill City went to tended a family gathering at the I Salem where they were dinner the Christmas motif. A Christmas | 1 home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. I party and gift exchange followed, I i guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tietze in Turner on Christmas Septic Tanks and Sewers Qeaped and secret pal names were drawn Albert Toman and sons. Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Downing Phone Salem 39468, COLLECT Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, Den and Paula of The Dalles were for another year. Attending Tuesdays 1079 Elm St. W. Salem nis, Donna and Darrell and his mo meeting were Martha Cruson, Lucille Christmas day guests at the Down- ther, Mrs. Alice Huber spent the day ing home. Rogers, Lois Carpenter, Doris Roy, Alta Bodeker, Carrie Naue, Inez in Portland, where they were guests (Intended for Last Week) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ring, Mildred Prichard, Mrs. George Berry, Mrs. Albert Donna Carr, Nadine, Kathryn and Gloria Smith, June Hollingshead, Joanne I Keeley. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield and Richard Schewiek, Mr. and Mrs. Stayton-Jefferson Scott, Jacquie Smith, Orpha Roye Bob were dinner guests at the and Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Marvin Berry and the hostess, Alice Huber. AUTO WRECKERS Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian were home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mohler of Lyons and Mrs. Norman Johnson and sons, Chris and Curt of Salem hosts for the annual Christmas party and Mr. family. and Mrs. Sheldon Titus and went to Tillamook Saturday where Rebuilt motors and trans for the Philippi Tire shop, held at son of Seattle, spent the weekend at they attended the wedding of Miss missions. their home Wednesday evening, with the home of her parents, Mr. and Patti Jean Piland and Donald Berry. a supper served to Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cars bought and sold Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of Sa Pooler, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Dareu, Mrs. George Huffman and grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hub We buy junk. lem were Sunday evening guests at MILL CITY. OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Music, Mr. and Mrs. bard. They returned Monday, and the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Julian, Mrs. Mary White, Jeanette Huffman returned to Se Richard Scott at the Methodist par Phone 6284, Stayton, Ore. with them for a weeks visit. sonage, and attended the Christmas Glenn Julian Jr., and Mary Lee attle Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwirth were program at the church in the even dinner guests at the home of their ing. son, Francis Jungwirth and family The Altar Society of St. Patrick | in Stayton. church held their meeting at the Dinner guests at the home of • Mr. SEPTIC TANKS , • VtlLllVlIL VI II IU U1 I * v J 114411 Catholic t community hall KjullUUJ' Sunday and Mrs. Phillip I letrok were th« lr | evening with installation of officers, : CLEANED three daughters, Miss Thresa Piet- i Those Installed were President, Kat- ' rok of Portland, Mary and Frances i ¡e wagner; vice president, Alice | Prompt service in the Pietrok and Mr. 1 andj vj' i m ”1 1 Bouche, secretary, Bernice Bridges, Schwarz of Salem, and Mr. ant Mrs. | treasurer, Pauline Tibbets. Leola Canyon when you call us Lawrence Pietrok and Tommy o phelps, out-going president was pre Stayton. se nteu with a picture of “The Last Reasonable Rates sented Miss Lucille Lewis of Corvallis 1S| Supper” a gift from the group. Fol Satisfaction Guaranteed spending her vacation at the h°">« l lowing owiilK’ the vne business «»»»>» meeting meeung a put pot of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 9 I luck supper was served to members Phone 6284 Stayton Lewis and BeuJah. Adihtional dmner1 an(j fami]jesl> after which the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Christmas party and gift exchange Lewis, Christy and Pamelia of Me . was held. Father Edmun Rhum sang hama. two numbers, ‘White Christmas’ and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt and her i “Holy Night” with the children sing- DR. MARK mother, Mrs. Cora Jenner went to 1ing “Silent Night.” Carols were sung HAMMERICKSEN Lebanon where they were dinner by the group. guests at the home of his Frother-in REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST A large crowd attended the Christ- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard mas program held at Lyons Metho Has moved hi« Mill City office Thoma. to Stayton in the Post Office dist church Sunday evening. After Guests at the home of Mr. and the program the S1YF group went Bailding, 2nd Floor, tn the Mrs. E. L. Roye were their son-in- caroling and concluded the evening Dr. Victor J. Myers offices law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. with refreshments and fellowship at Thursdays 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. Laddie Pesek and daughter, Robin, of the home of Gerry Cruson. HOME OFFICE: Lebanon, and their son and daughter- The Assembly of God church also 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye and held their Christmas program Sun Kathleen, and her parents, Mr. and day evening, which consisted of read Mrs. George Rogers of Portland. ings, songs, and a short skit by the Mr. and Mrs. John Neal attended juniors and a cantata by the young I WE SELL BETTER a family gathering and dinner at the people. A large crowd was present. 1 home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CARS FOR LESS Donna Asmussen and Juanita George Westenhouse at Scio. (Wright were hostesses for the Wed Mr. and Mrs. James Hollingshead nesday afternoon card club at the had as their guests Christmas Eve Catholic community hall. A 1:30 des their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. sert luncheon was served, followed by and Mrs. Ray Adams of Pacific City. several tables of 500. High score Sunday the group were dinner guests j was held by Bertha Allen, second I STAYTON, OREGON at the home of another son-in-law high by Eulalia Lyons, traveling by and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carrie Naue and low to Pat Hay. A | IT PAYS TO BUY AT Erickson in Salem. gift exchange was also held. HOME Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cruson and The Santiam Valley Grange held daughter Gerry and Bob Roye were their annual social night and Christ dinner guests at the home of Mr. mas party at the hall Friday evening and Mrs. Leonard Cruson and family. with a large crowd in attendance. Safest and most interesting way to go to California is on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson and A short program was enjoyed by all, Bonnie, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cru after which there was a gift ex one of our two great streamliners — the Shasta Daylight, bv day, son. Buddy and Merry Jo were din change for the children and adults, and the Cascade, overnight. Travel doesn't come any finer and ner guests at the home of Mr. and with the hall beautifully decorated in I ( HEMORRHOIDS ) AM) ÛfHH KCTAl OSOMXte Mrs. Donald McWhirk at Gates. the fares are surprisingly low. the Christmas motif. A pot luck sup TUATC0 WITHOUT HOSPITAL O>>t RATION Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thiel spent per was served. Both s|>eed daily between Portland and San Francisco with ALSO STOMACH ANO COLON Saturday night and Sunday in Salem Elected to represent this commun at the home of their son-in-law and ity in the Agriculture Stabilization CONVtMCNT C»tOO convenient connections to and from Los Angeles and points East. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Conservation program were »Ct BOOKLET Write te C.II The Daylight is a luxurious chair car train that gives you a Walton and family. Virgil Rogers, Verne Clark and P hone 3-»460 o« »tTNOios Dinner guests at the home of Mr. Ralph Downer, Mike Schwindt and relaxing day of fun and sightseeing — the high Cascades, Mt. Shasta and Mrs. Alex Bodeker were their Robert James. Th« REYNOLDS CLINIC (14,161 feet), the spectacular Sacramento canyon. Features Natuaopathic and Chiropratie Physicians daughters and families of Salem, I Mr. and Mrs. E. L. .Roye were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, Doug- Sunday dinner guests at the home include the unique terraced all-dome lounge car, the dining and coffee HCuas aoaAH M sao»H . « a«rn ît «« t O“— h A». oils oasaoN las, Margo Ix>e. and David, and Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kuni at Cres shop cars and chair cars with huge "skyview windows.’’ and Mrs. Norman Johnson, Chris ! well. In the afternoon the group A night on the Cascade is like a gay evening in a deluxe hotel.., and Curt and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ' went to Cottage Grove where they Bressler and Elmer Hiatt of Lyons. visited relatives. cocktails, dinner, fun in the "Cascade Club” and then a fine sleep Mr. and Mrs. Iceland Manning, Scire ?Vc(A Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett and In a really good bed in your own private room. Richie and Larry were dinner guests j sons, from Los Angeles, arrived in at the home of her parents, Mr. and Lyons Sunday evening where they Xou'll enjoy a fast, relaxed trip on either of these famous trains. Mrs. Sim Etzel in Stayton. will spend the holidays at the home Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer and of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Scott went to Scappose where they Bassett, and at the home of her par **** aooa spent several days with relatives. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Witt in Mrs. Raymond Berry of Tillamook Mill City. -’Off YOl/ff and her mother, Mrs. Susie Haynes TELEVISION or radio of Mill City were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. 3207 and Mrs. Glenn Julian and M Stiffler's Radio and Glenn Jr. spent the day at the home H. S. DOWDY, Agent of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Appliance Co. Julian and Grandma near Scio. Phone 1805 MILL CITY, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott were LYONS Mari-Linn Teachers Have Annual Party MIKE'S Septic Service VIV S STEAK HOUSE > * J* GENE TEAGUE YOU'LL ENJOY S.P.TO CALIFORNIA CHEVROLET Two fine trains...One fine time J-l Southern Pacific Subscribe to The