THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1»56 Many Attend P. T. A. Program Wednesday Our thanks for your many courtesies Mill City Variety and Gift Shop GREETINGS RED & WHITE STORE Edna, Lee, Bess MILL CITY, OREGON “Children’s Carol Night” was ob­ served during the program at the regular Parent-Teachers’ meeting in the high school auditorium Wednes­ day evening, with a capacity audience attending the event. Announced by program chairman Don Moffatt, the following numbers appeared on the program: a grade , school chorus of sixth graders, two numbers, accompanied by Miss Alice Smith; kindergarten group, directed by Sue and Lloyd Poole, a playlet “The Tree that Trimmed Itself,” two songs, and the recitation, “Saint Nicholas;” the Choir-teens, directed I by Doi is Sheythe, featuring Christ- I mas songs of different countries, an­ nounced by Rosalie Bassett and ac­ companied by Edna Ross; followed by the entire audience singing “Si- i lent Night.” Mrs. Al Nesbitt conducted a short business meeting before the pro­ gram. Mrs. Veness announced that there are now 120 members in the organization. Howard Means stated ' that the Lions Club Scout program I is well under way with new leaders ' secured, but thta den mothers are needed for cubs. Canned goods was brought to the meeting to be turned over to the local Ministerial Association for dis­ tribution to deserving families. A door prize was won by Mrs. Dub Stewart. The next meeting, on January 11, will feature a member of the Mill City Toastmistress club who will speak on scholarships awarded to future elementary school teachers. Slides on heart trouble may also be shown. An invitation to attend the Marion County PTA council meeting in the library of the Jefferson High school at 8 p. m. January 4, was read. At the close of the program re­ freshments were served in the base­ ment recreation room by a group of sixth grade mothers. The serving table was attractively decorated in I the Christmas theme. OREGON’S OWN STATE-WIDE BANK When in Need of Printing Buy it in Mill City from THE ENTERPRISE Accept our sincere best wishes for this Holiday Season. CHRISTMAS IN OUR HEARTS MILL CITY JEWELRY * MILL CITY. OREGON THE CHURCH FOR ALL .. . ALL FOR THE CHURCH ", . . And so in this way, my children. Christ was born in Bethlehem." I Th* Church is the greatest fac­ tor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship ft is a storehouse of spiritual values Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are lour sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and sup­ port the Church They are (1) For his own sake (2) For hts children s sake (3) For the sake of his community and nation (4; For the sake ol the Church nsell which needs his moral and ma tonal support Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible doily But Christmas is more than the celebration of this event which happened long ago and far away. It is a present reality. Through the eyes of faith we see ourselves kneeling before the manger. We have come to adore our new-born King. Through the wonder of faith, the Christmas story becomes alive. The Christ Child is born in our hearts. The angels speak to us: Day Book Chapter Verses Sundiv.. M atthew 1 1125 Monday 2 M2 Tuesday . Ma* hew 2 13-23 Wednead y Isa ah II 1-10 Thursday Isaiah 40 Ml Friday Johr I MS Saturday. Psalms 103 1-22 "Behold I bring you tidings of great joy . . . For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord1" Our Bethlehem today is our Church and Sun­ day School. Let us go and take our children to worship our new-born King. This series of ads is sponsored by the following MILL CITY PHARMACY Prescription Service Firms in Interest of all churches KELLOM’S GROCERY “Your Personla Service Store.” Mill City, Oregon MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City, Oregon WRIGHT’S TRUCK LINES „ •fullest this happy season And with it a wish for a New Year of health, happiness and prosperity RAYMOND BRANCH & SON EQUIPMENT CO. Highway 22, Mehama, Oregon JOHN W. REID, M. D. MILL CITY, OREGON PARKER-HUTCHESON FURNITURE Liberal Trade-In Allowances Phone 4541 Gates, Oregon HILLTOP MARKET Kliewer Quality Meats Mill City, Oregon Ship The Wright Way Stayton, Oregon GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon STEWART'S GROCERY Groceries and Meats